Tag Archives: wall street

Iran refuses U.S. Dollar for oil payments!

05 February 2016 (15:54 UTC-07 Tango 01) / 16 Bahman 1394/25 Rabi’a’-Thani 1437/27 Wu Yin 4713

“In our invoices we mention a clause that buyers of our oil will have to pay in euros……  Iran shifted to the euro and cancelled trade in dollars because of political reasons.”-unnamed administrator with National Iranian Oil Company

The true reason the U.S. invaded Iraq was because Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti stopped taking U.S. dollars for oil, and started taking euros.  The true reason the U.S. and U.K. allowed the destruction of a stable Libya was because Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi  refused to join the U.S. created United States African Command, and wanted to create a new African currency based on gold.

Now the National Iranian Oil Company has signed a deal with several European oil companies in which the U.S. dollar is banned!  Only euros will be used.

Not only does Iran want euros for oil payments, but all past international debts now owed to Iran under the nuclear agreement must be paid in euros.

Wells Fargo home foreclosures covering bad U.S. oil industry debts

Iran to push oil to $10 per barrel! U.S. to impose new sanctions! 

Destroy U.S. Dollar: China & Iran deal in Rial & Yuan, only? 

Proof the oil industry is full of shit, oil company hands out $100,000 bonus to all employees! 

Destroy U.S. Dollar: U.S. petrodollar meet the new Iran Petroleum Contract! 

Louisiana movie theater shooting….Oil industry involved? 

man who helped the U.S. & U.K. assasinate Gaddafi is tortured to death!

U.S. ambassador to Libya assassinated, blowback for assasinating Gaddafi! 

Libyan Rebel leader says Western Powers wanted Gaddafi killed, because of his knowledge of the evil secrets of Europe & United States 


Gaddafi died after being stabbed with a bayonet in the anus and not in a firefight as originally claimed

U.S. & U.K. were paying Gaddafi to torture suspects in the U.S. led War on Terror 

Western sanctions not about Iran’s nuclear industry…it’s all about controling the international oil market 

Gaddafi right, Rebelion came from outside, not Arab Spring!

“…deteriorating beyond repair for…several years.” Layoffs skyrocket 218%! Idaho beggars for donations! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 04 February 2016

Incomplete list of job loss announcements and shutdowns.

Arizona: In Yuma, a local business is blaming currency wars for its demise.  After two years restaurant Carnivores of Yuma shutting down due to lack of Snow Birds from Canada.  The Canadian dollar has dropped in value against the U.S. dollar, making it too expensive for many Canadians to travel within the United States.  I lived in hot-as-hell Yuma for almost two years and I can tell you that Snow Birds from the north, during winter, are a major source of revenue for local mom-n-pops.  The rest of the year revenues come from taxpayer funded Yuma Marine Corps Air Station and Yuma Army Proving Grounds.

Arkansas:  In Little Rock, non-profit Lewis Burnett Employment Finders shutting down after 29 years of helping former prisoners find jobs.  It’s blamed on health problems of the founder.

Connecticut: Governor Dannel Malloy is calling for the elimination of thousands of state jobs, by July!  The gov’na also wants cuts to state benefits and pay in order to cut $500-million USD from the state budget.   The first state employees to be laid off will be non-union members.  Ohio based Xpect Discounts shutting down the last three of its stores in The Constitution State, 178 jobs lost by April!

Florida: BlackBerry issued a WARN for its Sunrise factory, 75 jobs lost by the end of the month.

Idaho: It’s been revealed that state Department of Parks and Recreation has been running on $70-thousand USD in private donations after running out of normal fees and taxpayer funding!  The majority of the donations came from corporations Airstream and Cabela’s.  State ‘lawmakers’ allowed Parks & Rec to beggar for donations last year, in order to offset massive state funding cuts.

Illinois: Chicago based employment analysts Challenger, Grey & Christmas report a 218% increase in U.S. job losses from December 2015 to January 2016! Even compared year to year (January 2015 vs January 2016) U.S. layoffs jumped 43%!

Indiana: In Fort Wayne, drugs pusher Walgreens shutting down their 20 years old store on Pettit Avenue.  But don’t cry, local news reports say Walgreens has a monopoly on the Fort Wayne market, with at least 15 other drug pushing stores in the city.

Iowa: What automotive industry recovery?  Ireland based Eaton announced it’s no longer worth it to continue its transmission factory in Shenandoah, 250 jobs lost within six months!  Local news reported that at one point there were at least 1-thousand employees at the factory, between October 2015 and now hundreds were let go! 

Kansas: After 50 years friend to unwanted pets Merriam Great Plains SPCA’s Lost Pet & Intake Center shutting down by the end of the month: “After being the center point of animal welfare in Johnson County for 50 years, the building just simply can’t keep up with the volume of animals. It’s been deteriorating beyond repair for the past several years.”-Courtney Thomas, CEO

Michigan:   Flint based McLaren Medical Group eliminating 89 jobs by April.  The layoffs will hit medical operations in four cities.  In Muskegon County, maker of printing inks and paints SunChemical laid off 20 employees without warning, and then had them escorted off the work site.

New York: CNN forcing Maslow Media Group to issue a shutdown WARN for several NYC locations, 97 jobs lost by the end of April.

North Carolina: California based Too Big to Jail Wells Fargo continues to kill jobs, this time 87 people in Raleigh losing their jobs to “better align with current market volumes.”

Ohio: Oil pipe maker TMK-IPSCO laying off 106 employees, in Brookfield, within 60 days!

Pennsylvania: Texas based upChuck Cheese, I mean Chuck E. Cheese pizza joint shutting down in the Clearview Mall by the end of March.

South Carolina: South State Bank shutting down two Orangeburg offices, as part of bigger plans to shutdown offices across South Carolina and Georgia.  It’s the result of South State Bank taking over failed Bank of America offices in 2015.

Tennessee: What automotive industry recovery? In Bristol DlhBOWLES shutting down, 1-hundred jobs lost by April!  The company makes parts for the automotive and other industries, the shutdown is the result of two companies merging;  DLH and Bowles Fluidics.

Texas: In Austin, restaurant Arro shutting down on Friday, apparently it’s being turned into a bar.

Virginia: Catabwa Hospital shutting down as part of the governor’s plan to shutdown mental health hospitals.

Washington DC: National debt now at record $19-trillion USD!  $1-trillion in debt added in the past 13 months!

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

“…we just didn’t realize the enormity of it.” Target kills 10-thousand jobs in 1 city! Idaho’s ObamaCare kills 1-thousand people in 3 years! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 03 February 2016

Incomplete list of job loss announcements and shutdowns.

California:  After four years the Malibu Bank of Books shutting down in April.  The owner blames lack of sales and points out that the landlord actually tried to helped the bookstore.  Yet more proof the internet is not recession resistant; San Rafael based AutoDesk eliminating 925 jobs in order to expedite its transition to ‘the cloud’!  Plus the administrators claim they “over-hired” in 2015.

