Tag Archives: wall street

Syria, 20 September 2015: Rebels beg Israel to invade! 500 insurgents surrender! Yet again, weenie head Islamic State blows itself up by accident!

“The decade of Islamophobic U.S. policy is bearing fruit! Germany is partly to blame for the Middle East wars. To change it must abandon its policy of placating the occupying state of Israel!”-Albrecht Schröter, ballsy mayor of Jenas, Deutschland

‘Western’ news sources have reported that a ceasefire has been agreed upon, even Iranian news sources are repeating the claim, however there is no mention of any ceasefire on the official Syrian news website.

“75 new fighters trained in a camp near the Turkish capital entered Aleppo province between Friday night and Saturday morning.”-Rami Abdel Rahman, Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

There are reports that 75 U.S. Army trained insurgents have crossed into Syria from NATO member Turkey.  U.S. sources claim the insurgents are supposed to fight DAESH (Islamic State), however for the past few days the Syrian Arab Army has reported being attacked by insurgents from Turkey (as I’ve posted).  Note in the above quote the claim that the U.S. trained insurgents entering into Syria on Friday and Saturday coincides with the attacks on the Syrian Arab Army, not DAESH!

According to Sightline Media Group’s DefenseNews, Syrian ‘rebels’ are begging Israel to go to war with Syria: “In a new overture toward Israel, Syrian activist and director of the Damascus Institute for Research and Studies, Kamal Al-Labwani, has called for Israel to enforce a no-fly zone in southern Syria….”

A Russian news source says a Russian military unit has refused to serve in Syria.

Aleppo Governorate: Aleppo City police report insurgent artillery rocket and mortar attacks killed 15 civilians and wounded 33.    Are these the insurgent sent in by the United States through Turkey?

Damascus (Rif Dimashq) area:  Syrian Arab Army liberates al-Kassarat area in Haratsa. Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says they counted 30 thermobaric barrel bombs dropped by Syrian Arab Army Air Force.  In the town of Jeroud an insurgent bomb exploded killing one person.  In Dahya al-Assad reports that a Syrian Arab Army armored vehicle was destroyed, killing the crew.  5-hundred insurgents surrendered to the Syrian Arab Army: “Damascus Countryside is making intensive efforts to promote reconciliation, rebuilding and rehabilitation of areas over which the Syrian Army establishes control in cooperation with other parties in the province.”-Hussein Makhlouf, governor

Daraa Governorate:  The Syrian Arab Army says they cut Israeli supply lines for Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front), also hitting Nusra Front targets in Zimrin and Simlin villages.

Deir Ezzor Governorate:  Battle between Syrian Arab Army and U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH (Islamic State) in al-Hweiqa.

Hama Governorate: Battles continue between Syrian Arab Army and U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents.  Syrian Arab Army engineers disarmed four homemade bombs near the village of Khneifis.

Hasakah Governorate:  Reports that in DAESH controlled al-Silaliyeh village one of their own bombs exploded, killing dozens of U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH weenie heads.

Homs Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army battles with DAESH north of Shaer Mountain to the north west of Tadmur (Palmyra).  In Homs City police report insurgents planted a bomb in a Hyundai looking taxi, and when the taxi driver got in it blew up, killing the driver.

Idleb Governorate:   Syrian Arab Army Air Force reports numerous airstrikes across the governorate against U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents, including those from Uzbekistan (Osbkih) and Chechnya.

Lattakia Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army Air Force reports airstrikes against insurgents in the northern part of the governorate.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says that despite several battles nobody reported any casualties.   The Gathering of Expatriates for Syria in France donated an ambulance, medical equipment and clothing to a clinic in Qirdaha City.

Quneitra Governorate: The Syrian Arab Army targeted Nusra Front insurgents on the strategic Mas’hara hill.

Arab League turns out to be Israeli League in disguise!

Conflicting reports in Syria show murkier side of US train and equip program

“The U.S. Central Command has strictly denied that U.S. troops are working on the ground with Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) forces in Syria, clarifying a recent statement from General Lloyd Austin, the head of Centcom.” 

50 Spies Say ISIS Intelligence Was Cooked

Idaho preppers drive up sales! “unhealthy unemployment” reason Fed Reserve not raising interest rates! Obama regime threatens 5,000 jobs in Chicago! Florida torturing & billing prisoners to fund prison ops! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 19 – 20 September 2015

Incomplete list of publicly announced layoffs & shutdowns:

Alaska: Federal Department of Labor reports an increase in new unemployment claims.

Connecticut: God’s British empire based Salvation Army shutting down their Manchester Thrift Store by the end of the month.  The Salvation Army joining other evil corporations in the consolidation trend.

