At the beginning of November, I thought I had found a kit to build as a Xmas gift, but no!:
At the beginning of December I finally investigated what I had to work with, honestly, I’m not procrastinating:
Always making things more complicated:
Of course, by the middle of December, scrambling to get ‘er done!
Eine kleine motor:
Decapitated weenie dogs:
Der Flügelhorn, an inherent problem with the kit:
Don’t forget to include drying time when guesstimating how long your build will take:
Finally, 23DEC2024:
2023 Xmas Build: ‘Tis done, Xmas Beerwagon!
Late Birthday Build: P-47D Thunderbolt, family connection, and made in U.S.A. Monogram -vs- made in China Revell!