Category Archives: Opinion

Sumerian Lament: 1918 Flu Pandemic = 2015 Ebola Pandemic ?

06 October 2014 (01:01 UTC-07 Tango)/11 Dhu l-Hijja 1435/14 Mehr 1393/13 Jia-Xu 4712

“If Heaven and Earth by cycles within cycles regulated, what had happened will again occur? Is the Past-the Future?”-Lament and warning from Enki the last ‘god’ on Earth, Lost Book of Enki, 14th Tablet

In my opinion, a year from now, we won’t have one or two cases; we’ll have many cases of Ebola.”-Daniel Lucey, Microbiology and Immunology at Georgetown University Medical Center

The United States continues to send in the military when China and Cuba send in medical personnel, supplies and cash.  I’ve already pointed out that French military intervention in the name of fighting ebola was nothing more than their continued back door neo-colonialism.  And I’ve pointed out the possible connection with the Obama regime building an airbase in Guinea, under the guise of fighting ebola, when it could be about controlling newly discovered petroleum fields.

The west African countries that seem to have their ebola outbreaks under control are those getting help from Cuba and China.  Liberia is totally out-a-control, and they’re a former(?) U.S. colony.  Cuba has sent hundreds of medical personnel to Sierra Leone, and they’ve just announced they’re sending nearly 300 more to the U.S. protectorate of Liberia.  The Washington Post even said “Cuba is punching far above its weight………..has emerged as a crucial provider of medical expertise in the West African nations hit by Ebola.”

In fact the UN World Health Organization says Cuba has provided more medical personnel than any other country!  The United States has made a lot of promises in the form of cash (that will probably never materialize), but what has the U.S. actually been sending?  Obama’s been sending in the troops!

On 01 October, Operation United Assistance revealed that 700 U.S. Army 101st Airborne combat troops were going in, along with 700 army engineers, as part of a larger 3-thousand military personnel deployment. Then on 03 October it was announced that as many as 4-thousand U.S. troops will be sent.  When was the last time combat troops were used to fight a virus?  I don’t know, but I do know when the last time combat troops were used to spread a virus; the 1918-20 Influenza Pandemic.

Up until 2013 it was generally accepted that the 1918 flu pandemic was caused by migratory birds, however a University of Arizona study revealed evidence that the 1918 flu strain originated in horses, possibly the horses used by the U.S. combat troops fighting in western Europe during the First World War.  That war ended in 1918, but when the U.S. troops came home they were already infected.

The 1918 flu was known then as the Spanish Flu because supposedly that’s were the first cases were documented.  The actual origin is in dispute, some say it was France, while one historian says it originated in Kansas U.S.A., in fact the U.S. Army’s Fort Riley in Kansas reported 100 soldiers became ill in the time period of just a few hours.  There are reports of similar flus showing up in Austria and China, at the same time, in 1917.

The First Wave of the 1918-20 pandemic involved sporadic cases, mainly in the sillyvilian (civilian) world.  There was a Second Wave, this one involved a country now experiencing what I’m warning could be the First Wave of the 2015 ebola pandemic: Sierra Leone.  Unfortunately it was the Second Wave of the flu pandemic that was the big killer, no thanks to the involvement of military personnel.

Back then critically sick military personnel were packed up and sent to hospitals in civilian areas.  It’s interesting that the Obama regime says that the first step in their Operation United Assistance involves building hospitals, you know, the places that have been proven to be disease incubators.

Another interesting thing about the Flu Pandemic is that at first doctors thought it was some other disease, not the flu.  At the beginning of 2014 many local doctors in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea (supposedly ground zero with the first cases reported in December 2013) stated that if this was ebola it wasn’t like any that had been seen before.  (I’ve also written about a possible connection to UN food aid to the affected countries, involving GMO grains, which began in 2013)

One of the lessons of the 1918-20 Influenza Pandemic is that the involvement of military personnel actually makes things worse.   You have to question why the United States is choosing to focus on a military response to ebola, while other countries focus on sending medical supplies and personnel not soldiers, airman, sailors or Marines.

Oh, by the way the terrorist group known as USAID is involved in the burial of people who died from ebola.

Stay tuned.

NAZI Germany vs Soviet Union = United States vs Russia

On the 100th anniversary of World War One, World War Three is to be!

Global Health Security Agenda to force vaccinations, at gun point?

Martial Law 2014 U.S.A.: Idaho Christians ban book about Native Americans!

05 April 2014 (14:19 UTC-07 Tango)/04 Jumada t-Tania 1435/16 Farvardin 1393/06 Wu-Chen 4712

School District 2, the largest in Idaho, has banned a fictional book about a Native American’s experience in an all white Christian environment.

White Christian parents are upset about the truthful depiction of white Christians in the book, calling it racist and anti-Christian (like the guy said in the movie A Few Good Men “You can’t handle the truth!”).

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian will not be allowed for use in mandatory reading programs, but is still available in school libraries.

If those gottdamned white Christians think a novel is bad, wait ’till they read actual factual history about how Christians enslaved, tortured and killed Native Americans (in the process of stealing their land ‘Israeli style’, actually that’s how the Israelis learned to steal land from Palestinians) ever since that asshole Columbus arrived!

