All posts by Hutchins AAron

Born in Deutschland 1965, hometown was Bütthart, parents were not U.S. government employees. However, when father was tricked into joining the U.S. Air Force Civil Service, in 1969, with the promise that we could remain in Germany, we were promptly shipped off to Iran. Due to one of my Iranian educators being disappeared, along with her husband, by the U.S. ally Shah of Iran's Israeli & U.S. created Savak (for the then official terrorist act of promoting the idea that women can vote), and due to my U.S. citizen mother being placed on Savak's Terrorist Arrest List (for supporting the idea that women should vote, at that time the U.S. ally Shah of Iran did not allow women to vote, now they can) we left Iran for the United States in 1973, literally in the middle of the night. At the U.S. Embassy airbase the CIA operated Gooney Bird (C-47) was so packed with other U.S. citizens fleeing our ally Iran (because the Shah gave the OK to arrest any U.S. citizen for such terrorist acts as promoting the concept of voting) that we were turned away by the Loadmaster and had to take a chance on a civilian flight out of Tehran's airport. My father told me he and my mother had three culture shocks; first when they arrived in Germany as civilians, then after being shipped off to Iran as U.S. government employees, then again returning to the United States as unemployed civilians (because so much had changed in the U.S. while they were gone, their only news source was the U.S. Armed Forces Radio & Television Service which heavily censored information about the home front). Since I graduated high school in 1982 I've worked for U.S. government contractors and state & local government agencies (in California), convenience store manager in California, retail/property management in Georgia, California and Idaho. Spent the 1990s in the TV news business producing number one rated local news programs in California, Arizona and Idaho. 14+ years with California and Idaho Army National Guard and the U.S. Air Force. Obtained a BA degree in International Studies from Idaho State University at the age of 42. Unemployed since 2015, so don't tell me the economy has recovered.

U.S. Influenza update, 17 February 2013: Human flu cases seem steady. Dog flu spreading! Get ready for the newest deadly version of bird flu!

New Mexico reporting one 2 years old girl, and one 15 years old boy, died due to flu. Since October 2012, 89 people have died from flu related complications.

Fresno, California, reporting high incidence of flu cases: “We’re still seeing a lot of calls, a lot of visits, a lot of emergency room visits.”-Dee Lacy, Kaiser Permanente Medical Center-Fresno

In Texas, druggists say it looks like the latest influenza is getting out-o-town quick: “It is considerably down from a couple of weeks ago. We were dispensing 25 to 30 prescriptions of Tamiflu a day about a month ago. We’re down to a couple a day.”-Louis Morgan, Shawn Sams pharmacy

However, officials with Texas Department of Health Services says flu cases are still up: “Statewide, we’re still seeing a high level of flu activity, though the proportion of people showing up at the doctor for flu-like illness is less than it was in the final week of 2012, according to the providers who report that information to us.”-Chris Van Deusen

Indiana reporting 56 deaths since the flu season officially began in December 2012: “Tragically, we are continuing to lose lives due to flu-related illnesses in the state. We still have months left in this flu season.”-William VanNess, Health Commissioner

Two South Carolina prisons report flu outbreaks.  A maximum security men’s prison, and a minimum security women’s prison have been put in lock down as a result.

South Dakota reporting the deadliest flu season in the past eight years.  30 people have died.

Nebraska reporting at least 12 deaths.

Oklahoma reporting 25 deaths, two in the past week.

Idaho State Department of Health and Welfare reporting at least 23 people have died.  21 were more than 50 years of age, the others were children. The number of people who’ve died this flu season is approaching the high set ten years ago.

Washington reporting more than 40 flu deaths.  38 have been confirmed as flu caused: “People shouldn’t confuse flu season peaking with flu season ending. There are a lot of people still getting sick. And there will be a lot more flu illnesses occurring in the community over the next six to eight weeks.”-Jeff Duchin, Public Health Seattle & King County

The new flu that’s taking down dogs (Canine Influenza/H3N8) has hit the state of Oregon. Several dogs in a Salem shelter are sick, the shelter even shut down for one day. Its now identified in 22 U.S. states. As I’ve reported before: “Canine Influenza is a very rare and unusual disease that’s new to dogs. It’s only been since 2005, 2006 that there’s been any cases known in the United States.”-Joan Towers, Willamette Humane Society

Influenza is making the rounds globally; in United Kingdom deaths are being reported (at least 18 in Scotland), as in India (from swine flu).

Indian health officials report new versions of H1N1 (aka swine flu), H3N2 and flu B.

Cases of H5N1 (aka bird flu) are popping up in Egypt, Cambodia and China.  So far for Gregorian year 2013 there are ten confirmed human cases, eight of those infected died.  That’s an 80% kill rate for this year’s H5N1 bird flu.

