Tag Archives: education

Low-tech girls in low-cut shirts can’t save high-tech companies! Court orders employer to reveal layoffs! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 22 March 2016

Incomplete list of job loss announcements and shutdowns.

More proof you brick-n-mortar store owners can’t directly blame the internet/high-tech for your demise; British empire United Kingdom based software solutions company (according to Bloomberg) nobody heard of, Mycom North America, is apparently dead in the water as it suddenly issued shutdown WARNs for all its offices around the United States, to close next week!  Last week a lawsuit was filed by a U.S. contractor accusing Mycom of failing to pay them for work rendered, and last year Mycom was sued by a U.S. property management company for failing to pay rent on property in West Virginia!  I have yet to find anything explaining why Mycom is suddenly shutting down.   Mycom’s website has been disabled.

Arkansas: In Fayetteville, after 24 years Big Red Razorbacks Fan Shop shutting down so the owner can start his second retirement.

California: More proof you brick-n-mortar store owners can’t directly blame the internet/high-tech for your demise; Palo Alto based credit card validating e-reader Jumio now chapter 11 bankrupt busted and for sale. Administrators blame lack of ‘crowd funding’ (guess those low-tech girls in low-cut t-shirts didn’t work).  This is more proof that most tech companies were never successful, playing the accounting shell game of including that ‘funding’ in their earnings reports which made it look like people were buying their products/services.

Colorado: Denver based oil company Venoco now bankrupt busted with 50% of “production curtailed” and $1-billion USD in debt, partly blaming it on the massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California .   Another Denver based oil company legally bankrupt busted, Emerald Oil.  They first defaulted on their debts due to low oil prices.  

Analysts have warned that if oil prices remain low for too long there will be a dominos effect of collapsing oil industry related companies. (what I call Ripple Effect Layoffs [REL])

Florida:  Mycom North America suddenly announced they’re shutting down their Orlando office next week.  Interestingly the WARN list the company as “construction”, but Bloomberg’s Company Overview calls it a UK based privately held software-engineering company.  In Hollywood, Schumacher Clinical Partners issued a WARN, 163 people will be laid off between May and December!

Illinois: Peoria School District 150 laying off about 78 teachers, most under “honorable discharge” and some due to lack of “performance”.  A Freedom of Information Act court order forced Kishwaukee College to reveal it eliminated at least 24 jobs, due to lack of students and taxpayer funding.  Note that it took a Freedom of Information Act court order to get the publicly funded college to reveal the layoffs!

Missouri: An Office Max shutting down in Saint Loius, and an Office Depot shutting down in Brentwood.  It’s part of the merged Florida based office supply sellers’ plan to shutdown more than 7-hundred stores, so much for “Now More Choice”!

New York:  In NYC, insurance company AIG (American International Group) issued a mass layoff WARN, 242 people being laid off between now and September!  The Clifton Park Office Max shutting down in May.

North Carolina: In Durham, after 140 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) ‘black owned’ Scarborough & Hargett Funeral Home now chapter 11 bankrupt busted claiming more than $1-million USD of debt.  However, in 2013 state regulators fined the funeral home and put it on probation for two years after being caught lying about its ‘advance sales’ of funeral services.   Mycom North America suddenly announced they’re shutting down their Bessemer office next week.  Ecolab issued a shutdown WARN for its Charlotte location, 60 jobs lost by May.  Tuscarora Yarns issued a shutdown WARN for its China Grove operations, 123 jobs lost by May!

Oregon: Mycom North America suddenly announced they’re shutting down their Portland office next week. India based office management company Firstsource Group issued a shutdown WARN for their Eugene operations, 275 jobs gone by mid-May!

Pennsylvania:  Malvern based grocery chain ACME shutting down three stores, two in New Jersey and one in Pennsylvania, by the end of April.  Hundreds of jobs lost! Administrators said the economy is so bad that it’s not worth it to renew the leases on those locations!

South Carolina:  Charleston Cooks shutdown their stores in Greenville and Columbia, the owner suddenly “made the decision to retire”.  Cooking classes will continue until the end of April.   In Columbia, after one year in their new location formal dress shop Carolina Couture suddenly shutdown their Gervais Street shop, due to an ‘undisclosed legal action’.

Texas: In Dallas, Dealertrack Tech issued a WARN, 56 jobs gone by mid-May.  Shade Structures revealed they laid off 54 employees last month.  In Coppell, Japan based Panasonic Avionics issued a WARN, 51 jobs gone by the end of June.  And for Ripple Effect Layoffs caused by the oil industry: Cudd Energy Services issued a WARN, 60 jobs lost in San Antonio by mid-May.  And in Longview, Trinity Rail-Tank Car issued mass layoff WARNs saying 609 people will become unemployed by mid-May!

Vermont: Q Burke Mountain Resort said it must layoff employees, blaming weather for delaying the opening of a new $50-million USD conference center.

Washington: Mycom North America suddenly announced they’re shutting down their Redmond office next week.  And for more proof that you brick-n-mortar store owners can’t directly blame the internet/high-tech for your demise;  Bellevue based video game maker 5th Cell forced to layoff 45 people under orders from publisher Warner Brothers Interactive Entertainment.  Initial reports say Warner Brothers was shutting 5th Cell down.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

21 March 2016: “an economy in distress” Gem State kills thousands of jobs & tens of millions in revenues!

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed!

Employees of religious non-profits might not qualify for unemployment assistance: “If the non-profit organization is a church, you may or may not be entitled to unemployment. It all depends upon state regulations for church employers. In many cases, churches are allowed to set their own rules regarding unemployment benefits, meaning the church can choose whether to offer benefits to former employees.”

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

False Flag: ‘War Refugees’, the greatest & most profitable Human Trafficking op ever!

23 March 2016 (05:39 UTC-07 Tango 01) 04 Farvardin 1395/13 Jumada t-Tania 1437/15 Xin Mao 4714

I was watching a Russian TV interview with people commenting on the bombings in Belgium and the hyperbole accusations against refugees from the U.S. instigated war in Syria.  Commentators pointed out that the recent attacks in European countries are being done by poor people born and raised in those countries, not refugees (in 2011 a survey showed that Belgium was the top immigrant hating country in the world!).  One commentator said the whole refugee/migrant situation was because “….mafia and criminals earn much much more money…” from illegal immigration.