Sumerian Lament: NAZI Germany vs Soviet Union = United States vs Russia

If Heaven and Earth by cycles within cycles regulated, what had happened will again occur? Is the Past-the Future?”-Lament and warning from Enki the last ‘god’ on Earth, Lost Book of Enki, 14th Tablet

In 1941 Germany invaded the Soviet Union in the biggest military operation so far in human history.  It was that invasion that killed off NAZI Germany, not the pathetic attacks by the British empire and United States.

There are just too many parallels to what happened then and to what is happening now.  Here’s a few:

Between 1939 and 1940 Germany and Soviet Union signed military and economic co-operation deals.  Prior to that, Soviet Union actually helped German industries avoid crushing economic repression by British empire occupation forces after the First World War, by allowing them to set up shop inside Soviet territory.  In exchange Soviet military industries gained much needed technologies from the Germans.

After the Soviet Union collapsed, in 1991, The United States made economic and military deals with Russia.  A fine example is that of General Electric, who began building turbine engines in Russia for use on Russian aircraft.  Since the illegal War on  Terror was launched by the Bush regime after September 2001, Russia has actually sent troops inside the United States to take part in anti-terror training along side U.S. troops.

The primary motivation for military adventures, on the part of NAZI Germany (and Imperial Japan, who also invaded Soviet Union and got their asses kicked) was the acquisition of natural resources.

Today, the primary motivation for the United State’s false War on Terror is to dominate global natural resources.

NAZI German leaders grossly underestimated the military strength of Soviet Union.  The half hearted invasion of Finland by USSR, in which the USSR lost, confirmed to German leaders that Soviet union was weak.  NAZI leaders also ignored warnings from their own economists who said a war with Soviet Union would bankrupt Germany.

Leaders (and the news media) in the United States have grossly underestimated Russia’s response to the Obama regime backed coup in Ukraine.  Reports are coming out saying that U.S. leaders didn’t expect Russia to go as far as it has.  Russia has taken good advantage of its dealings with U.S. tech industries and made huge leaps in military tech, like developing a ballistic missile they claim can actually maneuver to avoid being hit by the U.S. anti-ballistic missile system.  For a long time U.S. leaders have underestimated Russia’s economy, after all Russia paid back all the U.S. loans several years early (now you know one reason why the Clinton regime ended its reign with a huge unexpected budget surplus)!  Russia has become a petroleum exporter, and even ended reliance on U.S. crops by producing so much they now export crops in competition with the U.S.!

Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union during the time of NAZI Germany, warned his military that Germany was going to invade despite all the peace treaties they had signed.

Putin, leader of Russia during the false U.S. War on Terror, has been warning that the true reason for the U.S. War on Terror was to not only dominate natural resources, but to encircle Russia until a coup de grâce could be made.  In other words, just like Stalin’s Soviet Union, Putin’s Russia has been preparing.

What happened to NAZI Germany after launching Operation Barbarossa?  They died.  It was the Soviets who made it to Berlin and laid it to waste, before the U.S. and British arrived.

If NAZI Germany had not invaded Soviet Union they would have decimated the invasion by U.S. and British empire forces.   95% of NAZI Germany’s ground troop combat casualties were the result of fighting the Soviet Union!

Military Storm

Sumerian Lament: On the 100th anniversary of World War One, World War Three is to be?

“If Heaven and Earth by cycles within cycles regulated, what had happened will again occur? Is the Past-the Future? ……….
…..Will he, the first to arrive, the last to leave be?…..
……All the events and decisions, starting with Nibiru to this day on Earth, to put in a record, a guide to future generations to become;
Let posterity, at a time by destiny designated, the record read, the Past remember, the Future as prophecy understand, let the Future of the Past the judge be!
These are the words of Enki, Firstborn of Anu of Nibiru.”-Lament and warning from Enki the last ‘god’ on Earth, Lost Book of Enki, 14th Tablet

One hundred years ago the World was plunged into what would become the First World War.  Now, the Third World War is nigh, and for basically the same reasons: Imperialism (psychopathic control freakism) and peace treaties designed to actually result in global war!

Psychopathy: “…enduring antisocial behavior, diminished empathy and remorse, and disinhibited or bold behavior.”

“….For peace to prevail, the habitable lands between us should be apart set! …….To make the peninsula an uncontested divider they agreed….To make Marduk their lord…..”-Lost Book of Enki, 10th Tablet

Recently the warmonger John McCain, of the British empire’s puppet United States, has called for war with Russia based on the Bismarckian Budapest Memorandum.  It was imperialism coupled with failed Bismarckian treaties that led to the First World War.  Realize that Otto von Bismarck was considered Europe’s greatest diplomat at the end of the 19th Century.

Bismarck, the creator of Germany (there was no ‘Germany’ prior to Gregorian year 1870) tried to prevent further war by signing treaties with Russia, and with Russia’s enemy the Austro-Hungarian empire.   However,  Kaiser Wilhelm, grandson of the evil British queen Victoria, canceled the treaty with Russia.  His evil grandmother then stabbed him, and the newly created Germany, in the back by signing her own treaty with Russia.

Russia’s Czar Nicholas 2nd was also a distant blood relative of the evil queen Victoria, and was even married to one of Victoria’s granddaughters.

The British empire, France and Russia were now aligned against Germany and the Austro-Hungarian empire. The treaties basically said if any one of the signatory were attacked the others would go to war to support the one attacked.  Russia had other alliances.

Prior to the First World War there had been other wars involving similar treaties:  Crimean War 1853-56 and Balkans War 1912-13.  Realize that we’ve already had a Second Balkans War, during the late 1990s resulting in the breakup of the artificially created Yugoslavia. Now we are facing full blown Second Crimean War.