Florida: The Sunshine State has entered the dark age when it comes to funding prisons“They charged me for me being in prison!”-Jeremy Barrett, former prisoner who also had one of his eyes gouged out for stealing a potato from the prison kitchen!

“I was floored. It’s an astronomical number. It’s almost laughable.”-Dee Taylor billed $55-thousand USD for being in state prison

Idaho: Survivalism is driving up sales for some Idaho Falls businesses.  The Post Journal reports a spike in sales over the past six weeks.  The journalist said none of the preppers wanted to talk to him, but at one store “One woman bought almost $2,000 worth of merchandise and another purchased about $400 worth of items.”  On one hand it’s a good thing because sales are up, on the other hand it’s bad because more and more citizens think we’re about to go to hell in hand basket!

Illinois: The Obama regime controlled Chicago Public Schools (CPS)  warned of 5-thousand more job cuts despite massive layoffs already! The layoffs would take place right before Thanksgiving!  Obama regime CPS administrators claim that $480-million USD in state funding has never shown up (yeah right)!  What automotive industry recovery?  Japan based Mitsubishi said if nobody wants to buy their Normal factory by November they’re going ahead with plans to shut it down and render 1,250 employees jobless!

Indiana: Trucking company Triple Crown Services eliminating 2-hundred jobs!  It’s blamed on parent company Norfolk Southern’s “restructuring”.   In Georgetown, ice cream shop Polly’s Freeze shutdown after 63 years.  It’s up for sale to help fund the owners’ retirements, who say they can no longer physically run the business.

Maine: Federal Department of Labor reports an increase in new unemployment claims.  After 87 years (surviving the Great deflationary Depression and numerous recessions) Smart’s Hardware being merged with competitor Aubuchon Hardware: “Boody and I want to pass the business on while we are healthy. We didn’t want to leave a mess behind for our families, and we didn’t have anyone come along that wanted to run the business.”-Larry Smart, co-owner

Maryland: In Frederick, after 1-hundred years (surviving the Great deflationary Depression and numerous recessions) God refused to stop ‘his’ Saint Timothy’s Episcopal Church from shutting down.  It’s blamed on The Rapture, I mean dwindling membership.

Minnesota:  Federal Department of Labor reports an increase in new unemployment claims.

Nebraska: In Beatrice, pharmacy The Medicine Shoppe shutdown without warning.  No explanation why it shutdown, but apparently Shopko is taking over the pharmacy ops.

North Dakota: Federal Department of Labor reports an increase in new unemployment claims.

Oklahoma:   Federal Department of Labor reports an increase in new unemployment claims.

Pennsylvania:   In Sharon, the James E. Winner Jr. Arts and Culture Center shutdown.  The operators say the building they were in was too big, they need a smaller space.

Texas:   Austin based internet job search company Indeed reports that 36 states have unemployment that is still higher than before the 2008 ‘Great Recession’, and 14 of those states meet the Federal Reserve’s definition of “unhealthy unemployment”!

Virginia: Federal Department of Labor reports an increase in new unemployment claims.

Washington DC: Federal Department of Labor reports an increase in new unemployment claims.

Wyoming:  Federal Department of Labor reports an increase in new unemployment claims. 

18 September 2015: “I’m paying the state …so I can work for free!” 

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.” 

Japan to invade South Sudan under new law! It’s all about the oil!

20 September 2015 (00:36 UTC-07 Tango 01)/29 Shahrivar 1394/06 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/08 Yi-You (8th month) 4713

Not even 48 hours after adopting a law that allows unilateral military action around the world and the Japanese neo-imperialist National Diet is now considering sending combat troops to oil rich South Sudan!

Currently Japan has military engineering units in South Sudan as part of a UN ‘peacekeeping’ mission (aka UNMISS).  That mission ends in December and the neo-imperialists want combat troops to be sent in.

Japan was originally asked by Republic of Korea to join them in South Sudan, and supply the South Korean troops with 5.56mm (.223 caliber) assault rifle ammo.   Apparently the ammo supply mission ended in January 2014, but the Japanese remained in South Sudan to carry “…out the development of the grounds, the restoration of roads and other activities.”

Supposedly the first action of the Japanese combat troops in South Sudan is to conduct a mock rescue of Japanese nationals being held hostage.

In 2011 Japan was the third largest buyer of oil from South Sudan, after Malaysia and China.  In 2010, Toyota said it was going to spend $1.5-billion USD building a pipeline through South Sudan.

“Since the nuclear disaster in Fukushima in March 2011 prompted a rapid drop in desire to rely on nuclear energy, Japan’s demand for oil has quadrupled.

It is especially interested in South Sudan’s low-sulfur fuel oil (LSFO). Since South Sudan is Japan’s second-largest supplier of LSFO, during the Sudanese oil shutdown, Japan’s power utilities were forced to pay a premium in order to obtain LSFO from other sources.”