So who are the “mafia and criminals”?  Which world leader literally invited people to flood into her country?  Who has been reporting government profits for the last two years? Angela Merkel’s Germany.

But other European countries and even the United States are taking in boatloads of basically illegal immigrants. Several U.S. state public education systems have been ‘safe-housing’ illegal immigrants in defiance of federal law.   Here in the U.S. state of Idaho, the University of Idaho and the U.S. Department of Labor recently reported separately compiled data showing that The Gem State’s meager population growth is coming from migrants, not indigenous births.  Most new jobs are going to those migrants.

Your ‘elected’ officials are nothing more than human trafficking mafia bringing in cheap labor at taxpayer expense for the Corporations of the World! Hell, the World Bank admitted it in October 2015!  

In Japan, the March 2011 nuclear disasters revealed a hidden operation of illegal immigrants secretly living in Japan.  Many immigrants from other Asian countries are employed as Throw-Away Workers (that term was coined by a Japanese economist who revealed the shadow employment program).

If you don’t think immigration isn’t a threat, just ask the Native Americans!  

Donald Trump using J-1 immigrant workers as Jamaican arrested for ripping off J-1 workers!

Neu Holocaust: 130,000 migrants ‘disappeared’ from Germany! 

gun laws fail to stop beheading of children by schizophrenic immigrant!

Cry Me a River: Conflicting reports about refugees & migrants flooding into Europe! 

“It’s part of our new business model…” Idaho hit with skyrocketing poor U.S. migrants!

“Retail is a jail.” Obama to give jobs to thousands of immigrants! 

Skyrocketing Rape in Denmark, blame immigrants!

Anti-gun laws fail to stop record gun sales, blame illegal immigrants!

Germany publishes ‘How To’ guides for illegal migrants! 

“I lost, they won.” Banks & illegal drugs cause illegal immigration to U.S.! 

U.S. sanctions against Russia really targeting U.S. citizens and immigrants!

Massive Bilderberger measles vaccination program used as weapon of war against immigrants 

Sumerian Lament:  History shows mass immigrations are the greatest self-inflicted threat to Empires! 

Idaho: The state Department of Education has revealed it is using taxpayer money to create a new department for migrants! State Right to Work (you over) administrators admitted there are so many migrant workers who don’t speak English that they feel compelled to rape taxpayers in order to provide migrants English classes.

2nd U.S. civil war: 790% increase in federal prisons population!!! Immigrants, drugs & guns main targets!!! Blame For-Profit Corporate Prisons!

Global Economic War: Argentina moves to discourage immigrants from the United States 

Allergies: Proof the Zodiac directly affects your life! The Sumerians were right?

22 March 2016 (04:03 UTC-07 Tango 01) 03 Farvardin 1395/12 Jumada t-Tania 1437/14 Xin Mao 4714

“We know that season of birth has an effect on people throughout their lives. For example generally, people born in autumn and winter are at increased risk for allergic diseases such as asthma. However, until now, we did not know how the effects can be so long lasting.”-John Holloway, University of Southampton

British empire scientists in United Kingdom’s England claim your birth-sign directly affects what you’re allergic to!

New interpretation of the Houses of the Zodiac, past, present and future, by Aryssa May Hutchins.


Many people believe the Zodiac controls your life, even major religions shape-shift whenever the Zodiacal ‘House’ changes.

A study by the University of Southampton’s David Hide Asthma and Allergy Research Centre looked at DNA samples from people on the Isle of Wight (directly south of the university, in the Channel).  They discovered epigenetic marks that directly correlated to the time of the year when the people were born: “Epigenetic marks are attached onto DNA, and can influence gene expression for years, maybe even into the next generation. Our study has linked specific epigenetic marks with season of birth and risk of allergy….”-John Holloway, University of Southampton

Sumerian cylinder seal filled with astrological imagery, at a time when supposedly nobody had telescopes or spaceships.

If you study the Sitchen versions of Sumerian myths you’ll realize the Zodiac was the first system of time keeping created on Earth.  It was created specifically to keep time for when the original-extraterestrial humans’ home planet crosses through our solar system, bringing it close to Earth.

Mayan space pilot King Pakal, is really the Mayan version of Alalu?

“…From the crowds he stealthily escaped; of doing like Lahma he was fearful. Unbeknownst to others, to the place of the celestial chariots he hurriedly went. Into a missile-throwing chariot Alalu climbed; its hatch behind him he closed. The forepart chamber he entered; the commander’s seat he occupied. That-Which-Shows-the-Way he lit up, with bluish aura the chamber filling. The Fire Stones he stirred up; their hum like music was enthralling. The chariot’s Great Cracker he enlivened; a reddish brilliance it was casting. Unbeknownst to others, in the celestial boat Alalu from Nibiru escaped. To snow-hued Earth Alalu set his course…”-Lost Book of Enki, 1st Tablet

Those extraterrestrial humans first landed on Earth in an attempt to escape their home planet due to a failed coup attempt.  The failed pretenders to the extraterrestrial throne (the original ‘game of thrones’ and the origin of the concept of ‘the return of the king’) then realized they achieved their civilization’s long standing dream of reaching Earth, for the sole purpose of extracting gold and other metals not found on their planet, but which are needed to sustain their atmosphere (the origin of chem trailing).

“Houston, Tranquility Base here, the Eagle has landed.”

