All posts by Hutchins AAron

Born in Deutschland 1965, hometown was Bütthart, parents were not U.S. government employees. However, when father was tricked into joining the U.S. Air Force Civil Service, in 1969, with the promise that we could remain in Germany, we were promptly shipped off to Iran. Due to one of my Iranian educators being disappeared, along with her husband, by the U.S. ally Shah of Iran's Israeli & U.S. created Savak (for the then official terrorist act of promoting the idea that women can vote), and due to my U.S. citizen mother being placed on Savak's Terrorist Arrest List (for supporting the idea that women should vote, at that time the U.S. ally Shah of Iran did not allow women to vote, now they can) we left Iran for the United States in 1973, literally in the middle of the night. At the U.S. Embassy airbase the CIA operated Gooney Bird (C-47) was so packed with other U.S. citizens fleeing our ally Iran (because the Shah gave the OK to arrest any U.S. citizen for such terrorist acts as promoting the concept of voting) that we were turned away by the Loadmaster and had to take a chance on a civilian flight out of Tehran's airport. My father told me he and my mother had three culture shocks; first when they arrived in Germany as civilians, then after being shipped off to Iran as U.S. government employees, then again returning to the United States as unemployed civilians (because so much had changed in the U.S. while they were gone, their only news source was the U.S. Armed Forces Radio & Television Service which heavily censored information about the home front). Since I graduated high school in 1982 I've worked for U.S. government contractors and state & local government agencies (in California), convenience store manager in California, retail/property management in Georgia, California and Idaho. Spent the 1990s in the TV news business producing number one rated local news programs in California, Arizona and Idaho. 14+ years with California and Idaho Army National Guard and the U.S. Air Force. Obtained a BA degree in International Studies from Idaho State University at the age of 42. Unemployed since 2015, so don't tell me the economy has recovered.

Arkansas hit by dozens of earthquakes! Fracking, anyone?

27 May 2013 (15:04 UTC-07 Tango)/17 Rajab 1434/06 Khordad 1391/18 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

“Are they being triggered or are they natural? That’s something we don’t know.”-Scott Ausbrook, Arkansas Geological Survey

In the past few weeks the U.S. state of Arkansas has been hit with at least 36 quakes.  The Arkansas Geological Survey said there are oil industry fracking (hydraulic fracturing or hydrofracturing) operations taking place about eight miles from the quake area (near Morrilton).

The quakes range from the 2 to 4 USGS magnitude range.  That many quakes within that magnitude range have been proven, in the past, to be the result of industrial fracking for oil or natural gas.

Norovirus / Tummy Bug update, 27 May 2013: Now number 1 cause of gastroenteritis! Meat good! Another misdiagnosis gone wrong!

In Maryland U.S.A., health officials revealed that on 17 May at least 200 kids attending the Pot Spring Elementary school got sick.  Nine employees also got sick.  Preliminary lab tests blame norovirus.

In Washington U.S.A., weeks later an outbreak continues.  Back on 10 May Longview Elementary school was closed.  Grant County Health District officials have confirmed it’s norovirus, and they’re warning that there are still “…pockets of students in other Moses Lake schools with stomach illnesses.”

In Iowa U.S.A., the Siouxland District Health Department concluded their investigating into what caused about three teachers and 80 students to get sick at the Bryant Elementary School.  They blame norovirus.

A study published in the latest edition of the New England Journal of Medicine says norovirus will soon be the number one cause of gastroenteritis in children.  Rotavirus was the number one cause, but that is on the decline since a vaccine was developed.  There is no vaccine for norovirus.

According to the journal Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, norovirus is now the number one cause for gastroenteritis for children and adults in Canada.   The study says one in eight Canadians will get norovirus every year.   In the United States it’s now one in every six people!

The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reporting that meat based E.Coli (bacteria) caused gastroenteritis is down, by a lot.  An overall drop of 44% from 2000 to 2010.  It’s even better for ground beef (hamburger), a whopper, I mean a whopping 72% decline in E.Coli cases!  The decline is being credited to better raising of beef cows, cleaner handling of meat at the slaughter houses, and better cooking practices by consumers.

In Southampton, Hampshire U.K., a Celebrity Cruises ship docked after a trip to the Mediterranean.  It was revealed that at least 77 passengers and five crew members were sick with gastroenteritis.  The cruise line says from now on passengers will be asked if they’ve had stomach problems within three days prior to the cruise.  Customers can reschedule their cruises.

Norovirus has hit the Royal Lancaster Infirmary in Lancaster U.K.  Visitation in Ward 37 is now restricted.

