Tag Archives: syria

World War 3: More proof the U.S. is behind WMD attack in Syria, they’re delaying the UN investigation! U.S. puppet agents say no Syrian soldiers reported killed, that’s a lie!

21 March 2013/09 Jumada l-Ula 1434/01 Farvardin 1391/10 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

On 20 March the Syrian government demanded a United Nations investigation into the supposed gas attacks in Aleppo Province, and possibly in the city of Damascus.

Now the United States, France and United Kingdom (all backers of the insurgency) are working hard to delay the UN investigation.  Why?  If it turns out that a gas attack was launched by the Syrian government wouldn’t that play into their ‘red line’ threat of all out war?

Also, in a U.S. News & World Report article Maher Nana, co-founder of Syrian Support Group in Florida, said the Syrian government did not report any soldiers killed in the WMD attacks.  A bold face lie as the Syrian government reported at least 10 of their soldiers killed in the Aleppo Province attack!  Nana was using the bogus claim as a way to prove the gas attacks came from the Syrian government.

World War 3: Proof the U.S. behind WMD attack in Syria? U.S. officials deny such an attack took place! Remember the Red Line the Obama Administration drew?

20 March 2013/08 Jumada l-Ula 1434/30 Esfand 1391/09 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

Officials with the U.S. government first denied a gas attack took place in Syria, saying there was no evidence, then said if WMD attack took place it was from the Syrian government.

But U.S. News & World Report says they have evidence the WMD attack was from a Syrian government Scud missile that missed its target.  They also say there was a second gas attack in Damascus.

If you remember, last year the Obama administration said if the Syrian government used WMDs then the U.S. would go to war: “This is a red line for the United States. I am not going to telegraph in any specifics what we would do in the event of credible evidence that the Assad regime has resorted to using chemical weapons against their own people. But suffice it to say, we are certainly planning to take action if that eventuality were to occur.”-Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State at the end of 2012

Notice the choice of words Hillary used: “eventuality”.  The Obama administration was pretty sure WMDs were going to be used.

Isn’t it interesting that the gas attack took place on the day Obama went to Israel?  And where are the cries for action from the Israelis, who in the recent past have been all whiny about the Syrian ‘civil war’ (they even shot and killed Syrians trying to cross the border, and bombed Syrian military convoys near the Lebanese border)?  Now everyone is being extra cautious in their statements, or not commenting at all.

World War 3: U.S. backed Syrian insurgents warned they were going to use WMDs!

19 March 2013/07 Jumada l-Ula 1434/29 Esfand 1391/08 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

The hundreds of killed and wounded in the U.S., European and Israeli backed gas attack in Syria, includes government soldiers, but mainly civilian men, women and children.

Independent reports say some insurgent groups had been warning they were going to use WMDs.  Yesterday a U.S., European and Israeli backed interim insurgent government elected a U.S. citizen to be their Prime Minister.

Breaking news: U.S. backed Syrian rebels kill at least 25 people with WMDs!!!

“I saw mostly women and children. Witnesses said that people were suffocating in the streets and the air smelt strongly of chlorine. People were dying in the streets and in their houses.”-Reuters photographer

19 March 2013/07 Jumada l-Ula 1434/29 Esfand 1391/08 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

U.S., European and Israeli backed insurgents in Syria attacked the province of Aleppo with chemical weapons!  The attack comes as the Western powers recognized a interim government composed of insurgents, including one who is a U.S. citizen!

U.S. supported insurgents launched rockets into a city in Aleppo province. The rockets contained chemical weapons.  So far reports say 25 civilians killed, 85 wounded.

The government of Syria has repeatedly said they would use chemical weapons only in retaliation for a first strike by insurgents.  The insurgents have made the first strike!

Western puppet media claims the attack came from the Syrian government.  Who you gonna believe? After all the Western media has a proven track record of reporting lie after lie by their respective governments.


Breaking news: U.S. backed Syrian rebels capture United Nations convoy in Golan Heights!

06 March 2013/23 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/16 Esfand 1391

Israeli media reporting that Syrian rebels have captured a UN peacekeeper convoy in the Golan Heights.  The rebels consider the UN forces enemies, even though the UN is actually supporting the overthrow of the President of Syria.

“The command of the Martyrs of Yarmouk announced that it is holding forces of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force until the withdrawal of forces of the regime of (President) Bashar Assad from the outskirts of the village of Jamla. If no withdrawal is made within 24 hours we will treat them as prisoners.”-video posted on internet

World War 3: Iran says it will continue supporting Syria, says Israel has made itself a target! Main U.S./Israeli supported rebel group going over to Russia & Iran?

