All posts by Hutchins AAron

Born in Deutschland 1965, hometown was Bütthart, parents were not U.S. government employees. However, when father was tricked into joining the U.S. Air Force Civil Service, in 1969, with the promise that we could remain in Germany, we were promptly shipped off to Iran. Due to one of my Iranian educators being disappeared, along with her husband, by the U.S. ally Shah of Iran's Israeli & U.S. created Savak (for the then official terrorist act of promoting the idea that women can vote), and due to my U.S. citizen mother being placed on Savak's Terrorist Arrest List (for supporting the idea that women should vote, at that time the U.S. ally Shah of Iran did not allow women to vote, now they can) we left Iran for the United States in 1973, literally in the middle of the night. At the U.S. Embassy airbase the CIA operated Gooney Bird (C-47) was so packed with other U.S. citizens fleeing our ally Iran (because the Shah gave the OK to arrest any U.S. citizen for such terrorist acts as promoting the concept of voting) that we were turned away by the Loadmaster and had to take a chance on a civilian flight out of Tehran's airport. My father told me he and my mother had three culture shocks; first when they arrived in Germany as civilians, then after being shipped off to Iran as U.S. government employees, then again returning to the United States as unemployed civilians (because so much had changed in the U.S. while they were gone, their only news source was the U.S. Armed Forces Radio & Television Service which heavily censored information about the home front). Since I graduated high school in 1982 I've worked for U.S. government contractors and state & local government agencies (in California), convenience store manager in California, retail/property management in Georgia, California and Idaho. Spent the 1990s in the TV news business producing number one rated local news programs in California, Arizona and Idaho. 14+ years with California and Idaho Army National Guard and the U.S. Air Force. Obtained a BA degree in International Studies from Idaho State University at the age of 42. Unemployed since 2015, so don't tell me the economy has recovered.

H7N9 update: China in official “crisis” mode! Poultry slaughtering halted!

03 April 2013/22 Jumada l-Ula 1434/14 Farvardin 1391/23 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

China’s National Health and Family Planning Commission is ordering all health care providers, and local government officials to “foster a sense of crisis”, according to Japan’s NHK (Nippon Housou Kyoukai).

The H7N9 virus is not only a threat to people, but to China’s economy as well.

The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention is ordering a halt to the use of poultry in upcoming Tomb-Sweeping Day.

Poultry are slaughtered for ritual sacrifice during the religious holiday.  The problem is that it’s now known that this new strain of H7N9 can not be detected in birds, and that infected birds have no symptoms.


H7N9 update: Hong Kong says we’re too late to stop pandemic!

03 April 2013/22 Jumada l-Ula 1434/14 Farvardin 1391/23 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

“It already may be too late, but this is the small window of opportunity that really one has to grasp, as quickly as possible.”-Malik Peiris, University of Hong Kong

Health officials around the world are praising how openly and quickly China has brought in international researchers to deal with the new H7N9.  But it might be too late.

Researchers who’ve looked at the genetics of the H7N9 that killed the first two people (three have now died, all others cases are critical) say the virus is a silent killer.  It does not reveal itself until the victim is in critical condition (apparently the only sign is unexplained pneumonia).  Also, infected poultry show no signs at all, it can not be detected in birds until after they die!

Health officials are worried that this could mean the killer bird flu, which has mutated to infect humans, has already spread around the World in infected birds that can not be detected!

World War 3: Breaking news; North Korea green light to attack United States, final orders issued! U.S. says DPRK threats are for real!

03 April 2013/22 Jumada l-Ula 1434/14 Farvardin 1391/23 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

“We formally inform the White House and Pentagon that the ever escalating U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK and its reckless nuclear threat will be smashed by the strong will of all the united service personnel and people.”-DPRK statement

“Some of the actions they’ve taken over the last few weeks, present a real and clear danger.”-Chuck Hagel, U.S. Secretary of Defense

The United States is sending a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense System (THAAD) to the U.S. territory of Guam.

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has just responded by saying the THAAD deployment gives them the green light to launch attacks upon the U.S.

DPRK  KPA (Korean People’s Army) military leaders claim they’ve just been issued final orders!

H7N9 update: International health officials say it can not be detected! Paranoia about birds gripping people in Asia!

03 April 2013/22 Jumada l-Ula 1434/14 Farvardin 1391/23 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

“We speculate that when this virus is maintained in poultry the disease will not appear, and similar in pigs, if they are infected, so nobody recognizes the infection in animals around them, then the transmission from animal to human may occur.”-Masato Tashiro, UN World Health Organization

Health researchers around the world have been given access to the H7N9 that killed the first two people in China.  It appears the virus is not detectable until the infection reaches critical stages.

A few days ago, Chinese health officials had instructed health care providers to report all unexplained pneumonia cases.

The news has people in some Asia countries so afraid of birds that poultry sales are crashing.  Some countries are banning imports of chickens and ducks from other countries.  Newspapers have published pics of people running away from ducks in parks.

