All posts by Hutchins AAron

Born in Deutschland 1965, hometown was Bütthart, parents were not U.S. government employees. However, when father was tricked into joining the U.S. Air Force Civil Service, in 1969, with the promise that we could remain in Germany, we were promptly shipped off to Iran. Due to one of my Iranian educators being disappeared, along with her husband, by the U.S. ally Shah of Iran's Israeli & U.S. created Savak (for the then official terrorist act of promoting the idea that women can vote), and due to my U.S. citizen mother being placed on Savak's Terrorist Arrest List (for supporting the idea that women should vote, at that time the U.S. ally Shah of Iran did not allow women to vote, now they can) we left Iran for the United States in 1973, literally in the middle of the night. At the U.S. Embassy airbase the CIA operated Gooney Bird (C-47) was so packed with other U.S. citizens fleeing our ally Iran (because the Shah gave the OK to arrest any U.S. citizen for such terrorist acts as promoting the concept of voting) that we were turned away by the Loadmaster and had to take a chance on a civilian flight out of Tehran's airport. My father told me he and my mother had three culture shocks; first when they arrived in Germany as civilians, then after being shipped off to Iran as U.S. government employees, then again returning to the United States as unemployed civilians (because so much had changed in the U.S. while they were gone, their only news source was the U.S. Armed Forces Radio & Television Service which heavily censored information about the home front). Since I graduated high school in 1982 I've worked for U.S. government contractors and state & local government agencies (in California), convenience store manager in California, retail/property management in Georgia, California and Idaho. Spent the 1990s in the TV news business producing number one rated local news programs in California, Arizona and Idaho. 14+ years with California and Idaho Army National Guard and the U.S. Air Force. Obtained a BA degree in International Studies from Idaho State University at the age of 42. Unemployed since 2015, so don't tell me the economy has recovered.

Norovirus update, 05 February 2013: No one knows why it happens! 200% increase! Blame no paid sick leave! Hospital not the place to be!

05 February 2013

In Manteca, California, the Saint Jude Care Center was given the OK by health officials, after a nearly two week long norovirus outbreak.   County health officials said restrictions are still in effect in other care centers throughout the county: “We always have outbreaks in the county every year. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if we get reports this week or next month. It will be ongoing……It can happen anytime, but mostly in the winter. There’s no real explanation as to why.”-Ginger Wick, San Joaquin County Public Health Department

In Ontario, Canada, the Northumberland Hills Hospital has lifted visitation restrictions, now that they believe a recent norovirus outbreak is finished.

Officials with Barnes-Jewish Hospital in Saint Louis, Missouri, reporting a spike in stomach bug cases. They are seeing at least 15 new patients everyday.  Missouri media reporting that other hospitals have not given status reports on norovirus cases, as there is no regulation requiring them to do so.

For several weeks now schools in Arkansas are getting hit hard, with hundreds of students staying home sick every week.  Some schools have been forced to close.

Health officials in Maryland are warning that February and March are the peak months for norovirus infections in their state.  However they do not track cases, so there are no official numbers to report.

The vomiting bug continues to hammer Merry Olde England. Another hospital had to shut down several wards.  Maidstone Hospital in Kent is restricting visitors because of another outbreak.

04 February 2013

Again, in Merry Olde England, the Queen’s own hospital has been hit with vomiting bug. The Bristol Royal Infirmary has restricted visitation due to an outbreak.  It is one of four Bristol hospitals dealing with outbreaks.

03 February 2013

The new Medical Rescue Team South Authority in Whitehall, Pennsylvania, issued a warning: “Trending appears to show we are headed towards a 200% increase of symptoms similar to the norovirus for the first month of this year compared to last year.”-Jesse Siefert, paramedic

Health officials in Minnesota continue to warn that the new Sydney 2012 norovirus has arrived in the North Star State.

Reports out of Arkansas that people are going to work sick, because they do not have paid sick time, and can’t afford to miss work.

02 February 2013

Reports saying beds are filling up at the health center for Princeton University, New Jersey.

