Tag Archives: wall street

Oregon Shooting: False Flag proof, College held emergency drill last week! More emergency responders called in! Portland declares Martial Law!

01 October 2015 (16:20 UTC-07 Tango 01)/09 Mehr 1394/17 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/19 Bing-Xu 4713

Interim President of Umpqua Community College reports that the evac center is still waiting for busses of students from the college despite the shooting ending more than two hours ago! Roseburg High School sent busses to evac students.

Interim President Rita Cavin confirms they have their own campus police and that they implemented lockdown immediately.  Interim college president admits she was told of the shooting through an automatic cell phone notification, she was not on campus at the time.  Interim college president revealed that college staff held an emergency response drill last week!

Police in Portland are increasing patrols of all schools in the city, yet they say the martial law patrols are not connected to the shooting at Umpqua Community College.

Reports the shooter gave warning yesterday.

Live reporter at road leading to Umpqua Community College campus says ’emergency response’ vehicles continue to enter the campus despite the shooter’ being killed more than two hours ago.

Fire departments from around the area being dispatched to the college despite “hundreds” of emergency responders already on scene.

Mercy Medical reports getting nine of the 12 victims they were expecting.  Hospitals asking for blood donations.

Police preventing transport of victims!

Oregon Shooting: False Flag Timeline screwup & Hillary Clinton calls for gun ban! Police preventing transport of victims!

01 October 2015 (15:42 UTC-07 Tango 01)/09 Mehr 1394/17 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/19 Bing-Xu 4713

Supposedly the shooting took place before 10:30 hours Oregon time, the 911 call came in at 10:38, witnesses report seeing waves of cop cars pouring into Umpqua Community College campus at 10:40.  Other witnesses said they saw convoys of ’emergency responders’ on Interstate 5.  That’s some damn fast response time!

For some odd reason police prevented transportation of victims, this has been revealed by the fact hospitals reported receiving victims more than an hour after the police responded! Mercy Medical reported expecting 12 victims an hour after the shooting, and apparently they’re still waiting!

Hillary Clinton has demanded, in a round-a-bout way, to ban guns.

False Flag Muslim shooter?  Response “well organized”

Oregon Shooting: Cell phone service interrupted, shooter targeting people of religion! False Flag Muslim shooter?

01 October 2015 (15:04 UTC-07 Tango 01)/09 Mehr 1394/17 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/19 Bing-Xu 4713

Some students said many didn’t know there was a shooting until police forced them out of class, after the shooter was killed!

A reporter live at the state capitol Salem indicated that cell phone service around the Umpqua Community College campus was not functioning.

Oregon gov’na Kate Brown says the shooter was a 20 years old man.  A student says they saw the shooter shoot a teacher in the head, and screaming at people to state their religion.

Three female victims taken to Christian PeaceHealth Sacred Heart  hospital.

Four guns ‘recovered’ from campus.

A reporter at the Douglas County Fairgrounds evac reception center for the students and staff of the college described the response by police and Red Cross as “well organized”.

Oregon Shooting: 13 dead! Shooter “neutralized”! False Flag Police took students’ cell phones!

01 October 2015 (14:44 UTC-07 Tango 01)/09 Mehr 1394/17 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/19 Bing-Xu 4713

Reports say that despite the ongoing martial law lockdown at the Umpqua Community College campus, the ‘shooter’ was “neutralized” hours ago.

Social media and CNN reporting who the shooter is, but main stream local TV news refuses to say who it is.  Students report that police took their cell phones as they were leaving the campus!

Douglas County Sheriff John Hanlin says they got a call from a student saying there was an active shooter.  Deputies responded and found the shooter, engaging him and killing him. Sheriff confirms massive ongoing local, state and federal martial law response even though local cops killed the shooter (“well over a hundred”).  The Sheriff refuses to give any other info citing ongoing “investigation”.

Surrounding neighborhoods have been evacuated and lockdown.

Douglas County is sparsely populated with about 107-thousand people in the entire county. Sheriff admitted there are a lot of unemployed people because of the collapsing timber industry.

False Flag as TV anchors immediately push for anti-gun laws!

Oregon shooting: Proof of False Flag as TV anchors immediately push for anti-gun laws!

01 October 2015 (13:35 UTC-07 Tango 01)/09 Mehr 1394/17 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/19 Bing-Xu 4713

Local TV news now showing massive response by local and state agencies (including Search & Rescue) pouring onto the Umpqua Community College campus, which is locked down.  This is strange because twitter reports said the shooter was arrested by cops, and local TV news anchors said that was two hours ago.

