All posts by Hutchins AAron

Born in Deutschland 1965, hometown was Bütthart, parents were not U.S. government employees. However, when father was tricked into joining the U.S. Air Force Civil Service, in 1969, with the promise that we could remain in Germany, we were promptly shipped off to Iran. Due to one of my Iranian educators being disappeared, along with her husband, by the U.S. ally Shah of Iran's Israeli & U.S. created Savak (for the then official terrorist act of promoting the idea that women can vote), and due to my U.S. citizen mother being placed on Savak's Terrorist Arrest List (for supporting the idea that women should vote, at that time the U.S. ally Shah of Iran did not allow women to vote, now they can) we left Iran for the United States in 1973, literally in the middle of the night. At the U.S. Embassy airbase the CIA operated Gooney Bird (C-47) was so packed with other U.S. citizens fleeing our ally Iran (because the Shah gave the OK to arrest any U.S. citizen for such terrorist acts as promoting the concept of voting) that we were turned away by the Loadmaster and had to take a chance on a civilian flight out of Tehran's airport. My father told me he and my mother had three culture shocks; first when they arrived in Germany as civilians, then after being shipped off to Iran as U.S. government employees, then again returning to the United States as unemployed civilians (because so much had changed in the U.S. while they were gone, their only news source was the U.S. Armed Forces Radio & Television Service which heavily censored information about the home front). Since I graduated high school in 1982 I've worked for U.S. government contractors and state & local government agencies (in California), convenience store manager in California, retail/property management in Georgia, California and Idaho. Spent the 1990s in the TV news business producing number one rated local news programs in California, Arizona and Idaho. 14+ years with California and Idaho Army National Guard and the U.S. Air Force. Obtained a BA degree in International Studies from Idaho State University at the age of 42. Unemployed since 2015, so don't tell me the economy has recovered.

Japan Modern Day Atlantis round 3 Quake Upgraded 10,000+ Dead

13 March 2011

Nuclear power plant officials admit that reactor 1 at Fukushima plant 1 exploded due to hydrogen gas build up. Many western observers had already made this statement, but Japanese officials downplayed it for almost a day. This is becoming standard of Japanese officials, they have been downplaying the severity of the situation from day one. Nuclear officials say their nuclear plants are designed to withstand 7.9 quakes. Japan’s government has uprated the main quake to 9 on the international scale. I think it will be higher.

Miyagi prefecture is reporting that at least 10,000 people are dead. Towns wiped out along with their population. Miyagi prefecture has 13 cities, plus towns & villages, with a total official population of about 2 million.

Some local governments have literally been wiped out and the national government has taken direct control.

Major Japanese companies, like Toyota, Honda, Sony, etc, are shutting down operations in Japan due to a total collapse of the infrastructure of Japan. Japanese reporters have said that rescue helicopters have not been able to land in the hardest hit areas because the ground is too torn up. One city looks like it has been hit with a nuclear bomb, only the tallest buildings are standing. Landslides have hit areas further inland. The infrastructure includes roads, bridges, rail lines, water lines, power lines, etc. This is adding to the growing nuclear disaster.

Officials with nuclear power plants say they have no back up power from non-nuclear plants because those plants have been shut down by the quake/flood. The back up generators at the nuclear plants are not working, or will not run properly, damaged by the quake/flood. Power is needed to run the massive cooling systems on the nuclear reactors. Fukushima nuclear plants 1 and 2 are in trouble. Reactor 1, at plant 1, has exploded and experience partial melt down of reactor rods. Other reactors at both plants are overheating. As I’m writing this word has come that reactor 3 could explode. Officials say hydrogen gas is building in the reactors. They are trying to vent it to prevent explosion. They are dumping sea water on the reactors. Using sea water is a last ditch act, which is a sign that they can not do anything else to prevent nuclear catastrophe. 62,000 people have been evacuated from around the Fukushima plants. Officials are now saying they want to expand the evacuation to include another 80,000 people. There are reports that another nuclear plant, in Onagawa, is in trouble.

