Tag Archives: nuclear

False Flag Ukraine: Video shows Jewish politician with M4 in trunk of car, apparently after he shot at police & protestors!

10 March 2014 (20:18 UTC-07 Tango 09 March 2014)/08 Jumada l-Ula 1435/19 Esfand 1392/10 Ding-Mao 4712

A video posted to the internet on 19 February 2014 is finally getting attention.  It purports to show Jewish Ukrainian Sergey Pashinsky, of the Fatherland Party.

The video clearly shows a soft guncase containing an M4 (M16/AR-15 family) in the trunk of the man’s car.  He’s allowed to leave with the gun.  The original YouTube posting says the M4 had a silencer, and that Pashinsky shot both a “Berkut” and a “Maidan” .

I’ve already written about ‘former’ Israeli Defense Force soldiers admitting they are leading Jewish rebel groups in Ukraine.

Japan leans towards Russia

World War 3, East European Front: Japan leans towards Russia? Ethnic Russians take capitol building in Lugansk! Residents of Donetsk calling for Russian Referendum!

09 March 2014 (08:19 UTC-07 Tango)/07 Jumada l-Ula 1435/18 Esfand 1392/09 Ding-Mao 4712

The United Kingdom’s Foreign Secretary, William Hague, has drawn a Red Line.  If Russia enters eastern Ukraine then a “real shooting conflict” will result.

3-thousand ethnic Russians have surrounded the capitol building in the city of Lugansk (Luhansk), which is also its own province.  1-thousand people entered the building and hoisted the flag of Russia.

In the province (oblast) of Donetsk about 7-thousand ethnic Russians are demonstrating for their own Crimeanisk referendum to declare union with Russia.

Ukrainian Railways has stopped service to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

Obama regime puppets in Kiev have seized bank accounts belonging to residents of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

The Obama regime puppets in Kiev have begun turning on themselves, in the form of self imposed austerity.  Members of the puppet government have been ordered to stop buying cars, furniture, mobile phones, laptops, etc. Charter flights and phone calls will no longer be reimbursed.

The Trilateral Commission member, Japan, is now leaning towards Russia.  Apparently Prime Minister Abe Shinzo does not want to harm relations with the more economically viable Russia.  An unnamed Abe cabinet member told Japanese news media that while Japan might officially support the policies of the Obama regime it does not mean it will blindly follow the United States.

Academi, aka Xe aka Blackwater, Obama mercenaries caught on video

Estonia says Kiev snipers hired by Obama regime

Chernobyl aid shutdown by Obama regime

Obama regime experimenting with rats

will destroy United States by crashing U.S. dollar

More Fukushima Fallout: Final report says operators of nuclear power plants are incompetent! Says data reveals False Flag evidence at Fukushima Daiichi!

09 March 2014 (07:36 UTC-07 Tango)/07 Jumada l-Ula 1435/18 Esfand 1392/09 Ding-Mao 4712

“Across the board, the commission found ignorance and arrogance unforgivable for anyone or any organization that deals with nuclear power. We found a disregard for global trends and a disregard for public safety.”-Japan Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission

Not only did the independent committee blame the operators of nuclear power generators for not taking serious the risks of nuclear power, but they also blamed Japan’s Atomic Energy Society.  They said the Society is ignorant of the safety and risk factors with the operations of nuclear power plants!  The committee said Japan’s nuclear power ‘experts’ “locked themselves in their narrow field of expertise”.

“We think safety functions were not particularly affected by the earthquake….the direct cause of the accident was insufficient measures to deal with tsunami, severe accidents and emergencies…”-Japan Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission

The independent committee said their review of data from Tokyo Electric Power Company, and other available data plus their own computer simulations, brought up many False Flag questions, such as: The official claim that loss of cooling fluid took place at Fukushima Daiichi reactor Unit 1 is false, and the official explanation blaming the tsunami on external power loss, resulting in cooling system shutdowns for several reactors is wrong.  The earthquake and tsunami should not have caused power loss at Fukushima Daiichi!

Funabashi Yoichi, who led a separate privately funded independent investigation, blames Japan’s revolving door government, and jealous government agencies, for idiotic policies and lack of action: “The government is keenly aware of the nuclear security problems, but there is no leadership to do something about that. The policy agencies do not want to see any sizable new enforcement body emerge at the expense of their vested interests…….you rotate so often, there is no accountability and people are usually not willing to take risks. Your first instinct is just to procrastinate on making decision on tough issues……In a nutshell, we have not solved anything in the past three years…..”

