Category Archives: Opinion

Karzai & NATO going head to head, sure sign that the U.S. has lost Afghanistan

“NATO must learn that air strikes on Afghan homes are not allowed and that Afghan people have no tolerance for that anymore. If they don’t stop air strikes on Afghan homes, their presence in Afghanistan will be considered as an occupying force and against the will of the Afghani people.”-President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai

Karzai is talking tough, but his words are not aimed at “Taliban”.  Instead his words are targeting U.S. led coalition forces.  Karzai’s threats come a after an interview with NATO’s secretary general: “The Afghan society is not yet prepared to take full responsibility for the security.”-Anders Fogh Rasmussen

If the Afghans aren’t ready to take full responsibility for security, than how can their president make such bold statements against U.S. led coalition forces?

Another sign that the U.S. is losing in Afghanistan is that Rasmussen has reportedly asked the United States, and other NATO members, to increase their military budgets and expect to possibly stay longer than the new 2014 withdrawal date.

The latest fiasco in Afghanistan involves yet another “accidental” air strike on civilian homes, which killed 12 children and two women.  There have been conflicting statements from NATO; one official said they targeted a “compound” and there were no reports of civilians. The most recent NATO statement says they missed the target and hit two homes instead.  If you’ve been following the war in Afghanistan for even a year, you’d recognize an MO (modus operandi) with the U.S. led coalition: Kill everyone and then claim, “Ooops, we missed the target.”

Another point to make; Hamid Karzai would not be making such bold statements against the coalition, if he didn’t feel secure in doing so.  It’s an indication Karzai has found support from other international powers, and no longer needs the United States.  Recently the Afghan government made an alliance with Iran.

Queen Elizabeth II says U.K. could break up, Scots overjoyed call royal family “parasites”. Royals are Ultimate Welfare recipients

“Regardless of Her Majesty’s personal views, it is the job of her private secretary to take these issues seriously and to investigate them and that’s precisely what is going on.”-unnamed Buckingham Palace source

In the Sunday Times Queen Elizabeth II expressed concerns she may be the last monarch of the U.K.

In a meeting with Prime Minister David Cameron she discussed the possible break up of the United Kingdom.  So far this year, Scotland has been leading the charge for independence, with word that people in Wales are about to join in.  The Queen’s recent visit to the Republic of Ireland was seen as an attempt to bring that independent country back under the control of the House of Windsor.

Elizabeth II (aka Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor) is especially concerned that Scotland might win its independence through the Parliament.  Scotland and England formed a union in 1707, called the Act of Union.  The Union came about as a result of economic sanctions by the English against Scotland, and bribery of Scottish officials.  It is notable that many Scottish “commoners”, and even the lower clergy of the Church of Scotland, were openly opposed to such a union.

Scottish independence activist Charlie Veitch, called monarchies “…a parasite upon natural order and upon natural law because we are all created equal under the eyes of God, the universe, or whatever you believe in.”

Veitch went on to say: “The Queen, in a way, she is a ridiculous figure head of an old world order…we want to make sure that the new world does not have these old, elitist establishment controls that we saw in the past.”

The Commonwealth consists of United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, Barbados, Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent/Grenadines, Belize, Antigua/Barbuda and Saint Kitts/Nevis.  (in the 1990s I met a few Canadian Army Sergeants who insisted the United States had been secretly brought back into the Commonwealth)

The United Kingdom consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Is the Queen just a figure head?  Only when it comes to the Commonwealth as a whole, but, in the United Kingdom the Queen has real power:  She is the Governor of the Church of England and Scotland.  She is the Head of the Armed Forces with ultimate say in how the military is used; if she didn’t like British troops being sent on this War on Terror she can just wave her magic hand, and the Parliament would be forced to bring the troops home.  She opens every yearly session of Parliament by dictating what should be discussed, in other words she sets the agenda.  She is the one who signs new laws, not the Prime Minister.