“…In the Eagle’s seat Alalu was not stirring; to fate’s hands the chariot he entrusted. Fully caught in Earth’s attracting net, the chariot was moving faster.  Its spread wings became aglow; Earth’s atmosphere like an oven was. Then the chariot shook, emitting a mortifying thunder.  With abruptness the chariot crashed, with a suddenness altogether stopping. Senseless from the shaking, stunned by the crash, Alalu was without moving. Then he opened his eyes and knew he was among the living;  At the planet of gold he victoriously arrived.”-Lost Book of Enki, 2nd Tablet

“…chariot on dry land descended, at the edge of extended marshes it landed. He put on an Eagle’s helmet he put on a Fish’s suit. The chariot’s hatch he opened; at the open hatch he stopped to wonder. Dark hued was the ground, blue-white were the skies; no sound there was, there was no one to bid him welcome.  Alone on an alien planet he stood, perchance from Nibiru forever exiled!”-Lost Book of Enki, 2nd Tablet

“It might sound like a horoscope by the seasons, but now we have scientific evidence for how that horoscope could work. Because season of birth influences so many things, the epigenetic marks discovered in this study could also potentially be the mechanism for other seasonally influenced diseases and traits too, not just allergy.-Gabrielle Lockett, University of Southampton

Despite the study’s overwhelming implications (Association of Season of Birth with DNA Methylation and Allergic Disease) the researchers say they’re not advocating syncing your pregnancies with astrological time.  Mmmmm

When the Nibirans created the Zodiac it was Earth centered, meaning it is an astrological clock that times everything in the Universe from the point of view of Earth.  This is exactly why the early ignorant Christian religion claimed Earth was at the center of the Universe (the leadership of Christianity are closet wannabe astrological elites, the proof is that they preach that the use of astrology by ‘commoners’ is a sin).

The Zodiac is an Earth based clock, but it is not saying the Earth is at the center of the Universe.  It recognizes that the Sun is the center of our Solar System, but Zodiacal time is Earth centered.  This also means the Zodiac will not work on other astrological bodies, which calls into question the advise given by astrologers who use Sun centered Zodiacs.

“…By the circuit of the heavens, from horizon to horizon, he drew images of twelve constellations. In the Great Band, the Way of Anu [Plane of the Ecliptic], one each with the Sun’s family of twelve he paired,  to each one he designated a station, by names they were to be called.  Then in the heavens below the Way of Anu, whence Nibiru the Sun is approaching, a bandlike way he designed, the Way of Enki [Southern hemisphere] he it designated; to it twelve constellations by their shapes he also allotted.  The heavens above the Way of Anu, the Upper Tier, the Way of Enlil [Northern Hemisphere] he called, therein too the stars into twelve constellations he assembled. Thirty-six were the stars’ constellations, in the three Ways were they located. So will the Earth’s position designated as around the Sun it travels! The start of the cycle, of Celestial Time the measure, Enki to Marduk Indicated: When on Earth I had arrived, the station that was ending by me the Station of the Fishes [Pisces] was named. The one that followed after my name title, He of the Water [Aquarius], I called!”-Lost Book of Enki, 7th Tablet

Jesus of Nazareth ushered in the House of Pisces, and also said “….Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he entereth in.”-Luke 22:10

Beware the astrologers that center their time system on our Sun.  The true reason for the age old battles between ‘new’ and ‘old’ religions-governments-systems involves who is the ‘lord’ of the Earth, according to the current Zodiacal House, “the true signs of heaven!”

“Marduk his father Enki answered; ‘The Bull of Heaven, Enlil’s constellation sign, by his own offspring was slain. In the heavens the Age of the Ram, my age, is coming, unmistakable the omens are!’ In his abode, in Eridu, the circle of the twelve constellations Enki examined, on the first day of spring, the beginning of a year, sunrise was carefully observed: In the constellation stars of the Bull was the sun that day rising….  ….Still remote was the time of the Ram, the Age of the Bull of Enlil it still was! In his domains, Marduk in his assertions did not relent…..    Inanna’s fury no boundary knew; with her weapons on Marduk’s followers death she inflicted.  The blood of people, as never before on Earth, like rivers flowed…..    ‘Let us peacefully wait for the true signs of heaven!'”-Lost Book of Enki, 13th Tablet

The following is from a Sumerian Zodiacal almanac contained in the Enuma Anu Enlil: If the Lion is black: the land will not be happy.    

If the King is black: the director of the palace will die.

If the Ravens star is very red: the flax harvest will prosper.

If the Anzu bird’s front star is very red: if it is winter, there will be frost: if it is Summer, there will be heat.

Venus is seen in the West, she is male.

Venus is seen in the East, she is female.

If the Bull of Heaven’s stars are very bright: the offspring of cattle will thrive.

If the Field’s stars scintillate: high water [will come].

So, the University of Southampton researchers claim there is overwhelming evidence that the Zodiac (Earth centered celestial time) directly affects us biologically, but they’re not willing to advise syncing yourself to it?  Mmmmm

UCLA astronomers prove Sumerians right, there is a Nibiru!

Sumerian Lament: Saint Andrews patron of Confederate States, patron of New Russia!

“an economy in distress” Idaho kills thousands of Equine jobs & tens of millions in revenues! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 21 March 2016

Incomplete list of job loss announcements and shutdowns.

A warning for people who shop for food in grocery stores: U.S. employee unions are warning that the 2015 Giant Food (based in Netherlands) and Food Lion (based in Belgium) merger will result in the sell-off or shutdown of at least eight Giant and Martin’s grocery stores in Maryland and Virginia!  The sell-off is the result of U.S. anti-trust laws (the same reason Albertsons-Safeway used to trick now bankrupt-dead Haggen into buying 130 failing stores).

The National Association of Realtors said sales of existing homes dropped 7.1% in February.

Idaho: In Garden City, after 40 years The Gem State’s largest horse racing op Les Bois Park suddenly shutdown. It’s the latest victim of a recent decision by A-hole Christian regulators declaring ‘instant horse racing’ machines to be “unconstitutional”! Boise State University conducted an economic study which concluded that Les Bois Park alone generated $50-million USD for Ada County, and provided 536 jobs, all lost now!  The Idaho Horse Council says there will be a domino effect across Idaho’s equine economy: “It’s the feed, the hotels, the traveling, eating… it’s just a trickledown effect. Horses are going to be shipped out of state and that’s income Idaho doesn’t get. That’s devastating for our horse economy.”-Myron Amsden

Indiana: In Mishawaka, Cinemark Six shutting down their dollar movie theater this Thursday.  Local news reports say it’s been for sale for some time, apparently nobody is interested in buying it.

Michigan: Jackson based CMS Energy (aka Consumers Energy) reported they are on track to shutdown seven coal fired electricity power plants, by the end of Spring.  Administrators claim their natural gas fired plant can replace the seven coal fired plants, but they didn’t say what’s going to happen to all those employees.

New Jersey: In Swedesboro, Netherlands based potato starch supplier Royal Ingredients issued a WARN, 80 jobs lost by mid-May.