Saber Rattling against China about territorial claims? It’s about the huge oil reserves right underneath China! 

Sumerian Lament (history repeats): World War II: Japan and Oil (1939-45)

U.S. ally Japan drinks up Iranian oil despite sanctions!

Inventor of cell phones says your phone number will replace your Social Security number, and be implanted in your head!

20 September 2015 (00:01 UTC-07 Tango 01)/29 Shahrivar 1394/06 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/08 Yi-You (8th month) 4713

“We knew then that once people got this phone in their hands that they would not be able to live without it….  …someday when you’re born you’d be assigned a phone number and if you didn’t answer the phone you had died….  ….it’s worth all the little annoyances… …in the future……it’s going to design itself to your personality…it outta be stuck behind your ear, maybe even under your skin…You will have devices on your body, some implanted that will be measuring your body so you can have a physical exam, not every year or every five years, but every minute…..’we’ will be able to anticipate when you’re going to get sick before you get sick…. …it’ll take a generation or two but that is gonna happen…”-Martin Cooper, former Motorola employee credited with inventing the cell phone, interviewed by China’s CCTV Full Frame  

“And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark….”-Revelation 13:16-17

Syria, 19 September 2015: More NATO Turkish invaders annihilated! Arab League turns out to be Israeli League in disguise!

“…Assad has to go…..It doesn’t have to be on day one or month one……reach an understanding of how this can best be achieved.”-John Kerry, U.S. Secretary of State

“[Syrian Kurds] pushed ISIL back and in the process, regained more than 17,000 square kilometers of territory — more than 6,500 square miles — previously held by the enemy. They’ve also retaken critical border crossing points between Syria and Turkey, including Kobani [and] Tal Abyad, and going forward, this should help abate the flow of foreign fighters into Syria. So, we want to see these anti-ISIL forces operating in Syria continue to be successful.”-Lieutenant  Colonel Patrick Ryder, USAF, but could the last sentence be an Orwellian Double Speak?

“A newly-declassified CENTCOM document……  ….reveals for the first time that French, Canadian, Dutch and Australian aircraft have all been involved in problem incidents in Iraq, which between them allegedly killed up to 30 civilians.”

Despite the U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed wars in Syria and Iraq the two countries signed a Memorandum of Understanding expanding trade between the Syrian Exporters Union and the Iraqi Peasants Associations.

The Alliance of Palestinian Resistance Forces, in Syria, condemns the Arab League’s silence over the Israeli occupation and shutdown al-Aqsa Mosque in al-Quds (Jerusalem). Palestinian Resistance Forces say this proves the Arab League is actually an Israeli League.

The U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH (Islamic State) has proclaimed “It is strictly forbidden to run any Internet system or publisher (Wi-Fi) starting from the morning of 6 / Thu al-Hijjah / 1436 H, corresponding to 19th / September / 2015 until further notice, and at any place within the sector of al-Bokamal.”

Aleppo Governorate: The Syrian Arab Army and Air Force continue to engage in heavy fighting with U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH (Islamic State) and Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front) insurgents, including near the Syrian Arab Army Air Force Academy.  Street fighting rages in the city of Aleppo, an insurgent tunnel was blown up.  Along the border with NATO member Turkey, the town of Hareitan was destroyed as insurgents coming from Turkey were using it as a staging point as they invaded Syria.   In the northest part of the governorate reports that DAESH attacked YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units) positions.  Syrian Arab Army Air Force tried to support YPG by launching airstrikes against DAESH.

Damascus (Rif Dimashq) area:  Syrian Arab Army, Palestinian Liberation Army, local militias and Lebanese Resistance Regiments continued battling U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH (Islamic State) and Jaish al-Islam insurgents, in an attempt to push them to the city’s center.  In the eastern part of the province (governorate) battles raged near the Rahma fuel station.

Daraa Governorate:  The Syrian Arab Army attacked supply lines (lines of communications) of Jabhat al-Nusra.

Deir Ezzor Governorate:  DAESH (Islamic State) continued to attacked a military air base.  The Syrian Arab Army Air Force launched numerous airstrikes.   Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says 12 local pro-Syria militia were killed.

Hama Governorate: Syrian Arab Army Air Force bombed Jabhat al-Nusra insurgents in the villages of al-Bahsa and al-Enkawi. DAESH was also bombed in an airstrike in al-Baroudi farm south of Qasr Ibn Wardan village.

Hasakah Governorate:  Reports of airstrikes against DAESH.

Homs Governorate:  The Syrian Arab Army and Air Force continued to fight insurgents across the governorate.  In the northern area battles continue with DAESH (Islamic State) near Tadmur (Palmyra), including the al-Hail oil field 40km east of Tadmur.  Independent reports say 12 DAESH killed and 14 civilians killed.