And who pays for the expenses of the Royal Family?  The taxpayers.  Things like staffing, state visits, public engagements, and official entertainment are paid for with public money from funds called Grants in Aid, and Civil List (by making the Royal Wedding a public event they can legally charge the taxpayers for it).

You see, the rich don’t stay rich by spending their money, they spend your money!

Normally British taxpayers pay for Royal Weddings, but with the marriage of Kate and William the Royal Family recognized the financial sufferings of the people, and decided to pay for part of the wedding.  The Middletons also paid for part of the wedding (they are “commoners” by title only, or lack of title).  The British taxpayers still had to pay for security and clean up.

The fact that the taxpayers must legally pay for official expenses of the Royal Family (not the Royal’s personal expenses of course) is the reason rebels like Charlie Veitch call royals “parasites”.  Basically the Royal Family is the ultimate welfare recipient.




Karzai gives U.S. final warning, orders Afghan troops to stop “arbitrary” U.S. military action

“The president called this incident a great mistake, the murdering of Afghanistan’s children and women, and on behalf of the Afghan people gives his last warning to the U.S. troops and U.S. officials in this regard.”-Press statement from the office of President Hamid Karzai

On May 28, yet another U.S. led NATO attack killed more civilians than militants. That’s several air strikes killing civilians for the month of May, as well as U.S. led attacks that killed Afghan police.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai says he’s had enough, and has ordered Afghan government forces to take night combat operations away from U.S. led coalition forces, and, to stop any U.S. led military action viewed as “arbitrary” by Afghan forces.  Karzai said the U.S. led coalition was “…murdering Afghanistan’s children and women.”

As usual coalition leaders apologized for killing civilians: “I want to offer my sincere apologies for the nine civilians who were killed during the incident in Now Zad District, Helmand province, that occurred on 28 May.”-Major General John Toolan, ISAF commander southwest Afghanistan

As usual President Obama said they would take the matter seriously: “President Karzai has expressed on a number of occasions his concerns about civilian casualties. Those are concerns that we share and take very seriously.”-Jay Carney, spokesman for President Barack Obama

You know what president Obama? Actions speak louder than words, and I think the Afghan government is tired of smelling the bullshit!


Taliban on the offensive, Obama lied again, our military leaders are in a state of denial

In March 2011, The Taliban (aka Leadership Council of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan) declared another spring offensive (aka Operation Badar, after a Mujahideen leader killed in 2003) against all foreign occupiers, and locals they view as supporting the foreign forces.

“…I can report that thanks to the extraordinary service of our troops and civilians on the ground, we are on track to achieve our goals….But there is no question we are clearing more areas from Taliban control, and more Afghans are reclaiming their communities.”-President Barack Obama, December 2010

Not only did Obama claim the Taliban were on their way out, but so did the Western media.  Many U.S. and U.K. mainstream media outlets stated that the Taliban were on their way out because so many of their leaders had been killed or captured.  Some media claimed that the Taliban were in a state of “shock” from the relentless attacks by U.S. and NATO forces.  Mmmm, the current Spring Offensive shows otherwise.

Not only does Obama seem oblivious to the situation in Afghanistan, so do our military leaders:  In January 2011, USA (under U.S. grammar rules USA without periods stands for U.S. Army, just as USAF means U.S. Air Force, and USMC means U.S. Marine Corps) General David H. Petraeus said this about the Taliban: “The sheer losses that they’ve sustained are tremendous. That in and of itself is very significant, and it’s caused enormous stress on the central nervous system of the command and control structure.”

In a February 2011 USA Today (the USA in “USA Today” is actually, legally, a word not an abbreviation.  It does not mean United States of America Today.  If it did there would be periods behind each letter. But it can not because no one can legally use “U.S.A.” in their business name) interview USMC Major General Richard Mills said this about the Taliban: “This is really the heart of the insurgency. I believe they have been beaten.”

USAF Lieutenant Colonel John Dorrian recently brushed off the 2011 Taliban Spring Offensive as a “propaganda ploy.”

