Category Archives: Fukushima

Government incompetence: More than two years later Japan declares nuclear emergency!!!

05 August 2013 (14:11 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Ramadan 1434/14 Mordad 1392/29 Geng-Shen (6th month) 4711

“Right now, we have a state of emergency.”-Kinjo Shinji, Japan’s Nuclear Regulatory Authority

A Japanese government regulatory agency has declared the ongoing Fukushima Daiichi disaster an “emergency”, more than two years after the General Electric designed reactors melted down!!!

The Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) basically called Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCo) the biggest failure in Japan’s history!  NRA officials said all of TEPCo’s efforts since the end of March 2011 have only failed to stop intense levels of radiation from escaping into the Pacific Ocean.  The NRA said TEPCo’s “sense of crisis is weak” at best, and has informed the Japanese government that “you can’t just leave it up to TEPCo alone”.

The NRA says their latest investigation shows that contaminated water with even higher levels of radiation is about to escape Fukushima Daiichi!  The latest reports reveal that TEPCo has been pumping 400 tons(!) of groundwater per day(!) into the nuke site’s building basements, where it mixes with highly radioactive water.  That water is then used to cool the China Syndrome reactors.  Up ’till recently TEPCo denied that any of that water was spilling into the ocean, although they couldn’t explain where much of the water was going.

I’ve speculated that much of that water is ending up right back in the ground, pouring through the bottom of the melted reactors.  This can be the only explanation for what TEPCo has repeatedly called unexplained highly contaminated groundwater showing up near the coastline.

Since admitting that the strontium, tritium and cesium contaminated water is  pouring into the Pacific, TEPCo has tried injecting the ground with a hardener to stop the outflow.  The NRA has declared all of TEPCo’s efforts to be failures!

The NRA says that the amount of contaminated groundwater is reaching saturation and will soon surface, then rush into the Pacific as a radioactive river.   The main Pacific current eventually brings that contamination across the Hawaiian Islands and to the west coast of North America.

Corporate Evil: TEPCo reveals no change in radiation contamination levels at Fukushima! Still as high as the melts downs in March 2011!!! More proof of China Syndrome!

28 July 2013 (00:36 UTC-07 Tango)/20 Ramadan 1434/06 Mordad 1392/21 Ji-Wie (6th month) 4711

More than two years after at least three GE designed reactors melted down at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, Tokyo Electric (TEPCo) reveals that radiation contamination levels are just as high now as they were in 2011!

Specifically, contaminated water that’s been flooding the tunnel under Reactor 2 ever since the melt downs, is still just as deadly as it was in April 2011.  The latest water sample showed cesium levels almost unchanged!  And TEPCo officials still aren’t sure where the water is coming from!  Here’s a clue: How about Reactor 2 is suffering China Syndrome, the melt down breached the bottom of the containment vessel, and all the water used to cool it, along with the nuclear fuel, is flooding into the tunnels under the nuclear plant?

TEPCo is trying to downplay the findings by saying it’s the same water from two years ago, it somehow never drained despite the evidence that contaminated water is pouring into the Pacific Ocean.  Another problem with TEPCo’s claim that it’s stagnant water; since April 2013 TEPCo has detected increased cesium, strontium and tritium contamination in newly dug water test wells around the reactors.  Also, TEPCo has constantly been fighting radioactive water flooding from what they say is an unknown source.

Just three days ago TEPCo had to halt an experimental water treatment system on Reactor 1, because it to began to leak.   They discovered holes in the weld seams of the massive water tanks used on the new Alps multi-nuclide removal system.  Officials suspect chloride ion and hypochlorous acid in radioactive water corroded the welds.

Corporate Evil: Evidence of China Syndrome at Fukushima!!! After months of denial, TEPCo admits strontium & tritium contaminating Pacific Ocean! Don’t eat the fish! Run!

23 July 2013 (00:02 UTC-07 Tango)/15 Ramadan 1434/01 Mordad 1391/16 Ji-Wie (6th month) 4711

We would like to offer our deep apology for causing grave worries for many people, especially for people in Fukushima.”-Ono Masayuki, current general manager of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant

Back in May 2013, Tokyo Electric Power Company revealed that test wells dug near the GE designed reactors 1 and 2 at Fukushima Daiichi nuke plant were contaminated with strontium, tritium and cesium.  But TEPCo swore it was not getting into the Pacific Ocean, even though Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) said it was.

Today they’ve admitted that indeed the deadly radiation is spilling into the ocean, since April 2013.  That still contradicts with officials from the NRA who say that radiation has been flooding the ocean since the nuke melt downs back in March 2011 (as I’ve been warning)!!!

TEPCo also revealed that radiation levels in the Pacific Ocean had indeed been increasing since 2011, and are still increasing!

But wait, there’s more!  TEPCo even held an emergency meeting with area fishermen, telling them to stop fishing!  Sato Hiroyuki, a member of the fisheries cooperative in Soma City, told the news media that the meeting was “substantially different” than past meetings with TEPCo.  He said it was the worst news he ever heard, essentially the area’s fishing industry has been destroyed.  Nozaki Tetsu, chairman of Fukushima Prefectural Federation of Fisheries Co-operative Associations, said simply “It was quite shocking…”

Here’s the amazing thing, TEPCo still doesn’t know, for sure, where the contaminated ground water is coming from. With today’s announcement they suspect Reactor 1 is the source.  Here’s a clue, it’s called China Syndrome: The GE designed Reactor 1 not only melted down, but melted right through the ground into the local aquifer!

