Category Archives: Technology

Martial Law U.S.A.: Think your secure email is secure? Lavabit shut down for refusing to comply with NSA!

10 August 2013 (15:34 UTC-07 Tango)/03 Shawwal 1434/19 Mordad 1391/04 Geng-Shen (7th month) 4711

The following was posted by the operator of a secure email service that was bullied by the U.S. government:

My Fellow Users,

I have been forced to make a difficult decision: to become complicit in crimes against the American people or walk away from nearly ten years of hard work by shutting down Lavabit. After significant soul searching, I have decided to suspend operations. I wish that I could legally share with you the events that led to my decision. I cannot. I feel you deserve to know what’s going on–the first amendment is supposed to guarantee me the freedom to speak out in situations like this. Unfortunately, Congress has passed laws that say otherwise. As things currently stand, I cannot share my experiences over the last six weeks, even though I have twice made the appropriate requests.

What’s going to happen now? We’ve already started preparing the paperwork needed to continue to fight for the Constitution in the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. A favorable decision would allow me resurrect Lavabit as an American company.

This experience has taught me one very important lesson: without congressional action or a strong judicial precedent, I would _strongly_ recommend against anyone trusting their private data to a company with physical ties to the United States.

Ladar Levison
Owner and Operator, Lavabit LLC

Defending the constitution is expensive! Help us by donating to the Lavabit Legal Defense Fund here.

Corporate Martial Law: Hewlett Packard & NEC announce data spying & storage deal!

22 July 2013 (12:26 UTC-07 Tango)/14 Ramadan 1434/31 Tir 1391/15 Ji-Wie (6th month) 4711

Japan’s computer giant, NEC, announced a data storage deal with Hewlett Packard (HP).  Initial reports say they will develop small servers that can analyze and store large amounts of data.

Officials with NEC admit they and HP are trying to jump on the government/corporate domestic spy, I mean data collection business, being referred to as the promising field of “big data analysis”.

Martial Law U.S.A.: Bilderberg tool Google turning neighbor against neighbor to track gun owners!

12 July 2013 (12:47 UTC-07 Tango)/04 Ramadan 1434/21 Tir 1391/05 Ji-Wie (6th month) 4711

“Geolocate Dangerous Guns and Owners with the Gun Geo Marker.”, maker of app

The Executive Chairman of Google, Eric Schmidt, has been documented as attending three Bilderberg meetings in a row.   Now the tool of the globalist elites is making available an app (on Google Play) to allow police state martial law lovers to accuse their neighbors of being gun owners!

It’s called Gun Geo Marker: “These locations are typically the homes or businesses of suspected unsafe gun owners, but might also be public lands or other locations where guns are not handled safely, or situations where proper rights to own or use any particular type of firearm may not exist. Electronically marking these locations can help others in the area learn about their geography of risk from gun accidents or violence. No matter what your safety concern with firearms might be, you should feel free to use this tool to provide the most accurate information you can such that others can make their own safety decisions.”

Note: This app automatically accuses any gun owner entered into its system as “unsafe” or “Dangerous”.

Who does walkingtools think are dangerous gun owners? “First time gun owners or others who may not have not taken basic gun safety training, or who were not raised in a culture of gun safety, represent a real and present danger to their community, themselves and their family members. Their locations may be marked at any time.”  Here’s a question:  How would the user of this app know if someone was a new gun owner, or had not taken a gun safety course, or was a danger to the community, without behaving like a neighborhood spy?

Also: “If a gun owner…..demonstrates a cavalier attitude toward gun safety, or becomes angry when you ask about it, then the location at which they store or use their guns should be marked….”  This statement suggests that the user of the app should interrogate their neighbors, because how else would they get such a response?

Also: “….someone who frequently displays or brandishes weapons, or those reveal their gun ownership status during normal conflict resolution.”  Guess what?   I believe such threatening behavior is already illegal, so you should call the police!

Also: “….any neighbor whose children speak frequently of their parent’s gun ownership…”  Wow!  That means me and my many High School acquaintances from 1978 to 1982 would have unknowingly ratted on our parents, because we always talked about guns, including the ones we owned as teenagers!!!!   I miss my Ruger Mini-14 that I owned as a teenager, it’s a better .223 shooter that the crappy AR-15/M-4, and way easier to maintain.  Had to sell it for financial reasons (no thanks to a failing marriage). Oh well, economic times were actually better then, I can’t buy a gun now even though I want to.  I can’t believe how expensive a Ruger Mini-14 is now compared to the late 1970s, and a crappy AR-15/M-4 type is now outrageously expensive, I saw one at my local Walmart for $1500!  Back in 1982 I paid less than $600 for a new CAR-15 (short barrel/ telescoping stock).  This is the kind of stuff me and my High School buddies would talk about, but according to the Gun Geo Marker app, that makes us and our parents “Dangerous” and “unsafe”!!!   (by the way, in my 45+ years of life I’ve never been arrested for anything!!!)