In June 1914, after the First Balkans War, the Austro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serb separatist.  Austro-Hungary declared war on Serbia.  Russia had a treaty with Serbia and declared war on Austro-Hungary.   Germany had a treaty with Austro-Hungary and declared war on Russia.  This caused France and the evil instigator British empire to declare war on Germany.  By July 2014 the Great War began. You see, the noble peace treaties actually resulted in the World’s first (as far as we modern humans know) global war.

How could this be?  Such treaties are Catch 22 traps.  If you claim to be a global power and you sign a treaty with other countries promising military protection, and an attack happens on your co-signatory you have to live up to your promise, or lose all political clout on the international stage.  You don’t want to be found out to be a paper tiger.

“…..Inanna’s visions of rulership and glory by Geshtinanna to her brother Marduk were reported.  By Inanna’s ambitions Marduk was greatly disturbed…..Greater was Enki’s agony: Now Marduk, my firstborn, for his deed will also suffer!….a devious scheme on the part of Inanna…”-Lost Book of Enki, 11th Tablet

Further investigation will reveal that the evil queen Victoria instigated the whole thing, politically.  Attempts were even made at diplomacy, but were fated to fail.

Here we are, March 2014 almost one hundred years later and “…what had happened will again occur? Is the Past-the Future?

At the end of November 2013, the Trilateral Commission’s European Union (EU) and United States (U.S.) instigated anti-government protests in Kiev, Ukraine.  This is because the Ukrainian government rejected demands by the EU to abandon its alignment with Russia and join the EU.

In December 2013, the United State’s Obama regime actually sent government officials into Kiev.  John McCain and Victoria Nuland urged protestors on.  And there is a Bismarckian treaty involved: Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances.

In 1994, Ukraine, Russia, U.S. and the evil British empire (United Kingdom) signed the treaty with the claim it was about removing Weapons of Terror (nuclear weapons) from Ukraine, and promising to protect a “sovereign” Ukraine from anybody who attacks.

At the end of February 2014, the EU and Obama regime supported protestors overthrew the democratically elected Ukrainian government using armed insurrection.  The evil British empire led Trilateral Commission claims the move was “democratic” and recognized the new puppet government.  The evil Obama even stated his puppet insurgents were “peaceful”!

Ten Ukrainian provinces refused to recognize the new government.  Trilateral Commission banks seized bank accounts of pro-Russian Ukrainians.  Crimea declared direct rule by the People, and asked for military help from Russia.  China is now suing Ukraine for billions in unpaid debt.  Puppet rulers of Ukraine threaten to declare bankruptcy.  Ukraine is clearly, legally, a failed state and no longer “sovereign”, yet, in the name of honoring the Budapest Memorandum the Obama regime threatens war on Russia, if Russia intervenes.  On 01 March 2014, the Russian parliament declared war.

“…..Inanna’s fury no boundary knew; with her weapons on Marduk’s followers death she inflicted. The blood of people, as never before on Earth, like rivers flowed……..Her chance in her hands to seize all powers Inanna envisioned…..

…..In the council of the great gods, accusations were rampant, recriminations filled the chamber.  What is coming no one can prevent….To obliterate the Place of the Celestial Chariots……To use therefore the Weapons of Terror…..step by step, some in long forgotten times taken, the Great Calamity made happen!

…..The One Without Rival the first weapon he called, the Blazing Flame he named the second. The One Who with Terror Crumbles he called the third.  Mountain Melter the fourth he called.  Wind That the Rim of the World Seeks he named the fifth.  The One Who Above and Below No One Spares was the sixth.  The seventh with monstrous venom was filled, Vaporizer of Living Things he called it….

…..Then the first terror weapon from the skies Ninurta let loose;
The top of Mount Mashu with a flash it sliced off, the mount’s innards in an instant it melted.  Above the Place of the Celestial Chariots the second weapon he unleashed, with a brilliance of seven suns the plain’s rocks into a gushing wound were made………..Over the five cities, one after the other, Erra upon each from the skies a terror weapon sent. The five cities of the valley he finished off……With fire and brimstones were they upheavaled, all that lived there to vapor was turned.

…….From their cities the gods did flee, like frightened birds from their nests escaping they were. The people of the lands by the Evil Storm’s hand were clutched; futile was the running.  Stealthy was the death, like a ghost the fields and cities it attacked.  The highest walls, the thickest walls, like floodwaters it passed, no door could shut it out, no bolt could turn it back. Those who behind locked doors hid inside their houses like flies were felled. Those who to the streets fled, in the streets were their corpses piled up.  Cough and phlegm the chests filled, the mouths with spittle and foam filled up. As the Evil Wind the people unseen engulfed, their mouths were drenched with blood.”-Lost Book of Enki, 13th Tablet

Dumb Ass Americans! Riots over Super Bowl, but nothing against the pervasive police state Martial Law tactics?

03 February 2014 (12:37 UTC-07 Tango)/02 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1435/14 Bahman 1392/04 Bing-Yin (1st month) 4712

Students at the University of Washington rioted in celebration of the Seattle Sea Hawks!  They even burned their own furniture!  These are our future leaders?

Police made feeble attempts to stop the riot.

