Government & Media Hypocrisy: Pakistan launches purpose built Ballistic Nuclear Missile; where’s the outrage, where’s the sanctions, where’s the UNSC resolutions?

April 13, 2012, North Korea launched a satellite (not a ballistic missile as western media continued to report!), which ended in failure, yet didn’t fail to bring world wide condemnation.

April 25, 2012, Pakistan launches an improved Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM), yet no one cares?   Pakistan has nuclear weapons, yet no one cares that they’ve successfully tested an improved missile designed to carry nukes?

This launch comes less than a week after India successfully launched their first ever ballistic missile.

Here’s what the western members of the UN Security Council had to say about North Korea’s 4th non-weaponized rocket launch: “…[it’s a] provocation, threat to international stability, and another violation of United Nations Security Council resolutions.”

On April 17, 2012, the UNSC increased sanctions against North Korea for launching a non-weaponized rocket!

So far, here’s what the UNSC said about India’s first ICBM launch:

Yeah I thought so you hypocritical SOBs!!