Martial Law U.S.A. 2014: Obama regime shifts military purge from USAF to USN! Says Navy personnel are incompetent!

05 February 2014 (08:49 UTC-07 Tango)/04 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1435/16 Bahman 1392/06 Bing-Yin (1st month) 4712

For months the Obama regime has been purging the U.S. Air Force’s nuclear weapons ranks, on the grounds the USAF officers engaged in inappropriate behavior (like excessive gambling) to incompetence (having to cheat on proficiency exams), now the Obama regime is making the same claim with USN personnel.

And yes, those U.S. Navy personnel just happen to be those that operate nuclear weapons!

30 USN personnel are accused of cheating on tests.  They are based in South Carolina and crew nuclear submarines.

This is too coincidental, first USAF nuclear personnel now USN personnel?