01 February 2013

Depending on which report you read, between 10 and 50 cases of norovirus were linked to a Concord, California, deli. The food shop was temporarily shut down after it catered an event where people started getting sick.  Local health officials blamed it on the employees.

Health officials in Missouri confirming the new norovirus has arrived: “We’ve had four confirmed norovirus outbreaks in varies health care settings around the county, and then we’ve had three of four other outbreaks in health care facilities where the signs and symptoms have been consistent with the norovirus, but from a laboratory standpoint we were not able to prove that.”-Richard Knaup, Saint Louis County Health Department

Ohio doctors say they’re preparing for increases in norovirus cases.  They say that since the first cases of norovirus were documented (back in 1968) that the trend has been as influenza cases slack off norovirus cases pick up.

Did you know the first norovirus case occurred in 1968 in Norwalk, Ohio. This is why it is sometimes called the Norwalk virus. However, the 1968 outbreak was not confirmed until 1972, when researchers were finally able to identify the cause. Ever since then, year after year, there are more and more cases, and stronger and stronger versions of the virus.

Check my previous postings about norovirus.

World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 27-29 January 2013. Pakistan to train Afghan cops! Karzai implies United States interfering with peace process! Your tax money going to buy Iranian electricity!

29 January 2013

In Kapisa Province, a local police chief was assassinated.  He was shot outside his home. Five people were arrested.  Also, Mujahideen claim they ambushed a U.S./NATO patrol, killing one and wounding two.  They say the ambush lasted 30 minutes.

In Kunar Province, Mujahideen claim they ambushed a U.S./NATO dismounted patrol.  They claim they killed four.

In Ghazni Province, a U.S./NATO dismount patrol was ambushed in Gilan district. No further info.

In Maidan Wardak Province (aka Wardak Province), Mujahideen claim they destroyed a U.S./NATO armored vehicle. They claim six personnel were killed.

In Kandahar Province, witnesses say a U.S./NATO vehicle ran over a landmine in Sharabad Godar area near Babrai hill of Kala Shamir region, Maiwand district.  All five of the crew were killed or wounded.

President Hamid Karzai implied the United States was interfering with the peace process by holding their own back room talks:  “Any effort to conduct peace talks individually is not an effort for peace but it’s a plot by the foreigners, aimed at weakening Afghanistan.”

According to western news sources, Afghanistan and Pakistan are about to sign a deal that would have the Pakistan army training Afghan forces.

28 January 2013

In Samangan Province, local government officials are accusing U.S./NATO personnel of intentionally ramming a bus with an armored vehicle!  Ten civilians were wounded.

In Helmand Province, a car ran over a landmine, three children wounded.  Also, Mujahideen reported a major battle after U.S./NATO personnel and Afghan National Army (ANA) troops were brought in by helicopters in Nawzad district’s Jakaw Karez area.  Mujahideen say several occupier troops were killed and wounded, while two Mujahideen were killed and one wounded.

In Kunar Province, a day long battle resulted in seven U.S./NATO personnel and three ANA troops killed.  Mujahideen say the battle started after the U.S./NATO personnel kidnapped five people.

Afghan officials announced a new deal to buy more electricity from Iran.  Iran will now supply Afghanistan with 164 mega watt of electricity per hour. Afghanistan will pay Iran $26 million USD.  And guess where the Afghan government gets most of its money?

On top of that, the capital city of Kabul will be running two generators producing 50 mega watts.  The emergency generators consume 18,000 liters of oil per hour.  The deal was made with Iran.

27 January 2013

In Logar Province, local government officials accuse U.S./NATO personnel of killing three civilians. Three brothers were riding one motorcycle, and U.S./NATO troops ambushed and gunned them down. International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) said they were Mujahideen.  President Karzai ordered an investigation.

In Kandahar Province, eight Afghan government personnel were killed when their truck was hit with a car bomb.  They had just detained suspected bomb planters.  The three suspects were also killed.

In Kapisa Province, locals say U.S. led forces conducted a home invasion and kidnapped a local Imam and three others.

In Parwan Province, reports say three children were killed, and five wounded, when they stepped on a landmine.