TEPCo is so desperate to stop the now deadly groundwater from getting into the Pacific Ocean they are now injecting a chemical resin 14 meters (46 feet) deep into the ground.  They hope the chemical will solidify the ground, making a subterranean wall 90 meters (295 feet) long.

Get this, the area where they’re trying to inject the underground wall is so radioactive that workers are exposed to 200 microseverts per hour.  That means that in five hours a person is exposed to the equivalent of one year’s worth of radiation!  Last week TEPCo revealed that at least 2000 employees have been exposed to enough radiation to cause thyroid cancer!  TEPCo hopes to get their resin underground wall completed by the middle of August.

On 18 July 2013, steam was observed coming from the damaged Reactor 3.  TEPCo employees said the steam was noticed for several hours.  A rain storm had gone through during the night, and TEPCo officials admitted that even two years later, the reactor containment vessel is still hot enough to turn rain into steam!  Radiation levels are so high in and around Reactor 3 that TEPCo has to use robots to remove tsunami debris.

The situation has upset Japan’s newly elected nationalistic parliament.  Senior vice industry minister, Akaba Kazuyoshi, criticized TEPCo for being always one step behind: “TEPCo’s actions seem too slow, and they don’t live up to our expectations.”

Ignorant TEPCo officials are still publicly insisting that the impact on the environment is minimal (even after what they told local fishermen)!

Government & Corporate Evil: Fukushima Daiichi radiation levels jump, Bilderberg in charge! People dying from cancer!

09 July 2013 (13:51 UTC-07 Tango)/01 Ramadan 1434/18 Tir 1392/02 Ji-Wie (6th month) 4711

“We all grew up with the Simpsons, a cartoon that said for 20 years that the owner of the power plant was the evil person…..radiation is scary. It’s like magic, it’s mystical, invisible. You can’t….hide from it.”-Lady Barbara Judge, Bilderberger now in charge of TEPCo’s safety program

For weeks now, Tokyo Electric Power Company has been reporting unexplained increases in strontium and tritium contamination.   Now a spike in cesium levels over the weekend, and TEPCo now admits increased radiation in the Pacific Ocean.

Since Friday TEPCo detected a 90 fold increase in cesium in groundwater.  They also detected an increase in tritium spilling into the Pacific Ocean.  Tritium levels in groundwater are ten times the government safe limits, and in the ocean around the GE designed disaster reactors tritium levels are the highest since June 2011.

In June 2013, TEPCo announced that strontium levels in groundwater were 30 times the government safe limits.  At that time TEPCo claimed the Pacific Ocean was not being contaminated by the strontium or tritium.   However, a study (conducted in 2011) published in Biogeosciences stated that strontium levels had jumped 100 fold, compared to levels recorded prior to the March 2011 melt downs.

The new cesium increases are being detected in groundwater testing wells around the GE designed Reactor 1.  The strontium and tritium increases are being found in wells around Reactor 2.   TEPCo officials say they don’t know the source of the contamination, but suggested that contamination of groundwater was being caused “…by construction works…”

I’ve notice some pro-nuke bloggers have been spreading lies that no body in Japan has been affected by the ongoing nuke disaster.  The Nuclear Safety Commission report says at least 45% of children in Fukushima Prefecture are suffering from thyroid problems because of the radiation.  These children are considered to have been exposed to levels of radiation below the government maximum safe limits.   The testing was conducted in April 2011, not even a full month after the melt downs.  National government officials ordered that no more thyroid testing was necessary!  In other words the reason we don’t hear any official reports of humans contaminated with radiation is that government officials stopped all government testing!

The other problem is that Japan is actually a failed state.  Japan has not had a stable national government since 2006.  Japan has had a change in national government leaders every year for the past seven years!

How about the former manager of Fukushima Daiichi, Yoshida Masao, who stayed at his post to try and fight the March 2011 melt downs?  He died today, of esophageal cancer!  Yoshida was hospitalized with cancer in November 2011.  TEPCo arrogantly argued that his cancer was not the result of the melt downs.  Officially it was said that Yoshida was exposed to 70 millisieverts of radiation.

To show you how deceptive TEPCo is, they’ve hired a British-U.S. elitist to remake the image of nuclear power.  Lady Barbara Judge chairs TEPCo’s Nuclear Reform Monitoring Committee and has just been tasked to manage its safety program as well.  Barbara Judge used to be known as Barbara Singer Thomas, who was revealed in 1998 to be a member of the Council on Foreign Relations/Trilateral Commission/Bilderberg through the Interamerican Foundation.


Corporate Incompetence: High levels of strontium & tritium escaping Fukushima Daiichi!

19 June 2013 (02:44 UTC-07 Tango)/10 Sha’ban 1434/29 Khordad 1392/12 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

Tokyo Electric Power company (TEPCo) reporting that high levels of strontium and tritium have leaked (yet again) from the GE designed reactors at Fukushima Daiichi.

