TEPCo criticized for lying about meltdown data, reactor 2 & 3 melted down!

Tokyo Electric Power Company now confirm reactors 2 and 3 at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, melted down within days after the 11 March tsunami.

Reactor 3 began meltdown on 13 March, Reactor 2 on 15 March.

Previously TEPCo officials said their inability to access the reactor buildings kept them from the knowledge of any meltdowns, but a Japanese expert says that’s BS.

According to NHK, Naito Masanori of the Institute of Applied Energy, says data from the reactors should have been easy to get.  In fact TEPCo sould have realized meltdowns were taking place within a day, not several months.

The latest admission from TEPCo means that three nuclear reactors melted down within days of the 11 March disasters, again proving that this is worse than Chernobyl.  It also proves that TEPCo literally fiddled while Fukushima burned.  In a previous posting I wrote how TEPCo spent most of their time in the first weeks of the nuke disaster trying to come up with plans to build new reactors.