On 02 February 2013, secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, Saeed Jalili, arrived in Damascus, Syria.  There he told the public that Iran will continue supporting Syria against whoever is behind the attempted destruction of al-Sham.

Also, Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman, Ramin Mehmanparast, said the recent Israeli air raids almost certainly guarantees action against the Zionist state: “Any violation of a country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity committed by the Zionist regime must be dealt with.”

Israeli media reporting that computers are being hacked into.  A group calling itself  the Syrian Electronic Army, claimed: “We have hacked into 50 central Israeli websites.”

A Syrian ambassador stated there could be a surprise retaliatory attack: “The Israelis, and the United States behind them, along with their Arab and regional accomplices, realize that Syria, which defends its sovereignty and territory, may decide to respond by surprise to this aggression.”-Ali Abdel Karim Ali, Syrian ambassador to Lebanon

And out of Germany comes a Rueters report, saying the main U.S./Israeli rebel group Syrian National Coalition (SNC) are in discussion in Munich, Germany, with Iranian officials: “The talks about Syria are intensifying and the Iranians have been drawn in. Let’s see how it all ends.”-unnamed German source

The Reuters report also said the SNC had already met with Russian officials, and they reported discussions that could lead to the end of the western backed insurgency.

According to an Israeli media source, the United States was also behind the recent air strikes on Syria. On 22 January President Obama was briefed of the attack by an Israeli AMAN commander.  Obama approved.  As well, the Russian’s were told by the Israeli ambassador in Moscow.  The Russians were opposed.

Also on 02 February 2013, U.S. Vice President, Joe Biden, told the media in Munich, Germany, that the official stance of the U.S. government towards Iran, is that Iran is not serious and the U.S. will not open diplomatic channels until they believe Iranian leaders are acting seriously.


World War 3: Iran issues warning against Israel, Syria summons UN commander, Israel & United States massing troops along border with Syria!

“Parties that have always taken tough stances on Syria should now take serious measures and decisive positions on this invasion by Tel Aviv and place regional security high on their list of priorities.”-Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs

31 January 2013, a day after reports said Israel launched two air sorties against Syria, Iranian officials are warning that Israel will launch more attacks and other countries in the region should prepare to strike back.

Russia is also sounding a warning: “If this information is confirmed, then we are dealing with unprovoked strikes against targets located on the territory of a sovereign state, which brazenly infringes on the UN Charter and is unacceptable, no matter the motive used for its justification.”-Russian Foreign Ministry statement

In Lebanon a former city councilman is now charged with acting as a spy for Israel. He is accused of accepting at least $600,000 USD from Mossad, and is considered the highest paid spy to be captured.  Regarding Syria, Lebanese officials are condemning the Israeli attack against a Syrian weapons testing center, saying it’s part of a larger conspiracy: “….openly reveals ….the criminal thinking aimed at destroying Syria and …..pave the way for unfolding the chapters of a major conspiracy against …..our Arab and Muslim peoples.”

Syria has summoned the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) commander to Damascus. There Syrian officials delivered an official protest over the Israel air strike, saying it’s a violation of a 1974 disengagement accord between Israel and Syria.

U.S. media reports say Israel was targeting anti-aircraft missiles that the Zionists thought were being shipped to Lebanon.  U.S. government officials and analysts talk as if the Zionist regime is justified in launching attacks against other countries, simply because they are afraid of other countries being able to defend themselves.

Syrian officials still say there was no Israeli attack against any of their military convoys (that report came from U.S./Israeli backed insurgents), but they insist Israel bombed a weapons testing center.  So far Israel will only admit to launching “two air sorties”, but will give no further info.

Syrian TV media is showing what looks like Israeli troops massing on the border.  Also, Israeli media reported several days ago that U.S. and Jordanian troops were massing on the Syrian border.

According to IsraelNationalNews, the Hashimite ruled (British empire installed) Jordan is building up troops, along with British and U.S. forces, and is doing so in co-ordination with Israel!  IsraelNationalNews claims one of their sources as a “senior Jordanian security” official.

Iraqi reports stated that U.S. personnel leaving Iraq supposedly to return the U.S. actually went to Jordan: “Some of the U.S. forces that left Ain al-Assad airbase…did not go back to the U.S.A. or its base in Germany, but were transferred to Jordan…”-unnamed source

“At least one U.S. aircraft carrying military personnel landed at Prince Hassan airbase [in Jordan]….”-unnamed employee with Royal Jordanian Airlines

Since October 2012, there have been reports, mainly British, saying that the U.S. had already positioned at least 400 personnel along the Jordainan/Syrian border.  The official U.S. response was that it was for humanitarian reasons.

