17 February 2016 /18:24 UTC-07 Tango 01 (29 Bahman 1394/09 Jumada al-Ula 1437/11 Geng Yin 4714)
“Our study shows that historical land-cover changes and forest management in Europe did not mitigate climate warming. This is surprising as it goes against the current assumption that all forests and all sustainable forest management cool the climate.“– Chen Yiying, National University of Singapore
The researchers of a study at the Institute Pierre Simon Laplace, in France, (published in the journal Science) concluded that human managed forest projects in Europe had absolutely no effect on preventing ‘global warming’!
They used 260 years of human managed forest land data (yes, Europeans have been managing their so called wild lands far longer than people in the U.S., in fact the U.S. federal land management system was influenced by the Germanic forestry model).

Sorry elitist Time magazine, but you’re flat wrong!
The result of deliberately planting more trees causes global warming: “Over the past 260 years, a lot of broadleaf forests have been converted into conifer forests which resulted in large scale tree species changes….as a result…the surface energy budget and traps heat in the near surface atmosphere….. ….we should be careful when planning large-scale changes in land-use because the net effects may be different than the anticipated outcome.”-Chen Yiying
In other words; if you notice in the past environmentalist would use satellite imagery to show heat escaping from the surface of the Earth where there are relatively few trees as proof that trees cool the surrounding climate, however, this new study shows that the more trees you have the more heat is trapped near the surface of the planet, which is exactly why the satellite imagery shows the upper atmosphere over forested areas as being cool. I’ve got a ‘no shit Sherlock’ moment for you; densely packed vegetation is a reason why the jungles of the Earth are freaking hot & humid!
As an historian I can tell you that European forestry wasn’t started to ‘save the climate’, instead it was started due to the realization that most of the European forest had been chopped down by the mid-1700s and the lack of trees threatened multiple industries from food preparation to metal working to building construction to shipbuilding, etc. But by the 20th century, Europeans saw their forestry efforts as a way to save the planet’s climate (with no empirical evidence to back up their claims) and they greatly increased the planting of trees (many of which were not native to the areas they were planted in), and greatly reduced harvesting of trees. This new study shows those 20th century arrogant elitist tree huggers were not only wrong, but suggests they actually made the climate worse!
Now let me remind you that it’s been proven that the 20th century forestry management practices of the tree hugging ‘western world’ also led to the massive forest fires experienced over the first decade of the 21st century, which pumped massive amounts of smoke into the upper atmosphere making climate change worse.
Want more proof? Read journal Science: Europe’s forest management did not mitigate climate warming
Climate change caused by people, not pollution! Time to kill all humans!