Islamic State-ISIS-ISIL-DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]), False Flag operatives created by United States, European Union, Israel and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Afghanistan: In Kabul, two Spanish embassy cops were killed after a Toyota truck bomb exploded near the Spanish embassy. Spanish administrators insist their embassy was not the target. Five Afghan cops and one civilian were also killed. Three attackers killed, one wounded. The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) concluded that 848 civilian casualties (289 deaths and 559 injured) resulted from intense battles in Kundoz Province from September to October, that includes the U.S. airstrike on the Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) hospital as well as other NATO operations. By the way, for more proof the U.S. attack on the hospital was deliberate, it was the only hospital in the entire province and did not discriminate as to who they treated!
Azerbaijan: Reports that the minority government has begun genocide against Shia Muslims in Nardaran District. Apparently the new genocide began on 26 November. 85% of the people in Azerbaijan claim the Shia Muslim religion.
Bosnia & Herzegovina: The government announced intentions of joining the European Union.
Burundi: Dozens killed, dozens wounded after major attacks against several military bases, including the French influenced L’Institut Supérieur des Cadres Militaires (ISCAM).
Cameroon: Eight people killed, 24 wounded by two United States, European Union, Israel and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia created Boko Haram kamikaze bombers.
Central African Republic: In another case of irony the United Nations has revealed that under its invasion and occupation at least 8-hundred civilians have been raped, tortured and murdered in the past eight months! However, the UN weenie heads blame it on people who refuse to give up their weapons and kowtow to the United Nations!
Ecuador: Has Ecuador stabbed Julian Assange in the back? Reports say they are working with Sweden, where he is wanted on rape charges. Assange has been lock up in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, United Kingdom.
France: Prime Minister Manuel Valls is wanting to use the 13 November Paris attacks as a False Flag for a French invasion of Iraq, Syria and Libya: “We are living with the terrorist threat. We have a common enemy, DAIISH, which we must defeat and destroy in Iraq and Syria and probably tomorrow in Libya.”
It should be noted that Valls also warned of civil war in France: “We have reached a historic moment where the bottom line for our country is a choice between two options. One is the extreme right, which basically stands for division, a division that can lead to civil war.”
Gambia: Declares itself an independent Islamic State.
Germany: Vice-chancellor Sigmar Gabriel openly stated he is pushing for a German invasion of Syria!
Iran: Iranian news sources say respected cleric Hojjatoleslam Kazem Seddiqi said the NATO Turkey invasion of Iraq was illogical and a threat to the entire region. Iran has submitted to the United Nations proposals for a new World Against Violence and Extremism resolution. Iran says it has captured the killers of three border guards (killed in 2014). The killers are members of smuggling gangs operating out of Pakistan.
Iraq: “All Iraqi people, with all their resources, never cease to defend their soil and are all united to repel this blatant violation!”-Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, referring to the NATO Turkey invasion of Iraq
“We call on the Security Council to demand that Turkey withdraw its forces immediately … and not to violate Iraqi sovereignty again!”-Mohamed Ali Alhakim, Iraqi Ambassador to United Nations
The U.S. controlled United Nations insulted the Iraqi government by saying the Iraqi court system is not “competent” to investigate war crimes!
Along the border with Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a man dressed as a soldier exploded a truck bomb at an Iraqi border checkpoint. Six border guards killed, 14 wounded.
Japan: The neo-imperialist government revealed it has RC sized drones designed to capture other RC drones in mid-flight. The creation of anti-drones came after somebody landed an RC sized drone on the prime minister’s mansion, contaminated with radiation. The neo-imperialist government announced they will spend a record $40.6-billion USD on their military in 2016.
Korea: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Republic of Korea (U.S. ally) began a second day of peace talks despite objections by the United States.
Lebanon: All you refugee-phobics in Europe and North America can eat shit ’cause tiny Lebanon is dealing with at least 1.2-million refugees, and nobody wants to help! Eat shit you all Euro-‘Merican refugee-phobics, your governments caused the problem, you eat shit!!!
Mexico: The government has approved the legal growing of marijuana by Mexican Society for Responsible and Tolerant Personal Use (SMART).
Morocco: The Interior Ministry reports nine U.S. backed Islamic State-DAIISH members arrested: “The suspects have revealed that they had received instructions from DAIISH to target sensitive sites in the kingdom with explosives.”
Myanmar (Burma): The government has revealed that ever since it became a puppet of the United States/United Kingdom child trafficking has skyrocketed! A record number of 226 traffickers have been arrested, and 1-hundred children rescued, so far this year!
Nigeria: The United States, European Union, Israel and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia created Boko Haram killed 14 people in the village of Kamuya. Six people wounded.
Pakistan: Yet another successful launch of the new nuclear ballistic missile named Shaheen-3 (Falcon-3). So far I have yet to see any pics or vids of it on the internet. What is posted as Shaheen-3 pics & vids are actually Shaheen-2 (it actually says so on the side of the missile). In Balochistan Province, an explosion at a military checkpoint killed one soldier and wounded four others.
Palestine: Israeli occupying forces shot and killed three people near Hebron. Two of the victims were killed for throwing rocks. The third victim was shot and killed after obeying orders to stop his car. At an Israeli checkpoint in north West Bank a Palestinian shot at Israeli occupying forces, but missed, he escaped before Israelis could shoot back.
Serbia: Gun dealer Zastava claim they have documentation showing that the AK-47 guns used in the 13 November Paris, France, attacks came from Century International Arms in Florida, U.S.A., the same company used by USMC Colonel Oliver North in the Iran-Contra scandal. Zastava say the guns were listed as semi-auto fire only. News reports in France say the guns were modified to full-auto.