Idleb Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army Air Force and local Shia militias report increased battles, not just with Jaish Al-Fateh and Jabhat al-Nusra, but with Turkistan (Uighur) Islamic Party, Jund al-Aqsa, and fighters from Uzbekistan (Osbkih) and Chechnya.   At least 12 insurgent vehicles, including three main battle tanks, a BMP (armored personnel carrier) and five car bombs, were destroyed. Vehicles rescuing the defeated insurgents (in Ma’aret Masreen town near al-Foua’a) came from NATO member Turkey, crossing the border back into Turkey with dozens of dead and wounded.  News reports out of Lebanon say more than 1-hundred U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents were killed.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says Nusra Front insurgents executed 71 captured Syrian Arab Army Air Force personnel at the Abu al-Duhur air base.

Lattakia Governorate: Syrian Arab Army Air Force reported they killed more than 80 Jabhat al-Nusra insurgents along the Mediterranean coastline.

Raqqah Governorate: Unconfirmed reports that DAESH (Islamic State) destroyed a YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units of Rojava) vehicle.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says insurgents blew up the Kurdish People’s House of the Democratic Union Party building.

Sweida Governorate: Syrian Arab Army continued battles with DAESH (Islamic State) in al-Saqiyeh village.

Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says a man was beheaded by DAESH (Islamic State) for being a witch! 

Fukushima – WIPP – Radiation Fallout: INL admits “nobody really knows what’s going on.” Radioactive trash dump in U.S. on fire?

19 September 2015 (12:24 UTC-07 Tango 01)/28 Shahrivar 1394/05 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/07 Yi-You (8th month) 4713

“The Agency has for many years made a major contribution to development by making nuclear science and technology available in areas such as food production, water management and agriculture. Our work deserves greater recognition.”-Amano Yukio, UN IAEA

India: “Over the past four months, sporadic rainfall saw Mumbai’s UV Index (UVI) levels touch the ‘high risk’ category. Their immediate effect can be seen in form of sun burns, long-term exposure can lead to skin cancer and cataract.  ‘The sporadic rain pattern is responsible for the high UV radiations in the city this monsoon,’ said Gufran Beig, project director, System of Air Quality and Weather Forecasting and Research (SAFAR), IITM. ‘When (the number of) rainy days are less followed by a long period of sunny days, UV radiation levels peak.’”

Ukraine: “International heavy lift company Mammoet and its client Novarka have successfully connected the two halves of the New Safe Confinement (NSC) structure at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine. This was needed following the catastrophic nuclear accident in 1986.”

United States: “Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.), ranking member of the House Communications Subcommittee, are accusing the FCC of failing to enforce safety guidelines on cell tower worker exposure to radiofrequency radiation, saying they are putting the health and safety of a quarter of a million workers at risk.”

“Exposure to high doses of radiation triggers a number of potentially lethal effects. Among the most severe is the gastrointestinal (GI) toxicity syndrome caused by the destruction of the intestinal barrier, resulting in bacterial translocation, systemic bacteremia, sepsis, and death….   ….TP [Thrombin-derived Peptide] 508 may be an effective emergency nuclear countermeasure that could be delivered within 24h post exposure to increase survival and delay mortality, giving victims time to reach clinical sites for advanced medical treatment.”

“Scientists have recently developed a new hybrid solar energy system that harnesses all of the sun’s radiation…..”

Idaho:  Researchers at the INL are on the verge of creating a system to track nuclear waste from the oil industry.  The oil industry uses radioactive material as part of its oil extraction process.  The new system will be tested in North Dakota because “It’s the Wild West out there. Waste sites are taking the wrong stuff, or they’re dumping it in fields. Nobody really knows what’s going on.”-Doug Akers, Idaho National Laboratory

Massachusetts: “As a resident of Plum Island, Newbury, I are deeply concerned about the threat posed by Seabrook Station — the threat of radiation release. If a radiation release were to occur, evacuating this area would be impossible.”

“…parents filed a lawsuit claiming that the Fay School in Southborough has ‘high-intensity Wi-Fi emissions’ that have harmed their son……he has a condition called Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome (EHS)”

Missouri: “…radiation from the West Lake Landfill in Bridgeton has spread to neighboring properties. The reports also suggested that an underground fire at the neighboring Bridgeton Landfill is moving toward radioactive waste and could reach it as soon three to six months. The landfills’ owner, Republic Services, has vehemently maintained that the situation at the landfills is under control.”

“Loretta Copeland is shutting the doors on her dog grooming business on Natural Bridge Road, near McKelvey Road, about a mile from the landfill. She says she’s afraid of getting cancer.  ‘…it just seems like everybody you talk to they either have cancer or they know somebody……..Who wants to buy a grooming shop sitting within one mile from the landfill?’”