So this is how it is in the United States of America: Your team wins a sporting event, you riot and the police do nothing.  Yet there are dozens of police state crimes every months, including extrajudicial killings by cops who get acquitted by cop sucking juries, and yet nobody riots over that?  If people did riot that’s when the cops come out in force and commit more police state brutality!

It proves how dumbed down the average ‘merican is, and it proves that we are living under police state martial law.

And I bet the cops, and the dumbed down ‘mericans, consider themselves to be good Christians (or some other religion)!

No Justice = No Peace!

What’s in a Prophecy? Man of the Year survives 7 month reign using Jedi Mind Tricks, like swears he’s not a communist! Says Christians will be united through bloody persecution! Is ISON really dead?

16 December 2013 (18:22 UTC-07 Tango 15 December 2013)/12 Safar 1435/25 Azar 1392/14 Jia-Zi (11th month) 4711

“For me, ecumenism is a priority. Today, there’s the ecumenism of blood. In some countries they kill Christians because they wear a cross or have a Bible, and before killing them they don’t ask if they’re Anglicans, Lutherans, Catholic or Orthodox.  The blood is mixed. For those who kill, we’re Christians. We’re united in blood, even if among ourselves we still haven’t succeeded in taking the necessary steps towards unity and perhaps the moment hasn’t arrived. Unity is a grace that we have to ask for.”Pope Francis

77 years old Pope Francis seems to have survived Nostradamus’ seven month reign prophecy. Time magazine has even named him Person of the Year.

The new Person of the Year has responded to U.S. “ultraconservatives” (that’s what European news media call conservatives in the U.S.) saying “Marxist ideology is wrong. But I have met many Marxists in my life who are good people, so I don’t feel offended.”

Francis also pointed out that what many people think is conservative capitalism today is actually pure gluttony and greed: “The grave financial and economic crises of the present time…have pushed man to seek satisfaction, happiness and security in consumption and earnings out of all proportion to the principles of a sound economy.”

Francis continues to upset the established Catholic order.  The relatively new Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate are upset because they’ve been effectively shut down by Vatican officials.

An opinion piece on Al Jazeera basically said the whole mystic of ‘change’ brought by the new Pope is a “fallacy”.  According to Michael Tracey, what Francis is saying is not necessarily new, and is basically a Jedi Mind Trick focused primarily on trying to bring all Christians back under the direct control of Catholicism (the last vestige of the Western Holy Roman Empire).

On 13 December, Francis said this about certain Christians: “Seeing these children who are afraid to dance, to cry, afraid of everything, who ask for certainty in all things, I think of these sad Christians, who always criticize the preachers of the Truth, because they are afraid to open the door to the Holy Spirit. Let us pray for them, and pray also for ourselves, that we do not become sad Christians, cutting off the freedom of the Holy Spirit to come to us through the scandal of preaching.”

A couple of weeks ago Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) thanked a nun, not god, for saving his life.  He said while he was in the hospital struggling with his lung problem, a nun ignored doctor’s orders and tripled the dosage of medication prescribed to the young pope.  Francis claims her initiative saved his life.

NASA claims ISON (aka C/2012 S1) has been killed by the true God of our solar system, the Sun.  ISON traveled inward from the Oort Cloud.  The Oort Cloud is also where the extra solar planet Nibiru came from.  The ancient Sumerians say Nibiru is the home planet of extra terrestrial humans who genetically engineered Earthling humans millions of years ago.  Nibiru and ISON have a star grazing orbit, meaning when they pass through our solar system they come danger close to the Sun.

The billions of years old Oort Cloud is basically the extreme point of the explosive birth of our Sun, which created our solar system.

ISON came within 1.2 million miles of the Sun’s surface.  Even the best NASA and ESA solar observers lost track of ISON.  However, officials have declared ISON dead.  They base their claim on the fact that the cloud trail of ISON has disappeared, so they assume it died.  If by some miracle, as if ISON was born again, we should have seen it by now.

Wealthy liberal do-gooders “fill their mouths with the poor”! 

Blue State-Red State: Idaho vs Illinois, or Why the United States is more divided than you think, and in more ways than one!

12 October 2013 (16:44 UTC-07 Tango)/07 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/20 Mehr 1391/08 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

Today, I was questioned by yet another newbie to the Gem State of Idaho, this time they were from the Prairie State of Illinois.

They were looking for the DMV (Department Motor Vehicles) and the local Currency Exchange office.  Mmmm, there ain’t no currency exchange around here, oh but they weren’t taking about exchanging foreign currency (money).  It turns out that Currency Exchange is a private company in Illinois that not only offers check cashing service but lends people money for such things as vehicle registration.  You can also get your car registration completed at the Currency Exchange.  Ain’t no such thing in Idaho.

In Idaho it’s only been relatively recently that a DMV system was adopted.  Up ’till a few years ago vehicle registration was handled by the counties.  Our so called conservative republican leaders pushed the DMV system, which is actually proving to be less efficient, and more costly, than if they kept it at the county level!

The former Prairie Stater seemed confused at the lack of available services in the Gem State, but what do you expect when you move from a Blue state to a Red state?

This brings me to the point I’m trying to make, about how divided the country really is, and not just because of political/religious/social differences.  Most Blue states receive the lion’s share of federal government funding, most Red states west of the Mississippi receive a relative pittance.  The result of this is uneven and unfair distribution of federal funds for social programs, many Red states have far fewer government funded social services compared to Blue states.

One reason for this is that Blue states are more population dense than Red states.  Let’s compare Illinois to Idaho:  Illinois is considered the 5th most populous state in the U.S., with almost 13-million people crammed into an area of 149998 square kilometers (57914 square miles).

