Tag Archives: wall street

False Flag or Incompetence? U.S. controlled Egypt kills 12 Mexican tourists!

14 September 2015 (20:26 UTC-07 Tango 01, 13 September 2015)/23 Shahrivar 1394/30 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/02 Yi-You (8th month) 4713

“A joint police and army force were chasing terrorist elements in the western desert area of Al-Wahat and they wrongfully dealt with four 4-wheel drives belonging to Mexican tourists who were present in a restricted area. The incident resulted in the death of 12 people and the injury of 10 Mexicans and Egyptians….”-Egyptian Ministry of Interior

The U.S. installed military junta in Egypt admitted they accidently killed 12 tourists from Mexico and Egypt, thinking they were Islamic State insurgents!  10 tourists were wounded.

Tour vehicles filled with Mexicans and Egyptians were ambushed by the junta’s police and army personnel.   However, evil junta administrators claim the tour bus convoy just happened to be driving through the same place where a battle was already taking place.

The Obama regime backed junta came to power in 2013 by ousting the democratically elected Mohamed Mursi.


Syria, 13 September 2015: Reservists to be paid vacation time! U.S. backed terrorists targeting Women’s Prison? Islamic State insurgents blow themselves up, by accident!

President Bashar al-Assad issued an executive order saying all government employees who’re also members of the Reserve Syrian Arab Army, and are called to active duty will receive vacation pay while on active duty and will continue receiving all benefits received as civilian government employees.  Once active duty ends the state employees have 15 days to decide if they want to return to civilian government service.

Daraa Province:  Syrian Arab Army unit targeted U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Jabhat al-Nusra in Daraa al-Balad neighborhood.   Three vehicles with all weapons and ammunition inside them destroyed, killing and wounding a number of insurgents.

Sweida Province: Syrian Arab Army units bombarded DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]) aka Islamic State in the village of Sa’ad and Wadi al-Gharib in the Eastern part of al-Badia.

Damascus area: The government claims that Syrian Arab Army and Lebanese Resistance Regiments are now in control of more city blocks of al-Zabadani, including full control of al-Jisr Mosque and a number of the surrounding blocks.

In Damascus City, police report at least one civilian killed, and dozens wounded, after insurgents fired mortar rounds into several neighborhoods.

Syrian Arab Army unit attacked U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Jaish al-Islam in the western farms of Douma City, as well as near the Municipality Building.  At least 20 people killed.   Reports that insurgents are fighting amongst themselves.

The government of Syria denies that U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli insurgents now control the Women’s Prison in Adra.  The day before insurgents launched an attack killing three civilians and wounding 15.

Homs Province: Syrian Arab Army & Air Force units, and local militias, attacked U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents near Palmyra.  It was in retaliation for insurgent attacks on the villages of Unq al-Hawa, Rahhoum and Um Sahrij, and Maksar al-Husan.

Lattakia Province: Syrian Arab Army & Air Force units, and local militias, attacked insurgents in al-Zoik, al-Shmisia, Katf al-Roman and al-Maroniat villages.  Two heavy machine guns and one mortar destroyed, at least 19 people killed.

Jabahat al- Nusra targeted in the Jub al-Ghar axis in al-Nabi Younis area. Syrian Arab Army claims two vehicles destroyed and “dozens” of people killed.

Aleppo Province: Reports of battles with U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAIISH (Islamic State) in the northern part of the province.

In the southeastern part of the province, search and destroy missions against insurgents near al-Sfera town, Hwaijina and al-Jabboul village resulted in the destruction of ammo, a large number of vehicles, one armored vehicle and a heavy machinegun.  “Scores of terrorists were killed…”.

In al-Amiryia village a ‘technical’ Toyota gun truck was destroyed, all the insurgents onboard killed.

U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAIISH (Islamic State) attacked the Syrian Arab Army Air Force Academy, and Jib al-Safa village.  Syrian Arab Army reports repelling the attacks “killing scores of terrorists and destroying their vehicles”.

In the villages of Blas al-Zirbieh, al-Wadihi, al-Subaihyia, and Khan al-Asal battles with Jabhat al-Nusra insurgents reported.

Syrian Arab Army Air Force destroyed a convoy of insurgent vehicles, including two armored vehicles, in the areas of Ein al-Thabbet and al-Salihin.

