All posts by Hutchins AAron

Born in Deutschland 1965, hometown was Bütthart, parents were not U.S. government employees. However, when father was tricked into joining the U.S. Air Force Civil Service, in 1969, with the promise that we could remain in Germany, we were promptly shipped off to Iran. Due to one of my Iranian educators being disappeared, along with her husband, by the U.S. ally Shah of Iran's Israeli & U.S. created Savak (for the then official terrorist act of promoting the idea that women can vote), and due to my U.S. citizen mother being placed on Savak's Terrorist Arrest List (for supporting the idea that women should vote, at that time the U.S. ally Shah of Iran did not allow women to vote, now they can) we left Iran for the United States in 1973, literally in the middle of the night. At the U.S. Embassy airbase the CIA operated Gooney Bird (C-47) was so packed with other U.S. citizens fleeing our ally Iran (because the Shah gave the OK to arrest any U.S. citizen for such terrorist acts as promoting the concept of voting) that we were turned away by the Loadmaster and had to take a chance on a civilian flight out of Tehran's airport. My father told me he and my mother had three culture shocks; first when they arrived in Germany as civilians, then after being shipped off to Iran as U.S. government employees, then again returning to the United States as unemployed civilians (because so much had changed in the U.S. while they were gone, their only news source was the U.S. Armed Forces Radio & Television Service which heavily censored information about the home front). Since I graduated high school in 1982 I've worked for U.S. government contractors and state & local government agencies (in California), convenience store manager in California, retail/property management in Georgia, California and Idaho. Spent the 1990s in the TV news business producing number one rated local news programs in California, Arizona and Idaho. 14+ years with California and Idaho Army National Guard and the U.S. Air Force. Obtained a BA degree in International Studies from Idaho State University at the age of 42. Unemployed since 2015, so don't tell me the economy has recovered.

H7N9 update: 9 people dead! Still no connection to birds!

10 April 2013 (19:50 UTC-07 Tango 09 April 2013)/29 Jumada l-Ula 1434/21 Farvardin 1391/01 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

A 35 years old woman has died in Anhui Province. So far 28 cases, nine deaths since the end of March.

Chinese health researchers have yet to find a definite connection between birds and humans.  This suggests the H7N9 infecting humans is unique to humans.  The new strain of H7N9 hasn’t been found in pigs either.

Yesterday, the top veterinarian in China stated that this new H7N9 came from outside continental Asia, which backed up what health officials in Thailand said a couple of days ago.


World War 3, Gun Control Front: Man wounds 14 college students….with a craft razor!

09 April 2013 (15:17 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Jumada l-Ula 1434/20 Farvardin 1391/29 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

A college student decided to take out as many of his fellow students as he could, with a razor knife.

14 Lone Star College students were stabbed in Cypress, Texas.  12 hospitalized, two are in critical condition.

Police are calling the edged weapon and “unknown weapon”.  A witness called the “unknown weapon” an ‘X-acto’ type razor knife used in making crafts. Apparently the ‘mass shooter’ stabbed people in the neck.  (he must’ve had the type with multiple blades in the handle, oh no, now they are going to be banned)

I use those X-acto blades when I build my model kits.  Oh my god!   Am I going to have to go through a background check just to buy my crafts supplies?

You know if one of those students had a gun…….


H7N9 update: Chinese Agriculture Ministry joins Thailand in accusing the United States of spreading the new disease!

09 April 2013 (14:50 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Jumada l-Ula 1434/20 Farvardin 1391/29 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

Yesterday, Thai health officials pointed out that H7N9 is new to continental Asia, that it’s only been found in Japan, Europe and United States.

Today China’s chief veterinarian, Yu Kangzhen, revealed that this is the first time the H7N9 virus has been detected in China.  To make things more interesting, Yu says so far no connection has been found between the poultry cases and the human cases.  He believes the source of infection for both poultry and humans came from outside China.

This announcement by China’s Ministry of Agriculture comes two days after a Chinese air force Colonel, Dai Xu, accused the United States of biological warfare.

World War 3, East Asian Front: South Korea accuses North of psyops! U.S. will not shoot down missile!

09 April 2013 (14:35 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Jumada l-Ula 1434/20 Farvardin 1391/29 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

“We believe that foreigners in South Korea as well as our nationals will be unfazed as they have great confidence and trust in our military and the Republic of Korea.”Kim Haing, ROK presidential spokeswoman

Officials in Republic of Korea say the DPRK’s warning that foreigners should leave South Korea is nothing more than psychological warfare.

And in front of the U.S. Congress, the commander of U.S. Pacific Command, Admiral Samuel Locklear, said that U.S. forces would shoot down a DPRK missile if it was targeting the United States or an ally.  But, he “would not recommend” shooting it down if it is truly a test launch that does not target anyone.

H7N9 update: 8 dead, 28 infected! Competition to make a new vaccine threatens co-operation!

09 April 2013 (14:20 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Jumada l-Ula 1434/20 Farvardin 1391/29 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

An 83 years old man in Jiangsu Province died.  Two people in Shanghai and two in Zhejiang province confirmed to have H7N9 infection.  This brings the cases to 28 in the past couple of weeks.