False Flag Ukraine: Academi, aka Xe aka Blackwater, Obama mercenaries caught on video in breakaway province of Donetsk!

09 March 2014 (05:05 UTC-07 Tango)/07 Jumada l-Ula 1435/18 Esfand 1392/09 Ding-Mao 4712

“These are soldiers of fortune proficient in combat operations. Most of them had operated under private contracts in Iraq, Afghanistan and other states.”-Unnamed Russian official

Donetsk is one of the Ukrainian provinces that basically declared independence, refusing to recognize the Obama regime puppets in Kiev.  Now there is video of men dressed in typical Academi/Xe Services/Blackwater uniforms trying to harass pro-Russian demonstrators in Donetsk.  They might be from the Academi spinoff known as Greystone.



World War 3, East European Front: U.S. General & CIA admits Obama knew about planned Ukrainian coup! Estonia says Kiev snipers hired by Obama regime! IMF foaming at the mouth over the prospects of big Globalist loans to Ukraine!

08 March 2014 (03:03 UTC-07 Tango)/06 Jumada l-Ula 1435/17 Esfand 1392/08 Ding-Mao 4712

“I think for easily seven to 10 days leading up to the Russian troops as we see them now in Crimea, we were providing very solid reporting on what I would describe as just strategic warning.”-U.S. Army Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, Defense Intelligence Agency, interview with National Public Radio

“….has regularly updated policymakers to ensure they have an accurate and timely picture of the unfolding crisis. These updates have included warnings of possible scenarios for a Russian military intervention in Ukraine. Any suggestion otherwise is flat wrong.”-Todd Ebitz, Central Intelligence Agency, interview with Agence France-Presse

A taped phone conversation between Estonia and the EU’s evil Catherine Ashton revealed that Estonian military intelligence has evidence that the snipers shooting at protestors in Kiev, were also shooting at police.  Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet suspects the snipers were hired by the same main provocateur of the coup in Ukraine: “What was quite disturbing…all the evidence shows that people who were killed by snipers from both sides, among policemen and people from the streets, that they were the same snipers killing people from both sides………the same type of bullets, and it is really disturbing that the new [Obama regime] coalition, that they don’t want to investigate what exactly happened.”

Paet also told the lying Ashton that he witnessed a democratically elected member of parliament beaten in front of him by the so called ‘peaceful’ Obama regime supported protestors.  Ashton blew off Paet and told him the EU was doing everything it could to stop the violence, and she also revealed that the EU was planning to put certain people into positions of power in the new Ukraine.  Listen to the 10 minute 49 second conversation here, the talk about the Obama regime snipers is about nine minutes in.

“The corrupt Western media describes loans as ‘aid’. However, the 11 billion euros that the EU is offering Kiev is not aid. It is a loan. Moreover, it comes with many strings, including Kiev’s acceptance of an IMF austerity plan.”-Paul Craig Roberts, U.S. economist

The IMF stands ready to help the people of Ukraine and support the authorities’ economic program to put Ukraine firmly on the path of good economic governance and sustainable growth.”-Reza Moghadam, International Monetary Fund

The majority of European Union residents are upset at the thought of their tax money being given to the new Obama regime puppets in Kiev.

A Infratest Dimap survey showed that 78% of Germans are against the idea of sanctions against Russia.

Russia’s UN Ambassador, Vitaly Churkin, explained why the Obama regime is full of shit when it claims the puppets in Kiev are legitimate: “If the authorities are being established by coup, by shooting at your own people in order to provoke outrage and topple government by force, this is not democracy at all!”

Despite the bullshit by warmongering U.S. officials, Crimea is not a permanent part of Ukraine.  It’s official title is Autonomous Republic.  The most common definition of Autonomous Republic is: Self-governing, independent, subject to its own law!   So where did the Obama regime go to school?  Oh yeah, Obama is dumb, he can’t even spell the word “respect” correctly! (Maybe it’s because he has no respect for anybody? Oh and by the way, the White House actually edited that screw up out of the official transcript!)

The Crimean Central Election Committee is asking for international election observers for the 16 March referendum which could result in Crimea becoming a part of Russia.  The overwhelming majority of people living in Autonomous Republic of Crimea are ethnic Russians.

For a second time military observers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) were blocked from entering the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.  They cry and stomp their feet because they insist Crimea is not an Autonomous Republic and is part of Ukraine and therefore subject to their EU-Obama regime martial law searches!