Florida: In Lake Buena Vista, Fulton’s Crab House issued a shutdown WARN, 214 food service jobs gone by mid-April!

Idaho:  The Gem State’s version of ObamaCare is being directly blamed for the deaths of 1-thousand Idahoans since 2013!  That accusation came from Kenneth Krell, director of Eastern Idaho Medical Center in Idaho Falls.  He targeted the claim at state Right to Work (you over) ‘lawmakers’ whom he was testifying in front of: “And I kept asking myself, how could this be? How, in a state like Idaho where we care about each other, could I be seeing deaths and really damaging illness on a nearly daily basis as a result of failure to expand Medicaid that cost tangible lives? It’s difficult to understand.”

Louisiana: In Lafayette, after seven years Jolie’s Louisiana Bistro shutting down next week.

Michigan: What automotive industry recovery?  After announcing it will shutdown its sales operations in Japan and Indonesia, Dearborn based Ford announced it will eliminate $200-million USD worth of jobs in Europe!  Administrators say the job cuts are necessary to “build a viable business in the future”.

Minnesota: The Minneapolis Downtown Council discovered that retail giant Target eliminated 10-thousand jobs within the city over the past two years!  Local news reports say Target administrators confirmed the number!

Mississippi: Hattiesburg Public Schools cutting pay and eliminating jobs “immediately”.  No details about how many jobs will be lost, local news reports say employees have yet to be notified.

Nebraska: Food giant ConAgra shutting down a frozen food production line in Council Bluffs, administrators claim this time they won’t layoff any employees.

New York: In NYC, D’Agostino Supermarkets on 3rd Avenue shutting down, 41 jobs lost by the end of April.

Ohio: In Cincinnati, House of Adam clothier shutting down after 61 years.

Pennsylvania: Waynesboro, after 15 years Dru’s Books-n-Things Hallmark gift store shutting down by the end of the month.  Despite massive layoffs throughout the state, partly caused by failure to create a state budget on-time, ‘lawmakers’ enjoy “generous pay, benefits and job security” according to Berks & Beyond.  Steel worker Dan Adam even blasted state ‘lawmakers’ because “They do live in their own little bubble and it’s not right! But what are we going to do about it?”

West Virginia: Boone County Schools eliminating 77 jobs after the bad economy caused tax revenues to be cut by more than half: “There were signs that it was happening….just didn’t expect it all at once…came on very quickly….we just didn’t realize the enormity of it.”-Jerry Pcholinsky, Boone County Education president

Wisconsin: More layoff points for Right to Work (you over) Scott Walker as Public International shuts down its Yorkville office, 50 jobs lost because a major client walked.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

U.S. central bank going negative? Insurance wants martial law enforcement of ObamaCare! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 02 February 2016

Incomplete list of job loss announcements and shutdowns.

British empire based British Petroleum (BP, formerly known as Anglo-Iranian Oil) boosting its January layoff announcement by another 3-thousand! Last month it said it would eliminate at least 4-thousand jobs around the world, now it’s 7-thousand jobs gone by the end of 2017, including within the U.S.  Low oil prices and lawsuit settlements caused BP to lose $5.2-billion USD in 2015 (its biggest loss ever).

Alabama: Birmingham based Regions Bank (aka Regions Financial Corporation) announced it will eliminate 260 jobs across several states!  The layoffs will take place by the end of March.

California: In Los Angeles, t-shirt shop Johnny Cupcakes shutting down by the end of April.  News reports say despite being popular sales weren’t high enough to justify the “overpriced lease”.  In Oakland, Outer Harbor Terminal now chapter 11 bankrupt busted. It’s the result of a major client shifting to other port operations along the U.S. west coast.

Connecticut: Hartford based health insurance giant Aetna is now accusing the federal government of not enforcing ObamaCare with martial law, saying current enforcement is “not sufficient”!  Greedy Aetna administrators blame low ObamaCare participation rates for their loss of revenues.

Florida: In Bradenton, after almost five years Tarpon Pointe Grill & Tiki Bar shutting down by the end of the month, because of an evil landlord: “Our landlord has chosen not to renew our lease. Why? He states we are not successful. We have always paid our rent and a percentage of our sales to him on time, which has equated to almost $1.1 million in five years, and our initial investment of over $800,000 to build Tarpon Pointe.”-Facebook posting

Illinois: Eastern Illinois University quietly issuing layoff notices to non-instructional staff (latest reports say as many as 2-hundred!).  It’s blamed on the state ‘lawmakers’ failing to come up with a budget. The layoffs will start in March, university administrators say the state owes them at least $40-million USD.  Chicago Public Schools (CPS) warning of even more layoffs after the teacher union rejected their latest offer.  The Failed State system CPS claims it is lacking $500-million for its latest budget, but they’re actually $1-billion ‘in the hole’, structurally!  In Carbondale, after 32 years The Great Outdoors clothing store shutting down, the owner said his retirement is an “economic decision”.  Local news media revealed that three other Carbondale/Route 13 area businesses shutdown in January; KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken), Show Me’s Restaurant and Advanced Auto Parts.  In Galesburg, after 21 years Casey’s Party Creations shutting down in March.

Kansas: In Wichita, payday loan shark Speedy Cash laid off 50 people at its HQ and call center.  Administrators blame a ‘slow’ federal tax return season.  However, Speedy Cash also shutdown ten offices in the British empire country of United Kingdom (can’t blame U.S. tax refunds on that).

Louisiana: In Lafayette, the Winn-Dixie grocery store, on Ambassador Caffery Parkway, shutting down.  61 jobs lost by March.

Michigan: Midland based Dow Chemical revealed it eliminated 1-thousand 2-hundred jobs and will eliminate another 1-thousand jobs, for a total of 2-thousand 2-hundred!  Administrators say they need to cut $300-million USD in costs this year.

Mississippi:  Chapter 11 bankrupt busted (for the second time in nine years) Baldwyn based Hancock Fabrics shutting down/liquidating at least 70 stores across the U.S.  

New York:  In Brooklyn, after seven years the owners of Bark Hot Dogs shutting down their Park Slope eatery this weekend, saying “…economics just weren’t working out.”  NYC based music event promoter SFX Entertainment now chapter 11 bankrupt busted after only two years on the NASDAQ.  In Yonkers, Sterling National Bank eliminating ten jobs by June.

Oklahoma: Non-profit Sayre Memorial Hospital shutdown without warning, due to “continual financial strain” caused by declining Medicare reimbursements, and the crashing-n-burning of the local economy.

Oregon: In Portland, California based logistics company UTi Worldwide issued a WARN, 41 jobs lost by the end of March.  After 36 years Sewick’s Dive Bar shutting down, to be replaced by a 46 unit apartment building.

Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh based Horsehead Holding now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.  Administrators blame the low prices of zinc, however it also sounds like financial incompetence as the bankruptcy attorneys could only guess that the company had between 1-thousand and 5-thousand creditors!

