Category Archives: Technology

Spider Man is for real: The Dutch combine spider webs with human skin, makes bullet proof skin

Human skin has been bio-engineered to include spider silk.  Scientists in the Netherlands then fired a bullet at it.  Turns out it’s bullet proof!

Don’t get too excited, it was only a .22 caliber bullet.  But it shows promise, after all spider’s silk is the strongest thing in nature.

The experiment is known as 2.6g 329m/s (a reference to the .22 bullet), and was actually the invention of an artist, Jalila Essaidi.  She was inspired by a U.S. scientist, Randy Lewis, at the University of Utah.

The spider silk came from Utah, it was combined with skin in a Dutch dermatology lab, and Essaidi paid for the experiment.  The spidey skin has spider silk between the dermis and the epidermis.

Essaidi said her main motivation was simply to see if it could be done.  She also fired a few .22 rounds at the spidey skin.  She doesn’t think the spider silk is harmful because it’s biodegradable, so it would degrade over time.  She also thinks that, unfortunately, that would result in loose skin.

Nokia Siemens helping governments to spy on you through social media

“If the U.S. or the EU are proudly focusing on internet freedom, while security and other ICT products made in the West are used to repress the same citizens we are trying to protect, this is clearly neither credible nor effective.”-Marietje Schaake, EU Member of Parliament from Netherlands

In Bahrain, where the U.S. supported government has been cracking down on peaceful protestors, and detaining and torturing them, human rights groups have revealed that Bahraini officials are tracking people’s activities through their cell phones.

Bahrain is using technology developed by Nokia Siemens.  Bahraini activist Abdul Ghani Al Khanjar said while he was being tortured his own cell phone conversations were being read back to him.  He was detained for seven months.

This is not the first time the company has been accused of enabling spying and torture.  Last year, two Iranians attempted to sued Nokia Siemens in U.S. Federal court. They alleged that the surveillance technology helped Iranian security forces to arrest and torture them.

Nokia Siemens Networks is a joint venture between the Finnish Nokia and the German Siemens.


United Police Kingdom: British Bobbies taser to death another man, at least three police killings in 8 days

For the third time in eight days British Bobbies have killed using a taser, and pepper spray.

August 23, Greater Manchester Police officers tasered to death a 53 year old truck driver. They say they were trying to stop him from killing himself!

August 22, a 25 year old amateur rugby player, died after he was hit in the face with pepper spray and subdued by up to 11 cops.

August 16, a professional bodybuilder, and father of two, was pepper sprayed and then tasered three times with 50,000 volts, before dying.  He became the first Brit to be killed with a taser.

Until last week no one in United Kingdom had been killed by the use of a taser. In United States, Amnesty International says that since 2001, more than 460 people have been killed with a taser.


Bacteria can stop Dengue Fever

“This is a simple, non-chemical, non-harmful way to reduce the threat of dengue to humans. It could have a transformative effect on the health of literally millions of people worldwide.”Alun Lloyd

North Carolina State University researchers have discovered that common bacterias can stop the spread of Dengue fever.  The research involved scientists from Australia.

The researchers found that a bacterium called Wolbachia, which is not harmful to humans, can block the transmission of Dengue in mosquitoes.  They think by releasing mosquitoes infected with Wolbachia, it could radically reduce cases of Dengue fever.

Steve Jobs resigns, Apple Board rushing to bring in replacment

“I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come.”-Steve Jobs

Co-founder of Apple, Steve Jobs, has been fighting cancer, and now he has resigned.  No confirmation if it’s due to his health.

Tim Cook has already been picked to replace Jobs, and the board of Apple is rushing to get Cook into the CEO position.

Iran moving nuclear equipment underground, says Israel will attack

The new facilities that are being opened were built years ago, and the reason was because the U.S. and its ally Israel were constantly making threats against Iran, against international law, that they will bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities.”-Seyed Marandi, Tehran University

Iran has begun moving centrifuges and uranium enrichment equipment to underground bunkers.  They have already told the International Atomic Agency about the move.

Iranian officials say the move is to try and protect scientists.  Already several Iranian nuclear scientists have been assassinated.  Iran suspects Israel or the Untied States of the assassinations.

Germany to ban “like” button on Facebook, because it’s a spy tool for the United States

“Whoever visits or uses a plug-in must expect that he or she will be tracked by the company for two years.”-Thilo Weichert, privacy commissioner

German officials, in the state of  Schleswig-Holstein, have discovered that every time the Facebook ‘like’ button is clicked, it sends your private info back to several U.S. databases.  This violates European privacy laws.

Website owners are ordered to remove ‘like’ buttons, and other similar buttons, from their websites, or face a U.S.$72,000 fine.


United Police States of America: New York City preps for mass civil unrest, focuses on trolling Social Media

According to The Metro, recently the NYPD “Disorder Control Unit” held a massive civil unrest exercise involving 180 cops.

One New York City cop arrogantly dismissed recent riots in England: “The London response wasn’t that great, they were outnumbered and taken by surprise.”-Mike Codella, retired NYPD detective

Part of the training involves teaching the cops how to “troll” social media sites.  The trolling skills are now mandatory for a newly created juvenile justice unit

Maker of U.S. UAV hacked, documents made public by AntiSec

Vanguard Defense Industries was hacked by AntiSec.

Vangard Defense sells the UAV “ShadowHawk” to the military, police and even private companies.

The AntiSec hackers put Vangard documents online, they belong to Senior Vice President Richard T. Garcia. They contain internal meeting notes, contracts, schematics, non-disclosure agreements, employee’s personal information, and counter-terrorism documents.

Global Economic War: Japan has a new agressive policy for acquiring Rare Earth Minerals

Japan says it will offer less developed countries money, and other aid, to help them develop infrastructure and industries, in exchange for exclusive mining rights for rare earth minerals.

China has been using the same tactic for decades.  Japan says they’re adopting such a policy in order to compete with China.

Rare earth minerals are used in high tech products like cell phones and hybrid cars.  Because of the rapid development of high tech devices, and the increasing global dependence on them, rare earth minerals could become the “oil” of the 21st century.