And what was that about Russia “invading” Crimea? “Under the Russian-Ukraine agreement, Russia is permitted 25,000 troops in Crimea. The U.S./EU media’s deploring of a ‘Russian invasion of 16,000 troops’ is either total ignorance or complicity in Washington’s lies. Obviously, the U.S./EU media is corrupt. Only a fool would rely on their reports!”-Paul Craig Roberts, U.S. economist, interviewed on Press TV

More Fukushima / Nuke Industry Fallout: Sensors fail at Daini! Don’t eat the Flounder! Jamaica finds radioactive bus! Special team to invesitgate WIPP! More reason for Scotland to breakaway from England! The Devil is in the details; increased rates of cancer in California!

07 March 2014 (03:20 UTC-07 Tango)/05 Jumada l-Ula 1435/16 Esfand 1392/07 Ding-Mao 4712

In the Caribbean, Jamaican Customs officials revealed they have impounded two buses shipped from Japan that are radioactive!  The buses were impounded in January, after U.S. DoE taxpayer funded Jamaican radiation teams inspected a shipment from Japan.

Jamaican officials have been arguing with Japanese embassy officials.  They want Japan to take the buses back.  I’ve written before about the pseudo-secret U.S. taxpayer funded radiation detection program in Jamaica and Bahamas. 

The national reactor temp monitoring system, used by Japans’  Nuclear Regulation Authority (Emergency Response Support System, ERSS) lost contact with two reactors at Fukushma Daini.

Daini is aka Fukushima plant number 2, just a few miles south of Daiichi (plant number 1).  The ERSS temperature monitors for reactor Units 2 and 3 went blank.  The NRA is asking TEPCo to investigate.  The same thing happened just before the Fukushima Daiichi meltdowns of 2011.  At last check Daini reactor Units 2 & 3 were showing 30 degrees Celsius (86 Fahrenheit), even though they are shutdown.

Nicholas Fisher, of the Stony Brook University, said at this point most fish in the Pacific Ocean are safe to eat, however, stay away from bottom feeders, like flounder: “Those levels [radiation] are very high and in some cases clearly exceed safety limits.  I would certainly avoid eating those fish.”PBS Newshour report

The ongoing fishing ban is having a positive effect on the fish off the coastline near the Fukushima Daiichi nuke site: “The number of fish is increasing fast……and they’re getting bigger!”-Sato Kimio, fishing boat Captain, PBS Newshour report

Ass hole government prosecuting attorneys dropped all charges against Tokyo Electric Power Company, for the ongoing nuke disaster at Fukushima Daiichi!  For some reason the prosecutors suddenly decided TEPCo was not at fault for the nuclear disaster, and that has many people pissed: “Absolutely no-one is taking responsibility for this huge accident and when all these people are suffering. The [government sponsored] investigation clearly stated this was an accident created by humans, not a natural disaster….”-Aileen Mioko-Smith, Green Action Japan

“The MoD [Ministry of Defence] knew how politically damaging this would be for the UK Government. This smells of a cover-up. There are now serious questions to answer. We can only wonder what other nuclear secrets the UK Government is keeping from the people of Scotland.”-Angus Robertson, Scottish National Party

In United Kingdom,  the Scottish Environment Protection Agency is outraged that English officials kept secret a radiation leak for two years!  It happened in 2012 near Dounreay, Scotland, during a test of a Vulcan nuclear reactor, the same type of reactor used on UK’s Vanguard and Astute class submarines.  Scottish officials were only told of the radiation leak on 06 March 2014!

I also found a BBC report from October 2011 stating there was a “minor” leak at the Dounreay nuclear power generating plant.

In Carlsbad, New Mexico, residents are pissed off about the lack of info from the DoE about U.S. Waste Isolation Pilot Plant incident.  At the townhall meeting their main concern was about WIPP being shut down and jobs lost.  A series of “incidents” began on 05 February 2014, and WIPP is still closed as a result.  Department of Energy officials announced during the townhall meeting that a “specially trained team” will enter the WIPP site next week, to determine contamination levels inside.

In California, the World Business Academy revealed that people living near the Diablo Canyon nuke plant (in San Luis Obispo County) are suffering much higher than ‘normal’ cancer rates: “The data contained in this report support a remarkable predisposition of persons living within a 15 mile radius of Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant to have a significantly increased incidence of various cancers, including thyroid, breast and melanoma. Exposure to radiation is well known to result in an increased risk of developing cancer.”-Stephen W. Hosea, Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital

In Kansas, a woman who did not have cancer was put through 15 treatments of radiation therapy in 2010.   It was all over a red spot on one of her eyelids.  After the treatment she got a second opinion from a doctor who said the red spot was not cancer, and she should never have been irradiated.

