Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg) list of main-stream-news links about global immigrant/border operations from August 2020 to the beginning of September 2020.
Leftist news sources want metro areas to become “true havens for climate migrants” advising How cities can prepare to support climate migrants.
Five years later hundreds of migrants still dying in the Mediterranean.
Five years on from boy’s tragic death, “refugee and migrant children worse off”.
Migrants rejected by European Union and deported to Tunisia are now fleeing to Libya.
“47% of surveyed refugees and migrants cited increased difficulty crossing borders as an impact of the coronavirus crisis…”
AUSTRALIA: So desperate for skilled slave-wage workers that The Land Down Under is going to wave CoViD-19 restrictions for them
Revealed; real estate values were being propped-up by influx of migrants
State of Tasmania desperate for slave-wage migrant construction workers, blames CoViD-19
BANGLADESH: 80 Bangladeshis were arrested after they claimed they were tricked out of $4-thousand each, and into migrating to Vietnam for jobs that didn’t exist. Apparently there is a Bangladeshi law that says you can’t embarrass the country by doing things like protesting over unemployment in other countries.
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA: ‘No Man’s Land’: Migrants, Refugees Stranded at a Bosnian Roadside
FRANCE: Council backs migrants who pitched tents in central Paris
GERMANY: Leftist news media claims Five years after migrant crisis, integration is succeeding
GREECE: First case of CoViD-19 confirmed in migrant camp (you’d think by now there be hundreds, if not thousands, of infections)
More than 10-thousand migrants blocked
Greece Is Dropping Migrants into the Sea — And Europe Is Turning a Blind Eye
INDIA: Government food program to feed slave-wage migrant workers slashed to starvation rations
ITALY: Troubles brew on Lampedusa as island bears brunt of migrant arrivals
Italy gives Sea-Watch-4 permission to bring 353 rescued migrants to Sicily
KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA: African migrants locked up in coronavirus centers
U.S. Army National Guard units from Oregon and Texas are in Kosovo and, among other things like CoViD-19 response, are conducting joint border patrols with the Kosovo Border Police, in the municipality of Kamenicë (Kamenica). Photo by Captain Nadine Wiley De Moura.
LEBANON: ‘They Called Me ‘Slave’: Beirut Blast Exposes Migrant Workers’ Plight
MALDIVES: Covid-19 Exposes Abuse of Migrants
MALTA: Illegals on tanker ship running out of food, threaten to jump
Prime Minister to spend 1-million Euros per month to detain illegals on cruise ship
PANAMA: 22-thousand illegals from around the world captured crossing the Panama-Colombia border in 2019
SINGAPORE: Migrants get help from new CoViD-19 phone application
SPAIN: Migrants trying to reach Europe pushed to deadly Atlantic
UNITED KINGDOM: Exhausted migrants wade to shore and collapse on beach – as 409 make journey across Channel too shatter new daily record
UNITED STATES: The U.S. Department of the Interior’s Office of Insular Affairs is awarding a $250-thousand Technical Assistance Program grant to help domestic migrants (aka Compact Migrants) within the U.S. Pacific territories
ICE captures 2-thousand illegals over a five weeks period
Leftist New York Times claims After a Lull, the Number of Migrants Trying to Enter the U.S. Has Soared
Taxpayer funded security contractor housing immigrant children in hotels
Near Naco, Arizona, a new section of wall (San Pedro River Project) has been started under Section 284 of Title 10, U.S. Code:
On the top of the Tinajas Atlas Mountains, in Arizona, a new ‘border road’ was started on 05AUG2020. Photo by George F. Jozens, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Photo by Jerry Glaser, U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
From California to Texas, 3-hundred miles (483 kilometers) of new border wall sections were completed:
The U.S. Coast Guard reports capturing 16 illegals from Bahamas near the Hanover Inlet of Florida, 12AUG2020. One human trafficker (smuggler) was detained. The illegals were returned to Bahamas. Photo by Petty Officer Third Class Brandon Murray.
Near the coast of Marathon, Florida, the U.S. Coast Guard captured 20 illegals from Cuba, 19AUG2020. The U.S. Coast Guard reports a huge drop in illegals coming from Cuba; so far this fiscal year only 140 have been captured, compared to the 482 in fiscal 2019.
Idaho PBS reveals refugees from Democratic Republic of Congo are now one of the main groups arriving in Idaho.
In the state of Michigan, National Guard personnel are being used to test migrant farm workers for CoViD-19. This is the result of the state Department of Health and Human Services issuing an emergency order at the beginning of August, requiring that all agricultural and food processing workers who are living in migrant housing camps must be tested for CoViD-19 within 48 hours of entering the state. The program is taxpayer funded and involves the Michigan National Guard because apparently a lot of Guard personnel speak Spanish: “We do have a large migrant population as well in our community, because of our influx of migrant workers during the summer and fall months. So having somebody who does speak Spanish is important because it gives them access too.”-Heather Alberda, Ottawa County Department of Public Health
On 07AUG2020, the U.S. Coast Guard captured this boat with 16 illegals from Dominican Republic, near Puerto Rico. The illegals were sent back to their home country.
16AUG2020, the U.S. Coast Guard claims this boat was packed with 52 illegals from Dominican Republic, heading to Puerto Rico. On 17AUG2020 the illegals were handed over to the Armada de Republica Dominicana.
Texas Army National Guard assist with operations at border checkpoints, 14AUG2020. Photo by Staff Sergeant DeJon Williams.
Texas Army National Guard performs maintenance on U.S. Border Patrol vehicles.
14AUG2020, pilots at Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas, conducted a CoViD-19 flight carrying flags to honor the members of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection killed by CoViD-19. Photo by Senior Airman Anne McCready.
VENEZUELA: 100-thousand would be illegal immigrants halted by CoViD-19