Civil defense sources report dozens of DAIISH insurgents killed, and others wounded, by their own car bomb.  Manbij City administrators say the dumb U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAIISH (Islamic State) insurgents were in the process of loading the explosives into the car went it blew up!

Hasaka Province: Local militias took on and destroyed two groups of U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAIISH, near  al-Mjeibra village.  The villagers were pissed-off because DAIISH tried to cut them off by blocking the roads.  Seven speed freak genocidal maniac DAIISH insurgents killed and one vehicle destroyed.

Idleb Province: Syrian Arab Army Air Force reports airstrikes against five insurgent locations.

Hama Province:  Syrian Arab Army Air Force launched several airstrikes against Jabhat al-Nusra (al-Nusra Front).  Governor Ghassan Khalaf reports that 15 tonnes of food aid from Russia has arrived.

Islamic State recruiter turns out to be a Jew!

Syrian banks making bank off U.S. led civil war!

Sumerian Lament: Migrant-refugee flood will permanently change World! History shows immigrants are greatest self-inflicted threat to Empires! 

U.S. supplies Islamic State with new Hummer car bombs? Japan has video evidence! 

New Red Scare as paranoid Obama sees Chinese communist under his hotel bed!

13 September 2015 (12:26 UTC-07 Tango 01)/22 Shahrivar 1394/29 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/01 Yi-You (8th month) 4713

Barack Obama has canceled his traditional stay at New York’s Waldorf Astoria hotel, supposedly because it is now owned by China!

The hotel has been the residence for the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations since 1947 but that’s gonna change: “The decision about the location of the U.S. Ambassador’s residence must necessarily take into account numerous factors, including costs, the needs of the United States government and the U.S. Mission to the UN, as well as any possible security concerns.”-Mark Toner, U.S. Department of State

Red Scare

“I am…losing my dream…” “They’re leaving me out to dry!” Greedy property developers killing United States! Airline maintainer dies, right after president! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 11 – 12 September 2015

Incomplete list of publicly announced layoffs & shutdowns:

California: Tax-sucker Boeing issued yet more mass layoff WARNs, this time 288 people to be unemployed by the end of October! In Santa Rosa, Mesa Beverage eliminating 137 jobs by the end of October! In Los Angeles, due to losing big food service contracts Patina Restaurant Group eliminating 317 jobs by the end of October!  Tech company Intuit issued mass layoff WARNs saying 110 Californians losing their jobs by the end of October!   Hotel operator Sheraton laying off 734 people in Palm Desert and Dana Point, supposedly temporarily!  In San Francisco, the Kor Hotel shutting down by November, 107 jobs lost!  The San Jose Airport Garden Hotel shutting down by November, 123 jobs lost!  Also in San Jose, beer distributor M.E. Fox & Company eliminating 127 jobs by November!  What housing construction industry recovery? In La Mirada, countertop and door maker VT West laid off 68 people.  Now bankrupt Huntington Beach based (but co-owned by British empire’s Australia) surf clothier Quicksilver shutting down 27 brick-n-mortar stores.  In Costa Mesa, after 27 years the Cat Clinic of Orange County shutdown.  The owner is pissed, she says she never made a profit, in fact she’s been losing money and it’s killed her dream: “I am just sick about losing my dream, my cats, my clients.”-Kelly Wright, veterinarian

Connecticut:  It was revealed that GreatWave Communications laid off about six employees, administrators call it “cyclical”.  In Westport, Villarina Pasta shutting down by the end of the week: “The rent has gone way, way up! Westport is not a good town for small businesses. The rent now is four times more than our limit……we should have moved five or six years ago.”-Lynn Sclafani, co-owner

Florida: Switzerland owned Melbourne based MidAir USA airline maintainer is now chapter 7 bankrupt busted, following the death of its president in April.  At the beginning of the month MidAir warned of its demise due to crashing airliner maintenance contracts. It owes one New York airport more than half a million dollars in rent and fees.  In Saint Petersburg,  Georgie’s Alibi shutdown.  Local news reports didn’t explain why but said the owners were major donors to local charities and were politically active.

