03 October 2015 (19:21 UTC-07 Tango 01, 02 October 2015)/11 Mehr 1394/19 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/21 Bing-Xu 4713
“When I went out, there was two bodies on the floor and there were cops everywhere all around the area and they told me to go inside the shop straight away.”-Sammy Shak, sheelple shopkeeper

The supposed scene of the shooting in total gun ban Parramatta, Australia.
Aussie cops are now calling it terrorism after a 15 years old Kurdish boy shot and killed a civil servant employee of New South Wales. Police said that because the boy’s action was politically motivated that makes it an act of terrorism. Under that rationalisation that would mean simply stating an opinion that’s counter to political powers in charge could be considered an act of terrorism.
Cops say they shot and killed the boy immediately after the assassination. Cops also claim the shooter had “clean skin” meaning he was never considered a threat because he had no record, yet they seem to be sure of his motives and that he was influenced by Iran.
False Flag Blow Back: 17 hour standoff in total gun ban Australia

This what happened after Australia totally banned guns.
Australia creates G20 Martial Laws, bans not just guns but model airplanes and tanks!
Australia now “enhanced” partner of NATO! All you happy taxpayers are the real targets!
U.S., Australia & Japan invade Vietnam, again!
measles vaccination program used as weapon of war against immigrants in Australia?
Australia officially treating political refugees as invading criminals!
Massive U.S.-Australian war games, aimed at China?
Medical Martial Law: U.S. doctor to sterilize hundreds of Australian men, live on TV!
Obama increasing military personnel in Australia!
Christian & Government Evil: Queen of England’s empire rife with child abuse at the hands of church & government officials, Australia admits guilt, hidden investigations reveal tip of iceberg!