This time strontium is being found in groundwater, at levels 30 times higher than Japanese government maximum safe limits.  Tritium is being found at eight times government safe limits.

They suspect the deadly contamination is coming from Reactor 2.  TEPCo admits strontium and tritium have been leaking for a awhile, but until now the levels of contamination have been below government limits.  TEPCo is unwilling to confirm if the isotopes have been contaminating the Pacific Ocean.

On top of that, TEPCo is trying to find out why a newly installed water decontamination system is already leaking.  Inspection teams discovered that a giant stainless steel tank was leaking radioactive water from a weld seam.  The water was being caught by a giant drip pan under the tank.

Upon inspection of the welds pin holes were discovered in many of the seams.  TEPCo is now trying to determine if the holes are manufacturing defects, or caused by something else.

Meanwhile, the Pacific Ocean current off Japan brings that stuff right to the Pacific Coast of North America.

Government Incompetence: Radiation cleanup a big fail in Japan!

17 May 2013 (09:51 UTC-07 Tango)/07 Rajab 1434/27 Ordibehest 1392/08 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

More than two years after the GE designed Fukushima Daiichi reactors melted down, radiation cleanup by national and local governments has proven to be a failure.

NHK (Nippon Housou Kyoukai/Japan Broadcasting Corporation) conducted their own research and they were disappointed with the results.

Only 5% of contaminated homes have been decontaminated by local governments.  Only 4% of contaminated land has been cleaned up by the national government.

The research also revealed that in 77% of the areas considered ‘cleaned up’, the radiation levels are still above government safe limits.

Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology is calling for an investigation into how the ‘cleanup’ operations are being conducted.

Corporate Incompetence: A 4th radioactive leak at Fukushima Daiichi!

11 April 2013 (09:29 UTC-07 Tango)/30 Jumada l-Ula 1434/22 Farvardin 1392/02 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

Now there is a fourth leak at another waste water pond in use at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.

Tokyo Electric Power Company reported a pipe connected to a pond leaked 22 liters (6 gallons) before workers discovered it.  They were trying to transfer contaminated water from another pond (in-ground open-air storage tank) that was leaking.

22 liters might not seem like much, but according to TEPCo that 22 liters contained 6.3 billion becquerels of radioactivity!

A couple of days ago TEPCo was ordered to stop using the ponds, after three leaks were discovered.  But, TEPCo pointed out that there is not enough above ground steel tanks in Japan to contain all the radioactive water being generated at Fukushima Daiichi.

Cesium levels drop in children, it pays to watch what you eat!

11 April 2013 (22:42 UTC-07 Tango 10 April 2013)/30 Jumada l-Ula 1434/22 Farvardin 1392/02 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

Researchers at the University of Tokyo, Japan, have been tracking about 1400 grade school kids in Fukushima Prefecture.  They want to track radiation contamination as a result of the melt downs at the GE designed Fukushima Daiichi reactors.

Two years later the researchers report cesium levels in children have dropped, but not because of efforts to contain the disaster reactors, but because the residents have been careful about what they eat.

Almost a year after the nuke melt down, a system was in place for Japanese food sellers to test and report radiation contamination of food.  This came at the grass roots level, not at the national government level.  It was pushed by consumers demanding to know if the food they were buying was safe.  Local governments, and even grocery store chains obliged, and it was discovered that indeed many sources of food stuffs were contaminated, despite the national government telling people everything was OK.

The researchers at the University of Tokyo credit the grass roots efforts to identify and avoid contaminated food to the drop in cesium levels in children still living in Miharumachi, which is only 50 kilometers (31 miles) from Fukushima Daiichi.

Corporate Incompetence: Leaking inground ponds at Fukushima Daiichi versus above ground sealed tanks

10 April 2013 (02:13 UTC-07 Tango)/29 Jumada l-Ula 1434/21 Farvardin 1392/01 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

Tokyo Electric Power Company has been ordered to stop using in-ground waste water ponds to store radiative water.  Three ponds are now leaking (several hundreds of tons so far) and some of the contamination includes strontium.

TEPCo said they used the in-ground ponds because they are not enough above ground steel tanks available to hold the massive amount of contaminated water coming from the damaged GE designed reactors.

TEPCo hopes to have new steel tanks delivered in the next few days.




Corporate Incompetence: For the third time in four days, another radiation leak at Fukushima Daiichi!

09 April 2013 (02:26 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Jumada l-Ula 1434/20 Farvardin 1392/29 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

Tokyo Electric Power Company has just discovered another contaminated water leak in a third waste water pond. This is the pond they’ve been transferring radioactive water (including strontium) into, from two other ponds that are leaking.

TEPCo had also testified before government officials as to why the ponds/in-ground open air tanks were leaking, before they discovered the third leak.  TEPCo officials told the Japanese government they were creating an emergency task force to investigate the growing number of accidents and incidents.  They don’t know why the massive in-ground tanks are leaking.

Between all the leaks more than 120 tons of contaminated water has spilled out.  The third pond was only 55% full when it started leaking.