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Reactor 2 Exploded

NHK reporting that reactor 2, Fukushima plant 1, exploded when workers tried to open closed valves.  Plant officials say highly possible that fuel rods are melting.

RT reporting that the fire in reactor 4 was a result of an explosion.  Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano says probably caused by hydrogen gas build up.

More reasons for confusing radiation level reporting.  Officials are giving readings for each reactor, not for the whole plant.  The problem is that there are 6 reactors at Fukushima plant 1.  4 reactors are now spewing radiation.

Radiation levels from just one reactor has reached levels that cause immediate and noticeable damage to humans. There are reports of people showing signs of radiation sickness.

Prefectures more than 240km from Fukushima plant 1, have reported increases in radiation readings.

Nuclear plant officials say they were successful in replacing pump motors on other reactors, which is resulting in dropping temperatures.

Confusion in way Radiation Levels Reported for Fukushima Daiichi disaster!

NHK (Nippon Housou Kyoukai/Japan Broadcasting Corporation) is reporting that the confusion over radiation levels is because reports were made sometimes in microsieverts, other times in millisieverts.

1 millisievert equals 1000 microsieverts.  1 rem equals 10 millisieverts.  1 millirem equals 10 microsieverts.

There was more confusion during the nuclear plant official’s press conference. Reporters wanted clarification because the Prime Minister had just announced radiation levels were dangerously high, yet nuclear plant officials continued to down play the levels.

Local government officials complained to the media that nuclear plant officials and the national government are not communicating with local officials.  Reporters asked plant officials how they were notifying people, and local governments, of the evacuation orders. They answered they were using radio broadcasts. This is not practical because most people have lost everything including radios.  If they have radios, there is no power to run them.


Reactor 4 Fire taking Priority, Considered More Serious than Explosions

Officials now say that they are focusing on putting out fire at reactor 4.  Fire is more serious than the earlier explosions.

Reactor 1 & 3 still being flooded with sea water.  Reactor 2 can not be flooded after its explosion, a short while ago.

Officials continue to ask people to get inside. Adding that if you have laundry hanging up outside to leave it.  Take off shoes.

This continued stressing of  getting inside tells me this is really bad!

Fear of Further Explosions

Live press conference; official indicating more explosions possible, because they said they are working to “…prevent further explosions”.

Reporters asking for officials to clarify radiation level reporting, because they use different terminology each time in regards to levels officially reported.

Officials now saying get inside, try to get inside concrete buildings.  Telling people to “dust off” themselves before going inside.

Reactor 4 on Fire, Hole found in Reactor 2, Worst Case Becoming Reality

Japanese government officials say Fukushima plant 1, reactor 4 is on fire.  A hole has been found in reactor 2, which was earlier reported that a loud bang, or explosion sound, heard from inside.

Reactor 4 was being shut down at time of the quake/tsunami.  Exposed rods were spent, but are still radioactive.  Overheating might have caused fire that is currently burning inside the reactor.

Hole in reactor 2 might have been a result of the explosion sound heard from inside reactor.  They speculate there was a hydrogen explosion.

Prime Minister has expanded evacuation area, to 30km.  Japanese asked to stay inside, doors and windows shut, asked not to use air conditioning or any ventilation system.  Japanese government holding emergency meeting to figure out what to to.

Japanese reporters are asking for clarity, because officials seem to be down playing situation, on one hand saying not to worry, but on the other telling everyone to stay inside.  The implication from Japanese reporters is that officials are not telling truth about damage at nuclear reactors.  Officials also say people should stay inside, but, if they can leave to leave.  Reporters pointing out that other sources for radiation readings say radiation readings are “quite high”.  Officials are talking around radiation readings.  Officials now saying that high radiation readings coming from reactor 4, which is on fire.


Japan Nuclear Crisis a Creeping Disaster

“It looks like the situation is creeping towards a radiological disaster,” said John Large, a nuclear consultant.  He also says that he believes Japan will experience a worst case scenario.  Partly due to officials not being honest about the situation.

Another problem is that the weekly weather forecast is predicting the winds will shift southward, which would blow radiation clouds onto Japan.  Currently the winds are blowing eastward.

Retail pharmacies in Japan report they have run out of anti-radiation Iodide pills.

Richard Thornburgh, who was Governor of Pennsylvania during the Three Mile Island incident, says “You can’t assure against every kind of natural disaster.”  He also admitted that officials are helpless in the face of natural disasters.

Comment by U.S. Navy Officer indicates seriousness of Radition Leaks

“The immediate action was to get out of the area,” said USN Commander Jeff Davis.  This was part of the explanation of why U.S. ships were moved away from Japan.

In just a few minutes 17 personnel were exposed to a months worth of radiation, even though the helicopters they were in were 60 miles away from the Fukushima nuclear plants.  The radiation clouds are moving eastward, away from Japan, which could explain why radiation levels being taking onshore in Japan look low.

Gregory Jaczko, of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, claims there is little threat of radiation spreading to U.S. territories.

If anyone is keeping track of statements made by government officials in the past few years, the track record shows their statements can not, and should not, be trusted.