Virginia: In Fredericksburg, after 27 years The Cat’s Closet shutting down in late Spring. The family owners will rent out the building to somebody else.   Huntington Ingalls Industries eliminating 738 jobs at the crashing-n-burning Newport News shipyards!  It’s blamed on the completion of construction of new USN aircraft carriers, and reduced taxpayer spending by the federal government.  In Richmond, God refuses to get involved with the scandal with ‘his’ Southern Baptist Convention International Mission Board (IMB).  The so called Christian organization began laying off employees without warning, drawing criticism from fellow Baptists: “Unexplainably, IMB planned no announcement about eliminating its entire communications department. Nothing was to be said about jettisoning about 10 percent of its staff or about how IMB would tell its missions stories going forward.”-Bob Terry, editor The Alabama Baptist

Washington DC: The Federal Reserve Bank about to go the way of Japan and officially charge negative interests rates.  Essentially Too Big to Jail banks would actually be paid to ‘borrow’ money from The Fed.

Wisconsin: Sussex based Quad Graphics announced it will shutdown two printing ops, one in Pennsylvania and one in Kansas.  The newspaper insert shutdown in Pennsylvania will cost 150 jobs, that’s on top of 4-hundred Pennsylvania Quad Graphics jobs lost at the beginning of January!  About 1-hundred jobs lost in Kansas!

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.” 

“We fought a battle we just couldn’t win…” : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 01 February 2016

Incomplete list of job loss announcements and shutdowns.

Florida: Preferred Medical Plan eliminating 18 jobs in Coral Gables, by the beginning of April.  At Patrick Air Force Base two contractors, GCR and InDyne, issued mass layoff WARNs for 209 people by the end of March!

Illinois: Peabody Energy’s Arclar Mine Complex eliminated 75 coal mining jobs due to crashing demand for coal.  In Evanston, Montoya Fiber Studios shutting down after 13 years of tying up locals in yarn.  The owners said it’s time for them to travel.

Maryland: C&S Wholesale Grocers shutting down their distribution ops on Lums Road, about 2-hundred jobs lost by April!  A county administrator said she was surprised because C&S was recently advertising to hire more employees!  C&S administrators told county officials they could not stop the shutdown due to the sudden loss of a major contract.

Massachusetts: In Somerville, after five years Sabertooth Vegan Bakery shutting down so the owner can get the hell outta Boston Weak Massachusetts and go on “permanent vacation”: “…things here just haven’t been working out. It’s always been my dream to live in California and work on an animal sanctuary and I was offered an amazing opportunity to do that.”-Evie Noël   

Missouri: Doe Run Company announced it must eliminate 75 mining jobs as a result of complying with Environmental Protection Agency lawsuits.

New York:   New York Life Insurance is shutting down their IT & Finance office in Sleepy Hollow, layoffs will take place between April and December. Administrators indicated they were moving the jobs elsewhere, but didn’t say where.   Principal Service Solutions-Global Foundries revealed they laid off at least 28 people in Hopewell Junction due to loss of a maintenance contract.    Brach’s Supermarket issued a shutdown WARN for their Lawrence grocery store, 127 jobs lost by the first of May! Administrators blame the bad economy.

Despite a grand opening send-off by U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer, Constantino’s Market in Rochester’s College Town shutting down after less than one year in business!  It’s blamed on lack of sales: “Unfortunately, Constantino’s was ultimately not supported at a level that allowed them to be profitable.”-Randy Ruttenberg, Fairmount Properties

North Carolina: Flex Global shutting down their Charlotte logistics operation, 255 jobs lost by April!

Ohio: Key Bank shutting down their Canton office by the end of April.

Oklahoma: Oil company Unit Corporation confirmed to local news media that it laid off several Tulsa employees in the past week, no numbers given.   In OKC, Texas based Spaghetti Warehouse suddenly shutdown, with no explanation why: “After more than 30 years in the community, we have made the difficult business decision to suspend operations and announce the closure of the Spaghetti Warehouse Restaurant in Oklahoma City. The closure is effective on Tuesday, February 2nd. ….we are hopeful that in the near future we can reopen Spaghetti Warehouse….”

Texas: Houston based Southwestern Energy issued a mass layoff WARN saying 376 people will lose their jobs by March!  National Oilwell Varco has begun laying off 129 employees!  And yet another of what I call Ripple Effect Layoffs (REL) as Argentina based steel oil pipe maker Tenarus shutting down their Houston factory, 166 jobs lost by the end of March!   Forth Worth based bankrupt Quicksilver Resources will eliminate 164 oil industry jobs!   Retailer Kohl’s shutting down their Plano store by mid-February, supposedly the 80 employees are being transferred to other Dallas area Kohl’s.

In El Paso, Airline International Luggage shutting down their Westside brick-n-mortar shop, blaming people who buy luggage over the internet.  The owners of Airline International Luggage should know about the shift to internet shopping, they began selling on the internet in 1995! They continue to operate their Eastside location which includes their online shop and warehouse.

Washington: Cardinal Health issued a WARN for its Auburn ops, 59 jobs lost by the end of March.

West Virginia: Kingston Mining laying off 89 coal miners, blaming declining demand for coal.

Wisconsin: In Sheboygan, after five years restaurant Weimann’s Sports Center shutting down this weekend, despite being voted best sports bar.  The owners blame constant road construction projects among other issues: “We fought a battle we just couldn’t win and ultimately felt it would be a lot less stressful for our family to not be in business. It’s a tough business.”

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.” 

Harley-Davidson crashes 43%! Massive REL! No more Live365! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 30 – 31 January 2016

Incomplete list of job loss announcements and shutdowns.

Alaska: Taxpayer funding cuts (caused by the crashing & burning oil industry) are forcing University of Alaska Fairbanks to shutdown the Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Soil and Plant Analysis Laboratory.   It’s the only soil testing lab in the state and is not only helpful to gardeners but is used to help pilots land on unprepared runways: “That lab has been responsible for saving the aviation industry probably millions of dollars in aircraft damage. The closing of the lab has so many ripple effects that are just hard to calculate.”-Steve Brown, Agricultural Extension agent

California: San Ramon based Chevron confirmed it eliminated 3-thousand 2-hundred jobs in 2015, and that another 4-thousand oil jobs will be destroyed in 2016!  Administrators say they lost so much money in 2015 that they need to cut more than $9-billion USD in operating costs!

More proof the internet is not recession resistant; Foster City based Live365 internet radio officially shutting down, analysts are blaming the Copyright Royalty Board.  Back at the end of December it was reported that Live365 was laying off the majority of its employees, no word on how many people will lose their jobs.  Health insurance company Blue Shield of California eliminating at least 99 jobs at their Lodi call center, apparently forcing people to buy ObamaCare insurance isn’t generating enough captive audience profits.

