Tag Archives: syria

New Anthem for Paris: The Mob Rules!

Close the city and tell the people that something’s coming to call
Death and darkness are rushing forward to take a bite from the wall, oh

You’ve nothing to say
They’re breaking away
If you listen to fools…
The Mob Rules
The Mob Rules

Kill the spirit and you’ll be blinded, the end is always the same
Play with fire, you burn your fingers and lose your hold of the flame, oh

It’s over, it’s done
The end is begun
If you listen to fools…
The Mob Rules

You’ve nothing to say
Oh, They’re breaking away
If you listen to fools…

Break the circle and stop the movement, the wheel is thrown to the ground
Just remember it might start rolling and take you right back around

You’re all fools!
The Mob Rules!


Charlie Hebdo slams French President’s claim that France has returned to “normal life”!

False Flag: France to become Prison State! Info on attackers keeps changing! Turkey says France ignored their warnings!

16 November 2015 (10:28 UTC-07 Tango 01)/25 Aban 1394/03 Safar 1437/05 Ding-Hai (10th month) 4713

The hypocritical French president gave a speech saying terrorists cannot change the way French people live, then quietly asked parliament to extend the state of emergency from 12 days to three months and also asked for money to hire at least 5-thousand new police and prison guards (a live French reported said 10-thousand while a German news report said 8 and a half thousand)!  Obviously France is to be turned into a giant prison, looks like the terrorist have won.

Three days ago French news reports said one of the attackers had an extensive criminal record but never spent time in prison.  It’s been revealed that the ‘extensive’ criminal record is actually called a petty crimes record and includes the ‘crime’ of being religiously radicalized!  In other words, in France if you express a religious concept that the government feels threatened by, you are now a petty criminal. 

Another change; on the day after the attacks French police swore all the attackers had been killed, now there is a man-hunt on for several ‘attackers’, most being residents of Belgium.  The U.S. FBI is now taking part in tracking down those ‘attackers’ on the loose.  So far 23 people have been arrested and 104 people placed under house arrest!  

As another sign it’s a False Flag event is the amount of detail the French police are now giving about the attackers, even admitting they’ve been tracking them for some time.  Turkish police now report that they gave French police warnings about one of the attackers towards the end of 2014, but that French police refused to  acknowledge their warnings until recently.

Destroy U.S. Dollar: British empire banking going down, dragging Green-Back with it!

15 November 2015 (12:07 UTC-07 Tango 01)/24 Aban 1394/02 Safar 1437/04 Ding-Hai (10th month) 4713

We have now reached a watershed moment in Britain’s competitiveness as an international banking center. The balance of push and pull factors, including tax and capital treatment, unilateral and extraterritorial regulation and overall uncertainty, are weighing heavily in boardrooms across the industry.”-Anthony Browne, British Banking System

The British Banking System (BBS) admits that the center of the world’s banking system, London, is losing power.  Many United Kingdom banks are shifting focus to places like Hong Kong and Singapore, to get closer to the emerging power currency the Chinese yuan (RMB).

Why is this important to the U.S. dollar?  It’s called the petrodollar system, created by the U.S. in 1973 (note that is when oil prices started skyrocketing), is actually centered in London.  The Nixon created petrodollar deal involves the New York Mercantile Exchange (aka NYMEX, aka Commodities Exchange.  Now controlled by CME Group), and London’s International Petroleum Exchange, or IPE.


According to the BBS the main reasons British banks are turning to Asia are increased British fines (for being caught breaking laws), constantly changing tax laws and an increase in decreasing profits.  Essentially it’s their own fault for not playing by the rules and chasing away their own customers, but it could affect how the world buys its oil through the U.S. petrodollar system.

Destroy U.S. dollar: Ex U.S. government official reveals National Debt is 3x bigger than what you’re being told! 

False Flag: Attacker has extensive ‘criminal record’ yet spent no time in prison!

14 November 2015 (14:30 UTC-07 Tango 01)/23 Aban 1394/01 Safar 1437/03 Ding-Hai (10th month) 4713

“…this is just the beginning.”-quote attributed to DAIISH

Live TV news reports out of Europe have been stating that one of the attackers had an extensive criminal record yet somehow managed to never spend time in prison. They never give details.  One report said the man, a French citizen, had been found guilty in the past of several crimes, implying court trials, yet no explanation why he didn’t go to prison.  This man is apparently the one French police say they’ve been tracking for some time.

French police now link an Egyptian passport to one of the attackers.  They also say a finger of an attacker belongs to a French citizen.

It should be noted that Belgian cops launched raids in Belgium against ‘terror cells’ immediately after the attacks in Paris.

Greek police made public statements saying they tracked one attacker from Syria all the way to France.  That ‘attacker’ entered Greece on 03 October 2015.

French police have already determined that the bombs used in yesterday’s attacks were made with TATP (aka TCAP, Acetone peroxide).   It has been used in past attacks in Europe.

