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Syria, 18 September 2015: Insurgent supply lines hit inside Israel! Refugees flooding Europe proven to be False Flag!

“We should be optimistic, because the Russian side realizes what is plotted against Syria and realizes the dangers of the spread of DAESH, Jabhat al-Nusra and al-Qaeda-linked terrorist organizations…That’s why the Russian decision in this regard is clear, and we in Syria welcome this Russian stance.”-Walid al-Moallem, Syria’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign & Expatriates Minister

Russia’s ambassador to Lebanon says President Putin will present a three stage plan to end the war in Syria on 28 September.

In Moscow, Russia, government officials said that if Syria asks for increased military help it will be considered.

United States claims Russia has sent four military aircraft to Syria.  No mention by Syrian or Russian news sources, but if you realize that Syria has been buying military weapons from Russia, and the Soviet Union since the 1960s, then it’s a case of No Shit Sherlock (dumb ‘merican military leaders)!  The warmongering Wall Street Journal called the normal arrival of four aircraft as “a major military escalation”.  (did the weenie heads at WSJ think the ‘liberation of Iraq’ was armageddon? Oh that’s right, Shock & Awe)

The People’s Republic of China’s ambassador to Syria expressed support for Syria as it concerns China’s new economic policy known as One Belt One Road Initiative.

The European Union has determined that four out of five refugees are not Syrian!  They are Afghans, Albanians (no war in their country), Ethiopians, Iraqis, Nigerians and Pakistanis.  The majority are economic migrants not war refugees.

Aleppo Province: The Syrian Arab Army and Air Force continue to engage in heavy fighting with U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH (Islamic State) and Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front) insurgents, including near the Syrian Arab Army Air Force Academy.

Damascus area:  Syrian Arab Army and Lebanese Resistance Regiments continued battling U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH (Islamic State) and Jaish al-Islam insurgents, including a battle near the sports stadium in Douma City.  Reports that two tunnels used by insurgents blew up.  The Syrian Arab Army has been boobytrapping any tunnels they find.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports at least two Syrian Arab Army personnel killed and three insurgents killed.   Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says they counted at least 15 thermobaric ‘barrel’ bombs dropped on the city of Darayya.

Daraa Province:  The Syrian Arab Army and Air Force continued their assaults against insurgents and the areas they control.  Unconfirmed reports of 21 people killed.

Deir Ezzor Province:  DAESH (Islamic State) attacked a military air base.  Syrian Arab Army and Air Force say they repelled the attack.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says a man was beheaded by DAESH (Islamic State) for being a witch!

Hama Province: Syrian Arab Army and Air Force engaged U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Jaish Al-Fateh.

Homs Province:  In the southwest part of the province Syrian Arab Army and Air Force stopped an offensive by Jabhat al-Nusra.  In the northern part of the province battles took place with DAESH (Islamic State), including 25 airstrikes near Tadmur (Palmyra).

Idleb Province:  Syrian Arab Army Air Force continued airstrikes against Jaish Al-Fateh and Jabhat al-Nusra, including the destruction of Nusra Front’s Sharia Court.  A Nusra Front gun-truck was destroyed with a Russian guided missile. Nusra Front hit two villages with four car bombs and rocket artillery strikes.  The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says as many as 250 rockets were fired into the villages of al-Foua and Kefraya.  No reports concerning casualties.

Lattakia Province: Syrian Arab Army Air Force launched numerous airstrikes against insurgent positions.

Quneitra Province: Syrian Arab Army targeted supply lines (lines of communications) for Jabhat al-Nusra, inside Israel!  The border village of Bureiqa is considered the main crossing point of supplies from Israel.

Raqqa Province: Unconfirmed reports that DAESH (Islamic State) destroyed a YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units of Rojava)  vehicle.

Sweida Province: Syrian Arab Army engaged in several battles with DAESH (Islamic State), including the destruction of a DAESH convoy.

U.S. lies….NATO insurgents destroyed! Insurgent supplies coming from U.S. controlled Jordan!