The latest casualty numbers prove it’s not a “ploy”:  In March 2010 the United States suffered 22 KIA (killed in action), in March 2011 the U.S. lost 24 KIA.

In April 2010 KIAs were 14, but this April U.S. KIAs hit 43.

For May 2010, U.S. KIAs were 31.  For 2011 KIAs are at 21, but there are a few days left in the month, and so far there have been attacks and explosions almost daily in the month of May.

For the whole year of 2010, U.S. KIAs in Afghanistan hit record levels of 44o (by the way that was the year the Obama administration claimed the Taliban were beaten back).  So far for 2011, KIAs are at 126, that’s almost the total for all of 2008.

Of course U.S. WIA (wounded in action) numbers are even higher.  While NATO troops are getting hit as well, it’s obvious by the casualty numbers that the Taliban are targeting U.S. forces.  This goes against the claim that the Taliban are on the run, or are afraid to take on U.S. troops (it’s also an indicator of the massive U.S. personnel presence, compared to NATO forces).

Even United Nations officials in Afghanistan are ignorant of the fact that Afghans have been at war for decades.  Ignorant of the fact that the Afghan people have sacrificed themselves for freedom from foreigners.  Ignorant of the fact that the Afghan people ARE the Mujahideen: “Our mission is to make sure that civilians and Afghan people are not affected by now 11 years of conflict. What we are worried about, and I think every Afghan is worried about, is whether the Afghan people and the Afghan civilians will be again the victims of a long conflict.”-UNAMA statement

The people of Afghanistan know full well they could be killed in the fight for independence.  This isn’t the first, second or third time Afghanistan has been in this situation.  The Taliban (who are Afghans) even warned the Afghan people about being collateral targets in the Spring Offensive: “All Afghan people should bear in mind to keep away from gatherings, convoys and centers of the enemy so that they will not become harmed during attacks of Mujahideen against the enemy.”-Taliban 2011 Spring Offensive Operation Badar statement

Silly Western thinking, leaders in Afghanistan aren’t viewed the same as in the West; as in “cut the head off and the body will die”.  Afghan leaders are only representatives of the Mujahideen, if one gets killed they’ll elect another one, and it definitively won’t stop any of their military action plans.

For the latest casualty numbers, for all coalition forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, go here.


So much for the claim that the U.S. is creating wars to support their military industry: Pentagon buys Russian helicopters for the Afghans

“It is the first large contract Russia signed directly with the U.S. Department of Defense.”-Sergei Prikhodko, a foreign policy aide to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev

Many critics have claimed the War on Terror is just an excuse to provide new markets for an ailing U.S. military industrial complex.  But the latest arms deal might prove otherwise.

The United States has just signed a $300 million deal with Russia, to supply the Afghan government with Russian made Mi-17 helicopters.  The manufacturer, Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant, has become involved in several Western helicopter programs, such as Eurocopter.

This might be the reason Russia suddenly changed its position regarding Gaddafi.  But, what should concern the people of the U.S. is; why in a time of economic upheaval for the working class, does the U.S. spend taxpayer money buying foreign military equipment for another country?

Netanyahu bold faced bullshitter

Netanyahu just told the U.S. Congress that Jerusalem has only been free for all religions since Israel’s occupation. Bullshit!!!

Ask the Palestinian Muslims, Christians and Jews (yes Christians and Jews make up the Palestinian population) that have been constantly harassed and blocked from access to religious sites by the Israelis!!!

Jews and Muslims living in Palestine BEFORE the European Zionists took it over and renamed it Israel, said they used to babysit each other’s children.  They worshiped freely alongside each other BEFORE the European Zionists took Jerusalem over.  Netanyahu is so full of shit that I can smell him thousands of miles away here in the Pacific Northwest!!!

Obama to write off $1 billion in Egyptian debt, what about us little people here at home?

President Barak Obama wants to write off $1 billion in debts that Egypt owes the U.S.  Then he wants to give Egypt another $1 billion in credit!