Walkingtools actually instructs the user of the app to use their neighbor’s kids as spies: “Talk to your kids and their friends! Younger kids in particular will talk about the things their parents frequently discuss, and they will tend to enact parental attitudes… a way that you might find out about insecure weapons in your neighborhood!”

Here are more NAZIistic instructions from the walkingtools Gun Geo Marker site:

“There are many locations, such as remote public or private lands where the discharge of firearms is legal [note they said legal gun shooting sites!]. If you frequent such a location, you are likely a gun owner yourself….”

“Bumper stickers or other public displays supporting gun ownership…..combined with radical anti-government propaganda and/or….paranoid political beliefs….”

“…potential medical condition that might alter their judgment or make them unable to tell right from wrong may well be worth marking…”

“….if the site is an active location for criminal activity (for example drug dealing), then you should not involve yourself in any way.”  So are they only after non-criminals?

Finally, walkingtools admits the real purpose of their app; gun control: “If enough members of your community take the time to mark dangerous gun sites and owners, then this crowd-sourced data may serve to save a life or perhaps even influence national policy.

Sounds to me like this will be used by police to come take your guns, because of people who can’t exist without a big brother/sister beast of a government controlling their every action.  But, you know who else would love this app?  Criminals, because in study after study repeat convicted criminals say the biggest deterrent to their criminal schemes is the possibility that a potential victim is armed with a gun!  Now they’ll know who they can safely victimize!

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”-U.S. 2nd Amendment

Martial Law U.S.A.: Bilderberg directly involved with NSA domestic spy operation!

11 July 2013 (14:38 UTC-07 Tango)/03 Ramadan 1434/20 Tir 1391/04 Ji-Wie (6th month) 4711

Thanks to Edward Snowden’s release of NSA documents to The Guardian, it’s been revealed that Microsoft was directly involved with helping to create the domestic spy operation in the United States.

Bill Gates is the co-founder and current chairman of Microsoft.  He is also a documented Bilderberg attendee.  He and his wife are also behind a global vaccination program, especially for polio, but recently it was revealed that a former Gates Foundation official is behind a new vaccine for norovirus.

Specifically Microsoft helped the federal government break the encryption of individuals’ chat room discussions through Microsoft’s own Outlook portal.  But wait, there’s more!  Read The Guardian article to find out.

Internet Martial Law: United States expanding cyber attack operations, will include old school military strikes! UnAmerican Corporate America demands it!

28 June 2013 (12:54 UTC-07 Tango)/19 Sha’ban 1434/07 Tir 1391/21 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

U.S. Army General Martin Dempsey told the Washington DC think tank, Brookings Institution, that the Army will spend $23 billion U.S. tax dollars training 4000 new cyber attack personnel over the next four years.

The new U.S. cyber attack program will also “….secure 4G wireless network that will get iPads, iPhones and Android devices online by mid-2014.”

Dempsey claims that future cyber attacks against the U.S. “…could be as destructive as the terrorist attack of 9/11.”  In that case the U.S. will respond not just with cyber units but with old school military attacks.

Dempsey claims that cyber attacks against the U.S. have increased by 17 fold in the past two years.  He also says at least 20 countries have cyber attack units.

Dempsey partly blames the taxpayer funded build up of U.S. cyber attack units  on U.S. businesses who have not protected themselves “….adequately in cybersecurity.” 

A recent survey by Cyber-Ark Software polled 900 corporate executives about cyber security.  51% believed they were under cyber attack right now, 80% say cyber attacks are more damaging than an old school military attack!

“….DDoS [distributed denial of service] attacks have increased 600% over the last year!”-James Barnett, Venable law firm

Basically, unAmerican Corporate America is forcing the individual taxpayers to pay for a massive corporate cyber defense system run by the U.S. Army’s Cyber Command!

Trans-eugenics bio-war: United Kingdom to legalize GMO humans!

28 June 2013 (10:07 UTC-07 Tango)/19 Sha’ban 1434/07 Tir 1391/21 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

The United Kingdom is about to legalize designer babies, under a fertilization program that will use the DNA from three parents.

The U.K.’s Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) has approved mitochondria replacement using the three person in vitro fertilization process, but it could take two years to get a law regulating it passed.

In May the journal Human Reproduction revealed that GMO humans had already been created, at least 30 in the past several years.

Internet Martial Law: U.S. Army censors news sources!

28 June 2013 (09:52 UTC-07 Tango)/19 Sha’ban 1434/07 Tir 1391/21 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

The U.S. Army Network Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM, part of Cyber Command) admits that it censors print news sources before soldiers are allowed to read it.  They call it network hygiene”.