Bird flu does not spread easily to humans, but when it does it’s usually deadly.  This years bird flu strain has the Philippine Department of Agriculture, and the Department of Health, on alert. They’re even warning about another version of bird flu, H7N3.

H7N3 hit Mexico hard in 2012. By January 2013, 20 million chickens were killed (by the virus or by culling), and at least 66 million were vaccinated.   Interestingly officials declared the outbreak over in October 2012, but cases are still being reported (the most recent involves an outbreak at seven farms just this past week).

On 17 February 2013, a farm in Germany (east of Berlin) had to cull 14,000 ducks after lab tests showed they were infected with the H5N1 version of bird flu.




What Economic Recovery? List of U.S. job losses & store closings for 25 January 2013. No more Classic Custom Car cruise spot for Chubbuck! Expect even fewer toys and games for Xmas! More hospitals letting employees go because of Obama/Romney Care! God is shutting down more of His (Hers/Its?) schools! I need to see your ID if you want to buy that ice cream.

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25 January 2013

Toy and game maker Hasbro announced 550 layoffs! Company officials blame weaker than expected holiday sales at the end of 2012 (gee, remember the main stream media talking up how good sales were?).  Hasbro says retail stores have drastically cut back on orders.

Abrasives maker, Glit/Microtron, will shut down its Wrens, Georgia operation.  120 people out-o-work!  Company officials claim that no matter what they did, and no matter how the local community tried to help, the 35 year old factory never “made” money!

Abercrombie and Fitch clothing store in the Augusta Mall, Georgia, closed down.

In Plymouth, Indiana, Whitley Products shut down operations and laid off 110 people, without notice!!!  Company officials ignored local media inquiries.  It appears the company went under and is now being liquidated.

Medical records manager, Athenahealth, laying off 36 people in Birmingham, Alabama. No reason was made public.

In New York, Clifton Springs Hospital & Clinic laying off 58 people: “Like many hospitals across the State of New York, Clifton Springs Hospital & Clinic is preparing for the Affordable Care Act.”-Lewis Zulick, President & CEO of the hospital

In Fresno, California, Saint Agnes Medical Center laying off 75 employees. Hospital officials said it was necessary to stay within operating costs.

The California based maker of PlayStation’s All-Stars Battle Royale, SuperBot, laid off 20 employees.  That’s according to a game designer.

Another California based video game maker is dead altogether. THQ is being liquidated. Not only is about 100 people out-o-work, but they won’t be getting final pay either (I’ve experienced that, the wonders of bankruptcy for companies)!

UBM Tech, a division of UBM (formerly known as United Business Media), laid off several vice presidents.  UBM first started in 1918 as United Newspapers.  A company statement revealed that the layoffs were in anticipation of a declining economy: “This was about re-aligning resources with market opportunity and planning for the coming year.”

Based in New York City, and in London, England, Group Commerce laid off 31 employees.

Ongoing construction is being blamed for the demise of Gio’s Cafe and New York Deli, in Dallas, Texas: “This construction just did us in. The guys who fund this place aren’t restaurant guys and they are tired of funneling money in.”-Mark Walls, manager

Rumors that Vermont Law School will shut down.  The school already laid off two people, and bought out the contracts of ten others.  A new report revealed that only 48.3% of its 2012 graduates found full time/long term work.  Who wants to shell out $43,500 USD per year (!) to attend the law school, only to end up unemployed!

In Tennessee, the Catholic Church is closing down its Bishop Byrne High School in Whitehaven. Church officials blame declining enrollment.

A Gainesville, Florida, women’s shelter closing down. Officials with the 30 year old non-profit Arbor House say that since 2010 their funding has crashed.  Catholic Charities took over operations in 2012, but has decided to shut it down.

The Stir Crazy Fresh Asian Grill restaurant chain now bankrupt. The company claims it has $10 million in assets, but $50 million in debts.

In Ohio, the Parker Hannifin foundry in Youngstown shutting down. 63 people unemployed.  Work is being moved to other foundries.

A Talbots clothing store shut down in Connecticut.  Reports say the property owner wants to split it into three smaller stores.

Nassau’s Furniture closing another store in Connecticut. This time it’s their store in Avon. They closed a store in 2012, and now have only one location in the Constitution State.

In Hopkins, Minnesota, a Boston Gardens restaurant closed down. After 30 years of operations, the location will now become a pizza joint.

As I’ve reported in my Sears/Kmart updates, a Irmo, South Carolina, Kmart will close down.

