All posts by Hutchins AAron

Born in Deutschland 1965, hometown was Bütthart, parents were not U.S. government employees. However, when father was tricked into joining the U.S. Air Force Civil Service, in 1969, with the promise that we could remain in Germany, we were promptly shipped off to Iran. Due to one of my Iranian educators being disappeared, along with her husband, by the U.S. ally Shah of Iran's Israeli & U.S. created Savak (for the then official terrorist act of promoting the idea that women can vote), and due to my U.S. citizen mother being placed on Savak's Terrorist Arrest List (for supporting the idea that women should vote, at that time the U.S. ally Shah of Iran did not allow women to vote, now they can) we left Iran for the United States in 1973, literally in the middle of the night. At the U.S. Embassy airbase the CIA operated Gooney Bird (C-47) was so packed with other U.S. citizens fleeing our ally Iran (because the Shah gave the OK to arrest any U.S. citizen for such terrorist acts as promoting the concept of voting) that we were turned away by the Loadmaster and had to take a chance on a civilian flight out of Tehran's airport. My father told me he and my mother had three culture shocks; first when they arrived in Germany as civilians, then after being shipped off to Iran as U.S. government employees, then again returning to the United States as unemployed civilians (because so much had changed in the U.S. while they were gone, their only news source was the U.S. Armed Forces Radio & Television Service which heavily censored information about the home front). Since I graduated high school in 1982 I've worked for U.S. government contractors and state & local government agencies (in California), convenience store manager in California, retail/property management in Georgia, California and Idaho. Spent the 1990s in the TV news business producing number one rated local news programs in California, Arizona and Idaho. 14+ years with California and Idaho Army National Guard and the U.S. Air Force. Obtained a BA degree in International Studies from Idaho State University at the age of 42. Unemployed since 2015, so don't tell me the economy has recovered.

World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 27 – 28 March 2013. U.S. soldier killed by boy with knife! U.S. troops respond by kidnapping hundreds of villagers! Russia willing to take over after U.S. pullout! Proof the U.S. has not improved the quality of life in Afghanistan: Poor man sells off twin new borns!

28 March 2013/16 Jumada l-Ula 1434/08 Farvardin 1391/17 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

In Nangarhar Province, Ghani Khel District, reports that a U.S. Army foot patrol stopped in a village to play football (soccer) with kids.  A 14 years old boy then stabbed a soldier in the neck as he sat watching the game.  The soldier died after being medivaced out. The boy ran away, and Mujahideen claim they are giving him sanctuary. However, villagers report the U.S. troops then went on a rampage rounding up and detaining as many as 200 people, including children.  Some of the reports came from the district’s governor, Haji Zalmai Khan.  He said local police are helping U.S. personnel search for the attacker.

Russian officials are expressing a desire to keep military units in Afghanistan after the U.S./ISAF withdrawal.  They say the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan has left the country too unstable: “We cannot fail to be concerned by the danger of the restoration of a regime on Afghan territory that would foster the spread of terrorism, drug trafficking and instability.”-Sergei Koshelev, Russian Defense Ministry’s Main Directorate for International Military Cooperation

27 March 2013/15 Jumada l-Ula 1434/07 Farvardin 1391/16 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

ISAF said: “An International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) service member died following an attack in eastern Afghanistan…”

In Logar Province, in Barak-e Barak District, Sajawon village, people say a joint U.S./Afghan offensive resulted in 23 people killed, 26 wounded, including women and children. The U.S. led operation lasted two days. ISAF claims all killed were Mujahideen, and added they captured (kidnapped) 40 people. This is not the first time the U.S. led forces have attacked this district.  In October 2012 a similar offensive was launched with similar results.  ISAF eventually admitted that U.S. led troops killed civilians in that attack.  ISAF considers that area of Logar Province to be a haven for Mujahideen.

In Badakhshan Province, Wardoj/Wardaj district, battles have been raging for the past week. The latest report from government officials is that 10 Mujahideen were killed, four wounded.  Two cops were killed.

In Kabul City, and explosion in the 15th District wounded two people. Police say someone attached a bomb to a police vehicle.