New York:  In Cohoes, after 26 years Tables Chairs and More shutting down so the owner can retire, blaming the bad economy: “…the overall business conditions aren’t the best, and I don’t think that there has ever been a real full recovery from the recession in 2008, and it’s become more of a struggle.”-Fred Turcotte

North Carolina:  In Durham, after five years G2B Brewery & Restaurant shutting down.  Despite being critically acclaimed they never generated enough sales to pay their expenses.  In Chapel Hill, after six years upscale restaurant One shutting down after the third set of lead chefs (since opening) decided to leave.

Oklahoma: In Tulsa, after 36 years God powerless to stop ‘christian’ education supply store The Apple Tree from shutting down by the end of May, blaming the lack of economic recovery (proving once again the real ‘god’ is money): “…. the sustainability of a small business in an economy in distress and an industry….has become increasingly difficult to remain competitive…” 

Pennsylvania: ‘Life sciences’ drugs maker Morphotek laid off 27 people. What construction industry recovery? Plumbing parts maker Zurn issued a shutdown WARN for their Erie HQ, no layoff numbers made public.  Zurn is moving their HQ to Wisconsin between May and August.  Zurn administrators claim that Wisconsin is the land of “global water industry leaders”, so that’s where the business is.

West Virginia: In Huntington, after 70 years Glaser Furniture shutting down by April.  The owners say their adult children are not interested in carrying on the family business.

Wyoming: After 14 years community owned clothing co-op Powell Mercantile shutting down, blaming locals for buying on the internet or traveling all the way to Billings to do their shopping.  Apparently the co-op is shifting to stores that offer products not easily found elsewhere.  Casper County wants $5-million USD in state taxpayer funding to shutdown their trash dump! And they say that’ll cover only half the costs to shutdown Horsethief Canyon Landfill! Of course the state ordered the shutdown, due to leaking toxic materials.  This is a fine example of how taxpayers are royally screwed over by ‘their’ system.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed!

Employees of religious non-profits might not qualify for unemployment assistance: “If the non-profit organization is a church, you may or may not be entitled to unemployment. It all depends upon state regulations for church employers. In many cases, churches are allowed to set their own rules regarding unemployment benefits, meaning the church can choose whether to offer benefits to former employees.”

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

“…haven’t been able to get that magic to happen.” Dept of Education falsifies employment numbers! Saudi Arabia controls U.S. refineries? : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 19 – 20 March 2016

Japan based electronics maker Toshiba, who was caught out last year cooking its own accounting books revealing that it was actually losing money (over the past seven years), is now under investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.  The U.S. investigation is about Toshiba’s U.S. subsidiaries lying about their revenues to avoid paying U.S. taxes, and includes the U.S. nuclear power plant maker/operator Westinghouse (which is now owned by Toshiba).  Toshiba has recently been fined a record $66-million USD by Japan’s Financial Services Agency for lying about their revenues.

Incomplete list of job loss announcements and shutdowns.

California: In Sacramento, after more than 20 years furniture store Three Women & an Armoire shutting down by April, blaming jacked up rent and jacked up competition.   In San Mateo, after 60 years Kaufmann’s Cameras shutting down due to the new landlord quadrupling the rent: “… it was very difficult finding someplace in the new economy. I almost kind of doubt we’ll open up a brick and mortar again. We’ll look for it and if we find it we’ll do it, but that’s not our thought right now.”-Warren Kaufmann

Connecticut:  The mayor of Bridgeport laid of the city’s Health Director, who says he doesn’t have the authority to do that and will sue. This is just one of many recent controversal personnel issues that the mayor’s administration claims are attempts to save money, but many critics say it’ll cost the city more money fighting legal actions.

Florida: In Naples, after 45 years, and several armed robberies, Thalheimers Jewelers shutting down due to injuries the owner suffered in a bike accident last year.

Idaho: An update on that false organic seed selling operation that ripped off dozens of farmers east of the Rockies for five years; one of the co-owners of Saul Farms/Bliss Seed pled guilty to mislabeling products.  Prosecutors say the seed sellers sold ‘inorganic’ seed at organic seed prices, getting at least $1 USD per pound more than they should have, resulting in $1.9-million USD in fraudulent sales!  And there’s even more fraud from the Christian dominated Gem State; this time illegal drugs involving a doctor and his family.  In Coeur d’Alene a doctor, his wife and his son appeared in federal court and pled not guilty to charges of running a meth/heroin/oxycodone op that covered the states of Idaho, Washington, Montana, Nevada and North Dakota!    Two of the doctor’s other children pled not guilty at an earlier court appearance.  The FBI and multiple local police agencies from several states made the bust, describing it as a massive drug running-money laundering op. The investigation also included the U.S. Border Patrol.  Local news reports say the doctor was “prominent” in the area and was part of the larger multi-state operation.  This isn’t the first time huge drug running ops have been shutdown in Idaho.

Indiana: In Fort Wayne, Gropp’s Famous Fish of Stroh shutting down  due to the retirement of the owners.  The family hopes to make money by licensing its secret recipes.

Louisiana: In Baton Rouge, restaurant supplier Ready Portion Meat shutdown their 56 years old retail operation this past Friday, and eventually will end wholesale ops as well.  It’s connected to the 2013 sale of the company to Washington based government contractor Mobius Industries.  Administrators with Mobius refused to give job loss numbers, but blame the shutdown on crashing sales to the restaurant industry, a 20% crash just last year: “We put a tremendous amount of effort into increasing sales in the last year or two and haven’t been able to get that magic to happen.”-Brian Clayton  (the claim of crashing restaurant industry sales is interesting because every year the National Restaurant Association claims sales are way up)

New York: Lack of funding and students forcing Kenmore Town of Tonawanda District to shutdown the Roosevelt and Hamilton elementary schools and Kenmore Middle School (Junior High damn it, we’re not supposed to be part of the bloody British empire!) next school year.  Local news reports say the district has been trying to figure out a way to cut taxpayer costs since 2012, and this was the best they could do.

North Carolina: The 3rd largest cigarette maker in the U.S. International Textile Group (ITG Brands) laid off 20 salaried employees in Greensboro, as part of their recent massive layoff announcement blamed on declining cigarette sales.