Citing time constraints, Taiwan’s Deputy Health Minister, Lin Tzou-yien, says his country will not co-operate with mainland China in developing a vaccine.  Could this be a capitalist maneuver because of concerns over patent rights?

Here’s how China responded: China’s State Food and Drug Administration is warning medical personnel and local health departments to inspect protective apparel, respirators, anesthesia machines and diagnostic reagents, among other equipment. Chinese officials want to make sure those products have officially-approved labels and manuals.   Also, the Chinese FDA is warning that prosecutions could take place for those who do not follow proper product registration laws in regards to H7N9 research.

The UN World health Organization says that , so far, H7N9 is not showing up in pigs.


Corporate Incompetence: For the third time in four days, another radiation leak at Fukushima Daiichi!

09 April 2013 (02:26 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Jumada l-Ula 1434/20 Farvardin 1392/29 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

Tokyo Electric Power Company has just discovered another contaminated water leak in a third waste water pond. This is the pond they’ve been transferring radioactive water (including strontium) into, from two other ponds that are leaking.

TEPCo had also testified before government officials as to why the ponds/in-ground open air tanks were leaking, before they discovered the third leak.  TEPCo officials told the Japanese government they were creating an emergency task force to investigate the growing number of accidents and incidents.  They don’t know why the massive in-ground tanks are leaking.

Between all the leaks more than 120 tons of contaminated water has spilled out.  The third pond was only 55% full when it started leaking.


World War 3, East Asian Front: North Korea warns all foreigners in South Korea to leave! South Korea asks banks to suspend collection of debts from capitalist KIR companies!

09 April 2013 (02:11 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Jumada l-Ula 1434/20 Farvardin 1391/29 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is warning all foreigners in South Korea to prepare to evacuate: “The committee informs all foreign institutions and enterprises and foreigners including tourists in Seoul and all other parts of South Korea that they are requested to take measures for shelter and evacuation in advance for their safety.”-DPRK Asia-Pacific Peace Committee statement

In the Republic of Korea, the Finance Supervisory Service (FSS) has asked South Korean banks to hold off on collecting debts from the capitalist companies working in the now closed Kaesŏng Industrial Region (KIR).



World War 3, Economic Front: List of U.S. job losses & store closings for 21 February 2013. More health care layoffs! More video game makers make cuts! No more Rold Gold? More cuts to education! California still getting hit!

Texas based Advanced Living Technologies bankrupt. The non-profit nursing facility operator is in big debt.  Also, Dell computers announced undisclosed number of layoffs at their Round Rock, Texas, HQ.  An unnamed employee told local media at least 90 people were let go.

In Vermont, Grace Cottage Hospital to layoff 15 employees. Hospital officials blame the Obama/Romney Care cuts in Medicaid/Medicare payments.

Knott County, Kentucky, says they have to layoff 10 to 12 employees. County officials are blaming the Spotsplex, which is costing taxpayers $400000 USD per year.

In Florida, government contractor Predator Systems being closed down by new owners Curtiss-Wright.  20 people already laid off, another 25 will be let go by the end of the year.

In Louisiana, Libbey Glass laying off 200 people!   The company decided to end production of specific glassware, and move other production to Ohio and Mexico.

Video game maker, EA, announced an undisclosed amount of layoffs, to affect operations in California, Canada and “smaller locations”.

Another video gamer maker, IGN, also announced an undisclosed amount of layoffs.

Denmark based Vestas laid off at least 100 people working at their Colorado factories. The wind turbine maker blamed it on changes to federal tax codes.

BioFuel Energy laying off 40 people at its ethanol plant in Minnesota.  They actually stopped ethanol production at that specific plant in September 2012, but hope to re-start by the end of the year.

Grocery store, Giant Eagle, cut 75 jobs, mainly at their Pennsylvania HQ.  The privately held company is trying to reduce operating costs.  And after 35 years, Sneaky Pete’s closed in Ardmore.  The owner said the signs of the economic times indicated it was time to retire.

General Electric announced they are planning even more layoffs, and the sale of what’s left of their share of NBCUniversal.

In Canton, Ohio, Frito-Lay laid of 12 employees, and cut the hours for 15 other employees, at their Rold Gold Pretzel factory.  Reports say pretzel sales are crashing.

In Michigan, 840 people were told to get ready to look for new jobs! The Journal Register, which publishes newspapers in ten states, is about to be sold off on 17 April (to evil 21st CMH Acquisition). In Plymouth, Isabelle’s Copper Pot shut down.

In New York, Spotlight Newspapers ended two county editions. The publisher blamed increasing small business regulations.  And bus company Canal Escort no longer exists after a strike by employees.  Nearly 100 people out-o-work!  Company officials claim they lost their Department of Education contract because of the strike. One official was rather rude to the former employees: “This union thinks they can tell me what to do? They can go f-ck themselves!”-Joseph Fazzia

Grayslake Elementary District 46, in Illinois, to layoff 17 employees.  Officials say the district is short $2.2 million!