Georgia: In Garden City, Daylight Donuts shutdown due to problems with the building and low sales.

Illinois: Jake’sTavern shutdown after 78 years in Galesburg, the current owner refused to say why. 

  Here’s three fine examples of what I call Ripple Effect Layoffs (REL);  Illinois base heavy vehicle maker Caterpillar issued a press release stating they will eliminate 10-thousand jobs between now and 2018, due to the crashing mining-oil industry!   In Danville, Germany based ThyssenKrupp Crankshaft eliminating 48 jobs due to declining sales caused by the declining heavy vehicle industry, which is the result of the declining mining-oil industry.  Also in Danville, Freight Car America eliminating 180 jobs by mid-February, blaming the declining railroad industry, which is the result of the declining mining-oil industry!

Missouri: In Clayton, after five years Coastal Bistro & Bar shutdown, no comment from owners. In Chesterfield, Miller’s Crossing Pub & Grill shutdown with no warning or explanation.  In Krikwood, after five years Petra Restaurant shutdown, no further info.

New Jersey: In Freehold, Top Tomato grocery store shutdown, a manager of another Top Tomato store told local news media that relative to sales volume the Freehold store is “too big for them”.    However, on Facebook the owner of the Top Tomato chain straight up blamed the greedy landlord: “…due to circumstances with our landlord that could not be resolved and were out of our control, we were forced to close our Freehold sister store.”

New Mexico: Illinois base heavy vehicle maker Caterpillar eliminated 50 jobs without warning when it suddenly shutdown its Santa Fe factory.  Caterpillar took over the factory from CleanAir Systems in 2010.  In Albuquerque, after 18 years stationary and gift shop Gatherings shutdown, the owner blamed competition with the internet.

New York:   RCS Capital (Realty Capital Securities) now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.  Back in December they WARNed they were shutting down their NYC office by March.  The bankruptcy filing will somehow provide the failing investor $150-million USD and take it ‘private’.  No wonder big companies like to file bankruptcy so much, who knew it was just another way for them to make money?   That Which CanNot Be Named refuses to stop the shutdown of ‘its’ 51+ years old kosher bakery Monsey Kosher Bake Shop (aka Frank’s Family Bakery).  Yehuda Frank began crying when he told local news media that “circumstances made that we close”.   Those “circumstances” include the health and age of the owners.

North Carolina: In Greenville, Fitgerald’s restaurant shutdown without warning less than two years after opening.  Local news media report that the building now has a sign that says “Do not enter, no one”.   Asheboro Elastics shutting down their Narrow Fabrics military fabrics factory.  The vice president of AEC Narrow Fabrics admitted that selling products to the military is not as profitable as they thought, 90 jobs lost between March and April.

North Dakota:  In Fargo, Eloise Boutique & Gift shutting down by the end of March.  The store owner is also the property owner and she admitted she could make more money just being the landlord instead of the tenant.

Ohio: In Columbus, after 29 years Patrick J’s Food + Drink shutdown, apparently the owner could end up in prison for 20 years after pleading guilty to charges of ‘interference with commerce by threats’.

Oregon:  For the second time in one week,  Aequitas Capital Management announced layoffs.  This time 1-hundred people, almost all the remaining employees, will be laid off! Company bosses blame significant financial problems after it was revealed their debt/investment agency was involved in questionable student loans.

Wisconsin: Illinois base heavy vehicle maker Caterpillar eliminating 220 jobs at its factory in Prentice!  What automotive industry recovery?  Milwaukee based iconic Harley-Davidson dropped its expected 2016 shipments of motorcycles from 3% to 1%!  Profits were down 43% for 2015!  Lack of sales means they’re stuck with a 31% increase in leftover inventory compared to 2014.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

29 January 2016: Governor kills state jobs claiming lack of money, then Senator reveals $400-million+ cash surplus!

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.” 

The Real Iran : Life Under Sanctions

This most recent documentary of Iran under U.S. led sanctions (produced by puppet ally of the United States, neo-imperialist Japan’s NHK) reveals how ineffective the sanctions are as “the country is flooded with foreign goods”.


U.S. Food Crisis January 2016: “We were not ready to close 10 years ago, but we’re ready now.”

Incomplete list of announced United States food supply shutdowns for the month of January, 2016: Many food suppliers/distributors are consolidating operations and killing jobs due to the collapsing grocery store and restaurant industries, as well as rising costs of food production, spread of disease and extreme weather.

Alabama: Earth Fare shutdown two grocery stores; one in Montgomery and one in Hoover (Birmingham).  In typical Orwellian double-speak company administrators said the shutdowns were necessary “…for continued expansion.”   No word on how many people will become unemployed.  In Selma, the Winn-Dixie grocery store shutting down in February, apparently due to low sales.  Local loyal customers are pissed off, Gracie Bennett exclaimed “I don`t want to hear that! I won`t like that at all! It is just an inconvenience.” referring to the long drive she’ll have to make to go to the nearest grocery store.

Arkansas: Kroger shutdown one of four of their North Little Rock grocery stores blaming low sales.  Good Food by Ferneau shutting down because the owner-chef is taking a job working for somebody else.

Arizona: In Hereford, after almost 30 years The Mesquite Tree restaurant shutdown.