Ohio: In Cleveland, Playmatters Toys shutting down its 20 years old Shaker Square store.  It’s the third Playmatters store to shutdown, apparently there are only two stores left.  Don’t blame competition, local news reports say ever since 2008 dozens of mom-n-pop toy stores in the region have shutdown, Playmatters owner Michael Ziegenhagen confirmed by saying “…we had really strong years before the recession hit in 2008…”

Pennsylvania: In Philadelphia, Perch Pub shutting down next week, the building’s owner wants to construct a hotel.

South Dakota: The state level corruption investigation into the U.S. Department of Education’s GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs) has revealed that contractors are lying about employment data, using old employment rosters to pad current employment numbers in order to get more taxpayer money! (in Nigeria it’s called creating Ghost Employees, and they claimed they learned it from the U.S. government) Those bogus employment records were part of contracts with “…former top officials of the state Department of Education, the University of South Dakota and the U.S. Bureau of Indian Education.” What’s really scandalous is that no criminal charges have yet to be filed!

Texas: Royal Dutch Shell and Saudi Aramco are splitting up their oil refinery ops in the United States, the result is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia now controls the largest U.S. refinery located at Port Arthur!

Virginia: In Richmond, tonight is the last picture show at the 78 years old Regal Westhampton Cinemas.  Local news reports said the manager told them she was not allowed to publicly say why.

Washington DC: Independently operated Law School Transparency has revealed that only 56% of law school graduates find full employment after graduating, which challenges the official employment placement claims made by the top law schools in the U.S.

Wisconsin: Food service company and construction industry supplier Mantiwoc Company announced layoffs for their operations in Manitowoc and in the state of Pennsylvania. No numbers were given but it’s part of Mantiwoc Company’s “right sizing” which recently included the spinning off it’s construction crane maker subsidiary called Cranes.  In Milwaukee, after 28 years Paintball Dave’s shutting down due to operational costs that now exceed revenues.

Wyoming: In Casper, oil equipment maker Power Service eliminated more than 50 jobs. Administrators admitted that since 2008 they’ve been struggling to control operational costs, but the oil industry downsizing pushed them over the edge.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

18 March 2016: “If the plant goes out this town will dry up!” States admit to ignoring federal unemployment laws!

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed!

Employees of religious non-profits might not qualify for unemployment assistance: “If the non-profit organization is a church, you may or may not be entitled to unemployment. It all depends upon state regulations for church employers. In many cases, churches are allowed to set their own rules regarding unemployment benefits, meaning the church can choose whether to offer benefits to former employees.”

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.” 

South Africa accuses Obama Regime USAID of coup attempt!

19 March 2016 /22:04 UTC-07 Tango 01 (30 Esfand 1394/10 Jumada t-Tania 1437/12 Xin Mao 4714)

“We have observed attempts by imperialists to destabilize not just South Africa but the sub-region. They have taken 45 young people to America to train them as part of a leadership program.  What we got from those young people was not is not what they expected; they were trained about destabilizing the country and regime change.”-Zizi Kodwa, African National Congress

Since February there’s been growing accusations that the Obama regime has launched a covert coup attempt in South Africa, some of those accusations come from the very ‘students’ who went to the United States to take part in a program offered by the Obama regime, and the terrorist organization known as USAID.

That program is called Mandela Washington Fellowship-Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) and was started by Barack Obama in 2014, ostensibly to “…empowers young people through academic coursework, leadership training, and networking. In 2016, the Fellowship will provide 1,000 outstanding young leaders from Sub-Saharan Africa with the opportunity to hone their skills at a U.S. higher education institution with support for professional development after they return home.”

Note that this YALI logo does not refer to the country of South Africa, instead calling it “southern Africa”, and only mentions one of the three governing cities of South Africa: Pretoria.

Leaders of the ANC claim the YALI program is nothing more than an attempt by the Obama regime to create a type of Arab Spring in South Africa: “Those meetings in the American Embassy are about nothing else other than mobilisation for regime change. We’re aware of a program that takes young people to the United States for six weeks, brings them back and plants them everywhere.”-Gwede Mantashe, African National Congress president

U.S. embassy officials in South Africa have not only denied such claims, but the U.S. ambassador claimed he was too incompetent to do such a thing: “…I always imagined that if I organised a coup it would look like Mardi Gras…”-Patrick Gaspard, twitter tweet

Nigerian Shadow Government: USAID spends millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars every year, and on top of that Nigeria gets millions of U.S. consumer/investor dollars through the Coca-Cola operated Africa Foundation! Now the new Nigerian government uncovers Shadow Government stealing all that money via ‘ghost employees’!

VW diesel scandal: Why is the U.S. terror agency known as USAID pushing the leasing of Electric Vehicles through their Finance and Economic Development program? 

USAID spends more big bucks on vague ‘women’s’ programs! 

USAID spends another $33-million tax dollars!

USAID admits $2-billion scam!

2014 Ebola Outbreak: African burial teams, under the direction of the terror group USAID, have not been burying the dead in prescribed mass graves. 

2014 Ebola Outbreak: United Nations, African Development Bank, USAID, World Bank, Japan International Cooperation Agency, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and other ‘western’ globalist organizations are pushing the use of GM seeds, and even dumping Genetically Modified (possibly modified with deadly organisms like ebola) food aid in African countries. 

More USAID taxpayer rip offs, proving it was all about the oil! 

Proof USAID is a Global drug dealer!

More proof USAID is money laundering!

U.S. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction accuses USAID of corruption!

More free money (your tax money) from World Bank & USAID! 

“If the plant goes out this town will dry up!” States admit to ignoring federal unemployment laws! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 18 March 2016

Incomplete list of job loss announcements and shutdowns.

