Global Martial Law: Reporter overhears NSA talking about disappearing hero whistleblowers and the journalists that publish them!

10 June 2013 (13:55 UTC-07 Tango)/01 Sha’ban 1434/20 Khordad 1391/03 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

Reports that The Atlantic editor at large, Steve Clemons, was following attendees of the Intel & National Security Association dinner on 07 June 2013.   While sitting in the United Airlines lounge, in the Washington DC Dulles airport, he says he hears “….4 US intel officials saying loudly leaker & reporter on #NSA stuff should be disappeared…”

Clemons said you couldn’t help but hear what the intel officials were saying because they “were loud. Almost bragging”.

Were these National Security officials intentionally being loud?  Did they recognize Clemons and were playing a joke on him?  Are U.S. security officials so arrogant that they have no fear of the general public overhearing their nefarious plans?