In Oregon, Pepsi is shutting down its Salem warehouse. This is another example of corporate America getting ready for even more bad economic times: “This difficult decision was not made lightly and was necessary for the long-term health of our business.”

In Arizona, investment firm GenSpring Family Offices (owned by parent SunTrust Bank in Florida), closing its Phoenix location. Most of their clients are wealthy elites (“…high and ultra-high net worth clients”). Just a few days ago they lost their battle against a lawsuit, and it will cost them $4.3 million! As I’ve said before; no pity for investment firms.  The lawsuit said GenSpring was flat out lying to its rich customers: “Prior to the 2008 financial crisis, GenSpring represented the hedge funds as a ‘substitute for bonds,’ claiming that they had the same risk as bonds but with higher returns….it appears that this was a systemic approach that GenSpring used with virtually all of its clients as a means of attracting business….”-Ed Dovin, securities attorney

Jim Beam closing down vodka and rum factory in Maine, moving it to Kentucky. 160 jobs lost for Maine!

In Scottsdale, Arizona, the only alcohol filled ice cream parlor, Lee’s Cream Liqueur, shut down. The owner is going wholesale only, contracting with a California company to make the ID required ice cream.

World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 05 – 07 February 2013. While the West fawns over the single Pakistani girl who was shot, nothing is said about the hundreds of Afghan kids killed at the hands of U.S. led forces!!! More U.S. led home invasions!!! More of your money down the drain!!!

07 February 2013

In Kapisa Province, a U.S. led NATO helicopter crashed in Tagab district. Witnesses say NATO personnel were killed or wounded.  Mujahideen claim they shot it down, however, local government officials called it an “emergency landing”.  Mujahideen say the ‘copter burst into flames while still in the air.  ISAF confirmed it indeed crashed: “An International Security Assistance Force helicopter crashed in eastern Afghanistan today.”

The helicopter being shot down might be a reprisal for a massive U.S. led home invasion mission in Kapisa Province overnight. Reports say 30 homes were raided in Tagab district.  Villagers say the U.S. led NATO/ANA forces detained them while their homes were ransacked and valuables stolen (Israeli style). Two villagers were killed when they tried to stop the crime.

In Herat Province, Mujahideen launched an attack against a fuel depot. At least one security guard was killed, three wounded. Mujahideen claim they destroyed five military supply vehicles.

In Baghlan Province, local police say someone planted a bomb in one of their vehicles. It went off, killing one person, and wounding another.

In Kunduz Province, a bomb exploded in front of a house.  Police say no one was hurt, but witnesses say there were casualties.  No one knows who planted the bomb.

In Balkh Province, a government security commander and his four bodyguards were killed after they drove over a landmine.

In Nangarhar Province, Mujahideen claim to have ambushed a U.S. led NATO/ANA patrol.  They say three NATO/ANA personnel were killed, four wounded, as well as two vehicles destroyed.

In Laghman Province, reports of heavy fighting as Mujahideen went on the offensive.  A government checkpoint in the provincial capital was attacked, one killed, several wounded.  An ANA patrol was ambushed, resulting in one ANA troop killed.  Also, Mujahideen claim they launched a rocket attack against an “enemy base”.

In Helmand Province, Mujahideen say they repelled a U.S. led NATO/ANA heliborne operation in the Malmand Karez area of Sangin district.

In Ghazni Province, a report says eight Afghan National Army (ANA) troops joined the Mujahideen. The report actually gave the names of those who switched sides.

A United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child investigation condemns the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan, saying U.S. personnel have imprisoned and tortured hundreds of children, as well as killed hundreds of kids since 2008, and it’s only getting worse:  “Those responsible for the killings have not been held to account even as the number of children killed doubled from 2010 to 2011.”

USMC General John Allen paid a final visit to Pakistan “….in a regular series of engagements aimed at bolstering the military-to-military relationship between ISAF and Pakistan…”

06 February 2013

In Ghazni Province, eight cops were hospitalized after being poisoned.  Other reports say two died, and the others are in a coma.  Also, a local government militiaman joined the Mujahideen.

In Logar Province, Mujahideen say they shot down a drone (UAV) in Barak district.  They captured the wreckage.

The leaders of Norway have signed a military pact with Afghanistan, promising  lots of their taxpayers’ money.

05 February 2013

In Herat Province, A U.S. led NATO supply convoy was ambushed.  Mujahideen claim they destroyed three fuelers along with their contract drivers.  Also, local government officials say U.S. special operations forces killed several civilians. Two women were killed and three children wounded in the Zer-e-Koh area of Shindand district. Other reports say six people were killed and one U.S. personnel wounded.  ISAF admitted guilt: “Our initial assessment is that after the engagement, one Afghan woman and three Afghan children were found dead in a compound separate from where the Afghan and Coalition forces engaged the insurgents. ISAF takes all civilian casualties seriously, and an investigation is on-going to determine exactly what happened in this operation.”