In court Michael Grossbard, a medical oncologist and chief of hematology-oncology at Mount Sinai hospitals in New York, testified that even if the red spot on her eye was cancer it had only a “30% chance that could have disseminated throughout the body and led to an early death and been incurable.” without radiation treatment which is about the same as the chances with radiation treatment.

More and more studies are coming out saying medical radiation treatments (cemo, x-ray, MRI, CT) are dangerous and have no effect on reducing cancer (in some cases they make the cancer worse).

World War 3, West Asian Front: Israel stages False Flag missile capture op, Israeli media says so!

06 March 2014 (23:01 UTC-07 Tango 05 March 2014)/04 Jumada l-Ula 1435/15 Esfand 1392/06 Ding-Mao 4712

“….it [Iran] continues to arm terrorist groups, continues to perpetrate terrorism around the world.”-Benyamin Netanyahu, hypocrite because he is arming al Qaeda ‘affiliated’ groups in Libya, Egypt and Syria

NAZI-land Israeli Prime Minister Nut-job Yahoo made a video report claiming Israeli commandos had captured some really big artillery rockets, on a ship in the Red Sea, and claimed they came from Iran.

He also claimed the big 302mm rockets were heading towards Gaza.  Of course the Western news media is all over this, but guess what?  Some Israeli news sources are debunking this report!

Nut-job Yahoo says these very large artillery rockets were going to somehow get smuggled over land into Gaza.   He claims they were shipped out of Syria to Iran and then heading to Hamas in Gaza.  So far, video of only one 302mm has been shown.

The Western news media calls them “M”302 because there is no official name for it.  It is an unguided rocket 302millimeters (11.8 inches) in diameter and supposedly are made by Syria.  They were first used by Lebanon against Israel in Gregorian year 2006, when Israel started the Second Lebanon War.  It is very possible that Israel has these on hand as they’ve launched many cross border raids into Lebanon since then, and captured some equipment.

The 302mm rocket is most likely made by China.  In China it is known as the WeiShi-1 (WS-1).  It is 4.7 meters long (15.4 feet), and weighs about 674 kilograms (1485 pounds) with warhead! This makes the rocket too big to easily “smuggle” over land, let alone by air and ship.   On top of that, it’s useless without the large launching equipment, so it makes the claim by the Israelis unbelievable.

Israeli news source, Ynet.com, also points out that the Syrian government is no friend to Hamas, as Hamas actually expressed support for some anti-Syrian government rebels!

The Nut-job Yahoo regime also claimed the rocket was going to be transferred to Sudan, then to Egypt before finally reaching its destination.   The Ynet.com article points out that the Obama regime puppet government in Egypt has outlawed Hamas, making it even more unlikely that the rocket was meant for Hamas if it was going to go through Egypt.

Hamas officials even called the Israeli claim “a stupid joke”.

Ynet.com says Israeli defense officials have hinted that the 302 rocket was actually intended for a group known as Islamic Jihad.

And here’s the problem with that: There are at least five Islamic Jihad groups!  There’s one in Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt, Turkey and Yemen.  So which one was getting the massive unlaunchable rocket mister nut-job yahoo?

Can you say “False flag operation”?

World War 3, East European Front: Canada cancels NORAD wargame with Russia! Chernobyl aid shutdown by Obama regime! Russia tests ICBM as U.S. secretly bases ABM system in Ukraine?

05 March 2014 (04:05 UTC-07 Tango)/03 Jumada l-Ula 1435/14 Esfand 1392/05 Ding-Mao 4712

“I have this morning directed that, effective immediately, all planned bilateral activities between the Canadian Armed Forces and the military of the Russian Federation be suspended. This includes exercises, such as NORAD’s Exercise Vigilant Eagle, and scheduled meetings.”-Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of the British empire country of Canada

More Russian naval ships have been seen sailing through the Bosporus Strait, heading towards Ukraine.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of failed State John Kerry are meeting in Paris, France.

The Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Tatarstan have signed a cooperation agreement.

The Obama regime puppet mayor of the Ukrainian city of Uhzgorod, Viktor Shchadei, was stabbed and is in the hospital in critical condition.  The attackers are unknown.

The Association To Help Chernobyl, in Japan’s Chubu-District, says they’ve been told to stop sending medical equipment and funds to their Ukrainian counterparts dealing with the ongoing Chernobyl nuclear disaster.   They have been told that the overthrow of the democratically elected government, by the Obama  regime, is hampering humanitarian activities.

Humanitarian groups in Ukraine are reporting that the Obama regime government in Kiev has shutdown and seized the offices of many NGOs and NPOs.