JAPAN MODERN DAY ATLANTIS ROUND 2: People of Atlantis had become extremely arrogant because of their technological advances. 

Japan Modern Day Atlantis round 2

12 March 2011

Part of the myth of Atlantis is that the people of Atlantis had become extremely arrogant because of their technological advances. Some Atlantis myths say they were destroyed for their arrogance. The ongoing nuclear disaster in Japan is a modern day example.

The Fukushima nuclear plant was built with many safe guards and back up systems. This was part of the selling point of the plant when convincing the people to accept that the worlds biggest nuclear plant was to be built in their country. Right up until the explosion at reactor 1, the government was reminding people of all the back up systems and how unlikely it was for the problem to get worse. It got worse, and it could get catastrophic. There is more than one reactor at the plant, and reactor 2 is in trouble. (Japan’s NHK media will not show the video of the explosion of the reactor, I watched it on BBC and RT. Japanese officials are still claiming that the explosion happened after the walls fell down. Watch the video, there is a clear shock wave before the walls fall.)

What happened to the safeguards and back up systems, which included 13 back up diesel generators for reactor 1? It all failed, all the high tech systems failed. Plant officials and workers were attempting to cool the reactor manually. They were rotating work crews in and out of the plant, because of the radiation levels. The crews were trying to operate cooling valves manually. Also, they were dumping sea water on the reactor, in an attempt to cool it down (the U.S. military was helping with this attempt). All these attempts failed.

Another event has escaped the attention of most media and government officials: Landslides. A CNN reporter discovered, on her way to flood hit areas, that major landslides have occurred at higher elevations. She did a live report from one small town where half a neighborhood was buried by what looks like about 20 feet of earth. There are reports of towns being wiped away, by landslides and flooding. One small city says 9500 of their residence are missing, half their population. Again, the Japanese government is downplaying the severity of the situation, they are still saying the “…death toll could hit 1000” (can you say “understatement”?). When you hear the number of people being reported as missing, by the different cities and prefectures, the indication is that the death toll will be in the thousands, if not tens of thousands. Japan’s NHK has been showing before and after aerial pics of cities. It is clear that some cities have been completely erased.

Also, I have heard that millions of people on the main Japanese state of Honshu are without access to drinking water. The water supply system has failed. No power, no water, no food supply because the road/rail systems are disrupted, the systems of an advanced society have failed. In the U.S. I still hear insulting talk about the people of Haiti, still suffering from their deadly quake, better think twice and humble your arrogance.

The Atlantis myth has another lesson for arrogant humans: Societies can be erased by Mother Earth, no mater how advanced their technology, no mater how correct they think their way of life is. Mother Earth always wins.

JAPAN MODERN DAY ATLANTIS:  “A potentially catastrophic disaster,” understated President Obama. 

Japan Modern Day Atlantis

12 March 2011

“A potentially catastrophic disaster,” said President Obama. Hello, can you say understatement?

Aside from the looming nuclear disaster, it is starting to look to me that there is a major catastrophic geological event taking place under Japan. There are now reports that suggest that the big 8.9 quake set off chain reaction quakes all over Japan’s main state of Honshu. It would explain why some areas experienced shaking for up to 5 minutes. Other reports are adding that there was more than one major tsunami, which would have been caused by multi-quakes around Honshu. Early morning, March 12, NHK reported that some parts of northern Honshu were still being hit by small tsunami every 30 minutes. This means the “event” is continuing. The east coast of Honshu moved at least 8 feet eastward. Also, there was the 6+ quake on the north west coast of Honshu on Friday, and there was a 7.3 quake the day before the bigger 8.9. A Japanese committee said GPS data indicates that the quakes were “synchronized”.

Honshu sits where three major tectonic plates converge: Pacific Plate, Eurasian Plate and Philippine Plate. A major quake with chain reaction quakes on the Pacific side, with a major quake following on the Eurasian side, signifies a major tectonic event. (There are more detailed smaller plate and trench structures that run through Honshu).