Switzerland: In a country that is no longer neutral or secure, police arrested two Syrians for having “traces” of explosive residue in their car. Swiss administrators also revealed that it is the Obama regime that has been spreading rumors of massive terrorist attacks in Switzerland, Canada and even Obama’s homie-town of Chicago, Illinois.
Syria: “I order you to act as tough as possible. Any targets threatening the Russian grouping or our land infrastructure should be immediately destroyed.”-Russian President Vladimir Putin, issuing new orders to Russian personnel in Syria
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) confirms that somehow the U.S. created Islamic State-DAIISH can make perfect copies of Syrian passports. Perhaps ICE showed them how?
“Why did we only start hitting the oil tanker trucks after the Russians showed the evidence of them going into Turkey and started hitting them themselves? We could have been doing that months and months ago, but we didn’t do it. Why? Because we really didn’t want to hurt DAIISH that badly.”-Jim Jatras, former advisor to U.S. Senate Republican leadership
Two car bombs exploded outside a hospital in the al-Zahra neighborhood of Homs City, dozens killed and/or wounded.
The death toll in the U.S.-Israeli style attack on a hospital in Tal Tamer (Til Temir) is now 28, at least 122 wounded.
Turkey: Government forces continue their genocide against Kurds in the city of Diyarbakir. The city has been under attack since 02 December.
Ukraine/Novorossia: In Donetsk, NATO puppet Ukrainian forces bombarded the towns of Zhabichevo and Spartak. Three people have been killed, and 14 disappeared, since Ukraine broke the ceasefire on 04 December. Donetsk recon units identified at least 15 Ukrainian multiple launch rocket systems, two SP guns and 59 BMPs staging along the ceasefire line.
United States of America: In Florida the Palm Beach Post tried questioning the owners of Century International Arms regarding the 13 November Paris, France, attacks but found the facility locked up, and nobody was answering the phone. The USAF is demanding $3-billion USD to buy more UAV (unmanned aerial vehicles, aka Drones). The fucking Ass-Hole Texans on a grand jury refused to indicted two literally fat-ass cops for gunning down a San Antonio man who had his hands high in the air, despite a video that clearly shows the man with his hands high in the air!

Gilbert Flores immediately after the bullets impact his body, hands still high over his head!
You Ass-Holes!!! Police say they were justified because he was holding a knife. Over his head? Also in Ass-Hole Texas, it’s been revealed by Associated Press that during the 17 May biker gang fight in Waco that at least four of the dead bikers were actually killed by police snipers, not rival bikers! Texas ass-hole cops also lied about the number of guns they confiscated, originally they claimed 1-thousand, but Associated Press revealed it was 430 ‘weapons’ including knives and brass knuckles. Never trust the cops! In Alabama, a man attacked a Huntsville cop putting him in the hospital. The attacker was arrested. In Arkansas, the man who put Univeristy of Arkansas on lockdown was actually the one who called 911, and turned himself in. He accused the university of not paying him for work rendered. It was revealed that a number of U.S. police bosses have been in the British empire colony of Scotland to learn the British empire way of being a cop. The British empire is supposed to be the mortal enemy of the United States! Despite California being an officially anti-2nd Amendment state, gun sales have skyrocketed! I guess the people of The Golden State don’t trust their cops or government! One reason for the distrust is a British empire TheGuardian report which revealed that one of the alleged Inland Regional Center shooters was actually being “ignored” by “jihadi groups” because the “jihadi groups” suspected it was a U.S. government set up!!! In Mount Oliver, Pennsylvania, four people wounded after a drive by shooting, police have no suspects. In Old Louisville, Kentucky, a man killed after being shot multiple times, police have no suspects. In Las Cruces, New Mexico, a man arrested after shooting at two security guards who wouldn’t let him enter a bar. In Florida, a Broward County Sheriff’s deputy has been suspended without pay and charged with manslaughter after shooting a man to death. The victim was holding a pantywaste air rifle and had headphones on when the cop shot him. The cop said he shot him because the victim wasn’t responding to his commands.

United Arab Emirates F-16, please note Arizona National Guard tail code!
Yemen: Once again Yemen’s Ministry of Defense reports “Saudi” F-16 went down, exploding upon impact. This isn’t the first time an F-16 has been reported as going down over Yemen, there’s one problem, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) does not operate F-16s! Two possibilities; Yemen is mistakenly calling the aircraft an F-16, or somebody else is flying those F-16 against Yemen! Guess who does operate U.S. made F-16s, and is actively supporting the KSA invasion of yemen? United Arab Emirates (see pic of UAE F-16 with Arizona National Guard tail code). Yemen’s Defense Ministry also reports they launched an anti-ship missile at what they believed to be a ship carrying supplies for invaders, the ship was sunk. There are reports that a former GITMO prisoner is now leading KSA backed al Qaeda forces against the Yemeni people. In Baidha and Sana’a provinces 15 U.S. Academi (Xe, Blackwater) mercenaries were captured. In Jawf Province, witnesses say KSA bombed their own Academi (Xe, Blackwater) mercenaries! There are increasing reports that KSA is bombing their own mercenaries, Yemen Ministry of Defense believes this is because of the recent discovery of the U.S. Academi (Xe, Blackwater) operations. In Hajjah Province, KSA conducted three airstrikes, no reports of casualties. Yemen began ground assaults against the Saudi Jizan (Jazan) Region, destroying armored personnel carriers.
World War 3, 10 December 2015: Mass cell phone purchases sign of attack? Idaho POW accuses U.S. of “leadership failure”! Canada investigates 1980s-2013 genocide of Native American women!