The Afghan Foreign Ministry cancelled upcoming visits with the Pakistani army, because they claim Pakistan has launched 50 new artillery strikes: “This visit will no longer take place due to the resumption of unacceptable Pakistani artillery shelling against different parts of Kunar Province.”-Afghan government statement

In Baghlan Province, a poor man sold off his twin new born girls, after their mother died giving birth.  Provincial hospital officials said the mother had health issues that could have been taken care of if only the family had the money to pay for it.  Provincial officials say this is the first know case of a man selling his newborns in their province, similar cases have been reported in other provinces.

World War 3: U.S. B-2 bombers fly dry/cold runs over South Korea, North Korea responds by putting artillery rockets on standby! North Korea tells China there will be no war?

29 March 2013/17 Jumada l-Ula 1434/09 Farvardin 1391/18 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

“He [Kim Jong-un] finally signed the plan on technical preparations of strategic rockets, ordering them to be on standby to fire so that they may strike any time the U.S. mainland, its military bases in the operational theaters in the Pacific, including Hawaii and Guam, and those in South Korea.”-announcement made in English by North Korea’s Korean Central News Agency

U.S. B-2 bombers have joined aging B-52s in a demonstration of force against the Democratic People’s republic of Korea.  Kim Jong-un responded by putting on standby the DPRK’s Strategic Rocket Force.

On Thursday the B-2 bombers made attack runs with dummy bombs on the Jik Islet off Gunsan, after flying non-stop from continental United States.  North Korea put their rocket force on standby at 30 minutes after midnight Friday.

North Korean officials say the sudden and open demonstration by the U.S. of it’s B-2 bombers in South Korean war games is an intentional ramping up of tensions by the U.S.   This is apparently the first time B-2s were used in the joint war games in Republic of Korea.

In a confusing development, Korean media reporting that the DPRK’s General Bureau of Tourism recently told Chinese travel agencies “Don’t worry. There will be no war on the Korean Peninsula, so send as many tourists as possible.”

What Economic Recovery? List of U.S. job losses & store closings for 15-16 February 2013: A famous diabetic supply company accused of ripping off taxpayers! Travel agencies losing millions! Main stream media cutting jobs!

“The way it works is these holding companies come in, strip the company bare and leave us out in the cold. We went through bankruptcies in 2005 and again last May. Each time our pay gets cut……More and more they swoop into companies like this, take everything that’s valuable and shut it down.”-former Awrey Bakery employee

Awrey Bakeries closed down their Michigan factory and laid off all 200 employees. Company officials hope it’s temporary as they are trying to work a deal to restart production.  In 1995 the factory employed 650 people.

Liberty Medical bankrupt. Liberty filed for bankruptcy protection after Federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services began seizing their revenue.  Medicare/Medicaid says Liberty Medical has been ripping off the taxpayers.

In Washington, the Spokane Public Health Clinic closed down. District officials said they were short $275000 USD.

The Mayo Clinic closing its Healthy Living store in the Mall of America, in Minnesota.  They did not want to renew the lease.

Mid America Brick & Structural Clay Products bankrupt. Company officials blame a bad housing market (despite recent main streamer media saying the housing market has improved).  The company actually stopped production from December through January.

Media outlet, Washington Post, announced it laid off at least 40 employees. Company officials blame declining advertisers and sales.

In Utah, The Daily Herald of Provo lays off 10 people, including the executive editor. Company officials said they do not make public comment on Human Resource issues.  There are reports that the Iowa based owner is losing money from declining advertising and sales.

In Louisiana, the St. Tammany News stopped publishing The News Banner and the Slidell Sentry News. At least 24 people out-o-work.  Company officials blame the bad economy on declining advertising revenue, and they blame the changing demographics of New Orleans: “Since Hurricane Katrina there has been a fundamental change in the parish population and the residents’ desire for community news.”-Joy Kennon, publisher

In Wappingers Falls, New York, Cablevision laid off about 11 people, including news reporters and anchors, after merging two departments.  Also,  Kayex closing their North Chili factory in May. 57 jobs lost. They blame the declining solar power industry.

In Maine, the Marden’s surplus/salvage chain store layoffs 24 employees.  Company officials the layoffs are normal, as they are mostly end of year holiday temp hires.