In Faryab Province, a bomb planted in a hotel exploded.  Reports vary, but as many as four people killed, 20 wounded.

Pakistan has re-opened its Torkham border crossing with Afghanistan.  More than 3,700 shipping containers have been sitting for three months waiting to get through. Hundreds of people were also stuck waiting in the cold and snow, several died.

The U.S. based International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced even more money for Afghanistan!  The IMF said that Afghanistan had passed “key structural benchmarks” to give the Central Asian country access to more credit.

What Economic Recovery? List of U.S. job losses & store closings for 24 January 2013. God can’t save Mormons from losing their jobs! More companies making big profits laying employees off! Georgia now a Death Trap for restaurants? More bad news for higher education & renewable energy!

United Airlines announced 600 layoffs, many possibly in Illinois!  They blame reduced air routes, and a $723 million USD loss.

Gap clothing store shut down in Winnetka, Illinois.

Minnesota based 3M eliminating 300 jobs! Company officials say they need to merge divisions in order to “increase efficiency”.  At the same time 3M officials reported a 4.9% increase in revenues compared t0 last year, for a total of $6.5 billion!  And they still need to increase efficiency?

120 people out-o-work in Eau Claire, Wisconsin! In-home healthcare provider LifeNet is ceasing operations.  No reason has been given.

Also in Wisconsin, Menomonee Falls’ only independent skate shop, Tweakboarding, going out-o-business. The owner blamed many issues, like starting a family and internet competition: “This is not the first local skate shop to go under in the Milwaukee area. If you appreciate the convenience of having a local shop, we recommend that you shop there and not online….”-John McCool

In New York, health insurance company MVP Health Care laid off 68 employees. Company officials said it’s their way of addressing “administrative expense”.  Last year they laid off dozens of people, and forced dozens more into early retirement.

In Las Vegas, Nevada, Boyd Gaming laid off an undisclosed number of employees across the country.  Reports say at least three of those were company vice presidents!  Company officials said only that “As we all know, revenue is unpredictable.”

California based software company Symantec says it will reduce executive and middle management positions.  It’s part of their plans to put more decision making power into the hands of the “front line employees”.  The company isn’t hurting for money, they’re paying out dividends to shareholders, plus they’re spending $1 billion to buyback much of those shares.

California based URS Corporation will cut 31 jobs from its operations in Maryland. The company deals in engineering, construction and technical services.

The headquarters of the Church of Later Day Saints (LDS, aka Mormons) in Salt Lake City, Utah, will layoff staff: “This action is based solely on the need to be sure that resources are being used wisely to meet the evolving needs of a global church.”  (if you know the history of the Mormons, their church is always conveniently “evolving” its policies)

In Bountiful, Utah, Duncan Lighting has sold out, to the internet.  The company is closing its brick & mortar operations and going online: “In a nutshell, the storefront just wasn’t doing enough business. It wasn’t profitable enough and the e-commerce does really well in the new kind of business that is out there.”-Ken Duncan, store manager

BlueScout Technologies goes bankrupt.  The company was involved in wind power.  Company officials said they were unable to raise enough capital (money through investments or traditional loans) to continue.

SRT Holdings, a company involved in solar power, will end manufacturing operations in East Windsor, Connecticut. Company officials say their main customer switched to another supplier without giving any reason.

In Tacoma, Washington, school supply store School Daze closed down: “The economy just killed us. We’ve tried to weather it, but we’re soaking more of our money into it and it’s not working.”-Jerry England, co-owner

Going south into Oregon, the internet is not helping online American InterContinental University.  The Illinois based online college (Career Education Corporation) will layoff 124 people at their Beaverton campus! Company officials are trying to cut costs after losing at least $109.7 million last year.  They also have plans to close their Sanford-Brown College campus in Portland.

In Georgia, two East Cobb area restaurants closed down. The Caffe Fortunato, and a Houston’s. No official reasons were given, but some reports say the East Cobb area is now considered a “death trap” for restaurants.

Economic Recovery? WinCo about to close Store number 5 in Pocatello! Blame massive company expansion! Proof that employees know how to run a company better than elites!

13 February 2013, a visit to your local Pocatello, Idaho, WinCo grocery store will reveal shelves that are fast becoming bare.  All orders for Store number 5 have been stopped, the store will cease operations sometime in March.

The Pocatello store was the fifth store to open in Idaho, after Ralph Ward and Bud Williams started the grocery operation back in 1967.  Various stores were called Waremart Food Centers, or Cub Foods until 1999.

