Category Archives: International

NATO says it will occupy Libya

“In a post-Gaddafi era, I think we will still have a role to play in assisting a new Libyan government in a transition to a sustainable democracy.”-Anders Fogh Rasmussen, NATO Secretary General

Rasmussen explained that NATO will focus on rebuilding Libya’s security and military units.

Basically what Rasmussen is saying is that U.S. led NATO plans on setting up shop in Libya, after they kill off Gaddafi.  What was that Obama said about this not being a long term adventure?


Another U.S. soldier killed by Afghan Cop

Another case of Afghan government forces shooting U.S. forces.  This time a National Police officer shot four U.S. soldier, killing one of them.  Very little details are available. The shooting happened in Lashkar Gah.  Witnesses say it was an all out scuffle.

This is not the first time Afghan government employees turned their guns on U.S. forces.  Last month a career military pilot killed several U.S. personnel, before being killed himself.

As for police forces, this is one of several incidents involving police officers; In April 2011, a total of 11 U.S. personnel were killed by Afghan police. In January 2011, a U.S. Marine killed a police officer. In November 2010, an Afghan border police officer killed six U.S./NATO troops.

Not only do U.S. forces have to deal with the Taliban’s spring offensive, but they have to watch their back for fear of Afghan government police attacking them.

U.S. Congress to increase President’s “War Powers”

“The President has the authority to use all necessary and appropriate force during the current armed conflict with al Qaeda, Taliban, and associated forces pursuant to the authorization of the use of military force.”-2012 Defense Authorization Bill

U.S. Congressman Howard P. “Buck” McKeon, from California, has submitted the fiscal year 2012 defense bill (aka Authorization for the Use of Military Force).  The bill expands the powers of the President to wage war, in the name of fighting terrorism.

The American Civil Liberties Union says the bill gives the President too much war making powers, and does not provide a clear end game policy.



Another reason to stay in Iraq: U.S. has begun training troops to attack Iran

A U.S. base in Iraq is being used to train Iranian dissidents for attacks on Iran.

The base is called Camp Taji Contracting Center.  Iranian Arab separatists known as Khalq-e Arab, are given military training there.  The Iranian government learned of the training after arresting five members of the group after they tried to assassinate Iranian police.

The Khalq-e Arab separatists are trying to take control of Iran’s southwestern oil fields in Khuzestan.  Khuzestan has a large Arab population, and has been fought over in the past, by Iraq and Iran.

Lack of Death Drugs Forcing executioners to use drugs for animals and epileptics

“We oppose the death penalty in all cases and are clear that British drugs should not be used to carry out lethal injections.”-Vince Cable, British Business Secretary

Mississippi has joined the growing list of U.S. states forced to use drugs used to put down animals, to execute prisoners.  Texas, Ohio, Oklahoma and South Carolina have also begun using pentobarbitol.

The United Kingdom has already banned drugs sent to the U.S. for lethal injections.  Germany is pushing the European Union to do the same: “We have to make sure that no drugs from Germany or the EU will be used to carry out executions.”-Markus Loening, German Human Rights Commissioner

U.S. prisons can’t get their usual death drug, thiopentol sodium, because the only U.S. maker of the drug stopped making it in January.

Amnesty International says the only countries using lethal injections are China and the United States.

But prisons could also see a shortage of pentobarbitol, because the only FDA approved maker of it, Lundbeck, has publicly denounced its use for lethal injection in humans: “Lundbeck does not condone the use of [pentobarbitol] or any other product for capital punishment.”

Lundbeck officials say they have already sent letters of complaint to the states that are now using their drug to kill prisoners.  Lundbeck will now look at ways to blockade access to their drug by prisons.


Japan tells U.S. get your Marines out of Okinawa

“There is no change in our policy to carry out the Japan/U.S. accord steadily.”-Yukio Edano, Chief Cabinet Secretary

On May 12, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano, said Japan will stick to the plan.  This after U.S. Congressman reneged on a promise to move a USMC base on Okinawa.

For decades the people of Okinawa have wanted the removal of the Futenma Air Station.  One of the reasons has been the crimes, including rape, committed by U.S. Marines and sailors.  In 2006 the U.S. and Japan signed an agreement to move the air station.

One option was to merge the Marine Corps Air Station with the USAF Kadena base, also on Okinawa.  But even that plan is being questioned by U.S. Congressman.  The main issue is money, apparently the United States doesn’t have enough money to move an air base.

Latin America gets huge economic boost from China

“I feel a very important wave coming…actually no, I fell we are on the wave right now.”-Rodrigo Contreras, Mexico’s Trade Commissioner in Shanghai

Trade between China and Latin America shot up in 2010, by 51%.  China’s trade with Latin America is growing twice as fast as U.S. trade.

Not only has trade grown, but China has reduced its trade deficit with Latin America as well.  Most of the trade has been in raw materials/natural resources.  Officials want to move towards trading other products in the future.