What Economic Recovery? Sears & Best Buy taking out more than one thousand jobs in Canada! Blame Right Sizing!

Canucks might have thought things were getting better, since Target announced plans to open 135 stores across the Great White North, but here comes Sears and Best Buy to shoot down that hope.

Sears Canada announced they will destroy 700 jobs this year! Company officials say they have to “right size” their struggling operations.

Best Buy announced plans to destroy 900 jobs!  It’s part of the same plan that’s destroying Best Buy jobs in Yankee Land; they are transitioning to much smaller stores and internet operations.

Total Sears Canada and Best Buy jobs to be destroyed this year is 1,600!

What Economic Recovery? East vs West? Gas & Diesel prices shooting up! It ain’t the oil prices! Supply is up, demand is down or are they? California refineries going down, again!

Reports out of Los Angeles, California, gasoline prices more than $4.00 USD per gallon (more than $1.00 per liter).   A 23 cents jump in one week!

In the southeastern Idaho city of Pocatello, gasoline prices have gone up about 25 cents in the past two weeks.  Prices for the more efficient Diesel fuel are about to break the $4.00 mark, but are actually unchanged for the past two weeks.

Once again we can’t blame U.S. oil prices, they’re still under $100 per barrel.

The last time I looked into seemingly unexplained fuel price increases it turned out it was a matter of fuel refined in the western half of the country being shipped off to the more populous eastern half to take up the slack caused by their fuel shortage.

The result was fuel prices stayed lower in the eastern half of the country, but went up for us westerners because our supplies went down! (in the case of California, they had too many refineries down, and their fuel laws make it almost impossible to import refined fuels from out of state)

According to the latest data from the U.S. Energy Information Agency (USEIA) total weekly refined gasoline (Total Motor Gasoline) stockpiles, for the whole country, are up from December, by about ten thousand barrels!  As well, total weekly stockpiles of DSO (Diesel) are up from December, by more than 10,000 barrels!

Aw, let’s break it down into the separate Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts (PADD).

I checked PADD 4 (aka Rocky Mountain PADD, serves my area) and discovered that Total Motor Gasoline weekly stockpiles are down from December by 570 barrels.  Distillate Fuel Oil (DSO/Diesel) stockpiles down by 143 barrels.  So supply has gone down for the Rocky Mountain area.

PADD 5 (West Coast) shows an increase in weekly stockpiles for both gasoline and Diesel.

PADD 3 (Gulf [of Mexico] Coast) also shows an increase in stockpiles of gas and Diesel.  The same for PADD 2 (Midwest), as well as PADD 1 (East Coast).

Is a decrease in stockpiles in PADD 4 the cause of price increases across the country, while all other PADDs show increases in stockpiles?

Is it demand?  According to a recent report out of California, demand for fuel was down (again) for the third quarter of 2012. That claim is based on California fuel tax collections.

However, the USEIA says overall demand for gasoline, across the country, is up from the same time last year.  For 27 January 2012 demand was at 8.018 million barrels per day (MBpD).  As of 25 January 2013 demand was at 8.501 MBpD.  When you’re talking about MBpD that nearly 0.5 increase is a lot.

Now lets look at demand for Diesel.  There should be no reason for Diesel prices to be going up, because the USEIA data shows a slight drop in demand from the same time last year.  On 27 January 2012 demand was at 3.73 MBpD, while data for 25 January 2013 shows demand was at 3.72 MBpD.

So far I can’t find a reason for increasing gas and Diesel prices.  Overall demand is up for gas, but so is overall supply! Diesel prices should be going down, because overall demand is almost unchanged from last year, and overall supply is up from the month prior!  (PADD 4 supply is down, and I couldn’t find any USEIA demand data by PADD)

Regarding PADD 4 area.  Although prices are going up, they’re still considered the lowest on average for the whole United States.

Here’s another possibility for fuel prices going up:  In mid January a lot of U.S. refineries announced they were closing down for maintenance.  Perhaps the price increase is the result of fuel suppliers anticipating the reduced output from shut down refineries?