Idaho has 1.5-million people spread over a spacious area of 216632 square kilometers (83570 square miles)!  For more perspective; Idaho is a larger state geographically than Illinois, yet has a million less people than the city of Chicago!

How does that affect federal funds for social programs in Idaho?  There is no taxpayer funded housing assistance, there is no taxpayer funded legal aid, there is no taxpayer funded utility assistance, most school districts do not have federally funded Head Start programs, etc.

“….inequalities arise from uneven administration….recipients…may not receive assistance because funds may have been exhausted…Competition for…funds…may result…limited appropriations are still common and are likely to continue to be so….distribution of these funds because of the absence of standard concepts of need and of standardized methods for determining the amounts of assistance grants, and because of the lack of uniform policies with
respect to the acceptance of applications…..Inequities in administration of
public assistance will arise if inadequate funds are available…”-DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC-ASSISTANCE FUNDS WITHIN STATES, Joel Gordon & Olivia Israeli

Before the Obama Care fiasco adult heads of low income Idaho households (meaning they have children) did not get Medicaid (if they were not disabled) and were not counted in Food Stamps, because the federal funding going to Idaho for the programs had been cut drastically. (I know about this because I tried to get help and was told that because I was healthy only my children were being given Medicaid and being factored for food stamps, and then they cut them off food stamps after 18 months anyway, despite my income still being poverty level. This was back in 2000-2001).

(I’ve been asked by some Mormons why I don’t get charity from church.  I’m not a Christian and that’s my gott damned Right as a U.S. citizen, just like owning a military grade weapon! Which I admittedly don’t have but wish I had the money to do so)

But it’s not just populations that are the reason for uneven federal funding.  Many studies have shown that more populous states get more federal funding because of corruption in Washington DC.  The more populous states actually have more pull, in the form of lobbyists who represent private organizations and corporations.

This is why so many sparsely populated states are going their own way, pulling away from federal control, and working hard to stop the major screw job that is Obama Care.

By the way, despite my low income, for the past three years I’ve had to pay federal income taxes at the end of the tax year (my children are adults and living on their own now, so no more dependent deductions for me), and currently I’m back due on taxes owed to Uncle Sam (remember, there is no taxpayer funded legal aid in Idaho).  At the state level Idaho does not have an Earned Income tax credit for poor people, like many Blue states.  In Idaho if your income is below a certain level then no state income tax filing is required, but it means they keep all the state income taxes your employer deducted from your pay.  It’s rare for an Idahoan to get a full refund of state income taxes.  When I was a Californian I actually got more than a full refund of income taxes, because of California’s own Earned Income Credit for low income workers.  Since moving to Idaho in 1996, I’ve gotten only a fraction of a fraction of an Idaho state tax refund, and that was only a couple of times. One year I paid extra income tax, and since 2000 my income is too low to file a refund request under Idaho tax rules.  Also, Idaho taxes groceries, which shocks many newbies. But we can blame that on the fact that the federales unevenly distributes funding for federal programs, Idaho getting relatively nothing.

Now to another point: People are moving to Idaho because it looks like the economy is good here.  That’s a mirage caused by the small scale of Idaho’s economy.

I’ve written before about the economic decline in my part-o-the state.  Idaho’s economy has actually been on a slow down hill roll ever since the conservative republican leaders turned Idaho into a Right to Work you over state back in the mid 1980s.  But because Idaho’s economy never came close to rising to the high power economies in more populous Blue states, Idahoans didn’t have far to fall.  The higher you are the farther you’ll fall.  So it ‘looks’ like Idaho’s economy is good to a newbie from a state like California, Michigan or Illinois.

The major layoffs and business shut downs are taking place in tax sucking Blue states (to be clear, there are plenty of tax sucking Red states east of the Mississippi).  But layoffs and business shut downs are also taking place in federal funding deprived Red states, it’s just not as noticeable.

Why the F-ck should we in the sparsely populated states go along to get along when we’re getting F-cked over on our taxes paid to the federales, who then turn around and give most of it to Blue states and the more populous Red states?!

So why am I living in a sparsely populated state that has little services or help for low income people?  ‘Cause I hates populous states.  In California I was getting all kinds of social services, I was even getting free college!  But the system made me feel trapped and controlled.  The system was set up to screw over anyone who went over the income limits for social services, because those limits were still too low for you to actually support yourself.  On top of that California has imposed too many laws against guns and cars.  I also got tired of paying hundreds of dollars per year to register my car.  Then there was the time the city council of Los Angeles created a law banning cars more than 10 years old (back in the early 1990s).  People were being told to buy new cars or take the bus.  The only thing that stopped the law was all the upper middle class who had sunk tens of thousands of dollars into restoring their classic cars.  The law did not differentiate between a junker and a restored classic!  In other words, the tax sucking Golden State of California was going nuts!   I was offered a job in Idaho and I took it (three years later a management change, and the political games involved, resulted in me losing the good paying job.  But you couldn’t pay me enough to move back to Blue California)!

Gold from Cosmic Stellar Collisions! Proof the ancient Sumerians were right?

19 July 2013 (21:06 UTC-07 Tango 18 July)/11 Ramadan 1434/28 Tir 1391/12 Ji-Wie (6th month) 4711

We estimate that the amount of gold produced and ejected during the merger of the two neutron stars may be as large as 10 Moon masses….”Edo Berger, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

Astronomers think they found the origin of gold; colliding dead stars.  The study will be published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.

