Tag Archives: nato

World War 3: Pakistan refuses to take part in Bonn Conference on Afghanistan Security, rejects NATO apology

“We do not accept NATO apology.  NATO was not chasing militants.”-Major General Athar Abbas, Pakistani army

Pakistan continues to move away from the United States, after a deadly U.S. led NATO/ISAF attack on Pakistani troops.  They are now boycotting the December 5 Bonn Conference on Afghanistan’s security.

Foreign Ministers from at least 90 countries (including Hillary Clinton) are expected to attend the Bonn Conference, to discuss key issues like the withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan, and negotiations with the majority political party, and militant group, the Taliban.

Pakaistani army officials say the NATO/ISAF claim that they were shooting at militants is false because the area they attacked was 200 to 300 meters (about 984 feet) inside Pakistani territory, and, had already been cleared of militant activity.  Earlier reports from Pakistan claimed the attack took place a mile and a half inside Pakistani territory.






World War 3 & Military Incompetence: Pakistan gives U.S. forces 15 days to get out!

Chinese media reporting that Pakistani Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani, just ordered U.S. forces to vacate Shamsi Air Base in Pakistan’s southwest Balochistan province.  He gave them 15 days.

This comes less than 24 hours after U.S. led NATO and ISAF helicopters attacked and killed at least 24 Pakistani soldiers.  The irony is that U.S. military leaders had just finished a meeting with their Pakistani counter parts, to assure them that such a thing won’t happen (last year a similar incident killed at least two Pakistani soldiers).

Pakistan’s immediate response to the attack was to stop supplies for U.S. led NATO/ISAF troops from crossing into Afghanistan.

Also, this U.S./NATO attack comes days after China and Pakistan finished joint war games, involving 540 soldiers, mainly airborne units.  The war games were held in Punjab province of Pakistan.





World War 3: U.S. led NATO kills 28 Pakistani soldiers, Pakistan retaliates by cutting off supplies to U.S. forces in Afghanistan

U.S. led NATO helicopters attacked a Pakistani checkpoint on November 25, reportedly killing as many as 28 Pakistani soldiers, and wounding 14.   NATO officials say they’re investigating, but Pakistan says enough, they closed at least two boarding crossings used to supply U.S./NATO forces in Afghanistan.

Ironically the U.S./NATO attack came about six hours after a meeting between U.S. and Pakistani military officials ended. The meeting was about preventing ‘accidental’ attacks on Pakistani forces by U.S./NATO forces.

Russian media says they have info that the NATO attack is in retaliation for Pakistan’s crackdown on CIA informants, including the resignation of Pakistan’s ambassador to the U.S., Husain Haqqani.

Just four or five days ago, Husain Haqqani was forced to quit after he was accused of seeking U.S. help in overthrowing Pakistan’s military officials.





Class War: Studies reveal Money does make you happier, but it only drives you to want more

A Chinese newspaper gathered data from studies done around the world, about wealth, and the people who have it, and found that many common myths about having lots of money are false.

I always heard that “money doesn’t buy happiness”, turns out that’s a lie. One study, by Justin Wolfers and Betsey Stevenson, concluded:

1) Rich people are happier than poor people.

2) Richer countries are happier than poorer countries.

3) As countries get richer, they tend to get happier.

However, Psychologist David Myers says the degree of happiness depends on the relative disparity between the rich and the poor.  Apparently the more impoverished a country is, the more happier the rich bastards become (is that why Wall Street is trying to take down main street U.S.A.?).

Also, University of Michigan researcher Ronald Inglehart discovered that once a person becomes wealthy, it takes even more and more money to keep them happy, like a drug addict (again, is that why Wall Street is trying to take down main street U.S.A.?).

What about the myth of suicides and rich people losing their money?  Many people think of the Crash of ’29, when supposedly dozens of people jumped to their deaths, from their high rise offices, after losing all their money in the stock markets.

While some rich people do kill themselves, people living in poverty are still more likely to end it all.  Several studies have been done, including by the UN World Health Organization, and they conclude that the majority of suicides involve people living in rural (poor) areas!

U.S. deaths are caused by poverty…. about the same as deaths from heart attacks and stroke, study finds

The Global Social Crisis: Report on the World Social Situation 2011

Poverty, Mental Illness and Suicide Linked


World War 3: Venezuela points out hypocrisy of U.S. led NATO war on Libya, proof the UN is controlled by the U.S.

“Right now there is a very serious threat to global peace: a new cycle of colonial wars, which started in Libya, with the sinister goal of refreshing the capitalist global system, within a structural crisis today, but without any limit to its consumer and destructive voracity.”-Nicolas Maduro Moros, Foreign Minister of Venezuela

Moros says the war in Libya was pushed by the mainstream media: “The logic of war having its spearhead in transnational mass media: let us bear in mind that the ‘Libyan Case’ was brought before the Security Council on the basis of intense propaganda by the western mass media, who lied about the alleged bombing of innocent civilians by the Libyan Air Force, not to mention the grotesque media setting of the Green Square of Tripoli.”

Moros points out that the so called no fly zone was anything but: “It’s worth wondering: what has the no-fly zone established by Security Council resolution become? How could NATO perform more than 20,000 missions against Libyan people if there was a no-fly zone? After the Libyan Air Force was completely annihilated, the continued ‘humanitarian’ bombing shows that the west, through NATO, intends to impose their interests in North Africa, turning Libya into a colonial protectorate.”

