On 29JAN2021, it was announced that armored vehicles assigned to 3rd Squadron of the 278th Armored Cavalry (Cav-all-ry, not cal-va-ry) Regiment, Pennsylvania Army National Guard, are being shifted to Texas Army National Guard, to support The Lone Star State’s military alliances with Chile, Czech Republic, and now Egypt: “The Texas Military Department is proud to play a key role in the overall U.S.-Egypt relationship. From the Texas National Guard’s continued participation in Exercise Bright Star – a decades-running, multilateral defense exercise, to Texas National Guard units supporting the MFO’s [Multinational Force Observers] mission in Sinai, Texas is a key player in the military partnership between our two countries. The formal establishment of our partnership through the State Partnership Program codifies and makes official a relationship between our militaries that has been in the making for decades.”-Major General Tracy R. Norris, Adjutant General of the State of Texas
There is a town in Texas named Egypt, but in August 2020 the U.S. state of Texas and the government of the country of Egypt formed a military alliance.
In 1993 (end of the Cold War), Texas joined Nebraska in a military partnership with then newley created Czech Republic at the behest of the U.S. Department of Defense’s State Partnership Program.

Photo by Staff Sergeant Herschel Talley.
During the January 2021 presidential inauguration SNAFU (Situation Normal, All Fucked Up) the Czech Republic’s embassy staff provided traditional Czech goulash and bread to five-hundred Texas and Nebraska National Guard personnel deployed to the failed ‘state’ of Washington DC.

Photo by Staff Sergeant Herschel Talley.
Then in 2008, the Texas Military Department (aka National Guard) formed an military alliance with Chile.

Photo by Charles E. Spirtos.
On 24AUG2020, Egypt officially became a new military partner at a signing ceremony at Camp Mabry, Texas (another signing ceremony took place in Cairo, Egypt, later in the year).

Photo by Staff Sergeant Eliverto Larios.
Earlier in the year, March 2020, Texas Army National Guard took over ‘peace-keeping’ ops from Guam Army National Guard in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula.
As part of the official alliance, Egyptian military and civil officials toured border operations along the Texas-Mexico border.
The border tour included a ride in an air-boat on the Rio Grande/Río Bravo del Norte.
In 2018, the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) began hosting border patrol training for Egyptian border guards at its academy in New Mexico: “The [Egyptian] delegation was surprised that we were willing to share so much information about our training program.”-Doyle E. Amidon Junior, CBP’s attaché to Egypt

Photo by Master Sergeant Mindy Bloem.
The official information about the new ‘long-term partnership’ says Texas and Egypt will conduct operations involving C-130 transport aircraft, F-16 fighter aircraft, cyber defense, logistics, special forces, homeland security response preparedness, military support to civilian authorities, and humanitarian and disaster assistance response.

Photo by Sergeant First Class Nicholas Salcido.
In March 2015, officials with the Egyptian Military Nursing Training Academy came to Fort Sam Houston, Texas, to seek advice from the U.S. Army Medical Department Center and School, as well as the Christian (Catholic) University of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio, in how to deal with the increasing medical problems of the Egyptian population.
The State Partnership Program boasts that 84 countries have signed alliances with various state National Guard organizations.
“We are going to have to stop being the policemen of the world.”-Donald Trump, August 2015 interview with Hugh Hewitt
My immigrant Idaho: Do you know that Singapore has an air base in Southern Idaho?