TV news reports say massive response by helicopters including Life Flight and REACH Air Medical.  Local TV news anchors are now stressing anti-gun mantras, if students had guns (like here in Idaho) the shooter would’ve been taken down before 20 victims had been shot.

Cop being interviewed by local TV anchors said FEMA has been pushing schools to train up students in how to be afraid under a program call Run, Hide, Fight.

Shooting actually happened two hours prior to me writing this post, apparently the shooter was arrested right away, yet the area is still under lockdown with more ‘law enforcers’ arriving on scene.  Cop interviewed basically said this is the new normal.

mass lockdown of neighborhoods, dozens killed, why no video or pics?

False Flag? Mass shooting reported in Oregon, mass lockdown of neighborhoods, dozens killed, why no video or pics?

01 October 2015 (13:13 UTC-07 Tango 01)/09 Mehr 1394/17 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/19 Bing-Xu 4713

Oregon news media is reporting an active shooter lockdown taking place in Douglas County.  Police say somebody shot and killed between seven and 15 people at Umpqua Community College.  Chinese news media questioned why, as of yet, there is no live video feeds out of Oregon, and why there are no pics of the supposed crime scene.

I checked Oregon news sources and the Chinese are right.  Most pics on the internet are of cops conducting martial law lockdown searches of student’s personal items.  No pics or vids of crime scene or victims, etc (as of me writing this).

Local TV news channels only show overhead satellite image of college.  Claim 20 ambulances and 75 cop cars have responded.  One TV station pointed out that college administrators have not made any public comments, also nobody seems to know what hospitals the victims were supposedly taken too.  TV news anchors give verbal descriptions of what their field reporters are seeing, but yet no video is presented.

Local TV news reports say hospitals they’ve been in contact with stated they have not received any victims but have been told by cops to be on stand by.  Mercy Medical Center Roseburg posted on facebook that they got nine victims.

The Obama regime has already dispatched federal martial law agencies to the area.  The ‘shooter’ has apparently been arrested.

What’s in a Prophecy? Mabus ushers in the next anti-christ, Mabus works for the U.S. Navy?

01 October 2015 (13:02 UTC-07 Tango 01)/09 Mehr 1394/17 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/19 Bing-Xu 4713

“Mabus then will soon die, there will come Of people and beasts a horrible rout: Then suddenly one will see vengeance, Hundred, hand, thirst, hunger when the comet will run.”-Nostradamus, Century 2, Quatrain 62,  Edgar Leoni translation

Nostradamus basically says that what precedes what many Christians call the apocalypse is the death (assassination?) of somebody named Mabus.   There is a person with the name Mabus who is in a position that would make him a target for assassination, and he has political enemies.

Ray Mabus is now in charge of the world’s most powerful military force; the U.S. Navy & Marines Corps.

“We know that their lives are defined not by how they died, but by how they lived and what they lived for, and will be remembered for that always.”-Ray Mabus, Secretary of U.S. Department of the Navy, speech given after 16 September 2013 Washington Navy Yard shootings

Ray Mabus: As Mississippi state auditor set up a sting op (an entrapment operation) with the FBI and arrested 57 county supervisors (even if Operation Pretense was justified, that’s a great way to make enemies).   Became gov’na of Mississippi by winning the ‘black’ vote, but lost the ‘white’ vote (more enemies).  Although he’s credited with record job growth as gov’na his enemies accused him of being “arrogant and out of touch….politically.”  As U.S. ambassador to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), under president Bill Clinton, he’s credited with stopping a war between Yemen and KSA as well as stopping a war with KSA and Iraq.  As ambassador he got billions of USD in contracts for U.S. companies and even tackled child kidnappings.  As Secretary of the U.S. Department of the Navy he has faced criticism over something that would seem insignificant to a civilian; how new U.S. warships are named.   He’s the first Navy secretary to actively post on the evil facebook.

Ray Mabus was a member of the evil false flag think-tank known as Rand Corporation and the Council on Foreign Relations.  He has also appeared on the TV show NCIS.

As for comets, just pay attention to astronomy websites for the latest updates on the growing number of comets heading our way.

Pope Francis warns Christians will be united under his church through bloody persecution! 

Imperialist Japan rapidly expands military powers with U.S. blessing! Creates anti-immigrant intel center!

