21 November 2016 (03:24 UTC-07 Tango 01) 01 Azar 1395/20 Safar 1438/22 Ji Hai 4714
“It would have to be a massive, military type effort. And then what? ….Our dairy industry in Idaho depends on immigrant labor….”-John Thompson, Idaho Farm Bureau Federation, commenting on Donald Trump’s campaign promise to deport illegal immigrants
Right before the False Flag elections on 08 November 2016 (the official Electoral College elections take place on 19 December) it was revealed that Idaho’s businesses are employing an estimated 41-thousand undocumented (ie illegal) migrant workers. Under Trump’s promised plan to deport illegals it’s estimated that Idaho agricultural industry alone would lose at least 25% of their illegal migrant workers (one estimate says 40% of Idaho’s ag workers are illegal).
I’ve written before that the true reason ‘christian’ lawmakers in Idaho are allowing illegal immigration is that thousands of U.S. citizens have fled The Gem State. The southern Idaho Twin Falls area has long been ground zero for immigrants.
In June of this year, The Economist revealed that this goes back the end of the U.S. occupation of Vietnam, when Mormon-LDS dominated leaders began a immigrant farm labor program (as a False Flag program run by taxpayer funded College of Southern Idaho) under the guise of helping refugees from Southeast Asia. Today that program has exploded to the point where federal agencies, and the United Nations, are directly involved.
The Twin Falls College of Southern Idaho Refugee operation has become so big that an Idaho Falls TV station drove three hours to Twin Falls to do a report about it. KIFI reported “Many people don’t know that Idaho is a major refugee resettlement destination. There are centers in Boise and Twin Falls that welcome hundreds of refugees from all over the world each year.” But their report wasn’t negative, KIFI’s report made it sound like most Twin Fallsians love the CSI Refugee Center job stealing program.

Right to Work (you over) governor Butch Otter giving praise at the Chobani alter
One of the largest employers in Twin Falls is immigrant founded Chobani Yogurt. Between his New York and Idaho yogurt operations the owner admits to employing at least 3-hundred immigrants.
But don’t think the U.S. citizens who call Twin Falls home support the covert College of Southern Idaho Refugee Center program. The Refugee Center administrators admit that 3-hundred refugees are brought through Twin Falls every year, with most staying put. What KIFI failed to report was that U.S. citizens living in Twin Falls, including agronomist Adrian Arp, are pissed and hope Donald Trump keeps his promise to get rid of illegal immigrants: “I think God is giving us another chance. I mean, seriously. You looked at all the odds. The Republican establishment. The crooked media. Despite it all, he was able to pull it off. And now we’ve got to hold his feet to the fire.”
Some pro-immigrant groups (please notice that most pro-immigrant groups support illegal immigration, not legal immigration) downplay the number of immigrants arriving in Idaho. At this point more than 95-thousand immigrants have arrived, but keep in mind the official population of Idaho is about 1.5-million, that’s a fraction of New York City’s population of just over 8-million!
Idaho ‘christian’ officials mistreat girl, 5, raped by Muslim migrants
The Washington Post: In Twin Falls, Idaho, co-dependency of whites and immigrants faces a test