NETCOM officials say they don’t target specific internet newspapers, but use a program that relies on automated filters”.   For example, articles about the ongoing NSA scandal are blocked out.

Internet Martial Law: U.S. schools publishing children’s personal school data in the Cloud!

28 June 2013 (09:35 UTC-07 Tango)/19 Sha’ban 1434/07 Tir 1391/21 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

“This information…I have no idea what it is, I have no idea who’s using it, I have no idea for what purpose!”-Karen Sprowal, concerned parent in New York city.

Some school districts across the United States are using computer programs that allows them to collate and make available on the internet all your child’s personal data.

Orwellian education officials say it’s all about “personalizing” your child’s learning.  However, the info being made available online is not just grades and the type of classes, but your financial info and child’s medical records, as well as any behavior issues.

Previous news media reports said schools would not share your kid’s data with third parties, but that has been proven false.  There is no law that prevents school districts from giving (selling?) third parties the personal data of students, and many do so.



False Flag Bio-War? GMO crops intended to create starvation in the U.S. & Canada?

19 June 2013 (04:08 UTC-07 Tango)/10 Sha’ban 1434/29 Khordad 1391/12 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

“The US (and Canadian) yields are falling behind economically and technologically equivalent agroecosystems matched for latitude, season and crop type; pesticide (both herbicide and insecticide) use is higher in the United States than in comparator W. European countries….”

A study by the University of Canterbury, in New Zealand, has revealed that the people of the United States and Canada could soon face starvation because of continued use of GMO (genetically modified organism) crops.

“The choice of GM-biotechnology packages in the US agroecosystem has been the stark contrast with W. European patterns of biotechnology use. Notwithstanding claims to the contrary…..there is no evidence that GM biotechnology is superior…..”

“Producing food is an essential activity, and the ability to produce food is a global strategic asset.”

“…..GM crops are not a solution, in part because they are controlled by strict IP instruments. Despite the claims that GM might be needed to feed the world, we found no yield benefit when the United States was compared to W. Europe……GM crops have maintained or increased US pesticide use relative to equally advanced competitors. The pattern and quantities unique to the use of GM-glyphosate-tolerant crops has been responsible for the selection of glyphosate-tolerant weeds, with estimates of resistant weeds on between 6 and 40 million hectares [14.8 million to 98.8 million acres] in the United States…….The use of Bt crops is associated with the emergence of Bt resistance and by novel mechanisms in insect pests

The diversity of the germplasm is not increasing under the commercial sector in the United States and under prevailing government innovation incentives…..This is linked to globally declining rates in yield growth.”

Read more in the International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability.

World War 3, U.S. Economic Front: Idaho Electric rates going up, blame the demise of Pocatello’s Hoku silicone factory!

11 June 2013 (15:02 UTC-07 Tango)/02 Sha’ban 1434/21 Khordad 1392/04 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

It’s been revealed that in May, Hoku Materials laid off its last engineer at the failed $700 million USD polysilicone factory in Pocatello, Idaho.  There are now only eight security guards working at the 50 football fields long factory.

Pocatello based news media interviewed the engineer who told them they were trying to work on a way to save the factory from bankruptcy sale.

Hoku Materials ghost town factory, Pocatello, Idaho.  Now estimated to have cost $700 million.

Hoku Materials ghost town factory, Pocatello, Idaho. Now estimated to have cost $700 million.

Today, the factory is considered officially shut down, and will likely be parted out in bankruptcy liquidation sales (who wants to buy a 50 football fields long, never been used, polysilicone factory?).

The project was started five years ago, but right away ran into trouble because Hoku Corporation didn’t really have the money to build their Hoku Materials factory.  Pocatello even gave the company a huge tax break equivalent to the value of the land the factory was being built on.

Construction was delayed several times because Hoku couldn’t pay the construction contractor on time.  Eventually Hoku sold out to a Chinese company (Tianwei).  Then commodity market prices for polysilicone crashed.  The coup de gras was given by President Obama when he imposed high tariffs on Chinese solar power companies.

Another issue was that Idaho Power, the main supplier of electricity in Idaho, cut off power several times because Hoku didn’t pay their electric bill.  Now Idaho Power is jacking up electric rates for Idahoans, partially blaming it on the failed solar power polysilicone provider.

Most of Idaho Power’s electricity comes from dams on the Snake River, but water levels are so low they must rely more on wind and gas fired plants to generate electricity this year.  Regarding Hoku, Idaho Power is trying to regain the $23 million they invested.  In other words, Idaho Power company officials made a bad investment and they’re going to make their captive customers pay for it!

Electric rates for Idahoans trapped on the Idaho Power grid will see a 12% increase, the fourth largest increase in Idaho’s history.

I’ve been following this disaster for years, here’s more on the demise of Hoku Materials:

Capitalist Commodity Markets to blame for Pocatello’s Hoku Polysilicon near abandonment!