New Mexico: “The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant simulated a full-scale emergency response on Wednesday to prepare the facility and community in case an emergency occurred again.”

“The Underground Ventilation System at Waste Isolation Pilot Plant is being upgraded to provide additional airflow into the facility’s underground.”

“…burying 34 tons of weapons-grade plutonium would be far cheaper and more practical than completing a multibillion-dollar plant that would turn the radioactive material into commercial reactor fuel.”

New York: “The studies found that 50 percent to 75 percent of the animals who were exposed to a potentially lethal dose of radiation died without any treatment. Using Cleveland BioLabs’ Entolimod drug, less than a third of all animals that received the drug died, even when the drug was administered as much as 48 hours after exposure.”

“An upstate New York man faces life in prison after he became the first person ever convicted in the U.S. of trying to acquire a radiation weapon for mass destruction…”

Washington: Hanford to remain Undeclared Interim Storage site “By early 2007 the decision was made to construct a mox fuel plant at the Savannah River Site (SRS), in South Carolina. Construction is 70 percent complete, and some $4.5 billion has been spent.  ……DOE-Headquarters is now considering major/arbitrary changes to the final disposition of MOX, and stopping construction the mos facility at SRS!    DOE’s new path is considering ‘downblending’ (diluting) the weapons grade plutonium and adding it to waste going to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in New Mexico. DOE reports shutting down the SRS mox plant could cost a billion dollars.”

“In the near term the cost of dealing with the solid waste would be about $20 million from the DOE Richland Operations Office annual budget, which is about $1 billion a year, according to the state of Washington.”

Washington DC: “In 1981, anthropologists, engineers, nuclear physicists, and others assembled to form the Human Interference Task Force, at the behest of the U.S. Department of Energy and Bechtel Corp. The impetus of the task force, according to a technical report issued a few years later, was to ‘reduce the likelihood of future humans unintentionally intruding on radioactive-waste isolation systems.’”

Japan:  Off the coast of Hokkaido a fish called a Wolffish was caught. The man who caught it says it’s one of the largest Wolffish ever caught.  See internet ‘TV’ news report here.

Proof of arrogant incompetence: “…there was a basic assumption in Japan that the design of nuclear power plants and the safety measures that had been put in place were sufficiently robust to withstand external events of low probability and high consequences….there was a tendency for organizations and their staff not to challenge the level of safety……resulted in a situation where safety improvements were not introduced….”

More proof of government incompetence: “…a team of Japanese researchers report that evacuation following the Fukushima nuclear accident may have been much worse for Japanese citizen’s health than nuclear radiation.”

“Authorities in the small city of Nikko in Japan’s Tochigi Prefecture, some 175 km away from the Fukushima nuclear power plant, have said that at least 334 bags containing radioactive soil have been swept into a tributary of the Kinugawa river, The Asahi Shimbun reports.

According to the city’s authorities, the washed-away waste was only part of hundreds of bags being stored at the Kobyakugawa Sakura Koen park alongside the river. Another 132 bags of waste reportedly rolled down the slopes.” 

‘Black’ helicopters return to California! U.S. will increase radiation contamination limits! 

Syria, 18 September 2015: Insurgent supply lines hit inside Israel! Refugees flooding Europe proven to be False Flag!

“We should be optimistic, because the Russian side realizes what is plotted against Syria and realizes the dangers of the spread of DAESH, Jabhat al-Nusra and al-Qaeda-linked terrorist organizations…That’s why the Russian decision in this regard is clear, and we in Syria welcome this Russian stance.”-Walid al-Moallem, Syria’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign & Expatriates Minister

Russia’s ambassador to Lebanon says President Putin will present a three stage plan to end the war in Syria on 28 September.

In Moscow, Russia, government officials said that if Syria asks for increased military help it will be considered.

United States claims Russia has sent four military aircraft to Syria.  No mention by Syrian or Russian news sources, but if you realize that Syria has been buying military weapons from Russia, and the Soviet Union since the 1960s, then it’s a case of No Shit Sherlock (dumb ‘merican military leaders)!  The warmongering Wall Street Journal called the normal arrival of four aircraft as “a major military escalation”.  (did the weenie heads at WSJ think the ‘liberation of Iraq’ was armageddon? Oh that’s right, Shock & Awe)

The People’s Republic of China’s ambassador to Syria expressed support for Syria as it concerns China’s new economic policy known as One Belt One Road Initiative.

The European Union has determined that four out of five refugees are not Syrian!  They are Afghans, Albanians (no war in their country), Ethiopians, Iraqis, Nigerians and Pakistanis.  The majority are economic migrants not war refugees.