In Finland, a study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health found that ‘open plan’ office work spaces not only result in less productivity, but they’re the main reason why office workers get sick!   Open space office workers take 62% more sick days than office workers who have their own office.  Studies by several U.S. and U.K. universities had similar conclusions.

In Galway, Ireland, a family recounted the death of their four years old daughter and gave a warning.  At first everyone thought she was suffering a bad case of gastroenteritis, because of the symptoms.  She died hours later in her fathers arms, after a doctor said it was just a tummy bug.  Turned out it was  an aggressive type of pneumococcal meningitis that rapidly progressed to septicemia (blood poisoning).  Meningitis can result in flu like/stomach bug like symptoms, but it’s not the flu.  You can visit the privately funded for more info.

False Flag Bio-War? Corn syrup + GMO corn crops + Pesticides = Honey Bee Colony Collapse! Human collapse next!

26 May 2013 (19:54 UTC-07 Tango 25 May 2013)/16 Rajab 1434/05 Khordad 1391/17 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

“This is the biggest general threat to our food supply!”-Kevin Hackett, USDA’s bee and pollination program

“There is no question that neonicotinoids put a huge stress on the survival of honey bees in the environment.  The evidence is clear that imidacloprid is likely the culprit for Colony Collapse Disorder via a very unique mechanism that has not been reported until our study.”-Chensheng Lu, HSPH

Several studies have revealed direct links between high fructose corn syrup, GMO (genetically modified organism) crops and increased pesticide use with the massive death and disappearance of honey bees.   On 24 May 2013 the European Union (EU) banned the use of three pesticides based on such studies.

The EU ban begins in December and will last two years, before being reviewed.

On 02 January 2013, Poland banned the use of Monsanto’s GMO MON 810 maize (corn) and BASF’s Amflora strain of potato, after Polish beekeepers claimed a direct link between the genetically enhanced pesticide laden seeds and the collapse of honey bees.

A report published in May 2013 concluded that GMO/pesticides are affecting other pollinators, not just bees.  The study indicated that the European Union was about to ban such pesticides based on their own studies.

In September 2012, another study says GMO/pesticides are destroying bees’ ability to navigate.

In April 2012, the Harvard School of Public Health proved that pesticide laced corn syrup is killing bees.  The unknowing culprits here are the beekeepers themselves.  Honey farmers want all the honey for sale, and feed the bees high fructose corn syrup in its place.  Here’s the rub; prior to 2004 the corn syrup did not contain pesticides.  How’d it get there?  In 2004-05 U.S. maize crops began being sprayed with a new pesticide. It turns out the pesticide stays in the corn even after harvest and is showing up in the corn syrup (this also means that we humans are eating it as well). The Harvard study concluded that it only takes 20 parts per billion of neonicotinoid pesticides to kill off a bee colony within six months!

A study published online in March 2012 revealed that the GMO crops use a neonicotinoid toxin that disables an insects homing abilities, which explains why so many bees never get back to their hives.

Another study showed that even low doses of neonicotinoid pesticides is harmful to bees.

In February 2012, a study said that even dust coming from the GMO seeds could kill bees.

There are dozens and dozens of studies around the World which say the GMO/pesticide corporations are responsible for declining crop production as well as killing off the insect pollinators necessary for food production, yet those very corporations continue to deny that such studies exist!

In 2007 USDA official, Kevin Hackett, said what those corporations are doing is the biggest threat to our survival that we face, but you won’t find those corporations on the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s terrorist list!

“If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would only have four years of life left.”-Albert Einstein

Coronavirus / MERS update: Corporate greed hampers search for treatment? Pisses off United Nations!

26 May 2013 (18:06 UTC-07 Tango 25 May 2013)/16 Rajab 1434/05 Khordad 1391/17 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

“We do not know the full geographic spread of this virus.”-Keiji Fukuda, UN World Health Organization

The United Nations World Health Organization is now demanding that all countries share data on new diseases.  The concern is that many countries are not willing to share info because they might lose valuable patent rights.  Margaret Chan, Director General of WHO, said new international health regulations should protect such copyrights: “WHO collaborating centers, all of them, will not take intellectual property right to stop the sharing of information and to stop or delay the development of diagnostic tests or serology tests.”

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia claims there was a three months delay in addressing the new coronavirus/MERS outbreak, because a European company was arguing over who gets the patent rights!

Officials with the Erasmus Medical Center, in the Netherlands, fired back saying “It is clearly a misunderstanding…”, pointing out that “….a virus cannot be patented, only specific applications related to it, like vaccines and medicines…”

Saudi Arabian health officials are now sending MERS samples to the United States.  Researchers are sure MERS evolved from the bat coronavirus.  The samples being sent to the U.S. include samples from bats and other non-human animals.