According to Zecharia Sitchin’s translations of ancient Sumerian/Akkadian writings, God the Father Sun, called Apsu, created the planets including the now dead Mother Goddess Tiamat.  The tradition of giving a bride a gold ring comes from the ancient Akkadian myths, for Father Sun had the messenger planet Mummu (Mercury) present Tiamat with the gift of gold.  In other words, the Sumerian/Akkadian ‘myths’ (written down several thousands of years before Jesus of Nazareth was born) correctly stated that gold originated from stars!

“When in the Above the gods in the heavens had not been called into being,
And in the Below Ki, the Firm Ground, had not yet been named,
Alone in the void there existed Apsu [our Sun], their Primordial Begetter…….Tiamat, the Mother of All, as a spouse for himself he fashioned.
A celestial mother, a watery beauty she was indeed!
Beside him Apsu little Mummu then brought forth,
As his messenger he him appointed, a gift for Tiamat to present.
A gift resplendent to his spouse Apsu granted:
A shining metal, the everlasting gold, for her alone to possess!-Second Tablet, Lost Book of Enki

Apparently it was the interaction between the Sun and this gigantic terrestrial planet called Tiamat that resulted in the creation of the other planets of our solar system.  Yet positions of power had to be established, and Tiamat considered usurping Apsu.

“At that time, Nibiru had not yet been seen, The Earth was not yet called into being.  Mingled were the heavenly waters; by a Hammered Bracelet [asteroid belt] they were not yet separated.  At that time, circuits [planetary orbits] were not yet fully fashioned; The destinies of the gods were not yet firmly decreed……Tiamat, getting no rest, was aggrieved and raged.  A throng to march by her side she formed, A growling, raging host against the sons of Apsu she brought forth….”-Second Tablet, Lost Book of Enki

Tiamat challenged Apsu’s reign, and threatened the security of those planets that would not join her.  Hold on now, this sounds like the origins of the Judeo/Christian/Islamic myth of the great battle between God/Apsu? and Lucifer/Tiamat? over the creation of Jesus/Nibiru!  Apsu gave birth to a savior son, to kill Mother Goddess Tiamat. The savior planet (literally the son of the Sun, or son of God since the Sun was/is considered God) was called Nibiru and its description sounds like a failed star.

“…in the heart of the Deep a god was engendered, In a Chamber of Fates, a place of destinies, was he born.  By an artful Creator was he fashioned, the son of his own Sun he was…..His head to doubled size grew larger, four members [the four horsemen of Revelation] at his sides he sprouted. He moved his lips in acceptance, a godly fire from them blazed forth….Let Nibiru be your name, as Crossing [the Sign of the Cross, Iron Cross, Svastika] forever known!……Tiamat, she who bore us, now detests us; She has set up a warring host, she is furious with rage.  Against the gods, her children, eleven warriors [planets, in the Judeo/Christian/Islamic myths the fallen angels] march by her side……Let Nibiru become our Avenger! Let him vanquish Tiamat, let him save our lives!”-Second Tablet, Lost Book of Enki

According to the study by the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, gold is created when stars literally collide:We’ve been looking for a ‘smoking gun’ to link a short gamma-ray burst with a neutron star collision. The radioactive glow from GRB 130603B may be that smoking gun.”Wen-fai Fong,  graduate research student

“Now this is the account of the Celestial Battle, And how the Earth lead come to be, and of Nibiru’s destiny……Face to face they came, Tiamat and Nibiru; against each other they were advancing……The Lord [Nibiru] spread his net [electromagnetic/gravitational field], to encompass her he cast it; With fury Tiamat cried out, like one possessed she lost her senses.  The Evil Wind [electromagnetic radiation from Nibiru, which is an extremely dense magnetic planet], which had been behind him, Nibiru drove forward, in her face he let it loose…..The Evil Wind charged her belly, into her innards it made its way…..Through the opening Nibiru shot a brilliant arrow a lightning most divine.  It pierced her innards, her belly it tore apart….into two parts he split her, her chest from her lower parts he separated.
Her inner channels he cut apart, her golden veins he beheld with wonder.”-Second Tablet, Lost Book of Enki

According to the Sumerians/Akkadians Tiamat was the only planet in our solar system with such a concentration of gold.  Nibiru, with the help of his four companions (aka the four cardinal winds/directions, four horsemen of the apocalypse), dismembered Tiamat, but she was so big that after flinging her head into deep space and smashing up a large chuck of her body to create the asteroid belt, there was enough left to create a new planet: Earth.

“Passing again in Apsu’s region, of the Sun’s missing spouse he thought with remorse.  He gazed upon Tiamat’s wounded half, to her Upper Part he gave attention; The waters of life, her bounty, from the wounds were still pouring.
Her golden veins Apsu’s rays were reflecting…….He addressed words to Apsu, to him thus saying: With your warming rays, to the wounds give healing!….Apsu to the words of Nibiru gave heed: Let the Earth join my family,
Ki, Firm Land of the Below, let Earth her name henceforth be!”-Second Tablet, Lost Book of Enki

By the way, the Moon was one of Tiamat’s minions.  This is why the Moon has negative symbology in some myths.  The now dead Moon was caught up in the new Earth’s gravitational field as it journeyed to it’s new home between Venus and Mars.