The official WinCo web site says the current name stands for Winning Company, but I swear I remember being told, by WinCo employees I knew during the name change, that WinCo was the creation of a school kid who won a contest for coming up with the new name. Supposedly WinCo actually stands for the U.S. states that the grocery chain operated in at that time: Washington, Idaho, Nevada, California and Oregon.

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In 1985 the employees of the company became majority owners in the business.

Since the name change WinCo has been expanding.  That expansion has picked up pace ever since the downfall of competitor Albertsons (once a Idaho based grocery store chain, but not anymore).

Since 2006 Albertsons has been passed around to several new owners (despite the website making it look like it’s still owned by the Albertsons family):  A Minnesota based company called Supervalue, an affiliate of evil Cerberus Capital Management called AB Acquisition, and CVS.  Finally in January 2013 evil Cerberus Capital Management became sole owner (I wouldn’t be surprised if they liquidate).

According to Albertsons’ website they are down to 450 stores across the country (WinCo has a ways to go, with only 85 stores and 14,000+ employees).  But employee owned WinCo is exploding.  In the past ten years they’ve built a giant distribution center south of Boise, added new stores and another distribution center in California, and expanded into Utah. Now Pocatello will get what many loyal WinCo shoppers have been demanding, a giant new WinCo.

But wait, there’s more.  WinCo has announced a new store for Bellingham, Washington, in the Old Joe’s Sporting Goods building (at a cost of $7 million).  WinCo just spent $5.1 million buying land in Gilbert, Arizona. The property is currently a car dealership, but will become WinCo’s fourth store in the Grand Canyon State.

There are some concerns for WinCo, like a lawsuit in Vallejo, California, which is trying to stop the building of a new store based on environmental reasons.  Also, some of WinCo’s new HQ management jumped over from the sinking ship known as Alberstons, which causes many WinCo employees to worry.

I’ve known some WinCo employees who had a tough time dealing with WinCo’s employee policies (which are very strict compared to publicly held companies), but it’s hard to challenge those policies since they are supposedly approved by fellow employees.

Also in California, a mom and pop grocery store in Merced is shutting down, they blame Walmart and WinCo: “Things are changing in the industry. It’s getting harder and harder every year to compete, especially family-owned types of businesses such as ours.”-Gary Lowe, General Manager

In today’s economy an employee owned company is as close as you can get to a family owned operation, and there’s less of a chance the company will be sold off just for the value of its assets (like Sears and Kmart), so my money’s on WinCo (too bad you can’t buy stock in privately held WinCo, lucky employees, and besides I don’t really have any money to invest).

Pocatello’s new WinCo store number 117 was built on the Old Fred Meyer building site (aka Alameda Plaza) right next to a former Albertsons (on the land I used to do property management, for JP Reality who then sold out to General Growth Properties).  Number 117 is at least twice as big as the Old Fred Meyer building.

The New Fred Meyer building is located where the Old Pocatello Mall used to be.  So now Store number 5 will be called the Old WinCo, and the Old Fred Meyer will now be called the New WinCo, and everyone will forget there was an Old Fred Meyer just like they’ve forgotten about the Old Pocatello Mall.

That’s progress!

2nd U.S. civil war, Got Ammo? East Idaho running out of bullets!

“Idaho will push back. A question that is rolling around in most Idahoan’s heads right now is, what part of ‘shall not be infringed’ don’t they get?”-Scott Bedke, Idaho Speaker of the House

The threat being made against our Constitutional right to defend ourselves with whatever is the weapon of choice by today’s military/police (it ain’t about hunting or collecting or any of that BS) is creating a severe shortage of ammunition.

“People are getting what they can while they can still do it before those rights are stripped away.”-Mike Visser, instructor at gun store in Wyoming

Here in eastern Idaho, Walmarts started rationing bullets back in January, and now they’ve run out!

Many anti-gun rights (and therefore anti-American, anti-Constitution) activists are calling for ammo control laws, like background checks, and serial numbers for bullets!

There’s also federal bills being proposed to go after internet ammo sales.

In Idaho people and businesses are fighting back.

This past weekend in Boise, Cabelas sporting goods store gave $25.00 gift cards to anyone who joined the National Rifle Association (NRA).

Recently the Red Coat British media reported on a group of Idahoans who bought 20 acres (8 hectares) and plan to build a city where it’s mandatory for everyone to own “…an AR-15 rifle, 1,000 rounds of ammunition and enough supplies to withstand a collapse of society.”  The Citadel will eventually have 3,000 acres (1214 hectares)!

