“The arrival of Poland’s first F-35s is a significant milestone for our state, the nation, and our allies who will train on this fifth-generation fighter at Ebbing Air National Guard Base. I’m extremely proud of the whole team in the 188th Wing, and the staffs at Razorback Range and Fort Chaffee Joint Maneuver Training Center for the planning and work that has resulted in the sound of freedom returning to the River Valley today. They’ve partnered with the active-duty Air Force to go from concept to jets being parked on the ramp in a compressed timeframe. We are thankful for the dedicated teamwork of those in Fort Smith, Sebastian County, our entire Congressional delegation, and state elected officials who have moved mountains to make this mission possible in Arkansas.”–Brigadier General Chad Bridges, Arkansas National Guard
Polish F-35A flybys, edited from videos via Airman First Class Miles Chrisman, of the Air National Guard’s 188th FW:
On 23DEC2024, a couple of ‘firsts’ took place; the first of several Lockheed-Martin F-35A Lightning-2 (named after the P-38 Lightning) for NATO-Poland were delivered, and secondly, the training for Polish pilots will take place on an Air National Guard base.
In July 2024, the United States Air Force (USAF) 85th Fighter Group (FG) was re-activated by the 33rd Fighter Wing (FW) specifically to train Polish pilots to fly the F-35A. The 85th FG will conduct the training on Ebbing Air National Guard Base (ANGB), in Arkansas. When the 85th FG was deactivated, in 2006, its last assignment was in Iceland. The 85th FG is now part of the 33rd Fighter Wing (FW), which is part of the USAF’s Air Education and Training Command (AETC).

In May 2024, officials with the U.S. Foreign Military Sales, USAF and NATO-Poland, met on Ebbing ANGB, on Fort Smith, Arkansas.
Polish F-35A gets hosed, edited from videos via Airman First Class Miles Chrisman, Air National Guard 188th FW:
Ebbing ANGB is also home to Arkansas Air National Guard’s 188th Wing.
The decision to use Ebbing ANGB to train foreign pilots was made in 2023, after almost three years of comparing eligible air bases, both USAF and National Guard. Future F-35 training will include pilots from NATO-Finland, NATO-Germany, Singapore (one of several East Asian countries being wooed by NATO) and Switzerland (a NATO ‘partner’ but not a full member).
In November 2024, the USAF admitted it was all about supporting taxpayer subsidized Foreign Military Sales.
NATO-Belgium: First F-35A arrives in Arizona!