Here’s two reasons taxpayers of the United States should be pissed off:  According to the U.S. Department of State: “U.S. military aid to Egypt totals over $1.3 billion annually.” And: “…the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has provided over $28 billion in economic and development assistance to Egypt since 1975.”

In other words Egypt is getting a deal that no creditor will give the average U.S. citizen!  Forgive our debts AND give us money?  Obama is playing with our tax money!  Why can’t he use our tax money to give us a break?

Ronin planets existing without Suns, ancient Sumerians were right

NHK reports Japanese astronomers have discovered what they call “floating planets”.

At least ten floating planets have been discovered using an observatory in New Zealand.  The planets have mass equal to the planet Jupiter, yet they exist outside any solar system, and apparently don’t need to orbit a star.

The discovery could back up the ancient Sumerian myths that describe a rogue planet (and its “companions”), with the mass of Jupiter, plowing its way through our solar system, resulting in the creation of the planet Earth.

The Vikings also have a myth about the end of days when the great wolf will seemingly swallow the sun and moon. Could these Ronin planets be the wolf?

I call these planets ‘Ronin’, meaning without master (referring to the Japanese astronomers, and that the planets don’t need a sun).

U.S. government now using employee retirement money to pay debts

“…timely action to increase the debt limit in order to protect the full faith and credit of the United States and avoid catastrophic economic consequences for citizens.”-Timothy Geithner, Treasury Secretary

U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, will now use government employee retirement money to pay U.S. government debts.  He pointed out that he’s not the first Treasury Secretary to do so.

Even with using retirement money, it’s estimated the government will run out of debt payment options within 11 weeks.  The Federal government has spent its way to the legal debt limit of $14.3 trillion.

What Geithner, and Ben Bernanke of the Federal Reserve (a private bank), want is for Congress to raise the debt limit.  But, that would only mean that our elected officials could get us even deeper in the hole.

The problem is that our Federal government is running solely on loans.  Geithner wants to be able to keep borrowing money.  There is a fear that no matter how drastic government spending cuts are, they might not be enough.   This is a really really really bad sign.

The Treasury Department has already stopped issuing state and local governments special securities to manage their debts.  Where does that leave them?

History shows that Congress loves to raise its debt limit, so it can spend more of YOUR money, and it’s partly the cause of our current situation.  Some members of Congress say it’s time to pay the piper.

Republic of Ireland back under the control of the British Empire

For the first time since the creation of the Republic of Ireland, royalty from the British empire has set foot on the island nation.  Queen Elizabeth II is in Ireland.

The government of Ireland has gone to great lengths to provide security for the queen’s visit.  The security is not to protect against outside attacks, like maybe from al-Qeada, but to protect the queen from the Irish people.

Already hundreds of Irish have demonstrated their disgust with a visit from their mortal enemy, a royal member of the British empire.  Even the Irish military has been called out to provide the queen protection.  That is a sure sign that the Republic has slipped back into the hands of the English (just like when Bush Jr paid a visit to the queen during his reign as U.S. President, the first time for a U.S. President).

Why is the queen in Ireland?  Officially it’s to “visit” and “pay respects” to those Irish who died fighting for their freedom.  Yeah, and who were they fighting against?  Elizabeth’s grandmammy and grandpappy’s empire, that’s who!  The real reason has to do with deals made in the Northern Ireland peace agreement, and the fact that a pro-empire political party has gained power in the Irish government.

But despite the tiny group of bought off Irish turncoats who’ve gained power in politics, most Irish still hate the English.  A recent poll showed Irish interest in anything to do with royalty hit an all time record low, with the recent royal wedding.

An Irish university professor pointed out that it’s not just British royalty the Irish hate, it’s any royalty: “The King of Denmark could arrive and no one would care – it’s the same thing.”-Gerard Casey, University College Dublin

It’s interesting timing that President Barak Obama will visit Ireland after the queen leaves.  Most Irish say they can’t wait for that visit (oh well, if they only knew).