Aleppo Province: The Syrian Arab Army and Air Force continue to engage in heavy fighting with U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH (Islamic State) and Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front) insurgents, including near the Syrian Arab Army Air Force Academy.

Damascus area:  Syrian Arab Army and Lebanese Resistance Regiments continued battling U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH (Islamic State) and Jaish al-Islam insurgents, including a battle near the sports stadium in Douma City.  Reports that two tunnels used by insurgents blew up.  The Syrian Arab Army has been boobytrapping any tunnels they find.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports at least two Syrian Arab Army personnel killed and three insurgents killed.   Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says they counted at least 15 thermobaric ‘barrel’ bombs dropped on the city of Darayya.

Daraa Province:  The Syrian Arab Army and Air Force continued their assaults against insurgents and the areas they control.  Unconfirmed reports of 21 people killed.

Deir Ezzor Province:  DAESH (Islamic State) attacked a military air base.  Syrian Arab Army and Air Force say they repelled the attack.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says a man was beheaded by DAESH (Islamic State) for being a witch!

Hama Province: Syrian Arab Army and Air Force engaged U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Jaish Al-Fateh.

Homs Province:  In the southwest part of the province Syrian Arab Army and Air Force stopped an offensive by Jabhat al-Nusra.  In the northern part of the province battles took place with DAESH (Islamic State), including 25 airstrikes near Tadmur (Palmyra).

Idleb Province:  Syrian Arab Army Air Force continued airstrikes against Jaish Al-Fateh and Jabhat al-Nusra, including the destruction of Nusra Front’s Sharia Court.  A Nusra Front gun-truck was destroyed with a Russian guided missile. Nusra Front hit two villages with four car bombs and rocket artillery strikes.  The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says as many as 250 rockets were fired into the villages of al-Foua and Kefraya.  No reports concerning casualties.

Lattakia Province: Syrian Arab Army Air Force launched numerous airstrikes against insurgent positions.

Quneitra Province: Syrian Arab Army targeted supply lines (lines of communications) for Jabhat al-Nusra, inside Israel!  The border village of Bureiqa is considered the main crossing point of supplies from Israel.

Raqqa Province: Unconfirmed reports that DAESH (Islamic State) destroyed a YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units of Rojava)  vehicle.

Sweida Province: Syrian Arab Army engaged in several battles with DAESH (Islamic State), including the destruction of a DAESH convoy.

U.S. lies….NATO insurgents destroyed! Insurgent supplies coming from U.S. controlled Jordan!

“…it’s going to get worse!” “I’m paying the state of California so I can work for free!” Haggen accuses Albertsons of Sabotage! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 18 September 2015

Incomplete list of publicly announced layoffs & shutdowns:

California: What housing market recovery?  Too Big to Jail San Francisco based Wells Fargo eliminating 182 mortgage jobs across the country, due to crashing demand.  New York based Time Warner Cable eliminating 30 jobs relating to its southern California sports channels.   Texas based oilfield service company Halliburton announced a third round of layoffs.  54 people in Bakersfield being laid off due to “current business conditions”.   In Redding, rabbit food server Sky’s Pure Food restaurant shutting down, unless vegan fans can donate enough money for the owner to pay her debts. In Rancho Cordova, medical device maker Cesca Therapeutics reports that Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) might have caused them to lose $2.4-million USD in their 4th quarter! They’ve already laid off 15 people and more layoffs could happen.   In Lemore, yummy tri-tip Gunny’s Sandwich Shop shutting down due to increasing costs including increased minimum wage and taxes: “Water cost more, everything that you purchase costs more…farm workers…with less crop production means less people to come eat my sandwiches…what I was going to pay in taxes…I’m paying the state of California so I can work for free!”-Max Vernon, one pissed-off former Marine

Florida:  In Miami Beach, The Shelborne Wyndham Grand Hotel issued a shutdown WARN for their food service ops, 89 people will be laid off right before Thanksgiving.

Georgia: In Augusta, Henry Brothers Antique Auctions shutting down by November. They’re leasing out their building to a new tenant, with an option to buy.

Idaho: More taxpayer rapeing was revealed in The Gem State.  This time an internal investigation revealed that all taxpayer funded “therapeutic community” programs in Idaho prisons had no effect on reducing the chances that an ex-con would re-offend: “We know it’s going to make some judges mad and we know it’s going to make some people mad. But why would we keep putting our money into something that isn’t working?”-Kevin Kempf, state prison boss

Idaho Farm Bureau reports that overall crop production is up, but revenues for farmers are crashing by 30% because commodity prices are going through the floor! The crashing revenues will affect Idaho’s Ag industry which employees 100-thousand people in a state that has about 1.5-million residents.

Illinois: State taxpayer funding cuts forcing non-profit Fox Valley Older Adult Services to shutdown their DeKalb and Aurora ops.