It’s been revealed that a hospital in Saudi Arabia might be the source for an outbreak that took place in April.  The Al-Moosa General Hospital, in Hofuf, saw 22 cases, with ten people dying.  No new cases reported since the beginning of May.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says it already has MERS samples from sources in the United Kingdom, and has already “….developed MERS-CoV molecular diagnostics and has distributed testing kits to domestic public health laboratories through the Laboratory Response Network as well as to other groups.”

Currently there are about 44 cases worldwide, with 22 deaths.

False Flag Bio-War? Alabama mystery blamed on mixture of viruses and bacteria!

25 May 2013 (14:16 UTC-07 Tango)/15 Rajab 1434/04 Khordad 1392/16 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

“The Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) and the Houston County Health Department have determined that the cause of a respiratory illness cluster in southeast Alabama was a combination of influenza A, rhinovirus, the virus associated with the common cold, and bacterial pneumonia.”-ADPH press release


H7N9 update: Like I said before, it is human to human! More blood tests prove it’s not the chickens!

25 May 2013 (13:49 UTC-07 Tango)/15 Rajab 1434/04 Khordad 1392/16 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

“Under appropriate conditions human to human transmission of the H7N9 virus may be possible.”-Infectivity, Transmission, and Pathology of Human H7N9 Influenza in Ferrets and Pigs

“We also found that the virus can infect pigs, which was not previously known……People may be transmitting the virus before they even know that   they’ve got it.”-Maria Zhu Huachen, Hong Kong University

As I’ve been warning since I first started reporting on the H7N9 outbreak in March, it is human to human!  If you go over all my H7N9 updates, you’ll notice that very few birds are infected.  More than 90% of infected poultry were found at live markets, where they come into contact with lots-o-humans.  I’ve postulated that the chickens are getting infected from contact with humans.

To back that up, not one chicken or duck on a farm has been found to be infected.  Not one poultry sent to the industrial butcher shops has been found to be infected, just the ones in live markets.

And to add to that, China’s Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) just released their latest H7n9 testing data (on 23 May 2013), and yet again not one bird on a poultry farm was positive!   They’ve tested a total of 899758 samples, here’s the results: Only 53 positive results out of the hundreds of thousands of samples!  51 were in live markets.  The other two were wild pigeons.  The MOA says they are done testing birds for H7N9. 

The resulting paranoia about getting H7N9 from chickens and ducks has resulted in China’s poultry industry losing $6.5 billion USD.  Poultry markets around Asia are expected to see huge loses as more and more countries join in banning innocent but delicious chickens and ducks.

The biggest biological threat to poultry markets is still H5N1, not H7N9.

How many humans have gotten sick?  So far 132 infected with 36 deaths.  By the way, research is showing this new H7N9 is an airborne disease which means washing your hands won’t do you much good.

World War 3, Asian Front: U.S. taxes pay for Russian weapons! China, India & Pakistan preps to take over Afghanistan!

19 May 2013/09 Rajab 1434/29 Ordibehest 1391/10 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Logar Province, a U.S. NATO C-130 transport made a hard landing.  ISAF gave no more information.   Mujahideen claim they’ve destroyed three armored vehicles in a battle against “invader troops”.

In Ghazni Province, Moqor District, Mujahideen attacked police checkpoints, killing at least six local cops, and wounding four others.    Mujahideen also claim that five “invaders” were killed when their dismount patrol stepped on a landmine, in the capital city of Ghazni.

In Sar-e Pol Province, reports that a car bomb exploded in the governor’s compound.  No details on casualties.

In Maidan Wardak province, Syed Abad District, Mujahideen claim to have destroyed 14 supply vehicles and killed 26 people, as well as wounded 10 others.  They say it’s the single worst day for the U.S./NATO invaders so far this year.

The Afghan government has decided to buy five Ukrainian built Antonov An-74 military transport aircraft.  There was no details as to where the money to buy them was coming from.

According to reports from India, China is pushing India and Pakistan to settle their disputes and join China in taking over Afghanistan after the supposed 2014 U.S./NATO pullout.

In Kandahar Province, Canada has sent 15 soldiers to investigate more than 375 shipping containers that never made it back to Canada!  The containers full of military spare parts were left in Kandahar (after Canadian forces pulled out of that area), because they were not considered “seaworthy”.  Some critics say the containers were left because the Canadian government could not afford to pay the cost of shipping them back to Canada.

18 May 2013/08 Rajab 1434/28 Ordibehest 1391/09 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Kunduz Province, Kunduz city, reports that U.S. led Afghan forces conducted a home invasion, kidnapping two people after ransacking their house.