Illinois based Orbitz Worldwide travel agency laying off about 70 people.  Orbitz has been losing millions of U.S. dollars, and company officials say the layoffs are part of efforts to become more efficient as part of a travel booking deal with American Express.

In Tennessee, Christian Bethel University admitted to laying off 19 people.  This after an interview with the local media. University officials said it’s all about being efficient.

Connecticut based Affinion Group Holdings laid off more than 50 employees.  The company is connected with Too Big to Jail banking scandals.

In Georgia, the Bibb County School District plans to layoff 53 people. School officials said most of those jobs were funded with grants that will not be available next school year.

The Paradise Unified School District, in California, planning to end 14 to 15 jobs.  School officials blame the state’s education code, and shrinking state funding.

Also in California, the Automobile Association of America closed their Express office in El Cerrito Plaza. AAA blames lack of business. And in Fremont, yet another Hooters restaurant closed down. Owners blame it on the bad economy, however, Hooters are being shut down all over the U.S., including those that some local media have shown are actually making money.

In New Jersey, 384 people losing their jobs with Hudson City Savings! It’s the result of the takeover by M&T Bank.

Despite increase demand for childcare, the iCare Childcare Center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota closed down.  Owners would only say it was a “personal” issue.

In Pennsylvania, Ames True Temper announced it will close its lawn and garden product factory in Union City in Autumn. 30 jobs lost.  The company plans to close other factories around the country.

After almost 70 years the Hodges Jewel Box in Virginia, out-o-business. The long time owner says the bad economy is a sign it’s time to retire.

In Florida, after 100 years J.C. Harris men’s clothing store closing.  The owners blame the bad economy and the crashing interest in men’s ‘classic’ clothing: “It’s been a struggle the last couple of years. We wanted to make it to 100 years.”-Bob Harris

All you can eat Crystal’s Pizza & Spaghetti buffet closed in Texas.  The Roaring 20s themed restaurant, with video games and theater, began auctioning off its unique signs, lights and art nouveau statuettes.  Reports say it’s the last of the chain restaurants started 35 years ago.  So far I can’t find an official reason why, but many fans have admitted the quality of the food was going downhill, so maybe the company just couldn’t maintain profits off increasing supply costs?

World War 3: War in Africa expands as British Red Coats and Irish troops arrive in Mali! Operations planned by European Union back in December!

27 March 2013/15 Jumada l-Ula 1434/07 Farvardin 1391/16 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

“This will be the first occasion there has been a formal joint deployment under the UN mandate of mission involving our defence forces and the U.K.”-Alan Shatter, Republic of Ireland’s Minister of Defence

Reports that troops from the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland have arrived in Mali, to help back up the ongoing French occupation of the West African country.

Irish media reporting that the whole invasion of Mali, by the French in January 2013, was part of European Union (EU) plans made in December 2012, which was called a “training mission” by the EU.  The use of British and Irish troops is also being officially called a UN mandated training mission!

The United States is establishing more drone bases throughout Africa, and France recently sent troops into the Central African country of Central African Republic.

World War 3: North Korea cuts off remaining phone lines, Kim Jong Un issues never before heard order, tells UN that South Korea will be nuked!

27 March 2013/15 Jumada l-Ula 1434/07 Farvardin 1391/16 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea cutoff the last phone line to the Republic of Korea.  It was a line used to coordinate the movement of workers from South Korea to an industrial complex in North Korea.

DPRK officials said they will have no more communications with ROK or the U.S.  It also indicates they are willing to end the industrial/economic agreement with ROK.

Yesterday,  Kim Jong Un issued a “combat duty posture number one” order, saying military units needed to be ready to strike.  U.S. officials blew it off as rhetoric.  South Korean analysts say they’ve never heard of such an order from North Korea, so they are a little concerned.

To add to that the DPRK sent the UN Security Council a message saying the whole thing is the fault of the United States, and that if it came to war the North would definitely nuke the South: “….The DPRK has its own powerful precision means for nuclear attack and nuclear war methods.  The south Korean puppets who are behaving recklessly under their master’s nuclear umbrella will experience a sound by-blow of a nuclear attack when a war breaks out between the DPRK and the U.S…….the Foreign Ministry of the DPRK openly informs the UN Security Council that the Korean Peninsula is now in a touch-and-go situation due to the nuclear war provocation moves of the U.S. and south Korean puppets.  The DPRK army and people that have become one with the Supreme Command are entering the final stage of the all-out showdown with the U.S…..”