Illinois: A Bellevue Quiznos sandwich shop shutdown after 20 years.  The franchise owner blames to evil corporate weenie heads: “They’re leaving me out to dry! They don’t want to help. I thought if I stuck around I would reap the rewards of it all. Everything would come my way, but my sales went down.”-Mike Barron

Louisiana: Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) forcing Baton Rouge General hospital to eliminate 60 jobs and shutdown its Mid City emergency room!

Maine: After 53 years Ballard Meats & Seafood shutdown blaming skyrocketing costs of operation, especially the electricity bill which has been hitting as much as $2-thousand USD per month!  Affordable Care Act forced Southern Maine Health Care to layoff 13 people and halt their overnight care in Sanford.

Massachusetts: Affordable Care Act forced Worcester based Reliant Medical Group to eliminate 78 jobs.

Michigan: Is Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) responsible for Powerlink janitorial contractor losing their contract with Henry Ford Health System?  190 jobs lost in time for Xmas!  What automotive industry recovery?   Leon Automotive Interiors has been sold off and will shutdown its Wyoming factory, 125 jobs lost (75 jobs eliminated last year)!  The new owners blame lack of new contracts, and it was revealed they’re moving employment to Mexico.

New York: In Skaneateles Falls, medical device maker Welch Allyn taken over by Hill-Rom, at least 80 jobs will now be eliminated.  

Ohio: The Piketon American Centrifuge Plant uranium enrichment factory has been ordered to stop by the Obama regime.  Tax-sucking contractor Centrus Energy now warning employees of mass layoffs.  Reports say 145 people have been laid off!

Pennsylvania: The Please Touch Museum now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.  The issuing of bonds has resulted in the museum being $60-million USD in debt.  Those bonds aren’t free.  In Moosic, the Mickey D’s (McDonald’s) shutting down after 40 years serving billions of burgers with questionable meat.  The franchise owners would not explain why they’re calling it quits.

Texas:  Tarrant County permanently shutdown six passport offices claiming the U.S. Department of State is waging “an element of retaliation” over a rules dispute.

10 September 2015: “We just cannot continue on this road.”

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.” 

False Flag or Incompetence? 3rd time in 4 months massive loss of industrial bees in Idaho!

12 September 2015 (14:54 UTC-07 Tango 01)/21 Shahrivar 1394/28 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/30 Yi-You 4713

For the third time in four months, millions of bees used by farmers were lost when a tractor-trailer rig flipped while driving through Idaho.  (the first two times happened in June)

A pollen encrusted bee on a sunflower in Chubbuck, Idaho.

A pollen encrusted bee on a sunflower in Chubbuck, Idaho.

This time it happened near where I live,  on Interstate 15.  The bees swarmed and caused drivers in other vehicles to crash.  A motorcyclist was stung on the head, causing him to crash.  Then a tanker truck hauling sulfuric acid crashed into a car.

I find it interesting that as bees are so important to agriculture that three major accidents involving trucks hauling bees through Idaho happened in a four months period (one in Coeur d’Alene, northern Idaho. One near Arco, eastern Idaho, and now this latest one in Pocatello also in eastern Idaho).

The owner of the bees says most will die due to their hives being destroyed.

Mother Nature killing off Bees, Chickens & Turkeys! 

U.S. West Nile virus: No more bees? 

West Nile update: Bees dying by the thousands! 

Corn syrup + GMO corn crops + Pesticides = Honey Bee Colony Collapse! 

Honey Bees dying in China, lack of water

False Flag Exposed: Islamic State recruiter turns out to be a Jew!

12 September 2015 (19:26 UTC-07 Tango 01, 11 September 2015)/21 Shahrivar 1394/28 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/30 Yi-You 4713

The U.S. FBI and Australian police thought they were about to bust a DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]) aka Islamic State recruiter, but the man they arrested turned out to be a U.S.-Israeli Jew!

The Jew, who has citizenship in both Israel and United States, was actively trolling to send idiots to their deaths in the name of Islam, he was going to have idiots blow themselves up in the United States and Australia!

Australian news sources said the Jew was teaching people how to make pressure cooker bombs and lacing the shrapnel with rat poison!

The news, so far, has been reported only in the Australian and Israeli news media.

FBI says ‘Australian IS jihadist’ is actually a Jewish American troll named Joshua Ryne Goldberg

9-11 Anniversary: Foiled Memorial Ceremony Terrorist Plot By ‘Jewish’ Jihadist

American Jewish ‘online troll’ arrested in alleged Kansas City 9/11 memorial bomb plot

Catholics, Mormons & Jews conspiring or is it just about the money? 