After the Cosmic Battle, where did all the gold go?  In the asteroid belt and on Earth!  The asteroid belt is too unstable to safely mine for gold, so the Earth has been subject to intense gold mining operations for hundreds of thousands of years, originated by the humans from Nibiru.  In South Africa, gold mining is known to have existed as far back as 5000 BC!  Bronze Age Egyptian rulers were told that gold was more plentiful than dirt in southern Africa.  Today, African gold veins are still considered the biggest on Earth, in fact South Africa still holds 50% of the World’s gold reserves!  South Africa’s Witwatersrand mine has the World’s largest deposits!

“In the sky chamber Ea over mountains and valleys traveled, The lands by oceans separated he with the Scanner examined.  Again and again there was the same indication: Where dry land from dry land apart was torn……Golden veins from Earth’s innards were abundant!  Abzu [over time the region becomes the continent of Africa], of Gold the Birthplace, Ea to the region the name gave…..With gold Earth indeed is filled……Abzu it shall be called, can an abundance of gold be gotten!……In the Abzu the soil they tested. Gold there was indeed; with much soil and rocks it was commixed….”-Fourth Tablet, Lost Book of Enki

Thus begins the long history of Earth being used by extraterrestrials to mine gold.  People should wonder, gold had no practical use until the 20th Century.  Why where ancient kings and queens (who claim divine right, meaning ordained by God/gods/extraterrestrials) so obsessed with gold?  Why do ancient myths around the World associate gold with the Sun and the gods?  Why even now, are modern elites obsessed with gold?  (el-ite, from the Sumarian/Akkadian extraterrestrial human/god EL)

“The gold from Earth’s innards to obtain, the gold from the admixture to separate, By skyships and chariots to be carried, from landing places [like Jerusalem/Al Quds] tasks to perform.  Who of the settlements in charge will be, who of the Abzu shall take command?”-Fourth Tablet, Lost Book of Enki

“…the fields diminished their yields [electromagnetic field weakens], fruits and grains lost abundance.
From circuit to circuit [complete orbit], nearing the Sun heat grew stronger; in the faraway abode, coolness was more biting [climate change]……In the atmosphere a breaching [ozone hole/thinning?].…From circuit to circuit Nibiru’s atmosphere more breaching suffered……ways to bandage the wound were urgently considered.  A new shield to embrace the planet was attempted…… use a metal, gold was its name. On Nibiru it was greatly rare…..It was the only substance that to the finest powder could be ground; lofted high to heaven, suspended it could remain [chem trails].  Thus, with replenishments, the breach it would heal, protection make better.”-First Tablet, Lost Book of Enki

The problem was that the chem trailed gold didn’t stay in Nibiru’s atmosphere permanently, requiring constant recharging with new gold from Earth.  This is where the myth of the savior god returning to Earth periodically, comes from.  The next time Jesus, I mean Nibiru is scheduled to make a gold pick up from Earth is when the zodiacal age of Pisces gives way to Aquarius.   And now you know why the Earthly elites are so obsessed with hoarding gold!

Washington Unions & city officials opposed to employee owned WinCo! It’s not evil crony Walmart man, it’s employee owned WinCo!

31 May 2013 (14:51 UTC-07 Tango)/21 Rajab 1434/10 Khordad 1391/22 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

“Bellingham will not win with the opening WinCo…..It is an unfortunate ‘race to the bottom’ for jobs, wages and benefits in Bellingham.”-Jack Weiss, an obviously ignorant Bellingham city council member

I’ve been shocked to learn of a growing anti-WinCo movement in Bellingham, Washington.  It involves unions and some city council members.

They claim WinCo will crash local wages, and hurt other businesses.  On the first count, WinCo actually pays well, damn good in fact.  And the benefits are considered some of the best in the whole U.S. of A.

My ex-wife worked for WinCo for at least a decade, she admitted to me many times that it was the best damn job she ever had (considering she never finished high school, at one point she was making more money than me).  She loved the medical benefits!  She also loved the employee ownership of WinCo stocks.

My eldest daughter is working for WinCo, nine years now, and she’s extremely happy with her income and benefits, especially since she sees what’s going on with the rest of the grocery industry.  She was started several dollars an hour above minimum wage (a WinCo policy. WinCo’s pay policy is also adjusted according to region) and gets periodic raises.  She’s now making more money than her mother did while she was working for WinCo.  She also loves the medical/retirement benefits and the employee ownership of the company through stocks.  That’s the real threat to unions, they don’t own the company.

As far as hurting other businesses, I know another Idaho based grocery store, Albertsons, went down, but not because of WinCo, but partly because of their unions!  The unions forced Albertsons to charge outrageous prices for food.  (There are cases of mom and pop stores going under because of competition from bigger stores, but not any case that could be specifically pinned on WinCo.)

Employee owned businesses threaten both the traditional ‘publicly’ held evil elitist corporations and unions (I think some unions have become a type of evil elitist club).

Employee owned businesses usually have tougher employee work policies, which are voted on by your fellow co-workers so it’s hard to challenge (WinCo employees don’t dare be late to work, and if you’re sick for more than one day better get a doctors note).  Isn’t that similar to a union, except, once again, the union doesn’t own the company.  Also, no outrageous union dues, in fact WinCo employees get back more in their medical/retirement/stock benefits than what the average union member gets from their union!

A weakness is that it is possible for the employee owned business to be tricked into becoming a publicly held company, which would open the door to Romney style vulture capitalists.