In Farah Province, Bakwa District, an Afghan National Army vehicle ran over a landmine, killing four soldiers.  In Khak-e-Safid District, the district police chief was assassinated by gunman on a motorcycle.

In Khost Province, an explosion killed one border cop, wounded three other cops, and wounded six civilians.

In Paktika Province, Yahya Khel District, one person was killed and four wounded after they drove over a landmine.

In Boise, Idaho U.S.A., 20 members of the U.S. Army Reserve’s 949th Transportation Detachment said goodbye as they deployed to Afghanistan.

It was reported that Afghanistan’s Amu Darya basin oil fields will begin commercial production in about two months.  The China National Petroleum Corporation controls that area.

17 May 2013/07 Rajab 1434/27 Ordibehest 1391/08 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Kandahar Province, two explosions killed at least nine people, and wounded 70 others.   The first explosion was caused by a suicide car bomber, the second was a remote detonated bomb inside a car.   Other reports say it was two motorcycle bombs and one car bomb.  One report says the target was the family of President Hamid Karzai.

Russian state arms exporter Rosoboronexport plans to deliver 12 Mil Mi-17 helicopters to Afghanistan by the end of 2013.  The $367.5 million USD deal was actually paid for by the U.S. Department of Defense, with an option to buy another $600 million worth of Russian helicopters!

Russia is considering returning troops to patrol the Tajik-Afghan border.  Russia ceased border patrols there in 2009, but officials say illegal drug trafficking and violence has increased since then.  They blame the United States for not securing Afghanistan.

According to Indian news media reports, the government of India is considering sending troops to Afghanistan: “It is in India’s interest to enhance security and defense cooperation with Afghanistan.”-unnamed officials with Indian External Affairs Ministry

700 Canucks are preparing for Operation Attention, supposedly the final Canadian deployment to Afghanistan.  They begin deploying over the next six weeks.

False Flag Bio-War? GMO creates SuperBugs, destroying our food sources! India says GMO research “fradulent”!

24 May 2013 (17:19 UTC-07 Tango)/14 Rajab 1434/03 Khordad 1391/15 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

Since 2011 there have been growing reports that farmers are returning to massive use of pesticides, because of new superbug insects.  Those super insects have been created by the very GMO (genetically modified organism) crops meant to kill insects (in 2003 the U.S. EPA approved GMO on that very basis).

The latest report shows that Monsanto’s Bt Corn has actually created insects (like rootworms) that are now immune to GMO crops. The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) recently reported that pesticide makers are seeing skyrocketing sales, as a result.

The WSJ also reported that years ago some corporations knew this would happen, and began taking over pesticide companies for the expected boom in bug spray sales.  Other reports say the amount of pesticide use is higher than what the WSJ reported.

Of course Monsanto says they will create new GMO seeds.

In 2010, India halted the use of GMO crops.  In 2012, India ordered testing of any GMO crop in a controlled environment before being approved.  Here’s why: “I was shocked to find the three years of so-called research trials conducted by Mahyco Monsanto Biotech or MMB, a joint venture between Indian seed company Mahyco and Monsanto, as erroneous……I went on record to state that GM technology, promoted by MMB, was fraudulent.”-Devinder Sharma, agricultural scientist

One possible reason that India began to question the claims of Monsanto and other GM makers, is that during the years Indian farmers used GMO seeds, there was no increase in overall crop production! (increased crop production was one of the claims made by GMO companies: “generate higher crop yields with fewer inputs”Biotechnology Industry Organization)

In Lebanon, the Consumer Protection Department of the Economy and Trade Ministry (CPDET) warned consumers that recent testing of fruits and vegetables are showing high rates of pesticides, including chemicals banned in Lebanon.

Officials are calling the free use of chemicals by local farmers chaotic: “In the last few months findings indicate that farmers have reverted to chaos….”-CPDET statement

CPDET officials say “The main reason was attributed to insects developing immunity…….unleashing a vicious and fearful cycle.”

For years there has been fear in Lebanon that GMO crops grown in nearby Europe, or in neighboring Israel, would eventually adversely affect Lebanese agriculture.

According to Israeli news media there are no laws regulating GMOs in Israel: “Agricultural products that underwent genetic engineering are sold in Israel without any marking to inform consumers……main function is to test foodstuffs slated for export to Europe.”-Haaretz

It’s possible that Lebanon’s agriculture industry has been invaded (through pollination) by GMOs from Israel’s unregulated industry.