Kansas: The child prison known as Clarence Kelley Youth Center shutting down, the good news it that it sounds like it’s due to a lack of prisoners (currently only 15).

Kentucky: In Louisville, a KingFish restaurant shutting down its Blankenbaker Parkway location. The owners of the 70 years old restaurant chain are spending $1-million renovating two other restaurants.

Massachusetts: In Boston Weak: “After 14 years of never once having to lay off an employee, we had to as the result of the Subway loss. It was very difficult and we had to let people go that we loved and have worked with together for years.”-Fred Bertino, ad agency McCarthy Mambro Bertino (MMB)

Minnesota:  In Minneapolis, the long lived Masa restaurant shutdown, apparently the corporate owners didn’t like the new lease terms.

Missouri: Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) forcing Truman Medical Center to shutdown their behavioral health emergency room services on East 24th Street.  Administrators said as a result of regulations from state and federal agencies, and declining payments, “It just made more sense to shut this down.”

Montana: 140 jobs lost when the Barrick Golden Sunlight Mine shuts down in November: “You know, it’s not making for a very pleasant day. It’s not good news to anybody.”-Dan Banghart, mine manager

New York: Too Big to Jail JP Morgan Chase issued a shutdown WARN for its Chase’s Consumer & Community Banking Operations in Garden City, 195 jobs lost right before Xmas!  In White Plains, AT&T issued a layoff WARN saying 42 people will be laid off right before Thanksgiving.

Ohio:  In Cincinnati, after 12 years Café deVine shutdown, the property owner is tearing down the building.  In Chardon, after 15 years Rosepointe Cottage Tea Room shutdown: “We have not been successful yet, but, I am hopeful that maybe one of you will know someone who would love to own the Tea Room! …..My plan is to close in late September if a buyer is not found.”-Mariann Goodwin

Pennsylvania:  US Steel warned of mass layoffs of salaried workers at its Pittsburgh HQ. No details given.  In Greensburg, after 31 years Art-Tech Supplies shutting down, the pissed-off owner blames the city itself: “Downtown Greensburg does not lend itself to retailing!…..It’s not going to get better, it’s going to get worse!”-Cecilia Morreo.

Tennessee: Nine Palm Beach Tan salons shutdown in Knoxville area, without warning, 50 jobs lost.   The franchise owner walked away without explanation, and without paying the employees their final paycheck: “They put a sign on the door the other day that said we would be opening at 10 today. That was a lie, they knew we weren’t opening at all today!”-Katie House

“I have this apartment so I have to pay rent and everything next month, and I’m a little worried about buying groceries, which I was already struggling with before.”-Annah Dorsett

Utah: In Provo, after 53 years El Azteca restaurant shutting down by the end of the month: “It’s killing me, but I have to be realistic……..we just don’t have enough business, and literally every month we barely make it.”-Carlos Rubio, owner

Washington:  Bellingham based, and now bankrupt Haggen Foods announced the shutdown of 27 more grocery stores in Arizona and California (here’s the list).  It also claims that Alberstons-Safeway is supposed to hire back their own employees.  Haggen Foods was tricked into taking over 146 Albertsons stores, the deal turned out to be a pig in a poke, now Haggen is on the verge of total failure!  Haggen administrators are now suing Albertsons-Safeway on the grounds that the deal was an act of sabotage!

Wisconsin: What automotive industry recovery?  Auto parts maker Johnson Controls announced a new round of layoffs, this time 3-thousand people will get the axe over the next two years!  How’s that for confidence that the economy is recovering?  God can’t stop Right to Work (you over) Republicans from shutting down the Daughters of the Father Christian Academy.  Democrats are demanding an explanation. However, it seems the private ‘christian’ school was being funded with public secular tax dollars, which should be a violation of the 1st Amendment.

17 September 2015: “I’m going to cry….the business isn’t there anymore.” Corporate America declares War on Talent against workers over 34 years of age!

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.” 

Imperial Japan rises from Atomic Bombing Ashes! New law allows Japan to unilaterally attack any country in the World!

18 September 2015 (13:13 UTC-07 Tango 01)/27 Shahrivar 1394/04 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/06 Yi-You (8th month) 4713

After decades with a constitution that forbade the project of offensive military power outside of Japan, and despite weeks of protests by tens of thousands of Japanese, the neo-imperialist government has succeeded in passing what they call a “collective self defense” law that gives political leaders the right to unilaterally declare war on any country in the world.

Abe (Aww-Bay) Shinzō, who was just re-elected by default (no opposing candidates), claims the law will prevent war.  Famous Orwellian Double Speak last words as imperialist have always made such claims right before major warfare breaks out.