Also, U.S. made anti-aircraft Patriot missile batteries have finally been stationed along the Turkish/Syrian border.  At least two sets of Patriot missile batteries have been installed, and are now being manned by personnel from the Netherlands and Germany.

Just today, Stars and Stripes, reported at least 100 U.S. military vehicles heading to the Turkish/Syrian border.  They are rushing to set up more Patriot missile batteries.  The missile batteries are being operated by the U.S., German and Dutch militaries (NATO members, as is Turkey).  Their central control facility is located in Ramstein, Germany.  And get this, reports say two missile batteries require 400 personnel to operate, isn’t that how many U.S. troops were deployed to the Jordanian/Syrian border back in October (see above)?  Humanitarian reasons, yeah right!


Breaking news, World War 3: United States backs Israeli airstrikes against Syria!

“Israeli warplanes violated our airspace at dawn, bombing directly one of the research scientific centers in the Jimraya district in rural Damascus…”-Syrian statement

30 January 2013, pro-U.S./Israeli media sources say an unnamed U.S. official confirmed an Israeli airstrike against Syria.

The U.S. official says they believe anti-aircraft weapons were being sent to Lebanon, and the Israelis felt threatened.  However, the U.S. official did not comment on Syria’s claim that Israel bombed a site used for testing new weapons.  Still no comment from Israel either, other than they confirmed there were two air sorties launched.

Breaking news, World War 3: Israel launches airstrikes against Syrian targets!

30 January 2013, several hours ago it was reported that Israeli planes hit a Syrian army convoy near the border with Lebanon.  Then, just recently, another report that says Israeli planes hit a Syrian military compound!

Reports say the convoy was targeted because Israel believed it was delivering weapons to Lebanon. The source of the report was U.S. backed Syrian rebels.

Israeli media reports that Syrian military commanders say no such attack took place.  Instead, Syrian officials say the Israeli airstrike targeted an experimental  weapons center in Jamraya.  Two people were killed, five wounded.

So far officials with Israel have not commented.


World War 3: Japan withdraws from Golan Heights, Israel conducting wargames for new kind of enemy, blaming Syrian ‘civil’ war

21 December 2012, the United Nations renewed its peacekeeper observation mission in the Golan Heights, but Japan says no more and is pulling out.

On 19 December, the UN Security Council extended the Golan Heights mission to 30 June 2013.  On 21 December, Japanese media reporting that Japan’s Defense Minister, Satoshi Morimoto, ordered the Japanese Self Defense Forces (SDF) peacekeeper contingent out of the Golan.  Interestingly, the Israeli media reported on the Japanese pullout back on 11 December!

Japanese officials blame the Syrian ‘civil’ war.

It’s that same reasoning that the Israeli government is using for increased military activity in the Golan.  For the first time ever, Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) combat exercises, in the Golan Heights, were held during the Hanukkah holiday.  The Netzach Yehuda battalion, from the Kfir Brigade, now holds that distinction.

Battalion leaders revealed the combat training is for an enemy Israel is not used to fighting: “The fact that the exercise is aimed at fighting against a different enemy, which behaves differently from what we are used to, is a new and special thing for the fighters, and therefore this is a great professional improvement.”-Lieutenant Colonel Telem Chazan

The Japanese SDF had been observing the ‘peace’ in the Golan since 1996, and this is the first time the Japanese government has ended a peacekeeping mission for security reasons.

Israel took the Golan from Syria during the 1967 war, and again during the 1973 war. Then in 1981 Israelis passed the Golan Heights Law, a way of unofficially annexing the territory.  But as far back as 1967 the United Nations passed UNSCR 242, which has as demand number one: “Withdrawal of Israel armed forces from territories occupied….” 

There is also the UN General Assembly resolution 3414 (XXX) of 05 December 1975: “…immediate, unconditional and total withdrawal of Israel from the Arab territories occupied since 1967.”

UN Security Council resolution 497 of 17 December 1981: “…the Israeli decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration in the occupied Syrian Golan was null and void and without international legal effect…”

But ironically it’s the U.S./European/Israeli backed Syrian ‘civil’ war that has the UNSC extending the peacekeeping mission in the Golan Heights: “Recent incidents across the cease-fire line have shown the potential for escalation of tensions between Israel and the Syrian Arab Republic, and jeopardize the cease-fire between the two countries.”

Sounds like a set up, to me.