Exceptional Failed State: Jews control United States banking system! 

Proof elitist British-Jewish empire investors are destroying your country!

more proof God is evil: Jews angry as Scotland raises Palestinian flag! 

Begin the God is Evil reports here: God is evil: United States & most of Christian ‘West’ fail to come through on funding the fight against Ebola! 

France to disband Jewish Defense League!

U.S. NSA admits it is controlled by Israel

False Flag: U.S. officials back up Israeli claims about who the Bulgarian bomber was, yet  Bulgarians say the bomber was a Man from Michigan! 

Fukushima – WIPP – Radiation Fallout: Daiichi floods Pacific after typhoon! ‘Black’ copters return to California! U.S. will increase radiation contamination limits!

11 September 2015 (20:02 UTC-07 Tango 01, 10 September 2015)/20 Shahrivar 1394/27 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/29 Yi-You 4713

United States: “The change is being pushed by a group of pro-nuclear fanatics — there is really no other way to describe them. If implemented, the hormesis model would result in needless death and misery.”-Michael Mariotte,  Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS)

Washington DCU.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission wants to eliminate the Linear No-Threshold (LNT) basis of radiation protection.  In other words they want to greatly increase the amount of radiation exposure per person before the government would consider it officially as ‘contamination’!

Kansas: Speaking of exposure, local news reports say about a dozen University of Tulsa’s North Campus researchers were bused to Burlington to be tested for radiation exposure, caused by a cesium 137 spill that occurred last year!

California: Once again, helicopters were seen flying low over the San Francisco bay area, and yes it was confirmed they were checking the air for radiation levels. 

UC San Francisco: Genetic Makeup May Make Radiation Riskier for Pediatric Cancer Patients

Idaho: The federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission investigating a company called International Isotopes after an employee was sent to an Idaho Falls hospital for being exposed to more than a years worth of radiation.  Reports say contaminated items fell out of their protective container and the employee picked up the items thus contaminating himself.

The city of Hailey unanimously adopted a resolution opposing anymore nuke waste shipments to Idaho.  Gov’na Butch Otter, with the support of Senators, is waving an agreement between the state and federal Department of Energy banning nuclear waste shipments to The Gem State, in the name of making money (about $20-million USD) for the economically strapped state: “I think Senator Risch’s opinion was, and appears to be, that the economics of the INL [Idaho National Laboratory] are more important than the removal of dangerous nuclear waste that could contaminate the East Snake Aquifer.”-Fritz Haemmerle, mayor

Missouri: “Radiation from the West Lake Landfill in Bridgeton has spread to neighboring properties. That’s according to reports released on Thursday by Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster.”

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (evil DARPA) unveiled a new crowd sourcing radiation detector.  

Texas: Researchers with Chrysalis BioTherapeutics claim their new drug Chrysalis can stop radiation poisoning: “Because radiation-induced damage to the intestines plays such a key role in how well a person recovers from radiation exposure, it’s crucial to develop novel medications capable of preventing GI damage.”-Darrell Carney, University of Texas Medical Branch and ceo of Chrysalis BioTherapeutics

New Mexico:  NASA has, in a round-a-bout way admitted that they really don’t know how much radiation you’re exposed to when you fly on an airliner.  At Fort Sumner, NASA launch a high altitude balloon to test just how much radiation you’re exposed to when flying around the world. 

The shenanigans at WIPP (Waste Isolation Pilot Project) continue.  There was debate on whether three tonnes (metric tons) of weapons grade plutonium should be stored at the disaster site, until it was revealed that “The reality is that about 3 metric tons of down-blended weapons grade plutonium has already been disposed of at WIPP. As Bill Richardson knows, because it was completed while he was Secretary of Energy.”, according to Carlsbad Mayor Dale Janway.

DOE names field office manager at WIPP

More DOE bungling at WIPP

Radiation presentation at WIPP town hall

Critics blame mismanagement for WIPP delay

New York: I’ve got relatives who went through radiation treatment for their cancers, only to have the tumors get bigger, which backs up my argument that treating cancer with radiation is like treating a gunshot wound by pumping a few more bullets into it.  Now there’s yet another study that backs me up.  “…radiotherapy may actually be making it easier for some skin cancer tumors to return and prosper. This may happen, they found, because the applied radiation causes a suppression of the immune system in the area being targeted.”

