False Flag: Witness to shootout says suspect dressed like “officer”! News media making effort not to show bodies.

02 December 2015, 17:05 UTC-07 Tango 01 (12 Azar 1394/20 Safar 1437/22 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

ABC7 live reporter interviewed witness who was driving behind cop chase.  He gave his name as Jose Rocha and said once the shooting started a person ran out of the GMC Yukon who “looked like an officer”.  Jose pointed to his own shirt to indicate the clothing worn by the now dead suspect looked like police or military uniform.

Jose also said before Yukon stopped the suspects were “throwing things out of the back window”.  He said cops told him they were bombs.  The area is locked down, even Jose’s car has been locked down by cops using the excuse that they have to search the area because of what was being thrown from the Yukon.

Jose said once the Yukon stopped it was “constant shooting”.  He indicated the Yukon’s gas tank was shot, saying gas was coming out before it stopped.

It’s interesting that Jose says suspects are dressed like “officers” and then the fact that live news media stated they will not show suspects’ bodies.