One Year Later: Japanese government says some Nuclear Disaster areas not worth saving!

One year ago the Japanese government promised every refugee from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster that they would be returning home soon.

Not only did they recently admit that some areas are far to contaminated for anyone to live in, but now they say it’s not worth even trying to decontaminate those areas.

On April 22, 2012, government officials admitted that radiation levels are so high in some areas, that they will be uninhabitable for at least 10 years!  Only now is the Japanese media reporting the revelation.

Recently the government said they would clean up areas with 50 millisieverts per year of radiation contamination.  But now they’re backtracking, saying there are some areas that will still have 20 millisieverts of contamination, even after ten years have gone by.

Considering Japan’s economic situation many politicians say it’s not worth trying to decontaminate those areas.

Gee, anybody who studied the Chernobyl incident could have told them that.  In fact, the city of Prypiat is still too contaminated for people to live in, 26 years later!   You know what they say about societies that fail to learn the lessons of history; they’re doomed to repeat it.