In California, Oroville City Elementary School District laying off six people. Blames declining enrollment and funding. In Westlake Village, Safeguard Properties closing its office and laying off 82 employees. Safeguard is also laying off 168 employees in San Bernardino. The company blames the layoffs on their takeover of some Bank of America operations. In Paso Robles the Wilson’s restaurant closed down. It first opened in 1948, and the owners want to retire.   And the Hollywood Park Casino might be closing in Inglewood (pending a decision by state officials).  600 employees affected!  In Nevada City, the Trolley Junction Restaurant closed down, 20 employees let go.

Indiana’s Cequent Performance Products factory, in Goshen, moving to Mexico. 350 employees affected!

In Oregon, the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department laid off 66 people.  Reports say its because of contract disputes.  And all five Old Farmhouse restaurants closed down. The owner blames himself for trying to expand his operation too fast on too little money.

Wholesale Sports closed stores in Spokane, Washington, and Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.  75 people out-o-work.  Blame it on California based real estate investment company Alamo Group.

In Virginia, Reston shoe store, Footsteps, closed down. The owner blamed it one the high rent.  He said if could find a more affordable location he will go back in business. And the Hoppy Dog gourmet food store in Richmond closed.  The owners said they wanted to pursue other interests.

Mexican-Italian restaurant, Chisme, closed down in Valley Junction, Iowa.  The owner simply said “everything happens for a reason.” And Planned Parenthood said they were closing two Iowa clinics, no reason given.

In Tennessee, the Archiver’s scrapbook store out-o-business. Reports say it was the last scrapbook store in Memphis.

Hilton is closing their Paradise Landing indoor waterpark in Wisconsin.  Hilton officials say they want something more upscale, but haven’t come up with anything so far.

World War 3, Africa Front: Obama increases military aid and troops for Somalia, I mean Horn of Africa!

09 April 2013 (00:16 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Jumada l-Ula 1434/20 Farvardin 1391/29 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

“The United States is committed to being a long term partner in assisting the defense forces in Somalia to become professional military forces.”-Caitlin Hayden, National Security Council spokeswoman

U.S. President, and peace prize winner, Barack Obama has just authorized the increased shipment of military aid to Somalia, at the taxpayers expense of course.

The United States pushed for the end of a 1992 arms embargo against Somalia, just so we could provide them free weapons.  Since 2007 U.S. taxpayers have been forced to fork over $133 million USD in military assistance to the pro-U.S., anti-Muslim government.

In January 2013 the United States officially recognized the anti-Muslim government of Somalia.  It was at that time that Obama revealed that U.S. forces helped France in its failed attempt to rescue hostages in Somalia.

In June 2012, Somali military officer, Abdiwahab Mohamed Ali, told regional media sources that the U.S. had 390 personnel incountry, training anti-Muslim forces.   The U.S. military has been avoiding using the term ‘Somalia’, instead referring to their secret Area of Operation (AO) as Horn of Africa.

It was recently revealed that two units of the Indiana National Guard were to deploy to Somalia, oh, I mean Horn of Africa.  Reports said they had been training for two years for the deployment.  Because the U.S. Army realized it’s much, much cheaper to use Regular Army (RA) soldiers instead of state militias, the Indiana deployment was canceled in favor of active Army units.

The ‘Horn of Africa’ (Somalia, Djibouti and Ethiopia) AO, as well as other African AOs, are considered part of the Operation Enduring Freedom mission in the Asian country of Afghanistan.

The U.S. Marine Corps has been training Ugandan troops for deployment to Somalia.  The USMC is helping build up forces from African countries for the Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa mission.

The U.S. has also made two other Horn of Africa countries, Djibouti and Ethiopia, home bases for U.S. drones (UAVs).

World War 3, East Asian Front: NATO threatens North Korea! South Korea issuing survival manuals for people living along the border! North Korea to conduct nuclear test on Wednesday!

09 April 2013 (23:29 UTC-07 Tango 06 08 April 2013)/28 Jumada l-Ula 1434/20 Farvardin 1391/29 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

“North Korea’s rhetoric, attitude and actions are provocative. North Korea’s actions pose a threat to regional and international security. They’re irresponsible; they are in defiance of the international community. So I have a very clear message to North Korea. Stop what you are saying. Stop what you are doing.”-Anders Fogh Rasmussen, NATO Secretary General

South Korea is not a member of NATO, but is an associate, having sent troops to Afghanistan as part of the U.S. led ISAF/NATO occupation.

The warning from NATO came as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea announced a ballistic missile test for 10 April 2013.  Analysts think it is one of North Korea’s new untested medium rang ballistic missiles (BM25 Musudan).

“Any future nuclear test or missile launch would be in direct violation of UN Security Council resolutions, and would lead to further pressure and isolation.”Patrick Ventrell, U.S. State Department spokesman

The Republic of Korea is also issuing survival manuals to South Korean residents living along the 38th parallel.

In the city of Goyang, 50000 manuals with instructions and maps showing air raid shelters were distributed.  More manuals were posted at bus stops.

The survival manuals also contain instructions on what do to in the event of nuclear, biological or chemical (NBC) attacks.