Tag Archives: ows

According to Tom Ridge, and ignorant ABC & NBC news anchors, the terrorists have won!

16 April 2013 (03:35 UTC-07 Tango)/05 Jumada t-Tania 1434/27 Farvardin 1391/07 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

An ABC network reporter interviewed former Homeland Security director, Tom Ridge, about how an individual can protect themselves from terrorists.  The short answer was live your life as you always do, because if you change your lifestyle out of fear, then, as Tom Ridge said, “the terrorists have won.”

Then an overnight ABC news anchor said ignorantly that if you want  go to a baseball game then you should, that’ll teach those terrorists.  If that’s the case mister poopy pants anchorman why were several major sporting events canceled after the Boston Bombings?   I guess the terrorists have won.

His co-anchorwoman stuck her foot in her mouth and said that, yeah you people out there shouldn’t be sitting in fear at home watching this live coverage of the bombing.  She actually said that!!!  Of course she said that after they held up newspaper front page headlines after headlines, stressing the ‘terror’ of the Boston Bombings.  I guess the terrorists have won.

And all day long I heard NBC’s Brian Williams, and other major network news personalities, constantly reminding people that basically this is the reality of changed post 9/11 America, insinuating that you should all get used to it.  I guess the terrorists have won.

Well, like I’ve been telling my kids since 9/11, the United States of America is not the United States of America I defended as a Cold War warrior!  I was serving in the California Army National Guard during the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games.  The Guard was called up for security duty, but conducted security at truly military type targets, like power stations and dams.  The anti-U.S. call for gun elimination was building momentum in California at that time.  The anti-gunners claimed it would reduce violence, but decades later, and with some of the strictest anti-gun laws in the country, violence has only increased (that’s one of the main reasons I left)!  Then there was the bogus Rodney King riots.  Members of the Guard were showing up voluntarily for duty, but state government dip shits wanted to send Guardsmen out there unarmed, even though news reports showed most of the rioters were armed (so much for gun control)!  Guard officials protested and that’s why it took so long for Guardsmen to be deployed.   When I went to school there was no school cops! We wore shirts with cannabis logos and swear words, there were fights, but guess what?  Overall my generation of misfits scored far better on standardized testing, even scoring high in comparison to other countries, than what the pacified students of today are.  My kids went to schools filled with cops (resource officers), strict dress codes in the name of not offending or distracting students or teachers, there were even several lawsuits against the schools for not letting straight A students graduate high school because they dyed their hair an unnatural color, or for the type of clothes they wore!  We didn’t have no stinking Homeland Security bullshit!  There were no multi-state/federal agency terrorist drills!  And there was no god damn NDAA that said any U.S. citizen simply suspected of being an enemy of the state could be put in a military prison indefinitely without charge or trial, holy shit people! This is exactly what we Cold War warriors were fighting against, because we were told only the evil empire Soviet Union would do such things to its citizens and we sure as hell didn’t want them doing it to us!

You know what Tom Ridge, you’re right, the terrorists have won.  But now you have to ponder, who are the real terrorists?




World War 3, Economic Front: U.S. job losses & store closings 23-24 February 2013.

Abercrombie & Fitch announced they will close 50 stores in the United States.  Company officials blamed dropping retail sales and crashing stock sales.

An undisclosed number of Thruway Authority personnel will be laid off in New York.  It’s part of the 234 job cuts announced last month!

In Alaska, the Anchorage School District is eliminating more than 200 jobs from next school year’s budget!

In Kentucky, the Bell County School Day Treatment and Recovery school in Pineville to close.  The Day Treatment and Recovery school was started to help troubled students, but school official say they lose $200000 USD per year running it.

In California, Sacramento’s Fruit Ridge elementary school closed down after 102 years of operations.  School officials blame declining enrollment.  The Sebastopol School District wants to close another elementary school.  Officials blame declining state funding.  Rave cave 222 Hyde, in San Francisco closed down. The owners blamed city licensing laws and the fact that there is a new landlord who doesn’t seem to want the dance club as a tenant.  And the Corcoran District Hospital laid off 19 employees.  The hospital is losing money due to a huge drop in patients from the California State Prison Corcoran and Corcoran Substance Abuse Treatment Facility.

In Louisiana, the Allen Parish Hospital closing down its ER.  Officials say the hospital has been losing a lot of money in the past six months, because of a huge decline in people coming in for treatment.

In Minnesota, all nine Dueber’s department stores closing down!   The family owners were hoping to find a buyer for their business, so they can retire.

In Pennsylvania, Blockbuster video stores closing in Lititz and Ephrata.  Part of ongoing shut down of almost all Blockbuster stores in the U.S.