Then there’s Mormon Glenn Beck (with connections to east Idaho), who said “…Glenn believes that he can bring the heart and the spirit of Walt’s early Disneyland ideas into reality. Independence, USA wouldn’t be about rides and merchandise, but would be about community and freedom. The Marketplace would be a place where craftmen and artisan could open and run real small businesses and stores. The owners and tradesmen could hold apprenticeships and teach young people the skills and entrepreneurial spirit that has been lost…”-Glenn Beck website

Even law enforcement in Idaho is pro-gun rights: “We, the sheriffs of the State of Idaho support the right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms and we oppose any intrusion upon those rights.”-Idaho Sheriff’s Association (ISA) statement

However, the ISA also said it was up to courts to determine if a law was unconstitutional or not.  They also want to see improvements in mental health services, at a time when lawmakers are slashing and burning such services.

School District 25, in Bannock County, recently approved the installation of gun safes, so school cops can bring their rifles to work.  It’s not the only school district in Idaho to due so.

To hear what President Barack Obama said in his State of the Union, on 12 February 2013, it’s clear that the United States is more divided now than when Obama gave his first State of the Union address four years ago.

What Economic Recovery? Surprise downturn for Pioneer! From $10 million in expected profits to $40 million in losses! Proof that being an optimist will not hold back reality!

12 February 2013, Japan’s electronic maker, Pioneer, says it now expects to suffer a $40 million USD loss, instead of a previously expected $10 million profit.

As a result 800 employees will be laid off, and the rest will see their pay go down.  Pioneer is the first major Japanese electronics maker to couple pay reductions with job layoffs.

Company officials said their optimistic expectations of profits were shattered by the reality of crashing sales worldwide.



What Economic Recovery? List of U.S. job losses & store closings for 23 January 2013. More proof that God can’t stop a shut down, and Christians are greedy! Big profits do not stop companies from laying off hundreds! So much for health care, thank you Obama/Romney! Renewable energy goin’ down!

In Minnesota, the Andersen windows Corporation laying off an undisclosed number of employees. Corporate officials say its part of their normal seasonal employment practices.

In North Carolina, coffee, wine and tea store 3 Cups gone for good: “After much deliberation, we have decided that our 3 Cups business model is no longer financially sustainable.”-owners

The Gift Garage in New York, shut down.  Also, the Scotch ‘N Sirloin Steakhouse in the Winton Place mall, shut down with no reason given.

In New York, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese announced that 22 elementary and two high schools will be closed down!  Church officials said the schools were not financially self sufficient.  Christian Greed might be a factor, as many of the schools are used for poor Catholic families who can’t afford to pay for private school.

Learning Ally, a non-profit that helps people with learning disabilities, ended its Charlottesville, Virginia, operation.  It’s one of eight learning centers they will close down. Company officials blame financial problems.

In Virginia, the Richmond school district revealed that as many as 500 people will lose their jobs because of the budget!  The Richmond School System is dealing with a $11.6 million USD shortfall.

International Business Machines (IBM) revealed they will “rebalance” their workforce, despite a $5.8 billion profit!  They did not give details.

Vertis Communications is closing up shop in Dallas, Texas. 27 employees being laid off. The Maryland based company went bankrupt and sold most of its assets to a competitor.  Vertis officials said the assets that haven’t been sold off will be shut down.

Med-Aid Pharmacy in Mission, Texas, is closed down. They blame changes in Medicaid reimbursements.

144 people were told they will be out-o-work at the Grand Rapids Home for VeteransMichigan state officials are trying to save $4 million dollars by switching to contracted work, and they claim quality of care will not go down.  That claim is disputed by a recent University of Michigan study.

Summa Health System laid off 54 employees in Ohio. They blame lower than expected revenue due to the Obama-Romney health care reforms!

In Minnesota, North Memorial Health Care laid off an undisclosed number of employees at the North Memorial Medical Center in Robbinsdale.  Officials blame decreased admissions and revenue.

The Calhoun County Hospital in Arlington, Georgia, laying off 29 staff. They blame the unstable financial situation of the hospital.

Glendale Memorial Hospital, in California, said they will layoff employees because of the increased number of patients who can’t pay.

This comes after California’s Glendale Adventist Medical Center laid off 21 staff, blaming it on the Obama-Romney health care reforms!

California base Leap Wireless announced 120 job cuts.  The cuts are a result of the company reducing its retail distribution.  Walmart and Radio Shack are now its only distributors, after Dollar General, Target and Kmart were cut.

In California, specialty gift store Brookstone said they were leaving the troubled Downtown plaza, in Sacramento.

In Oklahoma, a germanium refiner laid off at least 34 employees. Umicore Optical Materials blamed the layoffs on a drop in demand for their solar power product.