Japan: In Fukushima Prefecture two tropical storms caused record level rain, flooding hundreds of tons of radiation from Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster reactors into the Pacific Ocean, according to Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCo).

The flooding also damaged thousands of homes and apartments across eastern Japan, which comes at a time when a new study admits that the people forced to flee their homes after the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi explosions were not given adequate temporary housing, and that there still isn’t enough temp housing (four years on) for the people who cannot return to their homes due to radiation levels.

Radioactive forest bursts into flames

Siberian fires prove North America blanketed with Japanese radiation!

“We just cannot continue on this road.” California city admits goal of destroying 2nd Amendment Rights! Idaho ignores its own beer/wine sales laws! Pocatello leaders lie about jobs! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 10 September 2015

Incomplete list of publicly announced layoffs & shutdowns:

Alabama: Richland Golf Course shutdown: “It is with heavy and broken hearts that we announce we have put Richland Golf Center up for sale.  The past fourteen years at Richland have been a true blessing…..The past few years have been rough.  Our rent has more than tripled over the last several years and it has killed us.  We just cannot continue on this road……We have met with banks, private investors, City officials, and more trying to work something out.  Our prayer is to sell the facility.”

California: In San Luis Obispo, after 30 years the owners of Costume Capers say they must shutdown after Halloween due to competition from internet and the seasonal Halloween costume shops.  Cupertino based (but incorporated in Ireland as a tax dodge) hard-disk maker Seagate announced it’s killing off 1-thousand and 50 jobs in time for Xmas!  It’s blamed on crashing computer sales.  In San Francisco, the owner of the last gun store in the city, High Bridge Arms, says the city is about to pass an unconstitutional law that will shutdown his business.  City administrators boasted that they were openly attacking the 2nd Amendment: “What we are doing is essentially closing what amounts to a loophole between federal and state law and making sure that San Francisco continues to stay at the forefront of gun control legislation in our country.”-Mark Farrell

Florida: Avon Park Fire Department laid off 11 firefighters due to local taxpayers demanding an end to the Fire Assessment Fee.

Georgia: Atlanta based NBC owned Weather Channel laying off an undisclosed number of employees due to a radical change in programming.

Idaho: The Idaho Statesman revealed that Idaho police have not been enforcing state laws regarding the sale of beer and wine.  One rule says all brands of beer/wine must be available to all retailers who want to sell it, no “private label” sales.

In Bannock County the Mormon dominated Bannock Development Corporation outright lied about jobs saying “The demand is here but the workforce isn’t.”  Bullshit!  I’ve been unemployed since April (when I got laid off after the USPS shutdown their postal processing center in Pocatello on Flandro Drive).  I got no severance and the Idaho Department of Labor gave me no unemployment assistance.  I’ve got 13 years military experience, decades in retail/warehousing/delivery and six years in television, yet in the past few months I got three rejection notices for entry level jobs say I “didn’t have the qualifications they were looking for”!  Where are these jobs Bannock Development Corporation?  I’ve been told my problem is my age, I’m over 45 years old which seems to be the unwritten cutoff for hiring workers.  Most of the young adults in the area flee due to the lack of good paying jobs, so is what the Bannock Development Corporation really saying is that ‘the demand is here but the YOUNG MORMON workforce isn’t.’?

Illinois: In Washington, Tractor Supply Company shutting down its Washington Road location in October, due to “many business factors”.  The Lone Star Steakhouse & Saloon shutdown after 18 years on Route 50, at least 50 jobs lost.  It’s blamed on the property owner who wants to redevelop the land.  The Top of the Hill Bait Shop in Murphysboro shutdown.

Iowa: In Shell Rock, farm equipment maker Unverferth Manufacturing joins the downsizing club: “As commodity prices have plummeted over the last year and investment tax credits have subsided, so has the demand for farm equipment. As such, we have had to make the hard choice of laying off workers to better meet current demand. Being family owned, we keep any specific numbers private.”