The following refinery shutdowns were reported back in January by Dow Jones Newswire: Texas City, Texas. Port Arthur, Texas. Borger, Texas. Martinez, California.  Wilmington, California. Los Angeles, California. Carson, California. El Segundo, California. Richmond, California. (remember what I said about California fuel regulations? so many refineries down without being able to ship in more fuel from out-o-state)  Kapolei, Hawaii. Trainer, Pennsylvania.

Warning for Californians: Phillips 66 is considering selling off its two California refineries! They blame increasing regulation by the Golden State, which is driving up the costs of operations. Currently Phillips 66 is the only U.S. oil company with refineries in all 5 PADD areas.  British Petroleum (BP) is also selling off a California refinery, along with the ARCO brand and a refinery in Texas.


What Economic Recovery? List of U.S. job losses & store closings for 19 January 2013. Idaho dollar stores goin’ down! Video game makers goin’ down! Colleges cutting back on programs that U.S. industry leaders say are lacking!

In Idaho, and with almost no notice, Boise based Honk’s $1.00 filed chapter 11 bankruptcy around 16 January 2013.  However, and despite what Boise media reported, they started closing down stores weeks earlier, like the one in Pocatello.  It’s reported that the dollar store corporation just can’t sell enough of the crap they have, and in Utah they owe tens of thousands of dollars in unpaid sales taxes and rent!

A Minnesota steel frame manufacturer will layoff 17 employees. Crenlo blames the bad economy.

The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services is consolidating 13 offices.  State officials claim the move will save $2 million per year, and they will somehow not lay off any affected employee.  Famous last words.

Ohio’s Bowling Green State University will layoff 100 of its employees by Fall 2013!  University officials gave no explanation as to why so many people will be let go.

Another college feeling the pinch.  University of Hartford, in Connecticut, will layoff more than a dozen employees to try and keep their tuition costs for students down. Work hours for some other employees will be reduced.

The Long Beach City College to layoff 18 employees. They laid off employees last year as well.  The California college is dealing with a $6.4 million USD deficit. College officials also cut programs that are ironically what U.S. manufacturers say are lacking in this country, such as aviation maintenance, welding, automotive technology, HAVC and diesel mechanics among others. A few weeks later the college president said “…at no time have I been more confident about our direction and ability to meet the demands before us.”-Eloy Oakley

The Build A Bear store in Santa Rosa, California, closing down.  It’s part of the company’s plan to close down 60 stores across the United States over the next two years.

Also in Santa Rosa, a Gap Kids clothing store is closing down.

Women’s magazine publisher, Merideth, ended 60 jobs, mostly in New York, some in Iowa and other locations. The company says they are integrating operations.  They publish Better Homes and Gardens, Parents, Fitness, and own, EveryDay with Rachael Ray and FamilyFun brands.  The cuts come at a time when the company recently increased quarterly dividends to stockholders, by 6.5%.

New York Blower cut 12 people, blaming crashing sales.

By the end of March 250 contracted employees will be out-o-work at the Letterkenny Army Depot in Pennsylvania.  Depot officials said most were short term contracts that are ending.

The Bottom Dollar Food stores in Montgomeryville and Chalfont, Pennsylvania, closing down.  They’re owned by the same European company that is shutting down grocery stores in North Carolina, Florida and Virginia.

In Washington, reports say the “vast majority of Gas Powered Games‘ staff” were laid off. The video game maker spent all their cash on their last game, called Wildman.  Company officials say they literally bet their company on its success or failure.

Also in the Evergreen State, the city of Spokane laid off two employees, and more could be in the works. Last year they eliminated 80 positions. They blame it on not enough revenue for the city.

Floyd Central Thriftway food store in Kentucky closing down.  20 employees out-o-work.  Older customers liked their delivery service.  The owner was talking about opening another store, but the reality was that sales kept going down and operating costs kept going up.

What Economic Recovery? Sears, Best Buy, RadioShack, JCPenny all going down?

Since the end of January 2013 the amount of reports on the internet predicting hundreds of retail store closing just keeps going up.