World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 22 – 26 March 2013. Co-ordinated attacks by Mujahideen! More U.S./U.K. troops killed! Aussies getting out! U.S. finally hands over Bagram prison! Proof the U.S. has been negotiating with Mujahideen!

26 March 2013/14 Jumada l-Ula 1434/06 Farvardin 1391/15 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) reports a soldier died from wounds he received earlier this month.

In Kandahar Province, reports of a major battle in Najibyano area of Zangawat region, Panjwai (aka Panjwaye, Panjwaii, Panjway or Panjwaee) district.  Reports that two medivac helicopters were brought in.

In Helmand Province, a major attack against a U.K./NATO base.  60 people killed or wounded, including 10 British Red Coats. Mujahideen say it was launched using a truck bomb blowing open the gates and then individuals invading the base in Nad Ali district.   Also, reports that U.S./U.K. led force conducted home invasions in Yakhchal area of Nahr Siraj region, Gerishk district, kidnapping two people.

In Badakhshan Province, Mujahideen have successfully counter attacked an Afghan government offensive in Wardoj/Wardaj district (see below).   Mujahideen say they re-captured several check points and killed 15 government troops.

In Nangarhar Province, a Afghan police headquarters in Jalalabad was attacked by suicide bombers.  At least five cops killed, four wounded.  Police say a car bomber started the attack, then two or three others wearing explosive vests exploded themselves and the rest were shot and killed in a firefight. Mujahideen claim one U.S. led police trainer was also killed (they say the trainer was actually from Israel), along with claiming as many as 55 people killed or wounded.

In Ghor Province, residents of Ghujorak village say contracted security forces set fire to their homes. They also say the private security forces burned Qur’ans.

Stephen Smith, Australian Defence Minister, said 1000 Diggers will be withdrawn by the end of 2013, once an international military base is closed in Uruzgan Province.

25 March 2013/13 Jumada l-Ula 1434/05 Farvardin 1391/14 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

In Badakhshan Province, Mujahideen claim to have captured ten Afghan National Army (ANA) troops and one doctor.  This is the latest incident in Badakhshan Province since the beginning of March (see below).  Government officials say they launched an all out offensive against Mujahideen this month, but it looks like they’re losing their asses because several dozens of ANA troops have been killed or captured. One of those captured is a German NGO aid worker.  ANA forces freed the German during a military operation.

In Maidan Wardak Province, Mujahideen have launched an offensive, seeking vengeance for the crimes of U.S. led SOF forces. In Syed Abad district they ambushed a military convoy, then a firefight that lasted one hour. Mujahideen say they also hit two armored vehicles with remote detonated bombs, killing or wounding the crews.

After months of delays, the United States has finally handed over the infamous Bagram prison (aka Parwan Detention Facility).  However, at least 100 prisoners are still under U.S. control.  Afghan officials immediately released 26 prisoners.  Most prisoners, put there by U.S. forces, have never been charged or even accused of any crimes, they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time and happen to be males of ‘military age’ (a standard Israeli tactic used on Palestinians). But U.S. taxpayers should be happy, because their tax dollars will continue funding the prison even after the U.S. gets out!   (reports say the U.S. has promised $39 million USD to keep the prison running)

24 March 2013/12 Jumada l-Ula 1434/04 Farvardin 1391/13 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

In Kandahar Province, four children were killed and two wounded when they stepped on a landmine.

In Herat Province, Shindand district, a private security guard shot and killed a 12 years old boy.  Residents of Siyah Sar village then went on protest, shutting down the local highway for two hours before more private security guards came out and began shooting into the crowd. At least seven people wounded.

After U.S. officials denied President Hamid Karzai’s claim that the U.S. and Mujahideen were going behind the Afghan government’s back and negotiating in Qatar, guess who’s just been invited to those secret meetings?  Karzai!  Karzai has been complaining that the establishment of the Mujahideen/Taliban office in Qatar (with the approval of the U.S. government) was an insult to Afghanistan because the Afghan government was not involved. Now there are reports that Karzai will be able to hold direct talks with Mujahideen in Qatar.  Keep in mind that many Mujahideen do not recognize the “Taliban Liaison Office” in Qatar, as they see it as a tool of the United States.

