Tag Archives: syria

World War 3, West Asian Front: Reports say Russian missiles were the target of IDF attack on Syria!

05 May 2013 (05:36 UTC-07 Tango)/24 Jumada t-Tania 1434/15 Ordibehest 1391/26 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

“This attack proves the direct involvement of the Israeli occupation in the conspiracy against Syria and its links with terrorist groups in the aggression supported by Western countries and some Gulf countries.”-Syrian media statement

Reports say Lebanese diplomatic sources say the missiles that the Israeli Defense Force bombed on Friday and Sunday, were actually from Russia, not Iran.

Iran has already stated the IDF attack did not target Iranian missiles.


World War 3, West Asian Front: Syria says Israel has declared War! Syria will return the favor!

05 May 2013 (05:24 UTC-07 Tango)/24 Jumada t-Tania 1434/15 Ordibehest 1391/26 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

“A new foreign element has entered the Syrian conflict overnight and this would cause war.”-from Israeli source which attributes the quote to Iranian and Syrian officials

Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister, Faisal al Mekdad, said Israels attacks on Syria is a declaration of war. Reports that a formal declaration of war against Israel could be made by Syrian leaders in a few hours, although Mekdad said Syria would retaliate in their own way and in their own time.

Reports coming in saying as many as 300 Syrian military personnel killed during the Sunday IDF airstrikes on Syria.  Israel is prepping for massive retaliation from Syria, and possibly Iran.

Iranian sources are now saying the Israeli attacks on Syria were not targeting any Iranian missiles heading for Lebanon.  Iranian sources are saying the IDF attacks are part of a U.S. plot to draw Iran into a war with Israel, in order to justify a U.S. and European led invasion of Syria and Iran.


World War 3, West Asian Front: U.S. behind Israeli Turkish Arab alliance against Syria, Lebanon, Iraq & Iran!

05 May 2013 (04:56 UTC-07 Tango)/24 Jumada t-Tania 1434/15 Ordibehest 1391/26 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

According to a The Sunday Times report, peace prize winner U.S. President Obama is creating a military alliance between Israel, Turkey, Jordan, United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, to fight an unholy war against Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Iran.

The U.S. allies are being called the Moderate Crescent, while ‘enemies’ of the U.S. are being called the Fundamentalist Crescent.

The plan is to link command and control centers, anti-missile batteries and radar stations of the Moderate Crescent members.

It’s interesting that Obama is calling his allies the Moderate Crescent, since it’s been proven that the U.S. supports the most fundamentalist group known as al Qaeda!


World War 3, West Asian Front: Israel deploys more troops to border with Lebanon!

05 May 2013 (04:16 UTC-07 Tango)/24 Jumada t-Tania 1434/15 Ordibehest 1391/26 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

Reports that Israel has moved two Iron Dome anti-ballistic missile batteries near the border with Lebanon, just hours after the Sunday airstrike on Syria.  The IDF has stated that its airstrikes on Syria was an attempt to stop the delivery of new Iranian made ballistic missiles to Lebanon.

Lebanese sources say there is increased IDF activity in northern Israel.  Reports of increased IDF aircraft flying over southern Lebanon.  UN Interim Force In Lebanon personnel have also increased their patrols along the Blue Line.

World War 3, West Asian Front: United States approved Israeli airstrikes on Syria!

05 May 2013 (04:00 UTC-07 Tango)/24 Jumada t-Tania 1434/15 Ordibehest 1391/26 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

“The inhuman acts and adventurism of the zionist regime in the region will strengthen the waves of anti-zionism in the region and will shorten the life of this fake regime.”-Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi, Iran’s Defense Minister

Vahidi also said the United States was fully involved with the Israeli airstrikes on Syria, and gave the green light: “The zionist regime’s attack against this country [Syria], which was launched with the U.S. green light, unmasked the connection between the mercenary terrorists and their supporters and the Israeli occupying regime!”

World War 3, West Asian Front: Iran willing to help Syria, but says Syria can take care of itself!

05 May 2013 (03:23 UTC-07 Tango)/24 Jumada t-Tania 1434/15 Ordibehest 1391/26 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

“As a Muslim nation, we back Syria, and if there is need for training we will provide them with the training…..The Syrian army has accumulated experience during years of conflict with the zionist regime and is able to defend itself and doesn’t need foreign assistance.”-Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan, Commander of the Iranian Army Ground Force

Israel has launched several airstrikes against Syria, on Friday and Sunday.

World War 3, West Asian Front: Israel bombs airport & Syrian troops!

05 May 2013 (03:07 UTC-07 Tango)/24 Jumada t-Tania 1434/15 Ordibehest 1391/26 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

When the explosion happened in Damascus, all the houses were shaken. There was dust everywhere. Right now we’re receiving more information about the attack, which targeted the Jamraya military research center. Everyone woke up, most of the people ran downstairs, to make sure they are safe. Now we are getting more information. The sound of the explosion was heard everywhere in Damascus. People are scared.“-Abdallah Mawazini, Syrian journalist

Reports saying the Damascus airport has been bombed by IDF aircraft.

Reports saying the Syrian Republican Guards 104th and 105th brigades have been bombed by IDF aircraft.  Possibly military barracks, arms depots and a air defense center.

Reports that Israel hit a military target near the village of Saboura, west of Damascus, about 10 kilometers (six miles) from the Lebanon border.

Reports saying Jamraya was not hit, but an army supply depot was hit.

Syrian military claiming they’ve captured two IDF aircrew from a downed aircraft.


World War 3, West Asian Front: Home videos show more than one airstrike on Syria!

05 May 2013 (03:00 UTC-07 Tango)/24 Jumada t-Tania 1434/15 Ordibehest 1391/26 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

Home videos shot from different angles in Damascus, Syria, show that there had already been an airstrike by Israelis, before the massive bunker buster type explosion takes place.

You can see the Mushroom cloud video here.  And a much closer view here.


World War 3, West Asian Front: Syria shoots down Israeli jet! Iran & Yemen calling for war against those attacking Shia!

05 May 2013 (02:31 UTC-07 Tango)/24 Jumada t-Tania 1434/15 Ordibehest 1391/26 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

“The Zionist regime and its allies seek to create ethnic and religious discord among Muslim countries.”-Ramin Mehmanparast, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman

“This action which has been done in line with the Zionists’ criminal plots seeks to increase religious intolerances.”-Seyed Abdelmalik Al-Houthi, Yemen’s Houthi Movement

Syrian military sources say they’ve shot down an IDF aircraft flying over Damascus.

Western media say Israel is trying to stop the latest Iranian made ballistic missiles from getting to Lebanon.

Iran calling for a united front against Israel, and Iranian and Yemeni officials are calling for vengeance against the U.S. backed al Qaeda insurgents who’ve destroyed centuries old Shia shrines throughout West Asia.

World War 3, West Asian Front: Israel bombs Syria again! Iran condemns zionist state!

05 May 2013 (02:16 UTC-07 Tango)/24 Jumada t-Tania 1434/15 Ordibehest 1391/26 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

Iran has condemned Sunday’s airstrike against Syria, launched by Israel.  Iran is calling for a united front against Israel.

A massive explosion rocked the Syrian capital of Damascus.  Syrian media says an Israeli missile hit the Jamraya research center.  So far no comment from Israeli sources.  This would be the second airstrike by Israel in the past three days.

People living in Damascus describe what sounds like a bunker buster bomb exploding.