Colorado: Employment administrators with The Centennial State admit they ignore federal unemployment laws: “We have no enforcement authority. We can’t call companies and say we’re hearing about layoffs.”-Bill Thoennes, Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, who says people screwed over by their employers are told to hire their own lawyer (hey, that happened to me and a dozen of my co-workers here in the Right to Work [you over] state of Idaho, back in 2012)

Connecticut: Xpect Discounts announced it will exodus The Constitution State, shutting down all remaining four of its stores and laying off more than 1-hundred people, by the end of the month! At one time they had seven stores in-state.    Evil Too Big to Jail British empire taxpayer owned Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) issued several layoff WARNs, 37 people in Stamford losing their jobs between now and May.  West Hartford Walmart shutting down mid-April, 111 jobs lost! Back in August 2015, laser maker Lumentum announced it will shutdown their Bloomfield factory. Now they’ve revealed how many jobs will be killed; 231 by October!  Georgia based cardboard box maker WestRock shutdown their Uncasville factory, 87 jobs lost this past Wednesday.  Germany based Siemens Healthcare shutting down their Brookfield diagnostics ops, at least 236 jobs lost by March 2018!  Retailer Macy’s shutting down their Enfield store, 104 jobs lost by the end of the month!  Hallmark Cards shutting down their Enfield warehouse-distribution operation, 553 jobs gone by Summer!

Florida: In Center Hill, Central Beef issued a WARN, 214 jobs being eliminated between now and the end of May!  For nearly a decade the meat packager was dumping water contaminated with salt and feces onto a rancher’s property. It took the rancher filing several court actions, and a plant manager turning whistleblower, to get any of the state and federal government agencies to act!  The dumping was stopped, however, criminal charges against the food company were eventually dropped.  So far there’s no explanation for the mass layoffs.

Idaho: Is ObamaCare at fault for the shooting death of a 60 years old man in the parking lot of an Idaho Falls hospital?  It happened today, in the parking lot of the Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center (EIRMC), police are investigating the true cause of the shooting.  It was just a few months ago that the director of EIRMC testified to Failed State ‘lawmakers’ that their version of ObamaCare was directly responsible for the deaths of at least 1-thousand Idahoans!  And just yesterday Idaho senator Dan Schmidt gave back his state taxpayer funded health plan to protest republicans’ continued refusal to close the ObamaCare gap responsible for such deaths. 

Illinois: After 152 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) law firm Schiff Hardin laid off 11 lawyers, and back in January 22 left voluntarily.  Administrators are now blaming its “realignment” on the 22 who voluntarily left.  In Niles, Meijer department store shutting down in June, no word on how many employees will become unemployed.  There was no explanation for the shutdown either, although Meijer recently used the excuse of age to shutdown their huge Columbus, Ohio, store.

Maine: In Portland, after 40 years Paul’s Food Center shutting down, and being sold-off due to the death of the owner.

Massachusetts: Rockland Trust has taken over Bank of Cape Cod and as a result will shutdown all Bank of Cape Cod offices that are located near Rockland Trust offices.  Administrators claim they will try to find jobs for the soon to be former Bank of Cape Cod employees.

New York: Harlem Hand Carwash issued a shutdown WARN for their NYC ops on Adam Clayton Powell Junior Boulevard, due to “non renewal of the lease”, 34 jobs lost by the end of the month.  Also in totally corrupt NYC, a non-profit (sure) political organization connected to the current mayor shutdown.  Campaign for One New York had been accused of operating as a ‘shadow government’, and official investigation requests have been filed.  So called ‘mayor’ de Blassio would only comment “The work is done….bottom line.”  In Buffalo, the Blue Monk beer church (just kidding) shutting down sometime between April and May.  A co-owner of the brew-pub says his partner is also the landlord’s son, and they no longer get along!

Oregon: Washington based Starbucks coffee rip-off artist suddenly shutting down their Lancaster Mall shop this weekend.  The press release gave no explanation why, and local news sources said even the employees refused to talk!

Pennsylvania: Another fine example of what I call Ripple Effect Layoffs (REL). Pittsburgh based US Steel issued mass layoff WARNs in Alabama and Texas saying at least 8-hundred people will become unemployed! It’s blamed on crashing orders for oil pipe from the oil industry.

Rhode Island: The evil state is finally shutting down a nursing home after years of multiple accusations of abuse, and even a death of a disabled resident!  The taxpayer funded College Park Apartments will shutdown next week.

Virginia: Just a few of days after announcing the end of 530 jobs,  British empire based-U.S. tax sucking BAE reduced those layoffs to 265 shipyard jobs gone by the end of the month! Administrators credit new contracts for work, but warn they’re only good ’till May, meaning more possible layoffs.  BAE also laid off 345 employees in November and December last year.  What automotive industry recovery?  In Altavista, bearing maker Timken shutting down their factory, 125 jobs lost by Spring 2017! Just like the rest of corporate America, Ohio based Timken is consolidating operations: “Everybody here works up there at Timken. It’s just the life of a small industrial town… If the plant goes out this town will dry up!”-Corrie Thacker, Altavista resident

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

16 March 2016: “Shame on us!”

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed!

Employees of religious non-profits might not qualify for unemployment assistance: “If the non-profit organization is a church, you may or may not be entitled to unemployment. It all depends upon state regulations for church employers. In many cases, churches are allowed to set their own rules regarding unemployment benefits, meaning the church can choose whether to offer benefits to former employees.”

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

Currency Wars force foreign investors to flee Japan!

17 March 2016 /21:49 UTC-07 Tango 01 (27 Esfand 1394/07 Jumada t-Tania 1437/09 Xin Mao 4714)

“The market is saying we’re worried no matter what Yellen says and shows there can be no real relief until we can truly see what’s happening in the U.S. economy.”-Wako Juichi, Nomuro Holdings strategist essentially blaming Japan’s investor exodus on the United States

Foreign investors have sold-off a record amount of stocks in Japanese companies. Could this be the final death blow to an economy that’s been struggling since the 1990s?

Foreigners make up 70% of the investments in Japan and for the past ten weeks they’ve been dumping those investments at record rates.

Tokyo Stock Exchange reports that just last week ‘bears’ beat out ‘bulls’ by $10.7-billion USD, beating the last record sell-off from 1987!

The number one concern of foreign investors is the value of the yen (JPY) against the U.S. dollar (USD).

An analyst with Citi Group’s Citi Research also blames the neo-imerialist government’s tax increases (part of what’s called Abenomics).

Others blame the Bank of Japan’s controversial use of negative interest rates. Believe it or not, yesterday Bank of Japan said they could drop rates even more!

“wild swings in currency” killing U.S. shoe stores?

Currency wars kill tens of thousands of U.S. jobs! 