23 March 2013/11 Jumada l-Ula 1434/03 Farvardin 1391/12 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

In Paktika Province, Jani Khel district, four government personnel joined the Mujahideen.

In Kandahar Province, Panjwaee district, Mujahideen shot down a U.S./NATO/ISAF recon balloon.

In Badakhshan Province, a major offensive rages on (see below). In Wardoj/Wardaj district 49 government forces killed, dozens wounded.  Mujahideen say they’ve captured 57 U.S. supplied weapons, including rockets and two vehicles. The Afghan government claims they called in airstrikes and killed at least 40 Mujahideen.  At least three Mujahideen wounded.

22 March 2013/10 Jumada l-Ula 1434/02 Farvardin 1391/11 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

In Kunar Province, a U.S. led Counter Terrorism Pursuit Team (CTPT) launched an offensive in Narang district. Reports say fighting lasted five hours. Mujahideen claim they killed three U.S. personnel and three Afghan government personnel.  One Mujahid killed, one wounded.

ISAF said: “An International Security Assistance Force service member died following an improvised explosive device attack in eastern Afghanistan…”

In Badghis Province, a local cop turned on his comrades, killing five of them.  Police officials say he did it with help from Mujahideen.

In Laghman Province, in Alingar district, two children were killed, one wounded, when two U.S./NATO mortar rounds hit their house.

In Badakhshan Province, government officials in Wardoj district claim they’ve taken back check points that were captured by Mujahideen last week.  They claimed they killed 43 Mujahideen.

Government Evil: Israel controls taxation in Palestine, has stolen $100 million per month in tax revenues meant for Palestine!

26 March 2013/14 Jumada l-Ula 1434/06 Farvardin 1391/15 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

Last year, when the UN officially recognized Palestine the supposedly non-racist (a claim made by Obama) zionist Israeli government retaliated by seizing tax revenues for Palestine.  It amounted to Israel stealing $100 million USD per month for the past four months from the Palestinians!

Under Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian territory, they are able to directly control tax collections, and this is not the first time the ‘non-racist’ Israelis have held back on Palestinian tax revenues.

How would you like it if another country was collecting your taxes and decided to keep it for themselves?  This is yet another reason why Palestinians are justified and the Israelis are evil racists!

World War 3: Japan moves army HQ onto U.S. base! Preps for war with North Korea/China?

26 March 2013/14 Jumada l-Ula 1434/06 Farvardin 1391/15 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

The Japanese Ground Self Defense Forces (GSDF) have moved their headquarters onto the U.S. Army’s Camp Zama in Kanagawa Prefecture.  Camp Zama (FAC 3079) is the HQ of the U.S. Army component of U.S. Forces Japan.

The move was publicized in U.S. military media outlets at the end of February.  The Japanese Air Self Defense Forces (ASDF) HQ moved onto their new location, on Yokota Air Base (FAC 3013), with the U.S. Air Force last April.

Japanese media reports the moves were planned back in 2005-06.  Japanese and U.S. military officials say it’s all part of the plan to realign U.S. and Japanese forces for what is expected to be the next big “security challenges”.

Already Japanese elected (not, because Japanese courts have ruled successive elections void and unconstitutional) members of the Diet have already amended their U.S. imposed constitution to allow Japanese military to take part in ‘peacekeeping’ operations. Just last week Prime Minister Abe told President Obama they would have to amend it again to allow for their personnel to be used in combat alongside U.S. personnel  (the Japanese media reported that Obama asked for Japanese troops in case of a new war with Korea).

Vietnam pigs dying by thousands! Two people dead! Blame ol’ Blue Ear!

26 March 2013/14 Jumada l-Ula 1434/06 Farvardin 1391/15 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

While China is dealing with more than 16000 dead pigs in the Pengshan River, to the south, in Vietnam, pigs have been dying of Blue Ear.

Back in February, Vietnamese officials began operations to combat the spread of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus (PRRSV).  Thousands of pigs were infected at that point.  So far thousands have died or been killed.

Officials blamed the virus on the deaths of two butchers, however they died of a swine bacteria, not a virus.

