Need a new head? Doctor claims he can do it, will prove it using monkeys!

15 June 2015 (14:53 UTC-07 Tango 01)/25 Kordad 1394/27 Sha’ban 1436/29 Ren-Wu (4th month) 4713

“It’s very complicated. You have your own head but another’s body, so who are you and who is your family? We don’t know what will happen. But the fact humans ‘can’ do the surgical procedure in the future does not mean they ‘should’ do it.”Wang Yifang,  Institute of Medical Humanities at Peking University

A doctor claims he has successfully transplanted heads on mice, and is preparing to do it with monkeys!

Ren Xiaoping, at Harbin Medical University in China, says he and his team have successfully transplanted 1-thousand mice heads, since 2013.  But he admits they didn’t live very long afterwards.  Basically the real problem lies with the body rejecting the new head: How to reconnect the donor and recipient spinal cords, how to keep the brain alive during the transfer and how to prevent the body from rejecting the head are all technical difficulties we need to overcome.”

The chinese are not the first to try and transplant heads.  In 1970, U.S. doctor Robert J. White tried it on a monkey, and it worked for a few days, until the body rejected it and died.

Then there’s Italian doctor Sergio Canavero who says he will try the first human head transplant in 2017, on a Russian man.  

Jiang Jinsong, with the Institute of Science, Technology and Society of Tsinghua University, blasted the attempts to transplant heads because the experiment “…needs countless head transplants on animals…’s unnecessary and cruel.”