Abe claims Japan is being threatened by China and Korea, but I’ve been following Japanese foreign politics for several years now and it is Japan, with the backing of the Obama regime, that has been rattling the sabers!  It’s is about oil, just like it was in the first half of the 20th century when Japan took by force territories from Russia, China, Vietnam, Philippines, Korea and many other east and southeast Asian lands.

Japan oil industry says U.S. & EU oil sanctions against Iran will not affect global oil supply! 

U.S. ally Japan drinks up Iranian oil despite sanctions! 

Obama regime to base nuke weapons in Japan!

10 Japanese Atrocities From World War II

Researching Japanese War Crimes 

The Tokyo War Crimes Trials (1946-1948)

42 ADMITTED False Flag Attacks


Syria, 17 September 2015: U.S. lies about helping Kurds! More proof U.S. is sending in the Chechens! Turkish insurgents destroyed! Insurgent supplies coming from U.S. controlled Jordan!

“If he’s not the overall military commander for the Islamic State, he’s definitely in charge of the Northern Syrian Front, which is one of the most active and serious.”-U.S. veteran Mitchell Prothero claiming a U.S. trained insurgent is a top DAESH in Syria commander, PBS Newshour interview

“That’s when we noticed that several members of the unit had American military Combat Infantryman Badges on their right shoulders from the 82nd Airborne. To defuse the tension, I pulled out my American passport and declared that they couldn’t arrest comrades they’d fought alongside, as I had done numerous embeds with the 82nd in Iraq, where some of these men had been stationed earlier that year.”-U.S. veteran Mitchell Prothero describing his first encounter with a man who is now known as Abu Omar al Shishani, a U.S. trained Chechen now a top leader of DAESH (Islamic State in Syria).

“We trained him well, and we had lots of help from America.”-former Georgian defense official about Shishani.  Now, remember who did the Boston Bombings?  That’s right, Chechens whom ‘conspiracy theorists’ say were supported by the U.S.

U.S. Army General Lloyd J. Austin III told the Senate Armed Services Committee that Special Forces have been assisting Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in Rojava.  However, I’ve read the official YPG news site and there’s no mention of U.S. forces helping them!


In fact, YPG representatives accuse U.S. backed Syrian National Coalition of supporting DAESH (Islamic State): The [U.S. led] coalition….have been providing political and financial support to DAESH since the radical group swept into Rojava…..U.S. and European powers must reconsider their relations with the Syrian National Coalition. This opposition bloc claims to back the aspirations of the Syrian people while it actually funds the terrorist group of DAESH.”-Redur Khalil

“…it is illegal for Australia to bomb in Syria. There is no UN imprimatur for Australia to bomb in the sovereign state of Syria. It’s as simple as that. Moreover, the Government’s claim that it will be legal by virtue of collective self-defence is simply untrue. The fact is that the sovereign state of Syria, as odious as the Assad regimen is, does not pose a threat to any other country.”-Andrew Wilkie, Australian Member of Parliament

“French air strikes on Syria will start within a few weeks…..133 French citizens or residents have been killed fighting for IS [DAESH].”-Radio France Internationale (rfi), so, does this mean the reason for the French airstrikes is because they’re tired of seeing their citizens dying for DAESH (Islamic State)?  Who’re they really going to be bombing?

Aleppo Province: The Syrian Arab Army and Air Force continue to engage in heavy fighting with U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH (Islamic State) and Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front) insurgents, including near the al-Neirab Airport.  In Kafr Hamra, Syrian Arab Army claims to have destroyed insurgents sent in by NATO member Turkey.

Damascus area:  Syrian Arab Army and Lebanese Resistance Regiments continued battling U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAESH (Islamic State) in their efforts to push them towards the center of al-Zabadani City.  In Harasta, an insurgent artillery mortar attack hit a hospital bus, killing two civilians and wounding 20.  In al-Zablatani and al-Qassaa, police report insurgent mortar attacks wounding one civilian and destroying two POVs (personally owned vehicles).

Daraa Province:  The Syrian Arab Army Air Force attacked the supply lines (lines of communication) of Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front) which originate in the U.K./U.S. controlled Kingdom of Jordan.

Hama Province: Syrian Arab Army reports engaging and destroying insurgents operating gun-trucks armed with 23mm guns.  In Misyaf City, Customs Police captured a car loaded with 8-thousand 4-hundred rounds of machine gun ammo.  The driver was arrested.

Homs Province:  Syrian Arab Army engaged several DAESH (Islamic State) groups throughout the province.

Idleb Province:  Syrian Arab Army Air Force bombed a U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Jaish Al-Fateh convoy on the al-Frekeh/al-Ziara road.

Raqqa Province: Syrian Arab Army Air Force bombed DAESH (Islamic State) positions inside Raqqa City.

“So….they will have more refugees!”

The Secret Arms Deal Behind America’s Syria Fiasco