California:   In Santa Maria, Eldorado Berry Farms issued a “permanent” layoff WARN, 654 jobs lost by the end of April!  Superior Farming issued a layoff WARN, 225 Santa Maria jobs lost by the end of June!   In Camarillo, MAC Berry Farms issued a layoff WARN, 90 jobs lost by mid-July.  In Oxnard, Coastal Green Vegetable Company issued a shutdown WARN, 88 jobs lost by mid-March.  In Cambria, after less than one year restaurant-market Centrally Grown shutdown without warning, at least 16 jobs lost (back in December reports said the entire staff was fired, with no explanation).  Food giant ConAgra issued a shutdown WARN for their Helm operation, 102 jobs lost by mid-March!   Albertsons-Safeway eliminating an additional seven jobs at their Pleasanton office, in March.  In Canoga Park, after only a few months ConfeXion Cupcakes shutdown without warning.  News reports say it’s the first business in the new Village at Westfield Topanga plaza to shutdown, and other businesses are considering leaving as well.  A co-owner of ConfeXion Cupcakes blames outrageous rent.  In San Francisco, after 23 years the owners of El Majahual finally wised up and realized it’s better to own than rent, they’re moving to their new location ‘across the bay’.   Also in San Francisco, popular Ames restaurant shutdown after ten years. The Walnut Creek Pyramid Alehouse shutdown, 49 jobs lost.  Belcampo Meat Company shutting down one of their San Francisco butcher shops.  The operators of the butcher shop chain said the Mission Street location could not maintain enough volume sales to justify its existence.  Staying in San Francisco, the Gangway bar shutdown due to ignoramus owner failing to pay his employees at least minimum wage.  In California the so called Tip Credit does not apply, food service workers must be paid minimum wage even though they’re paid tips by customers.  According to the lawsuit the owner, who’s lived in California for decades, thought the Tip Credit rule was valid in California (I knew about that rule back in the 1980s, how can people who’ve lived in California longer than me be so stupid regarding The Golden State’s wage laws?).  Still in San Francisco, after more than ten years the upscale Bourbon Steak shutting down in March, the owner said he decided not to renew the lease and is looking for a new home. In Irvine, the 24 years old IHOP restaurant in Parkview Center is shutting down, local news reports say no reason is being given, other than the lease is not being renewed.  Another Irvine restaurant also not renewing its lease, Marie Callender’s  shutting down.    San Diego based award winning gourmet Donut Bar shutdown their Fountain Valley shop (apparently replaced by yet another donut shop). In Escondido, after 44 years Champion’s Family Restaurant shutdown.  In Santa Ana, Pinkberry shutdown their City Place food shop.  Carpinteria based burger joint Carl’s Jr. shutdown two Canadian restaurants in Toronto, about 40 jobs lost.  Employees say they were not given a reason for the shutdowns, however, company administrators claim they will eventually open 30 new restaurants across the Great White North. Inside the hotel Montage Beverly Hills, restaurant Scarpetta shutting down sometime in Spring to be replaced with food service that can remain open all daylong.    In Anaheim Hills, after at least 30 years popular Foxfire An American Chophouse shutting down at the start of February, to make room for a shopping plaza.  In Los Altos, Main Street Cafe shutdown, apparently to eventually be replaced with yet another restaurant “concept”.  In Cathedral City, after 40 years restaurant El Gallito shutting down.  The co-owners admitted their sales have been declining for some time saying “We were not ready to close 10 years ago, but we’re ready now.”

Colorado: In Denver, after a little more than three years Park House-Peacemaker’s Cajun Kitchen shutdown, the facebook posting didn’t explain why.  Albertsons-Safeway shutting down their Denver bakery, 95 jobs lost by the end of February.  Denver based Chipotle Mexican Grill is shutdown all its restaurants across the United States in February, blamed ongoing and unexplained microbial infections in numerous restaurants.  However, the shutdown is for one day only, basically a ‘come to Jesus meeting’ for employees about food safety (that’s right, blame the employees). Chipotle’s sales crashed 40% in 2015!   Lafayette, the Crossroad’s Tavern shutdown by the greedy landlord.  The landlord is the Flatirons Community Church.  In Denver, after 48 years iconic Andre’s Confiserie Suisse dessert restaurant shutting down because the A-hole city jacked up the taxes: “The city basically doesn’t want us here anymore. We got priced out.”-Bruno Gegenszhatz, owner

Connecticut: After 17 years restaurant Inn at Newtown shutdown.  In New Milford, after 24 years restaurant Salsa shutdown, the owner sold it so he could retire.  In New Canaan, after six years popular Chicken Joe’s restaurant shutdown by astronomical rent.  After 11 years Westport’s Bobby Q’s Bodacious BBQ & Grill shutting down by the end of March.

Delaware: Local news media discovered that all four Sussex County Donut Connection shops have been shutdown!  The owners of the franchise claim they’ve “retired”, but a former employee said “Business really had slacked off.”   Tax records show $26,320-USD are still owed and a lawsuit says $31,211 in rent and utilities have never been paid!

 Georgia:  Property developers forcing popular restaurant Alfredo’s to shutdown after 41 years, the restaurant owner bemoaned “What can you do? That’s progress. It’s all about the money.”   In Garden City, Daylight Donuts shutdown due to problems with the building and low sales.

Florida: In Fort Myers the franchised Tilted Kilt Pub & Eatery shutdown without warning, the manager said in the past 12 months sales crashed “we are simply a victim of not enough sales”.   After two years The Juice Spot in the Brickell area of Miami shutting down.  There are signs the owners, the LeBron James family, is hurting for cash as the basketball star sold his Miami mansion in August for $13.4-million USD.  Bowling, movies, food  joint Latitude 360 shutdown its Jacksonville location, no reason given.   In Orlando, after five years burger & beer joint Oblivion Taproom shutdown.   In Quincy, BFN Operations issued a WARN for their Zelenka Farms, 64 jobs lost by the end of March.  Coca-Cola laid off 70 people at their Brandon finance office.

Hawaii:  The Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar Company suddenly shutdown and laid off 645 people!  Administrators blame low commodity prices for causing them to lose $30-million USD in 2015, which is enough to shut them down!  It’s the last sugar farm in Hawaii!   Kahului Trucking & Storage began laying off drivers as a result of the sudden shutdown of the sugar farm.

Idaho: It’s been revealed that as more people move into The Gem State (domestic and foreign migrants) residences are being landscaped with poisonous shrubs, and it’s killing off the elk.  In the Ketchum-Hailey area at least 13 elk have been found dead.  Autopsies revealed poisonous ornamental Japanese yew shrubs in their stomaches.  In one case the locals who found the most recent poisoned elk followed the elk tracks in the snow back to a home landscaped with Japanese yews.

In Idaho County, according to local news reports two Texas billionaires bought-up 38-thousand acres of land and then shut it down to local residents for use in recreation and hunting!  Residents are outraged as previous land owners allowed public access for recreation and hunting.

According to a new report called The Financial Condition of Idaho Agriculture: 2015, Idaho farmers saw an overall 9% drop in cash receipts (even with a 2% drop in operating costs) from 2014 to 2015, due to crashing food prices: “The low prices in 2014 bled over into last year. The shortages, the supply and demand factors bleed into the following year.”-Garth Taylor, University of Idaho agricultural economist

The good news is that prices for livestock went up, but the low crop prices were low enough to adversely affect state tax collections. To break it down with a few examples; milk prices resulted in revenues dropping by one third.  Wheat down 17%.  Hay down 12% and potatoes down just under 3%.  Sugar beets and barley made revenue gains, with sugar beets bringing in a whopping 20% increase.

It’s been revealed that pesticides have contaminated farms in eastern Idaho.  At least 809 hectares (2-thousand acres) are affected and must be cleaned up, at taxpayer expense of course (an estimated $250-thousand USD has been quoted as an initial payment!).  The contamination was discovered when farmers reported mutations in their crops and animals.  Investigators traced it to the massive use of Methyl Bromide back in 2006.  The contamination affects potatoes, hay, alfalfa, wheat and barley.  In 2006 paranoia erupted over the discovery of a nematode that destroys potato crops, state and federal agriculture ‘experts’ told farmers to use methyl bromide to kill the microbe.  It was farmers who first reported the crop and livestock mutations, concluding that it must be the result of using the toxic chemical.

University of Idaho shutting down their Caine Veterinary Teaching Center.  Apparently the university plans on teaching veterinarian skills directly through livestock owners, news reports say the university veterinarian faculty are being laid off.

