World War 3, West Asian Front: Syria preps for offensive to take back Golan Heights!

13 May 2013 (18:28 UTC-07 Tango 12 May 2013)/03 Rajab 1434/23 Ordibehest 1391/04 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

Golan is a Syrian Arab land and will remain so even if the Israeli army is stationing there! We have the right to enter it and go out of it whenever we want and in the way we like!Omran al-Zoubi, Syria’s Information Minister

The announcement by Syrian government officials comes one day after Israeli news media reported that Lebanese and Palestinian groups announced they will help Syria take back the Golan.

Lebanon’s Hezbollah stated: “…we stand with the Syrian popular resistance and offer material and spiritual support as well as coordination in order to liberate the Syrian Golan!”-Hassan Nasrallah

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine stated: “The leadership of the PFLP-GC announces that it will form brigades to work on liberating all violated [Israeli-occupied] territories, first and foremost the occupied Golan!”

The PFLP also said it was accepting volunteers from Syria for the new war with Israel.