Louisiana: Too Big to Jail Capital One announced major changes for its Pelican State operations that will result in shutdowns and hundreds of layoffs: “We are transforming the bank with a focus on efficiency and simplifying our organization. We notified assistant branch managers in Louisiana that their roles are being eliminated.”

Maryland:  Bethesda based tax-sucker Lockheed Martin announced they will eliminate 5-hundred IT jobs! It’s connected to their $9-billion USD takeover of Sikorsky Aircraft.  Lockheed Martin has already eliminated hundreds of jobs this year.

Michigan: After 35 years The Lark restaurant shutting down by Xmas in West Bloomfield Township.  The owners said it’s getting harder to run a business and the returns continue to fall.

New Jersey: In Toms River, Harris’ clothing store shutdown after 87 years (surviving the Great deflationary Depression and numerous recessions).   After 100 years (surviving the Great deflationary Depression and numerous recessions) Metzler’s Sporting Goods shutdown: “We made it to 100 years and that was very important to me. I’m going to be 65, it makes sense. Now is a good time for me to pack it in while everything is still OK and to go out on my terms.”-Billy Meltzer

New York: In Orchard Park, after 80 years (surviving the Great deflationary Depression and numerous recessions) Eckl’s Restaurant shutting down by the end of the month.  It’s up for sale.

North Carolina: Duke Energy shutting down their Allen Steam Station coal fired electricity factory by 2024, due to a federal lawsuit.

Oklahoma: In Tulsa, Lil’ Reasor’s convenience store on 15th Street and Lewis Avenue shutdown.

Pennsylvania: Too Big to Jail BB&T (Branch Banking & Trust) laid off 89 people at its new Lititz location.  It’s part of BB&T’s $2.5-billion takeover of Susquehanna Bancshares.  More layoffs could happen once more redundancies are identified.

South Dakota: Wyndham Hotel Group shutting down their Aberdeen call center, 250 jobs lost by January 2016!

Texas: In Austin, after 34 years Cozzoli’s Pizza shutdown.

Washington: The state Charter School Commission forced to shutdown after the state Supreme Court ruled charter schools “unconstitutional”!

Wyoming: In Pavillion, Miss Ginny’s Roost Steak House shutting down: “Yes, Saturday lunch will be our last day of operation. There is no one to blame but myself: I made very bad business decisions, based on bad information. I take full responsibility for the demise of my once proud Roost.”

09 September 2015: It’s official, Albertsons killed Haggen!

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.” 

U.S. ally Japan drinks up Iranian oil despite sanctions!

10 September 2015 (02:16 UTC-07 Tango 01)/19 Shahrivar 1394/26 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/28 Yi-You 4713

Iran’s Petroleum Ministry reports that Japan will increase oil shipments to 350-thousand barrels per day.  This is the result of meetings with a delegation of representatives of 21 Japanese companies currently in Iran to discuss oil shipments.

It was also revealed that Japan has been importing Iranian oil despite U.S. led sanctions (Japan was officially excused from those sanctions by Barack Obama).  In July they imported 158-thousand barrels per day from Iran,  a 22% increase from July 2014.

Drought forces Iran to beggar for food!


AGOSTO-12: Mexico’s oil industry turns to China for help!

Syrian banks making bank off U.S. led civil war!

10 September 2015 (01:44 UTC-07 Tango 01)/19 Shahrivar 1394/26 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/28 Yi-You 4713

The Central Bank of Syria reports that 20 private, public and ‘Islamic’ banks are reporting increased profits despite the U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli instigated civil war.

Combined six privately held  banks reported a 80.3% increase in profits compared to the same time last year, a 15% increase in asset holdings and a 22.5% increase in deposits!  The number of shareholders of privately held banks has increased to 34,621, more than half being Syrian companies.

The Commercial Bank of Syria reports they’ve been able to update to the latest technologies, but did admit to a slight drop in profits.

Syria International Islamic Bank reports liquidity is outpacing government goals: “The banks still have a suitable liquidity that is bigger than the minimum requirements set by Basel Committee and the Central Bank of Syria.”-Abdel Qader Dweik, executive director

The public Savings Bank reports 22,713 accounts with 651 deposits.

The People’s Credit Bank reports a liquidity increase of 33%!  Bank administrators say they will use that liquidity to provide loans to low income customers.

Syria snubs ObamaCare!