Here’s an incomplete list of links to news media reports/scientific studies on the latest pandemic related shenanigans, as of 05FEB2021:
ABC News: Major exodus among public health officials during pandemic
Aljazeera: South African government ‘loses’ $17-million in pandemic funding!
Becker’s Hospital Review: U.S. CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System data being used by people to justify not getting the shot!
Most U.S. states stop using the Biden admin’s CDC data for vaccinations!
Bloomberg: Pandemic to last seven years?
Business Insider: Member of the British Commonwealth of Nations, and a G7 country, Canada takes supply of vaccines meant for poor countries!
Crain’s Detroit Business: Biden’s CDC tells Michigan it’s okay to use spoiled vaccines!!!
Cruise Industry News: Member of the British Commonwealth of Nations, Canada uses pandemic as an excuse to cancel cruise ship tours to the U.S. state of Alaska
DWTV: Doctors report that pandemic lockdowns are actually causing the health of children to deteriorate! (Gee, I think President Trump warned about that!)
New combi-CoViD mutation discovered in United Kingdom!
China uses its vaccine to take-over Africa?
Education Week: Biden’s CDC director flip-flops, says teachers don’t need to be vaccinated!

Fort Knox, Kentucky, gets second round of CoViD vaccine.

Photo by Senior Airman Milton Hamilton.
For the first time, U.S. Armed Forces-Europe & Africa had to use the Negative Pressure ‘flying hospital’ to transport a pandemic patient, on 04FEB2021.
Grocery Drive: Will new U.S. CDC plans force you to get vaccinated before you can buy food?
KABC: Rebellion in California as lawmakers demand liberal-lockdown loving gov’na to allow theme parks to open!
KGNS: U.S. CDC’s flip-flop on teacher vaccinations conflicts with Texas vaccination guidelines
KIRO: Canada jeopardizes Seattle, Washington, cruise ship industry with travel ban
KPRC: Grocery store owner say pandemic is fake news
KTXS: Majority of nursing home staff refuse to get vaccinated!
NHK: Pandemic causes one thousand business bankruptcies in Japan!

Photo by Sergeant Lisa Vines.
North Carolina National Guard conducts drive-thru vaccinations at Macon County Public Health in Franklin.
Popular Science: U.S. CDC says it’s okay for teachers to skip vaccinations, but then bans Super Bowl parties!
South China Morning Post: Japan uses pandemic as excuse to ban singing at Olympic Games
UN WHO investigators find CoViD-19 data “not seen before” in China! (Is President Trump correct?)
USA Today: 29 U.S. state are already using their National Guard personnel to help with vaccinations, but now Biden is deploying 1-thousand plus active federal military personnel for vaccine distribution ops!
WGME: State of Maine expanding vaccine ops
WOFL: More nursing home staff in Florida refusing to get the shot!
Pandemic Shenanigans: U.S. Vaccine SUCKS, RUSSIAN Vaccine KICKS ASS!