How the Currency Wars can double your profits without increasing sales! 

Currency Wars Pushing Global Inflation

“Shame on us!” Idaho Democrat gives back taxpayer funded health insurance! Using less electricity gets your rates jacked up! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 17 March 2016

Incomplete list of job loss announcements and shutdowns.

China is leading the world in dumping a record amount of U.S. Treasury Bonds: 

Yesterday I noted that Michigan is suffering from increased violence (which is directly impacting businesses), and noted that lead poisoning is directly connected to violent behavior.  Now, a USA Today report revealed that at least 350 water suppliers to public schools across the United States are serving up lead contaminated water!   Is that the real reason for increased school violence? (stop blaming guns)

Arizona: More proof you brick-n-mortar store owners can’t directly blame the internet/high tech for your demise; Washington DC based e-commerce Living Social shutting down their Tucson call center, 160 jobs lost by the end Spring!  Administrators claim the bad economy is forcing them to restructure, and they warned the call center shutdown was just “the initial phase” (even though they’ve eliminated 6-hundred jobs since 2014!).

California: Plumas Unified School District laying off ten teachers due to lack of taxpayer funding.  Wisconsin based Kohl’s shutting down eight department stores by June, about 8-hundred jobs lost!  San Francisco based drugs dealer McKesson eliminating at least 1-thousand 6-hundred jobs due to the loss of several buyers!  In San Diego, non-profit Scripps Health eliminating 1-hundred jobs, blaming ObamaCare: “….Scripps is financially strong, but we cannot continue to allow our costs and operations to rise while our revenue continues to be flat.”-Chris Van Gorder, ceo who took over in 2002 promising “no layoffs” 

Florida: Kohl’s shutting down two department stores by June; Hialeah and Tallahassee, about 2-hundred jobs lost! The owners of three Denmark Interiors stores have shut them down and sold them off to fund their retirement!

Georgia: Kohl’s shutting down three department stores by June; Roswell, Lithonia and Atlanta, about 3-hundred jobs lost!

Idaho: The biggest electricity supplier in The Gem State is asking for a 2.2% increase (more than $2 per month for ‘average’ users) in utility bills.  Idaho Power says current rates are not allowing them to cover their “fixed costs” of operations. What’s not being reported is that more and more Idaho Power customers are using less electricity, and Idaho Power administrators expect that to continue, that’s the true reason for the rate jack up!   Idaho senator Dan Schmidt gave back his state taxpayer funded health plan to protest republicans continued refusal to ‘close the healthcare gap’, which according to an east Idaho hospital director has directly caused at least 1-thousand deaths in Idaho since ObamaCare was imposed: “I don’t think it’s fair that I get the taxpayers of Idaho to buy me health insurance, and we’re not willing to look at that problem for our other citizens who don’t have that benefit….  …And shame on us for not solving it!” -Dan Schmidt

Some good news for Idaho; New York based yogurt maker Chobani announced plans to expand what is already the world’s largest yogurt factory, in Twin Falls, primarily to make products for sale in Mexico! (yesterday I reported how Idaho’s ag industry was addicted to Mexican money)

Illinois:  Kohl’s shutting down their Saint Charles department store by June, about 1-hundred jobs lost!  Barrington District 220 notified 114 employees of layoffs, saying they’re prepping for the state ‘lawmakers’ to cut their funding by $2.6-million USD!  God powerless to stop ObamaCare from forcing ‘his’ Catholic Presence Health to eliminate 7-hundred jobs through attrition and outright layoffs! CEO Michael Englehart said ObamaCare was forcing them “to get in line”.

Massachusetts:  In New Bedford, Flagship Cinemas shutting down in August due of the A-hole city administrators who secretly rezoned the property: “….they rezoned the space to industrial about two and a half years ago and city officials wanted nothing to do with a movie theater anymore.”-John Crowley, who said city administrators never notified him of the zoning change

Michigan:  In Lansing, 50 years old restaurant House of ING shutting down by the end of the month.  The owner says he must focus on his other restaurants.

New Jersey:  Kohl’s shutting down their Princeton department store by June, about 1-hundred jobs lost!

New York: It’s been revealed that troubled NYC based restaurant chain Fig & Olive eliminated an undisclosed number of jobs, revealed by at least four former employees.  Fig & Olive had to shutdown restaurants back in 2015 because of a salmonella outbreak.

North Carolina:  Kohl’s shutting down their Charlotte department store by June, about 1-hundred jobs lost! 

Pennsylvania:  Cancer treatment center Helomics eliminating 125 jobs in Pittsburgh by mid-April!

Texas:  In Houston, after two years Georges Bistro shutting down by the end of the month, the husband and wife immigrant owners (who’re longtime Houston restauranteurs) are getting the hell outta Dodge and returning to their home country of France!

Washington: In Bellingham, Medicare policy seller Sterling Insurance shutting down their Barkley District office, 55 jobs lost by May.  Too Big to Jail (provocateur of the home foreclosure scandal) California based Wells Fargo issued a layoff WARN for their Vancouver Mortgage Servicing office, to take place by April.

Washington DC:  The Obama regime is giving $35-million USD in taxpayer funding to coal mining communities hit hard by the Hillary Clinton admitted conspiracy to shutdown the coal industry.

Wisconsin: In Fond du Loc, after 17 years Trinkets ‘n Treasures Arts & Crafts & More shutting down by the end of the month.  The store owner is selling the property to fund her retirement, but also admitted her sales crashed after 2008.  After more than 1-hundred years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) Kremer Pharmacy shutdown.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed!

Employees of religious non-profits might not qualify for unemployment assistance: “If the non-profit organization is a church, you may or may not be entitled to unemployment. It all depends upon state regulations for church employers. In many cases, churches are allowed to set their own rules regarding unemployment benefits, meaning the church can choose whether to offer benefits to former employees.”

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

4 years later Sandy officially kills New Jersey! Michigan violence skyrockets, is it the water? Idaho Ag industry reveals addiction to Mexico! Military behind oil industry shutdown? : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 16 March 2016

Incomplete list of job loss announcements and shutdowns.

Alabama: In Huntsville, Haysland Square Shopping Center losing two stores in one blow; Goody’s and Burkes Outlet, between now and the end of April.