There’s been a lot of talk involving money.  The Obama regime installed puppet government in Kiev is willing to sign onto massive debt financing from the EU and U.S., but is expressing an unwillingness to pay off debts owed to Russia for natural gas.  Russia is willing to negotiate those debts, but only if the Obama puppets accept Russian financing.

The Obama puppet Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has denied reports that the United States is about to base an anti-ICBM missile system (aka ABM, Anti Ballistic Missile) within Ukraine.   Those reports were sparked by the Ukraine’s own ambassador to Russia, Mykhailo Yezhel, who told Russian news media that such a missile deal with the U.S. would be in exchange for financing.

Those reports came as Russia successfully tested a RS-12M Topol ICBM.   It’s interesting that there was no international uproar over the test, when you realize that every time North Korea even throws a rock into the air Western news media and political leaders shit themselves.

Ukrainian cable TV company, Lanet, has cut three Russian channels from its lineup.

Obama regime experimenting with rats

will destroy United States by crashing U.S. dollar

World War 3, East European Front: Putin likens the Obama regime to scientist experimenting with rats!

04 March 2014 (04:31 UTC-07 Tango)/02 Jumada l-Ula 1435/13 Esfand 1392/04 Ding-Mao 4712

In a live press conference Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, described the Obama regime like scientists “in a lab playing with rats!”, in regards to the foreign policy of the United States.

World War 3, East European Front: False Flag shots fired in Crimea? Obama resorts to paper tiger game of sanctions! Putin recalls wargaming troops, will destroy United States by crashing U.S. dollar?

04 March 2014 (02:52 UTC-07 Tango)/02 Jumada l-Ula 1435/13 Esfand 1392/04 Ding-Mao 4712

Efforts to declare sanctions against the Russian Federation will result in the collapse of the U.S. financial system, which will entail the end of U.S. dominance in the world financial system.“-Sergey Glazyev, advisor to Vladimir Putin President of Russia

The Obama regime is showing its true paper tigerness by stating it will resort to isolating Russia with economic sanctions.  The U.S. has tried the same thing with Iran for decades, and despite what lies the U.S. media says, Iran is stronger than ever (else why are the Israelis always shitting themselves over Iran?)!

Even the leadership within the U.S. Department of Defense are shitting themselves: “We call on Russia to de-escalate the crisis in Ukraine and for Russian forces in Crimea to return to their bases, as required under the agreements governing the Russia Black Sea Fleet.“-Rear Admiral John Kirby, USN Pentagon

Obama has suspended the joint anti-terror training involving Russian troops on U.S. territory, ongoing for several years now.  It was a dumb idea to begin with because now Russia knows even more about how the U.S. military thinks and operates.

Putin has ordered the Russian wargames to end and for the wargaming troops to return to their bases.  These are not the guys that supposedly entered Crimea, the wargames were held in central and western Russia.  Putin has also decided to implement international financial actions that would not only counter the Obama regime’s economic sanctions, but would end the use of the U.S. dollar as the World’s reserve currency!

Putin’s financial threat has caused even the British empire to back off: “The UK should not support for now trade sanctions or close London’s financial centre to Russians.”-Leaked document delivered to Prime Minister David Cameron, according to BBC

The Obama regime will boycott the Paralympics in Sochi, Russia.

The European Union considers economic sanctions against Russia.

There are reports that the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, José Manuel García-Margallo, criticized the Obama regime’s plan for sanctions, calling them unjustified.

Putin says he is willing to provide Crimea with a $1-billion USD aid grant, to counter the $1-billion bailout loan the Obama regime is about to force Ukraine to accept.

Crimean troops have intercepted a large amount of grenades and guns being smuggled into the autonomous region, from Ukraine.

U.S. news sources reported that Russia (Crimean?) troops fired warning shots at Ukrainian troops inside Crimea.  This a day after a Ukrainian official gave this warning: “Unknown persons pretending to be the Ukrainian side plan to kill three or four Russian soldiers to legitimize bringing Russian troops to the territory of Ukraine.”-Mykola Velykovych, Obama puppet Deputy Interior Minister of Ukraine

More Ukrainian Air Force units have joined Crimea.  The 50th, 55th and 147th Missile Air Defense Regiments, equipped with the latest ground to air anti-aircraft missiles.

There are growing pro-Russian demonstrations through out Ukraine.

Pro-Russian demonstrations are taking place in Serbia.

Ukraine is a bread basket and there are warnings that the current situation will add to World food crisis as Ukrainian crops might not get planted this year.

NAZI German vs Soviet Union

Military Storm sparked by False Flag op?