09 March 2016 /18:42 UTC-07 Tango 01 (20 Esfand 1394/30 Jumada al-Ula 1437/02 Xin Mao [2nd month] 4714)
“Our child would never have taken his life if the school’s data management had not been sloppy and the school had not made the mistake.”-Parents of suicide school victim
If the earthquakes, tsunamis and nuclear melt downs don’t kill you then Japan’s Jisatsu Junior Highs will!
In Hiroshima Prefecture, a junior high school principal was no pal when he admitted he and his staff’s incompetence might have caused a 15 years old boy to kill himself in December!

Sakamoto Hiroshi, the junior high principal who is no pal of students
The boy thought he was moving on to high school when school administrators denied it on the grounds he was a criminal, and that he wasn’t smart enough for high school entrance exams. It turns out he was not a criminal, he was being confused for another student, but school A-hole officials didn’t realize it until after the wrongly accused boy committed Jisatsu!
But wait there’s more! Up until now school A-hole administrators kept the suicide a secret, telling fellow students and parents that the boy died of “heart failure”. The boy’s father finally went public with the scandal on 08 March 2016. Now school ‘officials’ say they lied about the suicide at the father’s request!
And what about that accusation of the boy being a criminal? Turns out it was totally word of mouth, spread from teacher to teacher until one of them officially entered it in the boy’s school computer records. An investigation after his death revealed the truth, found in the hard copy school records, whom ever entered the data into the computer mixed up the students.