California:  Premium Transportation-Total Transportation Services claiming chapter 11 bankruptcy after losing lawsuit brought by its contracted drivers, and blaming “downward pricing pressure from some of its major clients”.  The trucking company is also facing other lawsuits and claims to have lost $4-million USD fighting recent court actions (this is a lesson in why you should treat your employees and clients with respect), they also spent a lot of money on hydrogen powered trucks.   After 18 years the Lafayette Art Gallery shutting down due to sales so low they can’t pay their rent.   Office Depot shutting down their Pleasant Hill store in April, directly blaming “The overlapping retail footprint created by the merger of Office Depot and OfficeMax in 2013…” In El Segundo, after ten years restaurant Farm Stand shutting down next week.  The owners hope to open a new restaurant with new partners somewhere in Los Angeles, sometime next year.

Connecticut:  Expect mass hospital layoffs as gov’na Malloy is refusing to issue $140-million USD in payments to state hospitals!  To show you how much The Constitution State is a Failed State, republican ‘lawmakers’ claim they’re willing to cut their own pay by 10% in order to get a budget passed!  In Derby, a 15 years old Walmart is shutting down by the end of July, 150 jobs lost!

Idaho: In Boise, after only four months the brand new Boise Co-op grocery store located at The Village at Meridian laid off 29 employees, due to lack of sales!  Boise Co-op opened the store in November 2015, expecting big sales because Maureen Valko, Boise Co-op marketing manager, assumed there was a demand for their products saying  “There’s a demand for a good, natural food store on this side of town….”  It should be noted that in 2015 Boise Co-op was hit with numerous health code violations by city inspectors, in connection to a June 2015 salmonella outbreak at an older store.  So much for ‘natural foods’.  Also in Boise, it was revealed that Idaho Heritage Inn was sold-off last month, the former owner blames a 20% crash in bookings on Airbnb.com.  However, it should be noted that the bed-n-breakfast owner accepted a healthy offer from Saint Luke’s Medical Center for the land.  And just how addicted to Mexican money is Idaho?  Recently Mexico’s Minister of Trade Armando Orellana died.  Idaho’s government and agriculture industry are officially mourning Orellana as he’s credited for making Idaho a major ag partner for Mexico, generating $191-million USD in sales for Idaho’s minority (mainly corporate owned now) farmers-ranchers, just in 2015:  “Idaho agriculture lost a great friend. He touched many lives over the years and the tragic loss of Armando will be felt throughout Idaho.”-Celia Gould, Idaho Department of Agriculture   (Idaho even has its own website promoting itself in Mexico)

Kansas:  Parsons based oil industry Tank Connection Affiliate Group revealed it conducted two rounds of layoffs, but still refuses to say how many people lost their jobs.  We will never know, because people who get severance when they’re laid off are not counted in the government’s ‘official’ unemployment reports.

Kentucky: Yet more of what I call Ripple Effect Layoffs (REL) as Florida based rail transporter CSX eliminating more jobs, this time an additional 101 Russell facility workers being let go.  CSX has been eliminating jobs since 2015, blaming the oil industry.

Maine: Penobscot Valley Hospital eliminating 10 jobs due to crashing revenues.  Administrators say the hospital has been losing money since 2012 due to declining local population.

Massachusetts: In Needham, after 18 years Cowlicks Deli suddenly shutdown last Thursday.  It’s due to the new landlord refusing to renew the lease.  The new landlord is convenience store chain 7-Eleven.

Michigan: In Lansing, violence being blamed for the shutdown of Fahrenheit Ultra Lounge.  The owner is voluntarily shutting it down after police responded to 60 calls of violence in 2015.  Is there something in the water? (there is a connection between lead poisoning and violent behavior)  And speaking of health, Blue Cross Blue Shield eliminated 22 IT jobs, as part of their bigger plan to eliminate $300-million USD in Michigan jobs by 2018, no thanks to ObamaCare!  Farmington Public Schools approved the shutdown/repurposing of three schools. The school district has lost 12% of its student population since 2000, causing an $11-million USD reduction in taxpayer funding.

New Jersey: Proof of no recovery four years after Hurricane Sandy, in fact many coastal communities are officially Failed States as taxes were jacked up and nothing was done to return things to ‘normal’.  The biggest proof is that tax revenues are down despite tax rates being jacked up.

Pennsylvania: Iconic Meadville based hand-tool maker Channellock laid off 15 managers, “In order to remain competitive….”  J.C. Blair Memorial Hospital eliminated 11 jobs, and is being forced by ObamaCare to eliminate inpatient care and focus on outpatient services.  Brockie Internal Medicine, Pine Grove Adult Medicine and Saint Charles Internal Medicine all shutting down! ObamaCare forcing them to be consolidated into one operation called WellSpan Internal Medicine, with a lot fewer employees.

Tennessee: God powerless to stop ‘his’ Texas owned Saint Francis Hospital from laying off 33 people. Administrators said ObamaCare was forcing them to do business “more efficiently.”

Texas:  Albertsons-Safeway shutting down their Plano Albertsons on Custer Road.  Local news reports say Albertsons-Safeway is not responding to inquiries, but unnamed employees say the grocery store will shutdown by the end of April.  In Longview, blaming the oil industry Trinity Tank Car announced that 6-hundred local employees will become unemployed with “no expectation of recall”!

Washington: Xerox notified 325 call center employees they are about to lose their jobs!  The call center in Redmond will shutdown in May.

Washington DC: President Barack Obama reneged on yet another ‘promise’ refusing to lease oil drilling rights in the Artic and off the coasts of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida.  Don’t go praising (or condemning) environmental wackos, point the finger at the U.S. Department of Defense.  The DoD objects to the oil drilling locations because they would interfere with “live training events” for the military.   (low oil prices might also have something to do with it)  Taxpayer funded United Medical Center eliminating 112 jobs as a result of demands by city administrators to reduce costs by $10-million!

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

15 March 2016: “I never thought it would end!”

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed!

Employees of religious non-profits might not qualify for unemployment assistance: “If the non-profit organization is a church, you may or may not be entitled to unemployment. It all depends upon state regulations for church employers. In many cases, churches are allowed to set their own rules regarding unemployment benefits, meaning the church can choose whether to offer benefits to former employees.”

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”