01 October 2015 (11:34 UTC-07 Tango 01)/09 Mehr 1394/17 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/19 Bing-Xu 4713

“We are very supportive of the new security measures that have been put in place, and are being put in place, here in Japan. We view our relationship with the Japanese navy as one of absolute equals.”-Ray Mabus, U.S. Secretary of the Navy

The new Imperialist Japan has created an immigration intelligence center under the guise of providing security for the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

This pic of the quick meeting between Imperialist Abe and Communist Xi says it all: These guys hate each other!

Japan’s Self Defense Forces have launched a new Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Agency.  It will develop not just weapons for Japan, but will sell Japanese weapons to other countries which is now allowed under the new imperialist laws, and take part in military weapons developments in other countries like Australia and United States.

Japan to invade South Sudan under new law!

Syria, 30 September 2015: France kills depraved child soldiers!

The United States is sending hundreds more military personnel and air force planes to Incirlik, Turkey.  The latest reports say HH-60 Pave Hawk ‘copters and HC-130J Combat King II have been deployed apparently because U.S. led NATO air-ops are going to be ramped up and they expect some pilots will have to be rescued.

HC-130J refueling two HH-60 Pave Hawks


Islamic State, aka DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham = Syria])

Aleppo Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army and Air Force continue battles with U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAIISH (Islamic State) for control of the Syrian Air Force Academy.  Reports of airstrikes on Kweres (Quweires) airbase, apparently DAIISH has overrun the base.   Syrian Arab Army reports inflicting many casualties on U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed  Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front) insurgents.  Intense fighting reported around the YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units) controlled neighborhood of Sheikh Maqsoud.  Nusra Front lobed artillery mortar rounds into the area, wounding eight civilians and two YPG personnel. 

Damascus (Rif Dimashq) area: Reports that three people were killed after the Syrian Arab Army Air Force dropped ten barrel bombs on the insurgent controlled city of Muadamiyat al-Sham.  Lebanese Resistance Regiments (Hezbollah) and militias (National Defense Forces, NDF) continued to battle Nusra Front in the neighborhood of Jobar in Damascus City.

Daraa Governorate: Syrian Arab Army reports gains against Nusra Front, and the battle to defend the SyriaTel communications building in Daraa al-Balad neighborhood of Daraa City.

A DAIISH Caliphate Cub holding the head of a man he just executed. Maybe it’s a good thing the French just killed a bunch of them.

Deir Ezzor Governorate: Syrian Observatory for Human Rights now confirming the six NATO French airstrikes did hit insurgents, however, the majority of the estimated 50 casualties (30 killed, 20 wounded) are child soldiers known as Caliphate Cubs.  In other parts of the governorate the Syrian Arab Army Air Force is blamed for killing 37 civilians.

Hama Governorate:  Syria Arab Army and Air Force report battles with Nusra Front and Jaish al-Fateh.  Insurgents bombed the Christian town of Maharda wounding dozens of civilians.

Homs Governorate: Reports that another Syrian rebel leader was assassinated.  Syrian Arab Army and Air Force report gains against DAIISH and Nusra Front in the battles for Jazal and Sha’er oilfields, northwest of Tadmur (Palmyra) city.  In the cities of al- Rasatan and Talbisah reports say 27 people killed by airstrikes.

 Russia began airstrikes in Homs, authorized by the Syrian government.  Unlike the U.S. led NATO coalition, which unilaterally decides to bomb the shit out of countries, Syria officially asked Russia to begin airstrikes.
Quneitra Governorate: Syrian Arab Army reports gains against Nusra Front, one Syrian Arab Army soldier was killed.   Insurgents launched artillery rockets on the villages of Hadar, Khan Arnabeh and Harfa.  No reports of casualties.  In al-Amal farm a father and son were killed by artillery strikes.

Raqqa Governorate:  A family says DAIISH ‘informed’ them a male relative was being executed for being a spy.  There are reports of non-stop airstrikes on the DAIISH controlled cities of al-Raqqa and al-Bab.  Raqqa City is considered the HQ of DAIISH operations.

29 September 2015: Genocide as U.S. backed Islamic State executes 3,221 Syrians! 

China hit by 2 days of U.S. style terrorist bombings!

01 October 2015 (22:20 UTC-07 Tango 01, 30 September 2015)/09 Mehr 1394/17 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/19 Bing-Xu 4713

Two days of 18 terrorist bombings shook China.  At least seven people killed, two missing, 51 wounded.   Police implied they know who is doing it but they haven’t caught them, yet.

The explosions hit the city of Liucheng in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.  17 ‘parcel’ or ‘letter’ bombs exploded on 30 September, and Japanese news media is reporting a another explosion on 01 October.
