10 February 2016 (00:44 UTC-07 Tango 01) / 21 Bahman 1394/01 Jumada al-Ula 1437/03 Geng Yin 4714
Despite getting a contract to build 2-hundred new BMP-3 vehicles for the Russian army, KurganMashZavod (KMZ) might be involuntarily declared bankrupt in its home oblast of Kurgan.
BMP is an acronym for Boyevaya Mashina Pekhoty (literally Infantry Combat Vehicle).

East German BMP-1 (1st generation KMZ infantry fighting vehicle)
It was KMZ, during the time of the Soviet Union, who developed the world’s first fully enclosed infantry carrying tanks, later emulated by U.S.-led NATO countries (who called them Armored Personnel Carriers [APC] or Infantry Fighting Vehicles [IFV]).

Iraqi 2nd generation KMZ designed BMP-2
A Russian machine tool company called MTE Group is demanding the Kurgan court declare KMZ bankrupt because it failed to fully payoff its debts to MTE. News reports say KMZ is also struggling with wage problems and debts to natural gas supplier Gazprom Mezhregiongaz.
About 30 countries around the world use the KMZ designed BMPs.