24/7 Wall St reporting that eight retailers will close more stores in 2013: Best Buy, Sears Holding (Kmart and Sears stores), JCPenney, Office Depot, Barnes & Noble, Gamestop, Office Max  and RadioShack.

Video game retailer, Gamestop, predicted to shut down 600 stores! (in November 2012 they announced they would close down 200 stores, but analysts think that’s too low)

RadioShack could close 550 stores!  (already closed more than 120 locations between 2010 & 2011)

Down retail sales are hitting JCPenny so hard they will likely close down 350 stores!

Barnes & Noble says they have to close down stores just to maintain current profit level, possibly 240 stores will be shut down!

Best Buy predicted to close as many as 250 stores!

Kmart could close another 225 stores!

Sears to close another 125 stores!

Office Depot to close 150!

Office Max 175! (at the end of 2011 company officials said they would close 15 to 20 stores every year for five years)

And these are the stores that are expected to end the most retail operations in the United States, there are other smaller businesses that are going down as well. Stay tuned.

U.S. Influenza update, 04 February 2013: Utah doctors calling it Super Infection! Dogs going down! Old people going down at record rates! Are you a Super Emitter?

On 04 February 2013, Utah doctors reported the death of a seemingly healthy 16 years old boy.  They say he died from a combination of flu and staph. The teenaged athlete got sick on 25 January and went down in a matter of a few days.

Utah doctors are warning of certain conditions that can create a super infection: “The people who have a compromised immune system and are taking some kind of medication or steroids, chronically, are certainly at greater risk from developing super infection from the flu.”-Douglas Dillon, Intermountain Medical Center

On 01 February 2013, North Dakota state health officials reported 55 new cases, and six more deaths.

Also on 01 February, the New Mexico Health Department reported 10 new deaths.

Minnesota reporting 112 deaths, 36 of those in the past week.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 45 children have died so far.  The CDC tracks only the deaths of children when it comes to the flu. However, the CDC is also reporting record flu rates in old people (older than 65 years). Currently old people are dying at a rate of 116 per 100,000.  The previous record flu death rate was 90 old people per 100,000.

The California Department of Public Health is reporting 14 deaths.  Gary Green at Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in Santa Rosa, simply said “It’s getting worse.”

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health reported 18 deaths. They also reported 500 new cases since last week, which is a decrease from previous weeks.

In Texas, the Dallas County Health and Human Services reporting signs that flu season has peaked there.  The hospitalization rate is down 15% from the week before.  Back in mid January at least 5,500 grade school students in Dallas County were out sick.

In Oklahoma 17 people have died.  Doctors there are also dealing with an increase in another infection which seems to travel with influenza. It’s called respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).  I’ve mentioned it before.  One doctor said as many as 95% of people get RSV by the time they’re two years old, and it’s a recurring illness. It seems to coincide with the flu season, here’s some signs of RSV to help distinguish from influenza: High fever, severe cough, wheezing, having a hard time breathing, and bluish colored lips and finger nails.

In Colorado veterinarians are warning of canine influenza, mutated from horses.  Colorado and New York are the current hot zones for the new dog flu. Dogs have no defense because this is something new: “….is a relatively new virus affecting dogs. It was first identified in 2004 in Florida Greyhounds, and….proven to be a mutated horse virus……When dogs do get exposed to the disease about 80% of them will actually become ill, 20% become asymptomatic carriers.”-Wendy Huaser, vetrinarian

A study by Wake Forest School of Medicine, in North Carolina, revealed that some people are “super emitters” when it comes to spreading the disease. Researchers found that about 19% of infected people studied, emitted much more viruses when they coughed or sneezed, than other infected people. The study also challenges the current belief that flu viruses are spread in large airborne particles. They found much smaller particles as far as six feet from the infected person.

As I’ve been saying about flu vaccines; they’re too little too late, and now the Boston Globe agrees. In a complicated way, using the example of an 1898 study, they explained that the Influenza viruses mutate, or evolve, so fast that each year’s new vaccines are already outdated. Of course, being a mainstreamer they still push for you to get your shots.

World War 3: France reveals plans to occupy Mali! Just another hole your leaders are going to throw your tax money down!