In Germany, Bavarian police revealed they arrested a man last week after his car was found stuffed with weapons.  They now say the man was part of the planned attacks on Paris.

False Flag: French cops admit they were in contact with attackers! NATO invokes Collective Defense!

14 November 2015 (12:12 UTC-07 Tango 01)/23 Aban 1394/01 Safar 1437/03 Ding-Hai (10th month) 4713

A commuter train derailed and crashed, then caught fire.  Apparently the train was not full of passengers and was conducting a test run when, for some unknown reason, it left the tracks and hit a bridge.  A local TV station said the high speed train was testing the new tracks and possibly left the rails due to high speed, five technicians onboard were killed.

French police admitted that they were tracking at least one of the now dead attackers, and that they’ve been in long term contact with three people just arrested in Belgium!

French police claim one of the dead attackers had a Syrian passport.

French TV commentators are questioning why the attacks were allowed to happen now that it’s obvious police were in long term contact with attackers, and obviously knew an attack was coming as demonstrated by evacuations that took place hours before the attacks started.  

U.S. and U.K. citizens confirmed victims of attack.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry made an announcement, in English and French, essentially saying the attack on France was an attack on the United States.  France is a NATO member.  French president François Hollande declared the attack an act of war.  Any act of war upon one NATO member is considered an act of war against all NATO members (Article 5).

Angela Merkel, of NATO member Germany stated “We will help you lead the fight…”.  NATO member United Kingdom’s David Cameron stated “We are with you. United.”

U.S. ‘officials’ are now referring to Islamic State by its Arabic name DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]).

False Flag or Semantics? France accuses Britain of lying about Islamic State murdering children!

14 November 2015 (23:49 UTC-07 Tango 01, 13 November 2015)/23 Aban 1394/01 Safar 1437/03 Ding-Hai (10th month) 4713

French news sources are accusing British news sources of lying about a video recently posted on the internet.  The DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]) video shows dozens of males being executed.  The British Daily Mirror said they are juveniles and cited a source in Yemen for the confirmation.  France24 points out that one of the males being killed has a full beard.

This could be a matter of semantics for in many ‘traditional’ societies a male or female who is not married, has not procreated and is still living with parents is considered a juvenile even if they’re in their late 20s.

This explains why you see videos or pics from Palestine saying the Israelis killed another “girl” or “boy” even though the girls/boys being killed are in their 20s.  If they’re living with parents and are not married or hadn’t had children then in that society they are still ‘girls’ or ‘boys’.

And for those of you in more ‘traditional’ societies reading this, in ‘western’ societies a person is now considered an adult when they reach a specific age, in some ‘western’ countries it’s 17, others it can be 21.

Up until the mid-20th century (Gregorian Calendar system) there were many ‘western’ countries that still considered unmarried ‘adults’ living with mom and dad to be juveniles.  And if a ‘girl’ reaches her 30s without being married she’s an Old Maid.

British Empire, let slip the dogs of war: Islamic State DAIISH 

False Flag: French evacuations began hours before terrorist attacks! How did so many people get so many guns in anti-gun country?

14 November 2015 (20:33 UTC-07 Tango 01, 13 November 2015)/23 Aban 1394/01 Safar 1437/03 Ding-Hai (10th month) 4713

160 people killed, 200+ wounded.  1,500 French soldier patrolling the streets of Paris.

Live news reports say the German foosball team was evacuated from their Paris hotel “just hours” before the terrorist attacks began. Die Mannschaft team members revealed the evacuations on social media.  Despite being evacuated from their hotel they were told to go ahead and play their scheduled soccer match.   In video of the game you can hear explosions in the background.  There are reports that French police evacuated several other Parisian locations before the attacks began.

In a possible retaliation, a refugee camp in Calais was set on fire, so far no reports of any refugees hurt.  The entire country of France is locked down (state of emergency/martial law), the borders are closed for the first time since World War 2 (more than 70 years ago).

One reporter asked the question how could so many guns and explosives get into the hands of so many people in a country that has such strict ant-weapons laws?

One analysts stated that he fears that ‘western’ U.S.-led NATO will use this as an excuse to declare war on Syria, even though the Syrian government itself is fighting the same terrorists within its borders.

Anti-gun laws fail to stop record gun sales, blame illegal immigrants! 

Syria, 24 – 27 October 2015: Watch as teenager is killed by Islamic State tank! Islamic State gets new U.S. pickup trucks! 

Your ‘elected’ officials know of coming massive 9-11 style attack!

Yet again, another U.S. ally Saudi prince arrested for drugs trafficking!

02 November 2015 (10:11 UTC-07 Tango 01)/11 Aban 1394/19 Muharram 1437/21 Ding-Hai 4713

I’ve written before about the possible connection to increased illegal drugs trafficking and the U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli instigated War on Terror.  Now a Saudi prince is in a Lebanese jail charged with drugs trafficking, and it wouldn’t be the first time a Saudi prince was sentenced to prison for illegal drugs.