In Illinois, Vie de France Yamazaki will close its frozen unbaked bread factory in Bensenville. 70 people out-o-work.  The company is moving production to a new factory in Georgia.  And the Cafe 28 closed down, on short notice, in Chicago.  Owners blamed the bad economy which reduced sales to the point they couldn’t renew their liquor license.

Volunteers of America closing its Floyd Career Learning Center in South Dakota, due to lack of funding and enrollments.

Aleris International laying off the remaining 98 employees at its factory in Roxboro, North Carolina.  At one time Aleris had 350 employees in the state.  And Scruggs Poultry closed down.  The wholesale poultry farm had been in operation since 1949. Company officials refused to talk to local media. Local buyers are scrambling to find a new wholesale source.

In Michigan, Damon’s Bar and Grill out-o-business. The manager said he was given short notice by the owners, he said he could not comment on why the restaurant was closed. 50 employees affected.

Core Systems of Painesville, Ohio, laid off 400 people!  The company supplied parts to appliance makers.  Company officials said their biggest customer, Whirlpool, canceled all contracts without warning or reason, effectively shutting down Core Systems.



World War 3: South Korea makes deal to treat soldiers from United Arab Emirates!

16 April 2013 (00:43 UTC-07 Tango)/05 Jumada t-Tania 1434/27 Farvardin 1391/07 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

The East Asian Republic of Korea’s Korea Health Industry Development Institute signed a deal with the UAE to treat up to 800 UAE military personnel per year.

The UAE is one of the Arab countries involved in the U.S./European/Israeli backed insurgency/invasion of Syria.

South Korean U.S. puppets said this deal with UAE was just the first step in providing medical services for military personnel from other West Asian (Middle East) countries.

World War 3, East Asian Front: Whatever happened to North Korea’s missile launch?

16 April 2013 (00:08 UTC-07 Tango)/05 Jumada t-Tania 1434/27 Farvardin 1391/07 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

Many analysts expected the DPRK to test launch at least one ICBM on 15 April 2013.  Instead what we got was another ultimatum from North Korea, and the Boston Marathon bombings.

The U.S. ambassador to South Korea stated there is now a “united front” of China, Japan and United States against North Korea.

Government Evil: U.S. military involved with smuggling operation in South Korea?

16 April 2013 (23:55 UTC-07 Tango 15 April 2013)/05 Jumada t-Tania 1434/27 Farvardin 1391/07 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency say they’ve arrested 12 people for smuggling duty free cigarettes into South Korea.  The smuggling operation had been ongoing since 2009.

The South Koreans arrested said they were getting the cigarettes from contacts inside U.S. military bases around Seoul.

World War 3, North American Front: Citizen support for U.S. government at all time low! Boston update.

16 April 2013 (23:30 UTC-07 Tango 15 April 2013)/05 Jumada t-Tania 1434/27 Farvardin 1391/07 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

The Pew Research Center says citizen support of the United States government has hit a new record low, with only 28% of those surveyed rating the federal government favorably.

When you split the survey across party lines Democrats still make up the majority who like what their federal cronies are doing.

More and more citizens are turning away from the Federales (it’s Spanish, people) putting their trust into their local governments, at 63% according to the survey.

In Boston, Massachusetts, now three dead and 144 plus wounded.  It includes one eight years old boy killed, and many children wounded.

Of interest is that families of the Newtown, Connecticut, shooting were sitting near the first explosion. This year’s Boston Marathon was dedicated to the victims of the Newtown shooting.

Boston Police Commissioner, Ed Davis, said he thinks the fire at the JFK Library is not connected to the Marathon bombings, but they are investigating as if they are.

There was a lot of confusing reports about the JFK Library, most coming from law enforcement.  Early on there was a report attributed to the Boston Globe which said that a controlled explosion was about to take place at the library.  Then, I even heard at a press conference officials saying that it was not a controlled explosion but a third bomb.  Shortly after that lower level police and library officials refuted that, saying it was a fire. Then it was stated that an “incendiary device” started the fire.  The only fact we the public can know now is based on pics which show there was a large fire inside the JFK Library.

Another interesting thing, I heard NBC’s Brian Williams pose the question how could two bombs get in right “under the noses” of all that police security at the Marathon.  About an hour later I heard a report saying that federal officials somehow confirmed that the bombs were placed after the race started.

I also read and heard reports that said cops were stopping anyone with a backpack or similar carrying device. There was even pics of a man in cuffs in the Boston Commons, reports saying he was carrying several bags.  I read comments from Marathon runners and spectators about police refusing to let people pick up their bags after the explosions. Lines of bags that had been searched formed on the sidewalks.  If cops didn’t know about the bombs before the explosions how did they know they were ‘package’ or ‘backpack’ bombs?