H7N9 update: Hong Kong says new flu can’t be detected in early stages!

03 April 2013/22 Jumada l-Ula 1434/14 Farvardin 1391/23 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

“This reflects that either the virus is very serious, or the minor cases cannot be recognized by the frontline healthcare staff.”-Ko Wing-man, Hong Kong’s Secretary for Food & Health

Health officials in Hong Kong are scrambling to come up with a new test that can detect H7N9 in its early infection stage.   Officials point out that by the time the sick people in China were diagnosed with H7N9 they were already in critical condition, suggesting that H7N9 is not identifiable at the beginning of infection.

This also suggests that infected poultry do not show signs of H7N9 until close to death, which means potentially hundreds of thousands of imported poultry could be given a clean bill of health by inspectors.

H7N9 update: Vietnam bans poultry imports from China! Two more cases reported, one person dies!

03 April 2013/22 Jumada l-Ula 1434/14 Farvardin 1392/23 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

“If we don’t eradicate it pretty quickly, this virus will become endemic and spread across China and beyond China.”-Malik Peiris, University of Hong Kong.

Vietnam has been dealing with H5N1 bird flu outbreaks, now Vietnam’s Agriculture and Rural Development Ministry is banning all poultry from China, because of the new H7N9 bird flu.

This after China reported that a third person has died.  A man in Zhejiang Province died.  He was a cook working in Jiangsu Province. Just before the reports of his death health officials in that province revealed they had two cases of H7N9.  Zhejiang borders the other provinces that are also reporting human cases of H7N9.  All people infected are in critical condition.

U.S. Media Bullshit! Report Brazil gun violence down after anti-gun law passed! Same day as CCTV video released of three unarmed teenagers getting blasted by two men with guns, and cops just sat and watched! Gun control did not prevent school shooting!

03 April 2013/22 Jumada l-Ula 1434/14 Farvardin 1391/23 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

I’ve read several U.S. main streamer media sources lauding Brazil’s anti-gun law, claiming it reduced the murder rate!

Brazil’s Institute of Applied Economic Research says the homicide rate did drop, by 2 (two)!  In 2010 the homicide rate was 20 out of 100000 people, that’s two people less than the rate for 2003 when the Disarmament Statute was passed.  A two person drop in seven years of the gun ban, and they call that proof anti-gun laws work?

Another problem, the reports I saw did not specify homicide by gun, they simply said homicides.  As far as I know that could include homicides not involving guns.  Also, it did not mention overall violent crime, which has been on the increase.

In January 2013, the BBC reported a shooting at a samba school in Brazil, then went on to blatantly lie saying Brazil did not have any tough anti-gun laws.

It was the BBC that reported a more recent shooting of three unarmed teenagers, right in front of cops who did nothing.  See the video report here. Interestingly the BBC report admits that violent crime has actually gone up since the Brazilian anti-gun law was passed!

In 2011 there was a mass shooting at a school in Brazil.  You can watch CCTV video which includes news video.  The CCTV shows kids running for their lives, and in the news video one guy says It was just like in the United States, except for one thing, Brazil has stricter anti-gun laws!

World War 3: North Korea denies South Koreans access to Kaesŏng Industrial Region!

03 April 2013/22 Jumada l-Ula 1434/14 Farvardin 1391/23 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

South Korea’s Unification Ministry reporting that North Korea is not allowing South Koreans entry to the Gaeseong slave wage labor complex (aka Kaesŏng Industrial Region, aka KIR).

The KIR actually benefits the capitalist corporations of South Korea, by providing cheap North Korean labor.

The DPRK threatened to close it down just a few days ago.

Western media has lied and said the KIR was a money maker for North Korea, yet in 2009 North Korea demanded better pay for its workers, notice this is also when tensions with the DPRK increased.  Then in 2012 the DPRK demanded the ROK companies to start paying a fare rate in taxes.  Many of the U.S. influenced capitalist corporations claimed that even with the dirt cheap labor they were not making profits, and said they could not pay up! Notice that 2012 is when tensions with DPRK began to escalate.

The KIR has actually become an economic must for South Korea, and they are now demanding the KIR be re-opened: “South Korea’s government deeply regrets the entry ban and urges it be lifted immediately.”-Kim Hyung-seok, Unification Ministry spokesman

H7N9 update: Japanese researchers say it can jump human to human, sounding warning!

03 April 2013/22 Jumada l-Ula 1434/14 Farvardin 1391/23 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

Japanese researchers at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID) have been studying the H7N9 virus, they’ve concluded it is possible for it to jump human to human!

Chinese health officials supplied H7N9 samples from the two people that died, and one woman in critical condition.

NIID researchers concluded that all three samples had mutated to infect humans.  The samples came from two different areas, but researchers say they were identical indicating the same strain of H7N9 had rapidly spread over a large area.

They also point out that normally H7 strains are not considered deadly, but humans have no immunity to the new H7N9, and there is no vaccine, so they believe health warnings should be issued.