Also, in some areas of northern Honshu the flood water has not receded. An “expert” interviewed on NHK stated that it could be because the ground was saturated (don’t quote me, this was through hasty translation). I find it interesting that the ground was saturated that fast from flooding, I’m thinking liquefaction. So water is not only being pushed on land, but it is being pushed up through the land. Another possibility is that the land has actually dropped.

Liquefaction was a factor in the large earthquakes along the New Madrid fault line during the 1800s in the United States.

The Pacific Plate is making a major push eastward. The norther end of Honshu might go the way of Atlantis, being submerged under the ocean. But this brings up the question of what is happening on the eastern side of the Pacific Plate, North America.

The Pacific Plate is being pushed by the North American Plate (I assume that because the North American Plate is moving southwesterly, and is not being subducted, except along the Puerto Rico Trench). Big events should be expected in North America. It is known, by geological evidence, that a major quake/tsunami event is expected anytime for the Pacific Northwest. What is happening to Japan could be a precursor for a major event for North America, just as what happened in New Zealand could be considered a precursor to the Japan event (New Zealand sits on top of the converging Pacific and Australian plates). Don’t forget the super volcano known as Yellowstone, in the Pacific Northwest, is overdue for major eruption.

Be prepared.

Japan Quake = No Economic Recovery

11 March 2011.

Japan’s huge earthquake, Tsunami and huge aftershocks, are not only devastating for the people of Japan, but are devastating to Japan’s economic recovery, as well as the world’s economic recovery.

Infrastructure for densely populated areas of Japan, hit by the flooding, are destroyed. Nuclear power plants are shut down. One nuclear power plant is in emergency mode because its cooling system, and back up systems, have failed. Auto manufacturing plants have been shut down. A major oil refinery is on fire. A lot of the land flooded by the Tsunami is farm land, which means no crops this year, adding to the what the UN is calling a World Food Supply Crisis for 2011.

This on going event of Mother Earth is adding insult to injury for Japan’s struggle for economic recovery. Before the quake hit, Japan’s so called recovery stalled, with its credit rating downgraded because the country is deep in debt. Recently there was hope that investors would start buying up stocks in Japanese companies, because they were considered a bargain, and, it was thought they would pick up in value as the Japanese recovery picked up steam. Now all that is in doubt.

It looks like Japan, helped by Mother Earth, might become the next domino to fall in the world economic crisis.

Economy About to Crash? What Happened to Recovery? 10 Reasons

March 10, 2011.

“I think this is the beginning of something severe.” said chief investment strategist at Windham Financial Services, Paul Mendelsohn. He’s referring to the more than 220 point drop in the DOW, which got little to no mention in national TV news coverage on March 10. There’s a lot of legitimate reasons for investors getting out of the market, not just in the U.S., but world wide. Those reasons also prove that there is no economic recovery.

Reason 1: First time jobless claims, in the U.S., for state benefits went up, more than expected (again).

Reason 2: World wide unemployment is high. Most of the violence around the world involves unemployment. The current crisis in North Africa and the Middle East is due, in part, to high unemployment rates. In 2010 Macedonia took the top spot with an official unemployment rate of 33.8%. How can the global economy recover when there are so many people not making any money to buy things with?

Reason 3: U.S. trade deficit increased (again).

Reason 4: China’s trade deficit increased (a surprise).

Reason 5: Credit ratings for Greece and Spain decreased (again).

Reason 6: Oil prices remain high, and still look to go higher (it’s interesting how analysts predicted the increase in price, without even considering, or knowing, that there would be a “revolutionary” crisis affecting many oil producing countries, or did they, mmmm?)

Reason 7: Food prices are increasing, worldwide. The UN (United Nations) says it does not see any improvement in food supply worldwide. I have read that Chinese wheat farmers will have only enough harvest for subsistence in 2011, nothing left over to sell. Across the world the food supply (“supply” is the key word, because some areas have plenty of crops but they aren’t getting to market) situation is getting worse for a number of reasons, from climate change, to the cost of transportation, to lack of credit, to political/social instability. A new problem adding to food supply issues is that migrant workers are not working. This is due to things like anti-migrant attitudes in the U.S., and the increasing violence in North Africa and the Middle East.

