13 June 2015 (07:15 UTC-07 Tango 01)/23 Kordad 1394/25 Sha’ban 1436/27 Ren-Wu (4th month) 4713
Live video shows robot inspecting armored van stopped at a Jack in the Box in Hutchins, Texas. Police say there is one suspect from the Dallas police HQ attack in the van. There’s been no reaction from inside the van to the robot looking inside, suspect might be dead.
Reporter says suspect initiated 911 call to police to negotiate, however, during negotiations he stopped talking. Before he stopped talking he said he was wounded. Unnamed police sources say he’s now dead, but they think the van is packed with explosives.
Unconfirmed reports say suspect using C4 explosives.
A second robot is approaching the passenger side door of the van, possibly to attempt to open the door.
2nd witness says cops continued shooting at something else, after attacker left the area!