Grocer Supervalu issued a WARN for three Boise stores (North Ancestor, South Denver Way and Parkcenter locations), at least 80 jobs lost by March.  It might be connected to Supervalu’s plan to take its Save-A-Lot discount grocery ops ‘public’.  Back in October Supervalu laid off 115 people at their East Baybrook Court, Boise location, in connection with the merger of Albertsons and Safeway.  Also in Boise, after at least 25 years the Twin Dragon restaurant is shutting down by March.  The owners are trying to sell it to help fund their retirement plans.  Trader Joe’s is recalling cashews sold in Boise (as well as in 31 other locations across the U.S.).  The nuts are suspected of being contaminated with salmonella.

To counter the growing trend of chain restaurants openly opposing guns, local Gem State eateries are offering discounts if you’re packin’ heat!  Dueling Irons restaurant knocks off 15% from the price of your meal: “The open carry discount is being expanded to included ccw permits, and increasing to 15%.”-Dueling Irons facebook post

Gem State Right to Work (you over) ‘lawmakers’ are apparently realizing  how bad the financial situation is for families and are creating a new law that will exempt ‘cottage food’ businesses (literally mom-n-pop food sellers working out of their home) from the same health codes that traditional retail establishments must obey.

Illinois:    The Tilted Kilt Pub & Eatery shutdown in the Chicago Ridge Mall.  Restaurant III Tomassos Italian Bistro in Springfield shutdown, blaming lack of development and lack of neighboring tenants for lack of customer traffic in the new Legacy Pointe complex.  Also in Springfield, Brickhouse Pub & Grill Downtown and Julia’s Kitchen shutdown.  In East Dundee, after only one year Blues BBQ & Grill now bankrupt busted and shutdown.  The owners are hoping to re-open as soon as they settle with creditors.  Oreo cookie maker Mondelez International shutting down its allergy free Schiller Park factory by Summer, about 130 jobs affected as work is being consolidated to a new factory in Indiana!  Mondelez also told 277 Chicago workers they will become unemployed starting in March, as part of the company’s plans to move to Mexico!  Jake’sTavern shutdown after 78 years in Galesburg, the current owner refused to say why.

Indiana:  Two shops shutdown in the Southlake Mall; Tilted Kilt and Jamba Juice.  The Tilted Kilt Pub & Eatery shutdown without warning, in fact it was shutdown during the lunch hour!  Essentially the franchise owner baled under the excuse of sudden retirement.  News reports say the mall’s Jamba Juice also shutdown without warning or explanation.  Bowling, movies, food  joint Latitude 360 shutdown its Indianapolis location, no reason given.  In Irvington, after 17 years Dufour’s restaurant-bakery shutting down, the owner admitted “As I’ve aged, this business gets harder. My insides feel 18, but my outsides don’t.”  

Iowa:  In Ames, after 30 years restaurant Valentino’s shutdown, the owners saying “Recent circumstances beyond our control, coupled with changing demographics in our current location and declining sales made this very difficult decision necessary.”    A pizza joint known for helping homeless people, Rock Power Pizza, shutting down due to escalating operating expenses and de-escalating sales/donations: “It’s going to affect hundreds and hundreds of people, and we don’t know where that’s going to take it. That’s the part that really tears me up.”-Derrick Walton, owner who says he was once homeless

Maine: Chipotle Mexican Grill killing off Hutamaki.   The paper product maker said it had to layoff 30 employees due to crashing packaging orders from the troubled chain restaurant.

Kansas:  In Saint John, Dillions Market shutdown.  Dillions was the town’s only grocery store meaning residents will have to travel 20 miles to buy food!

Maryland:  Florida based Acosta Sales & Marketing eliminating 93 jobs at it’s Hanover food service ops, WARNing that more layoffs are in the works over the next three months!  After 18 years restaurant Donna’s shutdown, the owners admitted they were losing money and could not renew the lease.

Massachusetts: In Longmeadow, after more than 40 years the Hu Ke Lau restaurant (on Williams Street) shutting down next week.  Local news sources could not get a reason. In Cambridge, after 30 years East Coast Grill shutting down by the end of the month.  No reason was presented.  In Clinton, after 87 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) the Old Timer restaurant shutdown.  It’s been for sale ever since a co-owner died in 2013, obviously nobody wants to buy it.

Michigan: In Bloomfield Hills, after more than 40 years Hogan’s restaurant shutting down at the end of the month.  The owner admitted his old golf themed eatery can’t compete with the new “really trendy” restaurants.  Proof Americans are going hungry, non-profit Feeding America is shutting down two food warehouses because they’re too small, administrators say they need bigger locations to meet the huge demand: “…the need has grown over the last decade…We know we have the ability to fully meet the need…To put it simply, we’ve outgrown these facilities.”-Ken Estelle, Feeding America West Michigan CEO

Minnesota: In Minneapolis, after two years Brasserie Zentral shutting down, a co-owner saying “This industry has always been hard.  But right now, it has never been harder.”  In Saint Paul, after ten years the Highland Park Chatterbox Pub (deep fried cheeseburgers) suddenly shutdown, the owners say they were not able to find a needed third business partner and will now focus on their two smaller restaurants.

Missouri: In Clayton, after five years Coastal Bistro & Bar shutdown, no comment from owners. In Chesterfield, Miller’s Crossing Pub & Grill shutdown with no warning or explanation.  In Krikwood, after five years Petra Restaurant shutdown, no further info.  In Amazonia, after 45 years Hunt Orchards shutting down. The current operators say they’re too old to carry on and hope somebody will lease the orchard, otherwise the property owner will sell to commercial developers.  Georgia based Printpack shutting down its Hazelwood food packaging factory, 115 jobs lost starting in March!   Local news reports say the Hazelwood Printpack factory employed at least 3-hundred people at its peak in the late 1990s.  Administrators did not say why they were shutting it down.  Evil Saint Louis based chemical & GMO food maker Monsanto continues to kill jobs, this time 1-thousand people added to the previously announced 2-thousand 6-hundred job eliminations to take place later this year!  Mike Shannon’s Steaks and Seafood shutdown their 30 years old downtown Saint Louis location,  claiming it will help them focus on “franchise expansion”.   Also in Saint Louis, after almost 20 years Harry’s Bar & Restaurant shut down.  It’s starting to sound like city re-development projects are killing off local businesses: “It’s the economy, the highway closing, Ballpark Village. Downtown is just a dead area right now….nobody is talking about it. Iconic places are going out of business, and nobody cares.  Ballpark Village was the nail in the coffin. It shut down Washington Avenue and took 70% of our business.”-Tim Pieri, co-owner

And owners of Mile 277 join other Saint Louis restauranteurs in blaming the A-hole re-development projects and greedy landlords: “The development of other venues such as Ballpark Village along with numerous lease terms has significantly impacted the operations of Mile 277. The combination of these factors has resulted in significant losses of revenue and profits. Mile 277 cannot continue to sustain these losses.”