In Wisconsin, Alliant Energy said they are laying off 30 employees at their Madison renewable energy construction firm.  They are also letting go 36 out-o-state employees. Officials blamed a decline in demand for renewable energy sources: “The wind business isn’t doing very well, and we’re looking to get back to our core business of gas and electric utilities.”-Scott Reigstad

RR Donnelley printers shutting down in Greenville, Wisconsin.  47 people out-o-work.  They blame market conditions, like competition with the internet.

In Lewiston, Maine, a printing company founded in 1878 is going bust.  Geiger Brothers is shutting down their manufacturing division, laying off 75 people.  They say they’ve been losing money to internet and home computers.

The print version of Treasury & Risk magazine ceased to exist. Summit Business Media ended production of the printed version, and wants to sell off its Futures magazine.

In Illinois, the Good as New Thrift Store and Training Center to shut down. The company that runs the center said it has “not met certain goals and objectives”  (probably code for “not making enough money”).

In Ohio, Olan Mills photography service has closed all its Cincinnati stores.  Stores in Kentucky are also closing.  Stores in Tennessee were closed last year after new owners took over the company.  The new owners blame digital pics. Olan Mills started in the 1930s.

UTC Aerospace Systems eliminating 71 jobs in Connecticut.   The cuts will take place at their Windsor Locks operations, and they say it’s because the company needs to save money.

200 people will be out-o-work in Florida! Elster AMCO Water going bust. The 45 years old business was one of only five U.S. companies that made water meters.   The company was sold out to a Red Coat British company, who decided to move manufacturing to Mexico.

As I’ve reported in my Kmart/Sears closings updates, the Kmart in Seattle, Washington, closing down. 85 people out-o-work.

TOP Food & Drug in Lacey, Washington, closed down. Company officials say it’s necessary to “strengthen our overall business”.  Since 2010 they’ve closed five other stores in Oregon and Washington.

Too big to fail JP Morgan Chase laying off another 121 employees! They blame the mortgage settlement with the federal government.

Norovirus update, 13 February 2013: Spike in cases! School budgets getting hammered! More hospitals in U.K. shutting down! Avoid Oysters! Blame no paid sick leave, again!

13 February 2013

In United Kingdom, the Arrowe Park Hospital has lifted visitor restrictions.  Hospital officials said they imposed the restrictions to keep patients from catching the vomiting bug.

12 February 2013

Two nursing homes in Sacramento County, California, are reporting outbreaks.  At least 34 people sick.

Also in Sacramento County, school officials say there are so many students out sick that the school districts are losing state funding.  Officials report losing between $28 and $39 USD per day for every student out sick.

A New Jersey TV station reporting that hospitals in Bronx, New York, are reporting spikes in the number of people coming in with the stomach bug.

In United Kingdom, four wards of the York Teaching Hospital were shut down:  “It’s really tough in the hospital. We have had to open extra beds wherever we can in areas which have previously been empty. Staff is also thin on the ground because some of them have also come down with the bug.”-Libby McManus, National Health Service (NHS)

In Arkansas, health officials believe the norovirus (aka Norwalk virus) has hit their state, but, because it isn’t really tracked they’re not sure how bad it is this year.  One doctor said that norovirus is under-reported.

In Belgium, the grocery store chain Carrefour is recalling Normandy oysters. The company is worried because of the growing number of people who ate them are now showing signs of norovirus infection.

11 February 2013

In Canada, visitor restrictions have been lifted at a Prince Albert Hospital. 16 patients and eight hospital staff became sick back in January.

08 February 2013

In Pennsylvania, a Catholic prep school, Villa Joseph Marie, closed because too many students were out sick.

In Tennessee,  doctors say norovirus is now at epidemic levels: “For other people who have chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart disease, it can be deadly.  A lot of these people have to get put in the hospital because they get so severely dehydrated.”-Mark Castellaw, Baptist Memorial Hospital

In Wyoming, state inspectors have determined the source of what caused a norovirus outbreak at a Golden Corral buffet back in December.  A 15 page report blames 31 employees, who kept working even though they were all sick. A total of 344 cases were reported. Blame no paid sick leave!

In Contra Costa County, California, it was revealed that a steak restaurant was closed because of the vomiting bug. County officials closed Fleming’s Steakhouse after several employees and at least two customers became sick.  It’s now open after being cleaned.

In South Dakota, the entire Bridgewater-Emery school district closed down because so many students and teachers were out sick.

07 February 2013

In North Carolina, the Mecklenburg County Health Department has confirmed many cases at local nursing homes.  At least 45 residents and 12 nursing home staff are sick.