Reason 8: Union busting in the United States. Why should this be considered a factor? Because the goal of union busting is to reduce pay and benefits for employees. If workers are going to be making even less than what they are now, then that’s less they’ll spend while shopping. Gee, isn’t the U.S. economy a “consumer” based economy, which would mean the more a worker spends the better it is for the economy?

Reason 9: Stagnant pay for 90% of U.S. workers. Recently the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) reported that their own study, into the wages and salaries of taxpayers, reveled that 90% of taxpayers had no increase in pay in the past 20 years (when adjusted for inflation). The study also showed that the top 5% of taxpayers saw a 33% increase in earnings over the same period (also adjusted for inflation). Basic economics states that for an economy to do well the money in the system needs to go through as many hands as possible. Clearly the money is staying at the top and not trickling down.

Reason 10: This is probably a very important sign that there is no U.S. economic recovery. The world’s largest bond fund, PIMCO’s Total Return Fund, dumped all its U.S. government bonds, then moved into cash/cash equivalent big time. Why is that important? PIMCO used to be the biggest holder of U.S. bonds. That’s because they trusted that the U.S. government could pay its debts. By selling ALL its U.S. bonds PIMCO is indicating that they don’t think the U.S. government can pay back its debts. PIMCO has actually told other investors to get out of U.S. bonds. Not good. The move into cash is a traditional investor’s way of preparing for the worst. How much did PIMCO move into cash? In January PIMCO’s cash holdings were about 5%, now they are at 23%, a big jump. PIMCO is now selling off mortgage backed securities, this indicates that PIMCO is expecting another drop in the housing market.

There are plenty of other reason to list, you can do your own homework. Some of my sources: Voice of America, Reuters, CNN, Russia Today, The Atlantic. Do your own research, I’m not getting paid for this.

Libya is Not in the Middle East

March 8, 2011, Chubbuck, Idaho.

I’m getting tired of U.S. media outlets constantly referring to the events in Libya as “more trouble in the Middle East”, or, “oil prices rising due to crisis in the Middle East” (and then showing video of Libya). Libya is not in the Middle East! Is this proof of the dumbing down of the U.S. Media? Ironically, Geography must not be important to media outlets that serve the Empire of the United States. Libya is in North Africa! Egypt, Libya, Tunis, Algiers, Morocco, these are the countries that make up the top half of North Africa. They are also countries that are continuously mislabeled as Middle Eastern. Just because there are a lot of Arabs (a branch of the Semitic) living there, and most of the people are Muslims, does not make it the Middle East.

East Idaho Media Misleads on School Levy Issue

March 8, 2011, Chubbuck, Idaho.

Today I voted on our local school district’s supplemental levy.  The ballot clearly states “7,500,000 for 2011-2012 and 7,500,000 for 2012-2013” school years. Do the math, that’s 15 million over two years.  I watched a local TV news live report, 5 & 6pm, on the voting.  In the 6pm newscast their live reporter clearly said that the levy for my district was “1.5 million”.   That’s one point five million, say what?  It is clearly stated on the ballot that it’s seven and a half million each year over two years, which equals fifteen million, not one point five million.  I checked the local TV station’s website, and even on their web site they have a story from the day before that says my district’s levy is: “Pocatello/Chubbuck School District 25 Supplemental Levy – $7.5 million per year for two years“.   Either their live reporter is deliberately misleading the audience (as well as the anchors because they did not correct her), or their reporter needs to go back to school and retake math (same for their anchors)!

Kit Bashing: Italeri P-51 Mustang 1 Out of Box Review

Unfortunately this kit is not what it should have been.  I read some positive reviews about some of Italeri’s 1/72 scale kits, but I don’t think having nice decals and recessed lines qualifies as good.

Initially this Mustang 1 kit looked good to me, until I did some research on the actual aircraft.

The overall shape of the fuselage looks okay, but the wings are for the P-51D.  This kit comes with a sprue of parts for the P-51 Mustang 1, which include the fuselage.  The sprue with the wing on it is actually from Italeri’s F-51D Mustang kit.  The Mustang’s wing shape changed as each new model came along, so how could Italeri think their F-51D wing would suffice?