Nebraska:  Grocery seller SpartanNash announced the shutdown of three Omaha area stores, under the brands Bag-n-Save and No Frills, hundreds of jobs lost!  It could be because Michigan based SpartanNash is spending $14-million USD to renovate eight other stores into their new Family Fare brand.  Food giant ConAgra eliminating more jobs due to an ‘expected’ drop in sales.  News reports say several hundreds of ConAgra employees in Omaha will lose there jobs to cheaper contractors as ConAgra attempts to cut operating costs!    The reports are based on a video leaked last week, but what’s really interesting is that ConAgra execs are also killing 40 sales positions (maybe that’s why they expect sales to go down?).

Nevada:  Whole food store Reno Provisions suddenly shutdown.  Reports say the store struggled with problems like lack of revenues, e-coli outbreaks and now a new lawsuit.

New Hampshire:  In Dover, the Uno Pizzeria & Grill joint shutdown, even though days prior local news media were told by managers the shutdown was just a “rumor”.   Corporate administrators in Boston Weak, Massachusetts, refused to talk to local news media.

New Jersey:  In Westfield, Robert Treat Delicatessen shutdown, the owners blamed their ongoing personal health problems.  After 37 years the Cherry Hill Coastline Bar and Grill now bankrupt busted and shutdown.  In Atlantic City, 89 years old (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) Tony’s Baltimore Grill pizza joint now bankrupt busted.  The operators haven’t been able to pay their debts and blame it on the high cost of unionized labor.  In Freehold, Top Tomato grocery store shutdown, a manager of another Top Tomato store told local news media that relative to sales volume the Freehold store is “too big for them”.    However, on Facebook the owner of the Top Tomate chain straight up blamed the greedy landlord: “…due to circumstances with our landlord that could not be resolved and were out of our control, we were forced to close our Freehold sister store.” 

New Mexico:  Coca-Cola shutting down its Portales bottling factory, 59 jobs lost to consolidation.   Coca-Cola’s warehouse in Clovis is also being shutdown.  Winter Storm Goliath killed thousands of dairy cows in the Clovis area.  At one point dairy production was down to just 10% of capacity.   Kroger shutdown their Smith’s Food and Drug Store in Socorro, 66 job lost.  

New York:  Maines Food & Party Warehouse shutting down their Ithaca and Greece grocery stores by February, no public explanation given.  In NYC, after 40 years kitchen supplier Broadway Panhandler shutting down.  The owner tried to sell the business but nobody wanted to buy it.  In Saugerties the McDonald’s junk food joint on 8 Manor Lane shutdown, the owner saying “It’s a business decisions…”, revealing that even when the restaurant was “making money” it was considered “under-performing”!  Honest Weight, one of the last food co-op grocery stores in The Empire State, is warning that state employment regulations will force them to shutdown.  In Nyack, popular Hartell’s Deli shutdown.  Hartell’s has operated in Nyack since the 1970s, no word on why they shutdown.   In Haverstraw, after nearly 70 years 20 acre restaurant Platzl Brauhaus shutdown because it was sold-off.  Cumberland Packing shutting down its artificial sweetener (Sweet-n-Low) factory in Brooklyn, 3-hundred jobs lost by the end of the year!   Angry Wade’s bar shutting down after the greedy landlord jacked the rent to $16-thousand USD per month!  Netherlands based food wholesaler Ahold shutting down its Lancaster and Cheektowaga warehouse operations, 602 jobs lost by August!  Ahold joins the mass exodus from The Empire State and is consolidating warehousing to Pennsylvania and Massachusetts.  In Freeport, the Stop&Shop grocery store shutting down in February, residents say it will leave them with only one grocery store in their city.  Stop&Shop is one of several grocery chain stores owned by Netherlands based Ahold.  In Manhattan’s Upper East Side, restaurant David Burke Fishtail shutdown due to the greedy landlord.  News reports say it’s the third David Burke restaurant to shutdown in less than a year.   In NYC, Restaurant Associates lost their food service contract with Germany based Deutsche Bank, 59 jobs lost by April.   That Can Not Be Named refuses to stop the shutdown of ‘its’ 51+ years old kosher bakery Monsey Kosher Bake Shop (aka Frank’s Family Bakery).  Yehuda Frank began crying when he told local news media that “circumstances made that we close”.   Those “circumstances” include the health and age of the owners.

North Carolina:  In Raleigh, after less than ten years restaurant The Borough shutting down, the owner saying she has to sell it.    In Raleigh, The Oxford pub shutdown.  Morrison Healthcare continues to kill jobs after losing a food service contract with Carolinas HealthCare Systems, local news reports say layoffs will now hit 350!  In Greenville, Fitgerald’s restaurant shutdown without warning less than two years after opening.  Local news media report that the building now has a sign that says “Do not enter, no one”.    Grace’s Café, an eatery at Duke University, is shutting down at the end of the semester.  The operator said sales are not enough to pay for needed renovations to the kitchen.

North Dakota: Farm vehicle maker CNH (Case New Holland) hitting Fargo with even more layoffs, this time 70 people becoming unemployed.  Local news reports say that since 2014 CNH has eliminated 260 jobs in Fargo.

Ohio: After 47 years Buehler’s Fresh Foods shutting down their Delaware store in February, 131 jobs lost!    In Mansfield, after 29 years Lee’s Ancient Wok shutdown, the owners want to retire but their adult son has no plans to continue working the popular restaurant.  With no warning Columbus based chain restaurant Max & Erma’s shutdown 13 operations in Ohio, Michigan and Indiana, hundreds now jobless!  Corporate administrators said they have to “streamline” operations due to the economy.  Overwhelmingly employees say they’re shocked that their employer could shutdown overnight, (I’ve been there experienced that several times, so welcome to reality. Now try living with so many of your peers not believing that your former employer could lay you off with no warning, your employed peers always think you did something wrong! It’s amazing what the working class takes for granted, oh the power of false belief).  The only Krispy Kreme donut shop in the Dayton area shutdown, 20 jobs lost.  No explanation.  In Columbus, after 29 years Patrick J’s Food + Drink shutdown, apparently the owner could end up in prison for 20 years after pleading guilty to charges of ‘interference with commerce by threats’.

Oklahoma: In Utica, after more than 70 years Petty’s Fine Foods shutting down in February, 50 jobs lost. 

Oregon:  In Portland, after 114 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) grocery store Strohecker’s shutdown.  Local news reports say no reason was made public (the corporate owners, Lamb’s Markets, refused to talk). Indications are that the store’s pharmacy operations will continue in a different location.   What’s that about Goodwill creating jobs? In Salem, it was revealed that seven years old Thai Beer Restaurant was forced to shutdown when the property owner sold-out to Goodwill Industries.  The Terrace Cafe in Valley River Center shutting down after 36 years of serving up yummy food, because the mall management refuses to renew the lease.  The restaurant owner said no reason was offered and “I was not prepared to have been told that no more leases would be given to me.” 

