More Fukushima Fallout: Water tank seals degraded by radiation! Another killer leak discovered!

03 September 2013 (21:18 UTC-07 Tango 02 September 2013)/27 Shawwal 1434/12 Shahrivar 1392/28 Xin-You (7th month) 4711

Workers at Fukushima Daiichi discovered the reason for the massive leaks of highly contaminated water from the tanks farms.  The soft resin used to seal the bolted together tanks is degrading and being pushed out by the pressure of the water.

Over the weekend TEPCo contracted workers discovered high levels of radiation emitting from three 1-thousand metric tons capacity tanks, within the same tank farm.  One had enough radiation to kill a human after 4 hours of exposure (1800 millisieverts per hour of beta rays)!   The workers also found the degraded resin seals coming out of the seams on the tanks.

Today, inspectors discovered another water tank leaking killer radiation, at a different tank farm.  This one will take more time to kill you as it was emitting only 100 millisieverts per hour of deadly beta rays!