In Pocatello, the new WinCo 117 recently opened up across the street from the ‘new’ Fred Meyer, yet I don’t see any sign that Fred Meyer is being adversely affected by the new expanded WinCo.  Fred Meyer is still just as busy (my other daughter works for Fred Meyer and loves it, employee pay/benefits similar to WinCo but it’s not employee owned), as is the evil Chubbuck Walmart.   I have noticed a lot of out of county and out of state license plates on the vehicles parked in the WinCo 117 parking lot, so it seems the WinCo is actually bringing new customers into the area.

The manager of the Bellingham, Washington, Fred Meyer was asked about any concerns over the idea of a WinCo being built.  His response: “It’s just an additional competitor in town. I’m sure there will be some customers who are price sensitive and will go to WinCo for certain items. But we have the one-stop shopping concept, where WinCo is just the basic food store.”-Bill Pelan, Lakeway Fred Meyer store director

(if Bellingham has a publicly held Fred Meyer, then there’s no excuse for Bellingham not to have an employee owned WinCo!)

Construction/remodeling started on the new Bellingham WinCo on 09 May 2013.  It should be ready to go before the end of the year.

WinCo is proof that employee owners know how to run a company better than unions or corporate elites! 

If Jews are God’s chosen people, then God is pure Evil!!!

09 May 2013 (03:50 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Jumada t-Tania 1434/19 Ordibehest 1392/30 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

According to Defence for Children International, more than 7500 Palestinian children have been imprisoned and tortured by Israel, in the past 11 years.

According to the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) Israel systematically (try the word ‘ritually’) abuses Palestinian children: “Ill-treatment of Palestinian children in the Israeli military detention system appears to be widespread, systematic and institutionalized.”

Many boys were kidnapped by IDF personnel during night time home invasions.

You can go to YouTube and watch numerous videos of IDF personnel using Palestinian children as human shields, and if that’s not enough for you even Israeli courts have convicted IDF personnel for such acts!

Then what about the revelations that Israelis were deliberately killing Palestinians to harvest their organs?!

How about Israelis declaring Arab protests to be anti-Semitic, when Arabs are Semitic?  Are the Jews saying Arabs are not Semitic?

IDF personnel routinely shoot at and even kill Palestinian farmers.  IDF personnel routinely help illegal Jewish settlers steal Palestinian land.  One way the IDF does that is to declare the area a military zone.

The Tel Aviv regime has just approved another illegal settlement, this time 296 illegal (under international law) homes in the West Bank.

Black Jews and Christians, who migrate to Israel are routinely imprisoned by the white Jews, and then labeled “infiltrators”, not even illegal immigrants.  They are sometimes used as indentured servants or deported back to their country of origin.

It was recently revealed that Israel is forcibly taking DNA samples from “infiltrators” from African countries, as many as 1000 samples since 2012!   Why for?  This revelation was made by Israeli cops to the Israeli Knesset, and then published in the Israeli media.  Officially, Israeli cops are using Black Africans as scapegoats to explain crime in Israel.  The DNA samples were supposedly used to solve crimes, yet not one DNA sample has so far been linked to any crime in Israel.  Basically Israelis believe they can do what they want with Blacks from Africa, because they’re “infiltrators”, not refugees or migrants: “We are aware that those entering Israel have had unpleasant experiences, to say the least, but still, we’re aware of the fact that they broke the law. The law defines them as infiltrators.”-Commander Eran Kamin, Investigations Division

The UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) says Israel has systematically pushed Palestinians living in Al Quds (Jerusalem) into abject poverty, in fact the report calls it systematic “disintegration” caused by intentional isolation by Israel.

Palestinian Jews, long in residence before the white European Israelis arrived, are treated just as badly as the Palestinian Muslims.  They’ve been forced from their homes and driven into the refugee areas.

U.S. Christians support Israel, despite the fact that Israel treats Palestinian Christians just as badly as Palestinian Muslims.

It is now common knowledge that Israeli officials bribe and threaten U.S. officials.  It has also become common knowledge throughout the World that U.S. leaders are nothing but Tools in the hands of Israelis.

Then there’s the fact that the Iran-Iraq War,  Desert Storm and now the War on Terror were all False Flag events concocted, instigated by, or taken advantage of by Israeli leaders.  It’s all there in black & white, in a policy paper published in 1982, written by zionist Oded Yinon.   Read A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties, and you should recognize almost all the military/social events that have, and are taking place in West Asia (Middle East).

Key points from Yinon’s policy paper: “….Breaking Egypt down territorially into distinct geographical regions is the political aim of Israel…..Libya, Sudanwill join the downfall and dissolution of Egypt.The dissolution of Syria and Iraq later on….Lebanon, is Israel’s primary target on the Eastern front in the long run….Iraq….is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel’s targets...Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us….The entire Arabian peninsula is a natural candidate for dissolution….Jordan constitutes an immediate strategic targetDispersal of the [Palestinian] population is therefore a domestic strategic aim of the highest order…”

Basically the zionists decided that the only way Israel could be secure is if all surrounding countries were plunged into chaos, and they don’t even care if achieving such a goal destroys their allies (like their Tool the United States).  A classic control through chaos/divide and conquer strategy.

The only conclusion I can make is that the God of the Jews is pure evil, and anyone in the United States, or any other country, that continues to support Israel must be a closet Satan worshiper (since most claim to be Christians)!