10 August 2016 (09:39 UTC-07 Tango 01) 20 Mordad 1395/06 Dhu I-Qa’da 1437/08 Bing-Shen 4714
Near Miami, Florida, there’s a warehouse full of food and even vehicles paid for with your tax dollars, but none of it’s for you!
This is a pic of USAID ops being directed through DoD’s U.S. AfriCom (Africa Command)
It’s USAID’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) warehouse for Latin American countries. But it’s not the only OFDA warehouse, the OFDA’s website boasts that during fiscal year 2015 your tax dollars were spent sending brand new products to 45 countries, including countries hit by wars instigated by the Obama-Bush regimes (like Iraq, Syria and Ukraine)!
In 2015, USAID-OFDA spent $717-million U.S. tax dollars on West African countries in the name of fighting ebola. $303-million went to help refugees (supposedly) from Syria. In total, USAID says its OFDA spent “more than $1.9 billion in assistance in FY 2015”, imagine if that money was spent here at home!
This video shows the Department of Defense’s U.S. Southern Command (SouthCom) inspecting the USAID-OFDA warehouse in Miami:
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