A year ago Vietnam’s Agriculture Ministry declared their country free of Blue Ear disease. But as is the case for famous last words, new cases popped up just a few months later.

Recently officials in Long An and Quang Nam provinces stated they had the disease contained.

However, entire herds have been wiped out in Dien Kim and Dien Thai Communes of Dien Chau District, as well as Quynh Thach, Quynh Van and Quynh Xuan Communes in Quynh Luu District, and five communes in Yen Thanh District.

New outbreaks are being reported in Dien Chau District.



Influenza update, 26 March 2013: More than 100 children in the U.S. die! Infected chickens sold to public! Naproxen turning out to be anti-flu? More proof vaccines don’t work! Swine flu killing hundreds in the past two months! Warning about Super Flu!

The U.S. CDC says 105 children have died so far this flu season.  They also claim that 90% did not get vaccinated.

In Minnesota U.S.A., deaths have hit 180!  Four in the past week.  compare that to last last flu season when 33 Minnesotans died.

In Pennsylvania U.S.A., doctors are concerned about increasing cases of flu B: “I think the reason it surprises me in March is that it was an early season too. So this season has been going on a long time. This has been a bad flu season.”-Scott Tyson, Pediatrics South Mount Lebanon

In Licking County, Ohio U.S.A., health officials report 2378 flu cases as of 09 March. They expect more.

In South Dakota U.S.A., the state Department of Health says 36 people have died so far.  11% of deaths are Native Americans.

In the world of professional baseball and basketball several players are out sick with flu.

In New Hampshire U.S.A., pet owners are being warned about the new H3N8 dog flu. The new to dogs disease has hit Vermont and Massachusetts.

North Dakota U.S.A. reporting cases of dog flu.

In New Zealand, doctors are urging people to get flu shots.  There have already been some flu cases in Kiwiland, but the official flu season hasn’t started yet.  Kiwi docs say it takes two weeks after getting a flu vaccine before it’s effective.

In Canada, health officials in the Province of Alberta are whining about the lack of people getting flu shots.  The provinces have mandated vaccination goals, and Alberta has reached only half its goal.  Health officials are also complaining about the lack of infants being vaccinated, but one family that got their baby vaccinated says it did no good:  “Even with the vaccination, he has been sick every month. So whether the vaccination worked or not, I’m not sure, but we did it as a precaution.”-Binod Pouyal, father of 19 months old who’s been sick ever since getting the shot

A Canadian company says tobacco protein can be used to grow cultures for flu vaccines.  Currently vaccines are made using chicken eggs, and some people are allergic.  Then there’s the recently approved way using bug guts.  Medicago says their new tobacco based system can grow more cultures in less time.

Researchers in France say naproxen is showing promise as an anti-flu viral medication.  The study was published in Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.  Apparently naproxen interferes with flu A viruses’ ability to bind with your cells.

In the state of Gurjurat, India, as of 23 March 149 people have died from swine flu! Local media reporting that the swine flu epidemic is so bad that the state government refuses to release anymore health data to the public. Public officials are currently debating how to handle the release of health data.

In the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, Indore district, six new H1N1 swine flu cases were reported, four are in critical condition.  So far 31 people are confirmed infected and 12 have died.  And in the state of Maharashtra, Pune district, health officials say 25 people got infected with H1N1, and six of them died, all in the past two and a half months!

In Netherlands, bird flu hit poultry farms in Flevoland province. 24000 chickens were destroyed.

Vietnam reporting bird flu outbreaks across the country.

Bird flu is infecting poultry farms in Bangladesh, and some of the thousands of infected chickens were sold to the public: “We came to know that a large number of poultry farms have been affected by bird flu virus in the northern districts include Rangpur, Lalmonirhat and Gaibandha…..we fear the authorities have allowed the farmers to market the sick chickens.”-Khandokar Mohsin, Bangladesh Poultry Industries Association

At the University of California Los Angeles, researchers have discovered that if you combine bird flu and human flu you’ll get killer “super” flus. This is based on research in Bangladesh, China and Egypt: “The mixing of genetic material between the seasonal human flu virus and bird flu can create novel virus strains that are more lethal than either of the original viruses.”-Thomas Smith, UCLA