In Missouri, the Saint Louis County Health Department reports at least eight outbreaks in the county. Officials with Barnes Jewish Hospital say cases are spiking.

06 February 2013

In California, Charity Thoman, with the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department, wrote of her experiences with norovirus, and tried to explain why this year’s version is so bad: “What’s different about the virus in this 2012-2013 season involves one of my favorite topics: evolutionary genetics. Norovirus is a single-stranded RNA virus which can evolve rapidly by inserting small mutations into its genome. In March 2012, the virus mutated again, resulting in the GII.4 Sydney strain (named after its origin in Sydney, Australia). This mutant strain is spreading rapidly across the world and across California. Santa Barbara County is now sending all positive stool specimens to the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) for further subtyping to determine which strain we are dealing with. So far all of our positive specimens have been the new Sydney strain.”

In Ohio, the Columbus Public Health Department reports 100 confirmed cases.

World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 02 – 04 February 2013. German & U.S. leaders threatened with assassination! Pakistan claims Afghanistan is attacking them! Billions more in tax money going to Afghanistan!

04 February 2013

In Helmand province, U.S. led NATO/ISAF forces launched a heliborne operation in Gerishk district. Witnesses say when the fighting was over three medivac copters had to be called in for the NATO/ISAF troops. Two Mujahideen were killed, and one Mujahid was wounded.  Three villagers were kidnapped by U.S. led NATO/ISAF troops.

In Laghman Province, Mujahideen claim they used a remote controlled landmine to blow up a U.S. military vehicle on the Kabul-Jalalabad highway.  They say three U.S. personnel were killed, two wounded.

In Faryab Province, four cops from the Karzewan district joined the Mujahideen.

In Badghis Province, a local cop joined the Mujahideen.

In response to the Red Coat British empire, President Hamid Karzai says Afghanistan was better off before the Red Coats arrived, and the Brits need to leave:  “They feel fulfilled with regard to the objective of fighting terrorism and weakening al-Qaeda, or they feel that they were fighting in the wrong place in the first place, so they should discontinue doing that and leave.”

After accusing Afghanistan’s top airline of drug smuggling, the United States is now backpedaling.  Kam Air was accused of smuggling opium, but now U.S. officials say they are dropping sanctions pending the outcome of an Afghan led investigation.

03 February 2013

In Helmand Province, six people, including two girls, were killed when they drove over a landmine.  Also, Mujahideen claim a U.S. led Georgian ISAF armored vehicle ran over a landmine, killing two and wounding one.

In Farah Province, witnesses say a U.S. led home invasion took place in Bakwa district’s Shagi area. They say a man was forced to walk around most of the day with a black bag over his head, then he was shot and killed in front of his family.

In Kandahar Province, Panjwai district, Mujahideen claim a U.S. led NATO/ISAF dismount patrol stepped on a landmine killing one and wounding another. Mujahideen then opened up with sniper fire, killing another two.  Also, reports say U.S. led NATO/ISAF forces abandoned an outpost in the Zangawat region’s Chamanyano area.  Mujahideen claim they are making good use of the equipment left behind.

In Paktika Province, two Afghan National Police joined the Mujahideen.

The German intelligence service confirmed a video threat against Chancellor Angela Merkel, and President Barack Obama. The video says the Arab Spring will turn into the European Summer and that: “We want to see Obama and Merkel dead”

02 February 2013

In Kandahar Province, reports that U.S. NATO/ISAF forces abandoned an outpost near the Chil Ghor village.  Also, witnesses say a NATO/ISAF armored vehicle ran over a landmine near Shahwalikot district bazaar, medivac copters were brought in.  Also, in Panjawai district witnesses say homes and orchards were torn down and uprooted by occupier forces.  They were told it was necessary to build a new highway.  Also in Panjawai district, a U.S. led NATO/ISAF outpost in the Talokan region’s Shra area was abandoned.  In Zhiri district, U.S. led NATO/ISAF troops abandoned an outpost on Sanghisar hill.

In Nangarhar Province, yet another assassination attempt against government officials. This time the target, a district security chief, was wounded and his bodyguard killed, by explosion.  Two bystanders were wounded.

In Kunduz Province, witnesses say another U.S. led home invasion led to one person being kidnapped, and several children wounded by flying glass after shots were fired. It happened in the Khan Abad district.

Pakistani officials claim that Afghanistan launched an artillery attack on their territory.  Six people killed, four wounded.

India announced it will invest big time into Afghanistan’s stone/marble industry: “There are some amazing stones in Afghanistan which can be mined and processed with the help of new machines and technologies.”-R.K. Gupta, Rajasthan’s (in India) Centre for Development of Stones

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) said they will be giving Afghanistan $2 billion USD to help develop industries.