World War 3, East Asian Front: New U.S. & Japan military pact prepares for 20 more years of war! Japan joins martial law data collection war!

03 October 2013 (12:11 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/11 Mehr 1391/29 Ren-Xu (8th month) 4711

“Today we agreed to review our bilateral defense guidelines, and in the months ahead we will work together in order to shape the framework that will guide our alliance for the years to come.”-John Kerry, U.S. Secretary of State

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, has signed a new 20 year military alliance with Japan.  The deal involves Japan and United States joining forces on martial law data collection scheme that is part of the false flag op known as cybersecurity.

The deal also allows U.S. forces to increase military equipment and personnel in Japan.  Japan itself is being encouraged to alter its Constitution to allow for the use of Japanese forces in offensive operations, rather than strictly as a Self Defense Force (SDF).

Japanese and U.S. officials admit the reasons (i.e., targets) for their military build up are China and Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

Neo-imperialist Japanese Prime Minister, Abe Shinzo, is about to sign new martial laws that are based on U.S. National Security Council rules.  One would oversee foreign and security policies, the other involves domestic secrecy issues.

The Japan Federation of Bar Associations opposes those police state laws.  To prove they are police state laws, Abe is creating what some Japanese news media reports are calling a “ad hoc Diet” to bogusly debate the bills.  Abe wants the bills on his desk before the end of October.