“There is still a whole part of the north that remains unconquered….There are terrorist elements concentrated in some areas of the country, others who are dispersed. There are risks of terrorism. So, we have not yet finished our mission.”-Francois Hollande, President of France

03 February 2013, President Francois Hollande revealed that his country has no intentions of leaving Mali, after they invaded on the pretext of going after al-Qaeda linked insurgents.

Mali is a former colony of French imperialism. Apparently it is again. The United States (once an anti-imperialist country) and the European Union are supporting France.

Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS) are also helping France regain her old colony.  They are planning to send 8,000 ECOWAS troops to help the French. Of course you’re paying for it!

The chairman of ECOWAS (Côte d’Ivoire’s President Alassane Ouattara) told Radio France Internationale (RFI) that Europe, the United States, Canada and Japan (Trilateral Commission countries) have promised ECOWAS $949 million USD so far, and they’ve already paid up $454 million of it!

Think about this; your leaders keep cutting social programs supposedly because there’s no money, yet they keep shelling out hundreds of millions and billions of your tax money to fight never ending wars?

What Economic Recovery? List of U.S. job losses & store closings for 18 January 2013. Thousands more laid off in Texas!!! GM impacts entire community with mass layoffs! More colleges hit by declining enrollment! Hate Verizon even more! Have some more cheese with that whine, corporate America?

Meat packing company, Cargill, announced 2,000 layoffs for operations in Texas!!!  Two packing plants will be closed due to a lack of regional cattle for beef, and company officials blame that on the ongoing drought.  Get ready for beef prices to go up even more!

Gerber baby food maker moves production from Michigan to Arkansas. 44 people in Michigan out-o-work.

General Motors to close down its Weld Tool Center in Michigan. 343 GM employees out-o-work! The closure will also affect dozens of independent operations that rely on orders from GM.  Other local businesses said as much as 90% of their sales went to GM Weld Tool Center employees.

Standard Insurance company to cut at least 100 jobs across the United States.  Basically the company is expecting to lose money this year, and is trying to stay ahead of the curve.

The Pewter Rose restaurant in Charlotte, North Carolina, shut down just short of its 25th anniversary.  Sales were down, and water damage to the building was the final straw.

One month ago Hatteras Yachts announced layoffs for 150 employees at their North Carolina operation.  Now, local media reports say another 40 people were let go. It’s part of the plans of parent company Brunswick to sell off their Hatteras and CABO Yachts brands.

Also in North Carolina, mortgage insurance company United Guaranty laid off an undisclosed number of people.  Company officials say they’re trying to anticipate near term “business needs”, meaning they think things are going to get worse!

In South Carolina, the Hippodrome Theater is closing down.  The owner says ticket sales are good, but he wants to focus on his law business.

Boise, Idaho, lost another retailer. California based See Jane Run women’s sports wear closed their only store outside of the Golden State.

The Washington Township Health Care District says it has no choice but to layoff 200 employees at Fremont hospital in California! They blame reduced reimbursement rates from state and federal health programs and private insurance.

Directory Distributing Associates shut down its Merced, California, operation and laid off 42 people.

Avon closing down its Pasadena, California, distribution center. 170 jobs lost! The center was opened in 1946. Avon will also close a distribution center in Atlanta, Georgia.  250 jobs lost there! Operations will move to Ohio.  Avon officials say they need to reduce costs by $400 million per year!

Little Dipper restaurant in Dalton, Georgia, closed down. It was famous for chocolate cobbler. The family that owned it would not give details about why they closed the popular restaurant, but said it was time to move one, and that another restaurant was moving in.

In Alaska, the Anchorage school board revealed they are short $25 million USD!  They will have to layoff school employees, although they have yet to pick who becomes unemployed.

In Louisiana, the Jefferson Parish School Board will layoff 20 employees at two alternative schools. They blame lower enrollment due to fewer troubled students (I guess that’s a good thing).

Despite making profits, Massachusetts based custodial bank State Street will layoff 630 employees around the world, 260 just in the Bay State!