Pennsylvania:   After more than three years Marty’s Market shutdown without warning, the owners saying only “We have had to make the extremely difficult decision to close…”    In Allentown, after only six months Shula’s Steak House shutdown without warning, it might have something to do with a lawsuit in which the Florida based restaurant chain settled claims that it failed to make rent payments.   In Queen Village, after eight years Cafe Fulya shutdown.   In Bridgeville, after 30 years restaurant Tambellini’s shutdown.  The building was sold.   In State College, Callao Cafe shutting down due to the owner’s health problems.  In Flourtown, after 65 years eatery Cisco’s shutdown.  In Philadelphia, Marabella Meatball restaurant shutdown.  Bring Your Own Beverage restaurant Blue Cat shutdown because sales sucked: “I was burned out. Business was OK, but it was not worth it, I was shopping by myself, cooking everything. There’s no lunch business up there….”-Guy Shapiro, co-owner

South Carolina: In Myrtle Beach, “high end” cookware seller Williams-Sonoma (on Howard Avenue) shutdown.

Tennessee: In West Nashville, The Stone Fox shutdown, 30 jobs lost.  After four years of success the restaurant-live music joint is apparently being replaced with something else.  In Gatlinburg, Davy Crockett’s Tennessee Whiskey shutdown without warning or explanation.  After spending money to paint their eatery in the colors of East Tennessee State University the owners of Alley Kat Sandwich Shop shutdown.  Jerky maker Oberto shutting down its two years old Nashville meat factory despite promising to create 310 jobs and getting almost $2-million in taxpayer funds and grants (not tax breaks, outright cash!).  State ‘lawmakers’ swear they’ll go after the jerky maker for a refund of the tax funding.  The Nashville factory never got above 82 employees, despite Oberto’s promise  (see more below in -Washington-).   Here’s what Karl Dean, the now former mayor of Nashville, said back in 2012: “Oberto’s decision to locate a plant in Nashville speaks to the vitality of our city and the talent of our workforce. I’m especially pleased that Oberto will be bringing an existing facility back to life. Filling vacant buildings in and around our urban core is important to the strength and future of our city.”

Texas:  Texas Association of Dairymen upped the number of dairy cows killed by Winter Storm Goliath to 5% (one report says at least 40-thousand killed!).  The estimate counts only mature cows.   Now if you think beef prices are high enough, add this to the mix; one beef rancher says he lost 350 beef cows to Goliath, and he says there are at least 30 other ranchers in the area with similar losses!  In Dallas, after 40 years the original Black-eyed Pea restaurant was suddenly shutdown due to the company going bankrupt.  At least 15 Black-eyed Pea restaurants have been shutdown in Texas.  The bankruptcy will affect restaurants in the state of Colorado as well.  Also in Dallas, after 45 years Herrera’s Tex Mex shutdown because the landlords want to re-purpose the property.

Utah:  Wild West themed Porter’s Place shutting down its Lehi restaurant because city administrators are running the operator outta town.  The city owns the building and they want to tear it down.  The owner of Porter’s Place say he hopes to open a new restaurant in the city of Nephi.

Virginia:  In Roanoke, restaurant Stefano’s on the Market shutdown, the owner wants more time with his family.  Richmond’s four years old Carytown Dixie Donuts shutdown.   In Pulaski, Food Lion shutting down its Memorial Drive grocery store by February because it’s not worth it to renew the lease.  In Lexington, Healthy Foods Market & Cafe shutdown, the owners blame increased competition for their decreased sales.  In Alexandria, Old Time Coffee, Tea and Spice shutting down in February because the landlord is jacking up the rent. The 1950s style K&B Drive Inn south of Eveleth shutdown without warning.   After 93 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) Falkowski’s Market shutting down, Mike Falkowski blames “The tough Range economy is hurting our business. Can’t keep operating losing money every month. Just couldn’t survive.” 

Washington:  Kent based mass produced jerky maker Oberto announced it will shutdown its two years old meat factory in Tennessee (well, the factory is two years old, I don’t know about the meat) and sell-off a meat factory in Oregon!   The suck-ass economy is forcing Oberto to consolidate jerky treat making to its Washington ops.  Seattle based Starbucks announced it will shutdown several two years old Teavana ‘tea bars’ in New York and California.  Regional grocer (and bankrupt no thanks to being tricked by Albertson-Safeway) Haggen issued a shutdown WARN for their Puyallup store, 87 jobs lost at the beginning of March. 

Washington DC: Once touted by politicians like Obama, the 10 years old Five Guys Burgers and Fries joint on Wisconsin Avenue shutdown.  There was no explanation, just a note taped to the door.

Wisconsin: After 50 years elitist Feiler’s Restaurant shutdown.  In Milwaukee, after only two years Simmer Cafe shutdown. The owners blamed it on their expensive attempt to start another cafe in the Mayfair Mall.  Low farm sales continue to force CNH (Case-New Holland) to eliminate even more factory jobs.  105 Mount Pleasant employees became unemployed!

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Global Food Crisis: No more Salmon from South America? 

More proof humans don’t cause climate change: Plankton did it!

29 January 2016 19:20 UTC-07 Tango 01 (10 Bahman 1394/19 Rabi’a’-Thani 1437/21 Ding-Chou (12th month) 4713)

A new study by biologists in New Zealand is now blaming Plankton for climate change!  Well, not that Plankton, but more than 2-thousand species of ancient plankton, and another micro-animal called graptolite, that lived as long as 400-million years ago.

And actually they’re not blaming the plankton, but rather they believe the extinction of the ancient plankton was caused by radical climate change.  Professor James Crampton, of Victoria University, concluded that “…extinction happens in short bursts or episodes…  ….it is the severity of the change in the environment that determines if old or new species are prone to extinction….  …the modern rate of environmental change could alter the balance of extinction risk….”

Please note that the ancient creatures studied lived at a time when humans did not exist, yet the extinction of these micro-animals is blamed on radical climate change.  So what happened?  Did professor Emmet Brown travel back in time in his piece-o-junk Chevy wannabe DeLorean (he got the car because they were dirt cheap because nobody wanted them) and then proceed to massively pollute the atmosphere?

Study says tropical groundwater benefits from climate change!  

Sweden makes Facebook policy the law!

29 January 2016 18:36 UTC-07 Tango 01 (10 Bahman 1394/19 Rabi’a’-Thani 1437/21 Ding-Chou (12th month) 4713)

The European country Sweden is about to impose a legal minimum age for accessing social media, based on a European Union study and Facebook policy.

The Swedish government said it would implement what’s called the EU Data Protection Directive and establish a legal minimum age of between 13 and 16 for accessing social media without parental approval.

Most social media internet sites already have a 13 years old minimum age limit for taking part in their bull-shit sessions.  Despite the official corporate policy, and soon a new EU law, how is this going to be enforced?