And the next question is: How did they know they were set off with cell phones?

Live reporters stated that cell phone service was turned off.  Reports stated that police believed the bombs had been set off with cell phones.  I read statements by marathon runners who said when they tried to use their cell phones after the explosions, police took their phones.  A couple of hours after the explosion, AT&T came out and said they had to shut down their cell service due to “overloading”, but AT&T said people could still use the cell service to send text messages.

There was also reports from individuals that people they knew running in the race were pulled from the race for “dehydration” and sent to hospital, they were not allowed to keep their cell phones.  This happened before the explosions!

What about the fourth bomb?  I was watching a live reporter talking about how the media was being pushed back by cops, because of a third and fourth bomb being found. Apparently the third ‘bomb’ was the JFK Library fire, but she definitely stated that a fourth bomb was found and destroyed.  Then her live feed was cut.

Now what about the reports that federal officials, and even the Boston city police, had no intell that there was going to be a terrorist attack?

Then there’s the conflicting reports between federal officials and the Boston city police.  For at least two hours I heard reports that federal officials were stating that Boston police had a suspect in custody, yet every time the media asked the Boston police chief he refuted the federal claim.  Eventually Boston officials said they had detained people, but that nobody had been officially arrested.

I wonder why the Pew Research Center says the overwhelming majority of people of the United States of America have lost trust in their federal government?




Media hypocrisy: U.S. media bemoans Boston bombings, what about the 300 people killed or wounded in Iraq on the same day?

16 April 2013 (18:49 UTC-07 Tango 15 April 2013)/05 Jumada t-Tania 1434/27 Farvardin 1391/07 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

While people in the U.S. are rightfully upset about the bombings in Boston, Massachusetts, the U.S. main streamer media barely mentioned that 55 Iraqis were killed, and more than 300 wounded in bombings in Iraq on the same day as the Boston bombings.

Prior to the U.S. invasion of Iraq (on fabricated justification) Iraqis did not experience such bombings.  It’s only after the U.S. invasion that Iraqis became victims of seemingly random terrorist bombings.

And what about the fact that the U.S. media dropped its Iraq coverage after the ‘pullout’ of U.S. combat forces?  The bombings never stopped, but most of the U.S. media coverage did.

It’s clear the almost daily terrorist bombings that have plagued Iraq since the U.S. invasion are at least the indirect fault of the United States.   I’m sure many Iraqis, when told about the Boston bombings, are saying ‘Welcome to your new world order U.S.A.’

World War 3, East Asian Front: New ultimatum from North Korea!

16 April 2013 (18:23 UTC-07 Tango 15 April 2013)/05 Jumada t-Tania 1434/27 Farvardin 1391/07 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

 In view of this situation the Supreme Command of the KPA sends the following ultimatum to the south Korean puppet forces:
    Our retaliatory action will start without any notice from now as such thrice-cursed criminal act of hurting the dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK is being openly committed in the heart of Seoul under the patronage of the puppet authorities.
    To be included in the targets of retaliation are those directly or indirectly involved in the operation to hurt the dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK and those who instigated the perpetrators and connived their crime and the relevant organs and departments of the authorities involved.
    The DPRK’s revolutionary armed forces will start immediately their just military actions to show how the service personnel and people of the DPRK value and protect the dignity of the supreme leadership.
    The military demonstration of the DPRK’s revolutionary armed forces will be powerful sledge-hammer blows at all hostile forces hurting the dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK.
    If the puppet authorities truly want dialogue and negotiations, they should apologize for all anti-DPRK hostile acts, big and small, and show the compatriots their will to stop all these acts in practice.

Breaking News, World War 3, False Flag? Conflicting reports continue over JFK Library & arrests!

15 April 2013 (16:04 UTC-07 Tango)/04 Jumada t-Tania 1434/26 Farvardin 1391/06 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

Official says JFK library was indeed hit by bomb, an incendiary “device”!

Boston’s Copley Square to be locked down for next 24 hours!

Boston police chief refutes federal claims that suspect has been arrested!

Breaking News, World War 3, False Flag? Boston explosion, children targeted?

15 April 2013 (15:53 UTC-07 Tango)/04 Jumada t-Tania 1434/26 Farvardin 1391/06 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

Federal official tells local media a suspect has been detained.  Another official say bombs brought in after race started, right through security!

In an interview with local ABC reporters, a nurse at Massachusetts General Hospital said children were being treated for burns and other injuries.

Tufts Medical Center cleared, visitors can return.  Police consider closing Mass Ave Bridge.