Also, since the wings are for the F-51D it has wing tip lights, which is incorrect for the earlier model Mustangs.

Oddly, considering a lack of concern over accuracy, Italeri molded a deep recess line around where the air scoop is, I assume because the actual Mustang 1 air scoop could open up for more air flow.  The instructions don’t mention this.

The canopy is lacking canopy framing.  The cockpit interior is typical of most 1/72 kits; there’s detail, but it’s not accurate.

The decals look good.

You get markings for one USAAF in North Africa, and one RAF recon aircraft.  The box art depicts the USAAF version as a recon aircraft, with a camera behind the pilot, but of course there is no camera in the kit, nor is the canopy right for a recon version (recon variants used anything from bulged clear panels to panels with holes cut in them).

I recommend this kit if you’re looking for a quick build, and are not concerned with contest winning accuracy (that would require a lot of correcting, scratch building & kit bashing).

Army Study Reveals more Service Members Dying at Home than in War

Today, November 11, is Veterans Day here in the United States.  If the wikileaks reports didn’t stir Americans then maybe the latest report by their own U.S. Army will, but I doubt it.

The United States Army has released a 350 page study (Army health Promotion Risk Reduction Suicide Prevention Report 2010) on suicide, which reveals a much larger problem within the Department of Defense; slack morale and morals enforcement leading to major problems stateside, besides the record breaking suicide rate.

The report states that more service members die in non-combat incidents, mainly suicide, than in combat.  Both the USA and USMC reported suicide rates of more than 20,000 in 2009 (USA = United States Army, USMC = United States Marine Corps, U.S.A. = United States of America.  Yes the punctuation maters.  In American English only abbreviations of country names and personal names get punctuated, organizations like a company, or the UN, do not.  Pay attention to most U.S. media sources and you’ll see they are using British/Commonwealth English rules, which is a sign that most ‘U.S.’ media are not really American).

“…Soldiers have become transient tenants…”

On pages 36-37 the report cited the need for speed in getting troops mobilized  for tours of duty as overriding the face to face interaction with leadership that “…demand good order and discipline…”, creating an environment of loss of command and control of their own troop’s morals and morale.  The process of constant deployment, and problems at home upon returning, has created the sense for the soldier that they are just a number in the system; “They are no longer linked to garrisons by a chain of command or senior commander but are regulated only by Army policies, programs and processes.” This lack of morale leadership by, ironically, predominantly christian officers (that’s from my personal experience) has also led to across the board increases in various crimes committed by service members.  By the way, a former Army intelligence officer, Richard A. Gabriel, warned of similar issues in his book that was published in 1985: Military Incompetence: Why the American Military Doesn’t Win.

The U.S. Army report is detailed and surprising with some of the stats.  I plan to write more about it as I read it, I doubt the main stream U.S. media will cover it thoroughly.  Do not blame Obama for this, this situation was created under the Bush administration, Obama inherited it (but he isn’t helping to end the situation, so far).  No, I did not vote for Obama, I voted for Ron Paul!

Idaho Governor Misleads on Higher Education Scholarship

Idaho Gov. C. L. “Butch” Otter (R) has been running campaign ads touting a scholarship program that he takes credit for.  The problem is that the Idaho Opportunity Scholarship is turning out not to be what Governor Otter claims.

The fund was signed by Otter in March, 2007.  It’s partly funded through taxpayer refund donations.  As a sign of bad economic times, the contributions to the fund have not met expectations.  The scholarship is a last resort fund, which means students have to apply for other funding first.  The maximum amount of $3,000 is enough to cover tuition for two semesters at an Idaho Community College, but  not at an Idaho University.  Also, no new college students have be awarded the grant in the past two years.  In fact the number of current students getting the grant is 450, compared to 700 when the program started.

One Republican, and former Idaho State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Jerry Evans, has announced that he is so upset with Gov. Otter, that he will vote for Keith Allred, Otter’s Democratic gubernatorial opponent.