Brigham and Women’s Faulkner Hospital in Massachusetts to shut down its detox unit. About 24 staff affected. Hospital officials say they’re changing the way they handle certain types of addictions, which will render the detox unit unnecessary.

In Arkansas, the architecture and engineering company, Benchmark Group, laid off at least 23 people.   Company officials blamed the bad economy.

More reason to hate Verizon.  The New York based telecommunications company will layoff 201 people around the country!  Company officials say there is no need for those employees as a result of technical upgrades.  However, a union rep said that was BS: “These layoffs are not needed. We have enough work to cover every one of them.”-Ed Cocliff, Local 827 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

Broadway Brew Pub & Grill in Troy, New York, closing down.  Apparently pub owners were threatened by city officials, after several incidents of violence in the pub.

The Vermont Law School has laid off two people, and bought out the contracts of ten others. School officials blame declining enrollment.

Virginia based Computer Sciences Corporations confirmed they will layoff an undisclosed amount of employees.  They say they need to become more efficient. I worked for CSC in the early 1980s, no comment other than even in the 1980s they were highly inefficient, but that’s par for the course for companies dependent upon government contracts.

Pennsylvania based TE Connectivity laying off 137 workers across its medical products division! The company blamed it on a $0.5 billion drop in sales.  Want some cheese with that whine?  They only had $13.3 billion in sales during fiscal 2012!

Investment company Legg Mason to layoff an undisclosed amount of employees, due to the merger of two of its divisions.  (no pity for investment companies)

Illinois based metal and plastics distributor, A.M. Castle, will layoff 180 people!  It’s all about increasing their profits even more!

In Skokie, Illinois, a Best Buy is shutting down. 58 employees out-o-work.

Busey Bank will close four branches in Illinois. Bank officials say it’s part of their plan to transition to mobile and electronic banking.

Laurel Hill Healthcare closing its nursing home in Connecticut. It’s part of the growing nursing home closings due to parent company Spectrum Healthcare’s bankruptcy.

A Catholic school in New Albany, Indiana, shutting down.  Saint Mary’s Academy will close for good in May, due to more than $1 million of debt!

Massachusetts based Hologic, maker of medical diagnostic tools, to close its Indiana factory. 140 people out-o-work!

World War 3: Iran says it will continue supporting Syria, says Israel has made itself a target! Main U.S./Israeli supported rebel group going over to Russia & Iran?

On 02 February 2013, secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, Saeed Jalili, arrived in Damascus, Syria.  There he told the public that Iran will continue supporting Syria against whoever is behind the attempted destruction of al-Sham.

Also, Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman, Ramin Mehmanparast, said the recent Israeli air raids almost certainly guarantees action against the Zionist state: “Any violation of a country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity committed by the Zionist regime must be dealt with.”

Israeli media reporting that computers are being hacked into.  A group calling itself  the Syrian Electronic Army, claimed: “We have hacked into 50 central Israeli websites.”

A Syrian ambassador stated there could be a surprise retaliatory attack: “The Israelis, and the United States behind them, along with their Arab and regional accomplices, realize that Syria, which defends its sovereignty and territory, may decide to respond by surprise to this aggression.”-Ali Abdel Karim Ali, Syrian ambassador to Lebanon

And out of Germany comes a Rueters report, saying the main U.S./Israeli rebel group Syrian National Coalition (SNC) are in discussion in Munich, Germany, with Iranian officials: “The talks about Syria are intensifying and the Iranians have been drawn in. Let’s see how it all ends.”-unnamed German source

The Reuters report also said the SNC had already met with Russian officials, and they reported discussions that could lead to the end of the western backed insurgency.

According to an Israeli media source, the United States was also behind the recent air strikes on Syria. On 22 January President Obama was briefed of the attack by an Israeli AMAN commander.  Obama approved.  As well, the Russian’s were told by the Israeli ambassador in Moscow.  The Russians were opposed.

Also on 02 February 2013, U.S. Vice President, Joe Biden, told the media in Munich, Germany, that the official stance of the U.S. government towards Iran, is that Iran is not serious and the U.S. will not open diplomatic channels until they believe Iranian leaders are acting seriously.