Moros points out that NATO violated the arms embargo they were supposed to be enforcing: “How can we say that an arms embargo was imposed on Libya, when it was NATO itself that introduced thousands of heavy weapons to support a violent upheaval against that country’s legitimate government? The embargo was, of course, meant to prevent the Libyan government from defending its sovereignty. This shows, once again, the cruel logic of international relations, where the law only applies to the weak.”

Moros warns that the United Nations is a puppet of Europe and the United States, and that will be the UN’s undoing: “If its secretary-general, along with the president of the International Criminal Court, take part in an act of war, as in the case of Libya, nothing can be expected from the current structure of this organization and there is no longer time for reforms: the UN does not accept any reform whatsoever, the illness within it is deadly.”

World War 3: NATO to stay in Libya

“So long as the Libyan people are being threatened, the NATO led mission to protect them will continue. And those still holding out must understand the old regime is over, and it is time to lay down your arms and join the new Libya.”-Barack Obama, President of the United States

September 21, U.S. led NATO agreed to extend their air campaign in Libya by another 90 days.  Here’s the hypocrisy in Obama’s statement: He says Libyan people are threatened, well “those still holding out” are on the defensive, it’s the U.S. backed rebels that are (and have been) on the offensive.  On top of that NATO has been bombing the shit out of anyone who doesn’t want to join the rebels!  It looks to me that it’s the U.S. backed rebels that’re doing the threatening!

So, warmonger Obama, is NATO gonna start bombing the rebels, in earnest (they’ve already ‘accidentally’ bombed the rebels a few times)?


World War 3: French lawyers to charge Sarkozy with War Crimes, French technology helped Gaddafi to escape

Lawyers in France accuse President Nicolas Sarkozy, of committing crimes against humanity.  The attorneys say they witnessed it with their own eyes in Libya: “They are using missiles with depleted uranium, which cause cancer. In Tripoli I saw people crippled by NATO attacks, office workers who have nothing to do with the fighting. That is why we are suing President Sarkozy for crimes against humanity.”-Jacques Verges, attorney

The attorneys say the NATO air strikes were against civilians to begin with, there were no military targets, only “Books, videos, Spiderman toys, cultural books, nothing military.”

One French attorney said the bombing of Libyan civilians by NATO is a tactic in the strategy to overthrow Gaddafi: “After five months of daily NATO bombs and thousands of deaths, people will stop supporting the [Gaddafi] regime, because they just can’t take it anymore.”-Marcel Ceccaldi, attorney

By the way such a policy of attacking the civilian population to undermine their support for their government, was created by Ulysses S. Grant and William Tecumseh Sherman, during the War Between the States (U.S. Civil War 1861-1865).  It’s still official U.S. military policy, it’s justified by using the term “dual use” targets.

Another French lawyer is so convinced of a conspiracy against Gaddafi, by France, that he’s willing to defend Gaddafi in court, if he’s ever caught:“If they find him they’ll kill him. Like Bin Laden. Some states are now claiming the right to kill, against all international law.”-Roland Dumas, former French Foreign Minister

To further complicate matters, new captured documents reveal that Gaddafi was sold a French modified armored German Mercedes 4×4, that has the capability to act as a military command & control center, and avoid tracking by NATO: “It’s a huge embarrassment for the French government, as it emerges that President Sarkozy sold, in 2008, a 3.5 million pound (U.S. $5.5 million) car to Colonel Gaddafi which has allowed him to escape. It is a state of the art armored vehicle. It’s equipped with a commander system which allows Colonel Gaddafi to keep in touch with his forces. But it is also equipped with an anti-tracking system which makes it impossible for NATO surveillance to pick up any signals, and indeed to locate and target the car.”-Nabila Ramdani, journalist/political analyst

It’s also becoming clear that part of the French desire to get rid of Gaddafi is partly because he backed out of military deals with France, in favor of deals with Russia: President Sarkozy was hoping to sell Colonel Gaddafi fighter jets, Rafale jets at that time, but the deal fell through when Colonel Gaddafi was able to buy those jets from Russia instead.”-Nabila Ramdani


World War 3: Israel trys to secretly join NATO, Turkey blocks attempt, Turkey to bring charges against Israel in International Court of Justice

September 19, Turkey blocks a bid by Israel to set up an office in NATO’s Belgium headquarters.  Turkey is a member of NATO.

Turkish officials suggest the move to bring Israel into U.S. led NATO was kept secret: “Israel recently made an attempt to open an office at NATO in Brussels. We said we would veto this attempt and the issue was not even put on the agenda.”-Ahmet Davutoglu, Turkey’s Foreign Minister

Also, Turkey has vowed to take action at the International Court of Justice in the Hague to challenge Tel Aviv’s four-year siege of Gaza, Palestine.

World War 3: Libyan government captures British & French troops

The U.S. led NATO backed civil war in Libya is far from over.  Remnants of the former Libyan government military have captured dozen of foreign troops.

At least 17 foreign “technical experts” have been captured in Bani Walid: “Most of them are French, one of them is from an Asian country that has not been identified, two English people and one Qatari.“-Moussa Ibrahim, Libyan Minister of Information