14 February 2016 /20:02 UTC-07 Tango 01 (26 Bahman 1394/06 Jumada al-Ula 1437/08 Geng Yin 4714)
Japan’s economists are surprised at their nation’s 4th quarter 2015 GDP results, a negative 1.4%! For the past year Japan’s GDP hit a stagnant 0.4%. It should be noted that mainstreamer news sources call this “growth”, but anything below 3% is officially stagnation.
Consumer spending, public and housing investments all down. Several factors were blamed, from climate change to slowing trade with China to currency wars involving the U.S. dollar.
Japan develops parasitic e-skin that lets other people know what you’re doing!
8-million jobs lost by 2030, just in Japan! Even with 2% economic growth?