‘Prince’ Abdel Mohsen Bin Walid Bin Abdulaziz and four others were detained after Lebanese cops caught them with two tonnes of amphetamines to be used to make Captagon (along with “some cocaine”), the very drugs fueling the genocidal behaviour of U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli created Islamic State (DAIISH).  The drugs were in boxes marked with the official Royal Saudi seal!  Ten people in total are charged with trafficking the drugs.

In 2014, Lebanese customs cops caught a major shipment of Captagon (a cheap version of meth).  The Syrian government captures drug runners almost every other week trafficking such drugs to the U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents.

In 1999, ‘prince’ Nayef bin Sultan bin Fawwaz Al Shaalan was caught in France with two tonnes of Colombian cocaine (Columbia is directly controlled by the United States) on his personal airliner.  Apparently he made bail because he skipped town, but was convicted in 2007 of being a drugs trafficker.  If he’s ever caught he’ll spend ten years in a French prison.  It’s believed he’s hiding somewhere in the U.S. & U.K. ally Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 

Banks & illegal drugs cause illegal immigration to U.S.! 

Obama orders new War on Drugs targeting legal prescription drug users & his own ObamaCare! 

Obama regime murders 17 cops in Afghanistan, to stop drug bust! 

United States ‘THE’ drug lord in Mexico’s drug war

Vons involved in illegal prescription drugs?

NATO biggest drug dealer in the World? Amphetamines (Captagon), it’s what Islamic State does! 

Opium sets another record, despite record anti-drugs funding by U.S. taxpayers! 

Chicago, more proof it’s all about drug running!

Chicago, Afghan heroin connection?

Mormon bank caught Money laundering & drug running? 

Interesting correlations between opium production in Afghanistan and Myanmar (called the United States)! 

Bullied Isle Vista shooter deranged by prescription drugs? 

Maryland cop tries to terminate victim…Prescription drugs involved? More proof cops are criminals!

False Flag Alert: Drugs used to turn people into suicide bombers! 

Navy Yard Shooting, Sandy Hook Shooting caused by prescription drugs gone wrong! Mass shooters being turned into gun wielding zombies! 

Russia captures 20 tons of drugs, proof the U.S. war on drugs is a big fail! 

Evidence the Queen of England is a drug dealer, U.K. bank regulator says so!

It’s official, the people of the United States are Crazy! 1 in 5 on mental health drugs!!!

Christian Mennonites used animal drugs to gang rape their own women 

What Global Warming? Saudi Arabia hit with unprecedented Ice Storm, dozens killed or wounded!

02 November 2015 (07:29 UTC-07 Tango 01)/11 Aban 1394/19 Muharram 1437/21 Ding-Hai 4713

Perhaps it’s Allah’s vengeance for supporting such takfir Muslim (false Muslim) groups as the U.S. created Islamic State (DAIISH)?


The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has been hit with massive hailstorms, so much so that it created Ice Flash Floods!  The unusual cold weather pattern began on 28 October and hit Kuwait and parts of Iraq and Iran as well.   News reports say at least 19 people were killed by the ice storm, more than 50 rescues were conducted.

Dizin ski resort, Iran.

I lived in Tehran, Iran, from 1970 to ’74 and it does get cold enough during winter to snow, in fact since the Revolution Iran now has nicely developed ski resorts.  Apparently the current cold front came further down south than normal, crossing the Persian Gulf into KSA.

Up until about 2012 the main streamers loved to push their Global Warming theory, except that from 2011-2012 global temps actually dropped.  Since then the main streamers now call their justification to kill all humans Climate Change.  During their Global Warming mantra they totally blamed it on humans, now they admit Mother Earth has cyclic warming and cooling periods but they claim we humans are making it worse.  Do research using geological data, the most reliable concerning the Earth’s past climate changes, some being catastrophic, and most occurring when there weren’t (supposedly) any humans on Earth!

Record rain pounds Japan! Climate change can’t be stopped by humans! 

Global Warming, Ice Age? Both are correct.

What Global Warming? Record low Beer sales hit Japan 

Once hot & humid Vietnam says What Global Warming?

What Global Warming? At least 420 Europeans freeze to death

What Global Warming? It’s Summer in South America, yet 2,500 Alpacas die due to extreme cold 

Summertime Crops in Mexico threatened by Frost?

What Global Warming? Scientist say Little Ice Age on its way 

What Global Warming? U.S. ABC, NBC & CBS News ignores cooling trend in Pacific Northwest 

800 tons of fish die, because of dropping temperatures. Where’s the global warming? 

Polar Ice Caps Paradox: Ice Caps melting, should raise ocean levels, NASA says the opposite is happening, launched Aquarius satellite to find out why