The problem of cross pollination is one of the concerns for the European country Hungary.  Hungary bans all GMOs.  A week ago 404.6 hectares (1000 acres) of maize was burned, after it was discovered that GMO seeds somehow got in with regular corn seeds (many Hungarian farmers bought their seeds from international companies).  The burning of the crop was done to prevent cross pollination.  Investigations are revealing that somehow thousands of acres of other crops in Hungary could also be contaminated with GMOs.

But contrary to what some bloggers say, about the Europe Union not allowing GMO crops, the European Union does allow Bt corn/maize, and several EU members have expressed intentions to grow other GMO crops (Spain is the largest producer of GMO crops).

So it is very possible that the agriculture industry in Lebanon is dealing with superbugs created by GMOs in Europe and Israel, which of course means more pesticide use.

Then there’s the rapidly declining bird population in United Kingdom.  Investigators blame increased pesticide use, and “changes in crop production” in Sussex.  It’s reported that 60% of overall bird species have disappeared in the past ten years.  Sussex is not listed as one of the English Counties that have banned GMOs.

Recently released studies in the United States back up the claims that GMOs do not decrease pesticide use and they do not increase crop yield!

In 2012 the Washington State University proved that the net effect of GMO crops is an increase in pesticide use, and other chemicals, not a decrease!

Now the University of Wisconsin says the gene splicing that goes into GMOs actually reduces crop yields!  Researchers call it “yield drag”, meaning genetic engineering of crops reduces overall production.   Their study (Commercialized transgenic traits, maize productivity and yield risk) shows that GMO crops tend to reduce environmental “yield risks” to the crops, but the overall yield output is also reduced.

What was that about GMOs saving humanity from starvation?



False Flag Bio-War? First GMO humans created! Clones next!!!

24 May 2013 (16:49 UTC-07 Tango)/14 Rajab 1434/03 Khordad 1391/15 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

“Ooplasmic transfer from fertile donor oocytes into potentially compromised recipient patient oocytes has led to the birth of nearly 30 babies worldwide.”-Mitochondria in human offspring derived from ooplasmic transplantation: Brief communication, journal of Human Reproduction

The journal Human Reproduction reporting that the first 30 humans created by Genetic Modification have been born around the World!  Genetic testing showed the infants have more than two parents!

At least 15 of those babies, over the past three years, were born at the Institute for Reproductive Medicine and Science of Saint Barnabas in New Jersey U.S.A.

Researchers say it was part of experiments to help women who could not conceive.  It involved using genes from another woman.  Testing shows the infants inherited genes from both women, meaning that technically they have two mothers and one father!

The professor in charge of the program boasted, last year, that he could use the same technique to clone humans: “It would be an afternoon’s work for one of my students.”-Jacques Cohen

Cohen claims he already gotten three requests for cloning.


False Flag Bio-War? Mystery deaths called “coincidence”, yet infections increasing! Getting sick (or vaccinated?) while pregnant will cause mental problems for the baby!

23 May 2013 (13:55 UTC-07 Tango)/13 Rajab 1434/02 Khordad 1392/14 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

“At this time, there is no epidemiological link between these patients.”-Alabama Department of Health statement

The mystery illness in Alabama is more mysterious after health officials stated that the age of the people infected range from 20s to 80s, and has now infected a total of ten people: “Since we sent out the alert to providers last night, we have had three additional patients/cases. These patients all have the same symptoms of cough, shortness of breath and ‘something’ on their chest….”-Mary McIntyre, Alabama Department of Public Health

Also, the patients have other health problems, which complicate the diagnostics.

Health officials think this is just a bunch of cases of common colds or flus (first off the term ‘cold’ refers to many different viruses, and second flus have proven not to be ‘common’), and they don’t think this is caused by a “…new or unexpected virus…”

In a study, published in JAMA Psychiatry, historical researchers have found a link between influenza infections in pregnant woman and a nearly four-fold increase in cases of bi-polar disorders in their children.

The study isn’t new, but the release of the data is.  Researchers reviewed a ten year study done by Kaiser Permanente insurance, conducted from 1956-66.  It involves just over 19000 people in California.

Reports are suggesting this study is proof that people should get vaccinated.  A very small percentage of the study group got vaccinated.

However, another study concluded that a fetus can not identify viruses.  Remember that vaccines are viruses, grown in a controlled environment.  If a fetus can not recognize viral RNA, wouldn’t that apply to RNA viruses in vaccines?

Flus are RNA viruses (as are norovirus, MERS, SARS, SFTS),  and it has already been established that vaccines don’t work well on RNA viruses!  (as opposed to DNA viruses)

Previous studies have already linked schizophrenia to influenza viruses.  Is there a correlation between increased human brain function problems and the increased use of flu vaccines?